Into Unscientific Chapter 711

Into Unscientific Chapter 711

“Primordial gravitational waves?”

 This time.

 Hearing the concept proposed by Yang Zhenning, Huang Kun's face was no longer as confused as before.


   is a touch of thoughtfulness.

Gravitational waves.

 These three words should actually be understood in two parts, namely "gravity" and "wave".

So why does gravity have waves?

 The answer is obviously not because gravity is female, but because space and time have a structure—the movement of matter that we usually observe all occurs in space and time.

 In a sense, it can be understood that matter is the actor, and time and space are the stage on which these actors perform.

 For ordinary waves, such as water waves, sound waves, and electromagnetic waves, the actors are moving and the stage is stationary.

As for gravitational waves, they are the movement of the stage itself.

 In Newtonian Mechanics in Mavericks.

 Space-time is an ordinary stage, because time is a uniform passage and space is a uniform duration.

  No matter how much matter there is or how it moves, it has no impact on this stage, so there can be no fluctuations, which is the absolute space-time concept mentioned before.

 But in Lao Ai's theory of relativity, the nature of the stage is very special.

 In the general theory of relativity, Lao Ai's way of describing gravity has become much more complicated than Maverick's inverse square law, and it has become a big detour:

 Mass causes the curvature of space-time, and objects moving in the curved space-time appear to be affected by gravity.

 It is like having a flat piece of paper in front of you, its curvature is zero.

 On this piece of paper, the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180 degrees, the circumference of a circle is equal to 2π times the radius, and so on. The theorems of Euclidean geometry (that is, the plane geometry you learned in junior high school) are all true.

If this piece of paper is deformed, for example, into a sphere with a curvature greater than zero, many theorems of Euclidean geometry will not hold true here.

For example, the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is greater than 180 degrees - you can even make a spherical triangle with three interior angles that are all right angles. The sum of its interior angles is as high as 270 degrees. The circumference of the circle is less than 2π times the radius, etc.

If you turn this piece of paper into a saddle shape with a curvature less than zero, you will also find many phenomena that violate Euclidean geometry, but in the opposite direction.

 For example, the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is less than 180 degrees, and the circumference of a circle is greater than 2π times the radius.

When the curved object is extended from a piece of paper, which is a two-dimensional surface, to the space-time of the theory of relativity, which is a four-dimensional geometric structure, we will understand what "space-time curvature" means, that is, every point in space-time can have a or Positive or negative or zero curvature.

General relativity gives the relationship between mass and the curvature of nearby space-time. The greater the mass, the greater the curvature of the surrounding space-time.

 When an object moves under the influence of gravity without other forces, it will only move along the path with the shortest distance, that is, the "geode", regardless of whether space-time is curved or flat.

  If space and time are flat, the geodesic is a straight line. At this time, there is no gravity, and what it does is uniform linear motion.

 If spacetime is curved, geodesics become curves.

From the perspective of other observers, the object seems to be moving under the influence of gravity - for example, the earth's orbit around the sun is the geodesic of the earth's curved space-time around the sun.

If you still can't understand, let's give a simple example.

The sun is like an ear. When he sits on the sofa, a big pit will be created. Then when other people sit on the sofa, they will be involuntarily sunk into the big pit.

 In general relativity.

 Space-time in different places can have different curvatures, so space-time has a structure.

 Since there is a structure, it can naturally fluctuate.

 Hence according to the general theory of relativity.

Gravitational waves should be an extremely common phenomenon. The accelerated motion of any object that is not spherically symmetrical will produce gravitational waves.

This concept is extremely well-known in theoretical physics, so Huang Kun was able to keep up with Yang Zhenning's ideas this time.

Then his eyes moved slightly and asked Yang Zhenning:

“Lao Yang, isn't it? Why can we say that we have found gravitons when we detect gravitational waves?”

“Although theoretically speaking, gravitational waves should possess wave-particle duality, but if we use a metric field to explain it from the perspective of relativity, does it seem reasonable?”

“In other words, there should be no absolute supporting evidence relationship between the two, otherwise Einstein would not be able to support the existence of gravitational waves.”

 Wave-particle duality.

 When this concept was first proposed, it was only used for photons, but later with the development of the theory, it has been extended to all elementary particles.

 So from the perspective of waves, a wave in the microscopic realm should also have corresponding particles.


Gravitational waves are somewhat special.

 Mentioned earlier.

The theory of relativity is currently the most perfect theory to describe gravity. It only believes that there is a gravitational field in the universe but not gravitons. The transmission of gravitational waves relies on the metric field.

  In other words, gravitational waves are tensor waves. When the wave passes through a certain area, it causes space to contract and expand in the vertical direction.

This explanation can also explain gravitational waves, and it can form a good closed-loop ecosystem by itself.

 Let's use examples from later generations to explain.

  General relativity is equivalent to Apple's ios system, and the standard particle model is equivalent to the Android camp.

Even if ios does not need to interact with Android, it can still live well, and it can even be said to be the overlord in many situations.

The Android camp, which represents standard particles, has an advantage over all users—that is, the standard particle model has a greater impact on the development of technology than Guangxi, and the two are currently in a very anxious struggle.

Gravitational waves are equivalent to a very important software. iOS can support it and Android can also support it.

Of course.

 It's different with gravitons.

This thing is equivalent to the law of sudden death. As long as it is proven or falsified, both the general phase and the standard particle model must be inferior.

Looking at Huang Kun who was a little confused, Yang Zhenning quickly shook his head:

 “Old Huang, think about it again.”

“I'm not talking about ordinary gravitational waves, but primordial gravitational waves.”

“Primary gravitational waves?” Huang Kun subconsciously adjusted his glasses:

 “What is that?”

Yang Zhenning thought for a while, made a gesture with his hands in front of him, and explained:

“Old Huang, you should know that the so-called gravitational waves, as the name suggests, are fluctuations in the gravitational field, or disturbances in the metric of the gravitational field.”

"This kind of disturbance is complicated due to the interference or influence of various circumstances, just like the steamed buns you love to eat. From the initial wheat to the finished steamed buns, there are many steps involved - such as threshing, wiping, and fermentation. Etc., etc."

“The same is true for gravitational waves. Conventional gravitational waves are caused by various scenarios, and the internal information is also very complicated. As you said before, it can be analyzed by the standard model, but it can also be interpreted by the general phase.”

“But what if we could find a gravitational wave that spans a very long time span? For example, as far back as the early universe?”

 Huang Kun was startled for a moment.

Then Yang Zhenning continued to explain:

“In the very early universe, the energy scale was very high and the quantum effects of gravity could not be ignored, so the gravitational field would have quantum perturbations like other matter fields.”

"That is to say, the gravity at that time was in a quantum state - of course, since gravitational waves are classical effects and not quantum effects, this quantum perturbation of the gravitational field cannot be regarded as gravitational waves. It can only be regarded as the seed of gravitational waves. '."

“Later, this seed grew and expanded with the inflation of the universe, and its wavelength was stretched to a scale far larger than the horizon of the universe at that time. It was classicized and became a gravitational wave that filled the entire universe.”

“And these first batch of gravitational waves are the primordial gravitational waves.”

“Once we can capture the primordial gravitational waves, we can infer the physical information of the very early universe, including the possible existence of gravitons.”

After Yang Zhenning finished speaking, he subconsciously looked at Li Zhengdao.

He knew that his old enemy also thought of primordial gravitational waves when Li Zhengdao stated the quantum system equations.

 It is well known.

 Starting from the cosmological perturbation theory, the equation of the gravitational field metric tensor perturbation h can be derived:

ˆ d/dτ=ag00c2dt2+ag0jdx0dxj+h+k^2h+gijdxidxj

 where a is the scale factor of the universe, k is the perturbed momentum mode, and ≡d/dτ is the derivative with respect to conformal time.

  Then by redefining it, it can be transformed into a variable frequency harmonic oscillator equation:

− ααhμν+aμνh+a′(λμhλν+λνhλμ)+bημναβhαβ+b′ημνααh=kTμν

 That's right.

 I think the smart classmates have already figured it out.

From this equation, it is not difficult to see that if the universe is expanding, that is, a1/τ, then the equation will have the following solution:


It can be seen that the imaginary part of the solution is proportional to the scale of the universe a. In exchange for the originally defined perturbation h, due to the energy density of the perturbation h, the imaginary part ρ imaginary part 2/a2, and the total energy Eρa3.

It can be seen that the total amount of gravitational waves will increase rapidly with the rapid increase of the universe scale a during inflation. This is how the original gravitational waves are generated.

Perhaps he wanted Huang Kun to better understand his thoughts, Yang Zhenning quickly explained:

“The physical information of the very early universe mainly refers to the specific physical mechanism of cosmic inflation. The original gravitational waves formed by different mechanisms are different. Therefore, we can judge how the inflation of the very early universe was by observing the characteristics of the original gravitational waves. occurring."

“Specifically, primordial gravitational waves have a parameter called the tensor-to-scalar ratio r, which is the ratio of the intensity of the original tensor perturbation to the original scalar perturbation.”

"Usually different inflationary mechanisms predict different tension-to-standard ratios r. As long as we detect the original gravitational waves in the future and obtain the specific values ​​of the tension-to-standard ratio r and another parameter spectral index ns, we can judge what the universe is in. What physical mechanism drives inflation to occur?"

“Once the physical mechanism of the early universe is understood, the problem of gravitons will naturally be solved.”

Huang Kun nodded thoughtfully.

I see

The inflation theory of the universe has always been a very cutting-edge and hot topic, but this thing is also a type of theory that is highly convincing but lacks evidence for a long time.

If you follow what Yang Zhenning said and combine it with part of the methadron model, an iterative logical inference will appear:

 During the Big Bang, primordial gravitational waves were produced almost earlier than any other form of energy. They existed as early as when the electroweak interaction merged and matter and radiation were not yet separated.

So the primordial gravitational wave is undoubtedly the most experienced and knowledgeable character in the universe. Those early experiences have been carefully recorded by the primordial gravitational wave.

 During the "dark period of the universe" which was impermeable to light for the first tens of thousands of years, the appearance of the entire universe changed dramatically several times.

 When the "dark period" ends, the first ray of light can calmly shine into the distance, and primordial gravitational waves will be the earliest witnesses.

At the same time, the original gravitational wave itself is enough to prove the authenticity of the graviton force - no matter whether gravitons exist or not, as long as the original gravitational wave can be captured, everything can reach the final conclusion.

Think of this.

 Huang Kun realized something again, frowned and asked Yang Zhenning:

“Lao Yang, according to you, the accuracy requirements of the equipment for detecting primary gravitational waves should be very high, right?”

Yang Zhenning nodded calmly:

“That is inevitable, at least with our current domestic equipment, even the accuracy of the equipment across the sea is several orders of magnitude behind that requirement.”

“However, no matter how high the accuracy is, it is still within the scope of human power, at least not as desperate as the Planck scale.”

 Hear this.

 Li Zhengdao on the side also nodded slightly.

 The Planck length is 1.6×10^-33 cm. The Planck scale means that the units may not be the same, but the energy levels are the same.

 At present, there are two types of equipment accuracy in this era. One is applied physics. That is, the level that can be achieved by producing parts. This level is about 10 minus six meters.

 There is also measurement accuracy, which can be understood as induction accuracy, which is about ten to the minus nine meters.

 No matter which one of the above two, there is a huge gap between it and the Planck scale.

The detection accuracy of original gravitational waves is relatively small. After all, Yang Zhenning and others have already tinkered with the corresponding framework.

Then Yang Zhenning looked at Li Zhengdao again and called out the other person's name for the first time today:

 “Lao Li, which one are you going to choose?”

Li Zhengdao was slightly startled, but he soon understood what Yang Zhenning meant—whether he was asking whether he should choose dark matter or primordial gravitational waves as a bet.

 The difficulty of dark matter is relatively low. After all, its main difficulty lies in locking the corresponding energy level.

Although this energy level is also difficult to reach with current technology, Li Zhengdao estimates that even the China he knows should be able to reach this level of capability within 20 years.

 As for primordial gravitational waves, it may take a longer time.

 Let alone 20 years, or even 40 years doubling in 20 years, may not be enough to solve this problem

 Li Zhengdao was silent for about a minute and then gave his answer:

“I want both for this project. As for the result that determines who wins, I'll choose primordial gravitational waves.”

Yang Zhenning glanced at him and asked:

"Are you sure? If it is primordial gravitational waves, then we will probably have to fight for a lifetime."

Li Zhengdao looked at him calmly for a few seconds:

“Then let's fight for the rest of our lives. We will settle our grudges by the time we are about to be buried, and leave the rest to future generations to judge.”


I have made an itinerary. When I feel better at the end of January, I will probably go to the capital and visit Mr. Yang. But I have just made an itinerary, so I can't talk about some of my ideas now. I'll see when the time comes.

Chapter end

Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 731
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723
Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 704
Chapter 703
Chapter 702
Chapter 701
Chapter 700
Chapter 699
Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
Chapter 693
Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682
Chapter 681
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 625
Chapter 624
Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
Chapter 620
Chapter 619
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
Chapter 612
Chapter 611
Chapter 610
Chapter 609
Chapter 608
Chapter 607
Chapter 606
Chapter 605
Chapter 604
Chapter 603
Chapter 602
Chapter 601
Chapter 600
Chapter 599
Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
Chapter 562
Chapter 561
Chapter 560
Chapter 559
Chapter 558
Chapter 557
Chapter 556
Chapter 555
Chapter 554
Chapter 553
Chapter 552
Chapter 551
Chapter 550
Chapter 549
Chapter 548
Chapter 547
Chapter 546
Chapter 545
Chapter 544
Chapter 543
Chapter 542
Chapter 541
Chapter 540
Chapter 539
Chapter 538
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
Chapter 535
Chapter 534
Chapter 533
Chapter 532
Chapter 531
Chapter 530
Chapter 529
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
Chapter 526
Chapter 525
Chapter 524
Chapter 523
Chapter 522
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
Chapter 519
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
Chapter 513
Chapter 512
Chapter 511
Chapter 510
Chapter 509
Chapter 508
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
Chapter 480
Chapter 479
Chapter 478
Chapter 477
Chapter 476
Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
Chapter 463
Chapter 462
Chapter 461
Chapter 460
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
Chapter 452
Chapter 451
Chapter 449
Chapter 448
Chapter 447
Chapter 446
Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
Chapter 434
Chapter 433
Chapter 432
Chapter 431
Chapter 429
Chapter 428
Chapter 427
Chapter 426
Chapter 425
Chapter 424
Chapter 423
Chapter 422
Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
Chapter 418
Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
Chapter 411
Chapter 410
Chapter 409
Chapter 408
Chapter 407
Chapter 406
Chapter 405
Chapter 404
Chapter 403
Chapter 402
Chapter 401
Chapter 400
Chapter 399
Chapter 395
Chapter 394
Chapter 393
Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390
Chapter 389
Chapter 388
Chapter 387
Chapter 386
Chapter 385
Chapter 384
Chapter 383
Chapter 382
Chapter 381
Chapter 380
Chapter 379
Chapter 378
Chapter 377
Chapter 376
Chapter 375
Chapter 374
Chapter 373
Chapter 372
Chapter 371
Chapter 370
Chapter 369
Chapter 368
Chapter 367
Chapter 366
Chapter 365
Chapter 364
Chapter 363
Chapter 362
Chapter 361
Chapter 360
Chapter 359
Chapter 358
Chapter 357
Chapter 356
Chapter 355
Chapter 354
Chapter 353
Chapter 352
Chapter 351
Chapter 350
Chapter 349
Chapter 348
Chapter 347
Chapter 346
Chapter 345
Chapter 344
Chapter 343
Chapter 342
Chapter 341
Chapter 340
Chapter 339
Chapter 338
Chapter 337
Chapter 336
Chapter 335
Chapter 334
Chapter 333
Chapter 332
Chapter 331
Chapter 330
Chapter 329
Chapter 328
Chapter 327
Chapter 326
Chapter 324
Chapter 322
Chapter 321
Chapter 320
Chapter 319
Chapter 318
Chapter 317
Chapter 316
Chapter 315
Chapter 314
Chapter 313
Chapter 312
Chapter 311
Chapter 310
Chapter 309
Chapter 308
Chapter 307
Chapter 306
Chapter 305
Chapter 304
Chapter 303
Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
Chapter 299
Chapter 298
Chapter 297
Chapter 296
Chapter 295
Chapter 294
Chapter 293
Chapter 292
Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
Chapter 286
Chapter 285
Chapter 284
Chapter 283
Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
Chapter 265
Chapter 264
Chapter 263
Chapter 262
Chapter 261
Chapter 260
Chapter 259
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
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Chapter 1
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