Into Unscientific Chapter 224

Into Unscientific Chapter 224

  Chapter 224 "About Ben Pujie coded 15,000 words overnight so I don't want to take the title"

be honest.

  After confirming that the world line had indeed changed twice, Xu Yun couldn't calm down for a long time.

   After all, whether it is from the perspective of technology or humanities, this represents a huge variable.

  Especially at this point in time.

   This is 1850

  Everyone who has gone to elementary school knows it.


  Using Lin Zexu's Humen opium sales as an excuse, the British government launched the famous Opium War in history.

  The Opium War ended with the failure of China and the cession of compensation. China and Britain signed the "Bai Xia Treaty", the first treaty in local history that humiliated the country and unequaled it.

  The mainland began to cede territory to foreign countries, pay compensation, and negotiate tariffs.

  China officially began to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society.

   So in history.

  1840 is also regarded as the beginning of modern history.

   Now that I have traveled to 1850, I suddenly learned that the timeline has undergone tremendous changes.

   Rao is that Xu Yun is extremely indifferent to the decaying empire in the east, and at the same time, he has no intention of helping it survive.

   But as a Chinese, it would be an absolute lie to say that he doesn't care about the local situation at all.

  Think here.

  Xu Yun couldn't help looking at Will, pondered for a while, and asked:

   "Will, I heard that Britain fought a war with the East a few years ago. Do you understand this?"

  Will stopped what he was doing, thought for a moment, and replied:

   "War with the East? Are you talking about Bharat?"

   "That was a territory that was conquered by the British a long time ago. It must have been two or three hundred years ago. I haven't heard of any news of a war."

  Xu Yun shook his head and explained again:

   "It's not Bharat, I mean the east where Fenglingyueyingzong exists, and the name of the country is Huaxia."

"I do not know."

  Will shrugged his shoulders neatly, moved his chin toward the surrounding mountains and forests, and said:

  “Although Scotland and England are said to be one, but the area here is empty, it can't be compared with the south, and the exchange of information is very blocked.”

   "If you're asking about other things, it's okay to say, it involves the war in the East."

   "Sorry, I really don't understand."

  Xu Yun nodded slowly.

  This reply is regrettable, but not unexpected.

   After all, Will is just a country kid from the Scottish countryside at the end of the day.

   Wanting to understand the current world situation from his mouth is indeed somewhat difficult.

  So let's wait until London to inquire about this matter. Anyway, there is plenty of time, and this kind of news can always be inquired about.

   Half an hour later.

   Thomson returned to the scene after washing the pots and utensils. Xu Yun and Xu Yun also almost prepared the tent.

  It gets dark very quickly in the UK during winter time. The sun goes down around four or five o'clock, and it gets completely dark at six o'clock.

  In addition, there were no entertainment facilities in the forest, so the three of them entered the carriage and tent in sequence according to the previous arrangement.

  Xu Yun, who entered the carriage, leaned forward, avoiding many packages, and came to the seat for passengers.

  This kind of seat is usually at the rear of the carriage, Xu Yun plans to sit here tonight, and then sleep against the inner wall of the carriage.

  Although it is difficult to ensure high-quality sleep with this sleeping method, it is not unacceptable.

  In the past, when waiting for the experimental product in the laboratory, Xu Yun had leaned against the corner with a small bench to rest many times, so he had relevant experience.

  However, generally speaking, there are generally only two outcomes of this approach:

Woke up.

   Or lose support and wake up.

  If the latter situation is not well controlled, he may fall directly to the floor in a daze.

  Xu Yun once suffered such a heavy blow, and finally crushed his glasses, 1300 degrees of myopia, that day he could be said to be half a meter away from humans and animals.

all in all.

  After experiencing the 1665 dungeon and the 1100 dungeon, Xu Yun's adaptability to the ancient rest time is quite good.

   So it didn't take long.

  He then lightly entered Mengxiang.

   In a daze.

  Xu Yun dreamed that he was fishing in the East China Sea, and suddenly caught a Tifa while fishing.

   Then he and Tifa, who was wearing a lab coat, discussed the strong coupling effect of viscous good conductors in a humid claustrophobic environment, and at the same time exchanged ancient poems.

  First, there is no date for the return of the king, and the night rain in Bashan rises the autumn pond.

  Then the silver bottle broke and the water sprayed out, and the cavalry protruded, and the swords and guns rang out.

  Then it flew straight down three thousand feet, and it was suspected that the Milky Way fell nine days.

  Finally, the spring silkworms will run out of dead silk, and the springs will flow silently.

I do not know how long it has been.


  Xu Yun scratched his hair and woke up from his sleep.

  He first opened the curtain and looked outside the car, but it was still pitch black.

  At this time, his abdomen was slightly swollen a few inches, probably because he drank too much potato soup.

  He picked up the flashlight and planned to go under the car to have a rest.

  In order not to disturb Will and Thomson, his movements were very light, making almost no sound.


   After a light rain.

  Xu Yun lifted his pants and returned to the car.

  However, just as he was about to get back into the car.

  From the corner of Xu Yun's eyes, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a

   Are there faint noises?


  Will and Thomson up?

  But at the current time point, there are neither mobile phones nor tablets, and even the PSP has not yet appeared. What will these two do in the tent?


  Xu Yun blinked, thinking of a possibility.

  Could they be exchanging information?

   After all, this is Ingeland.


  As a five-good young man in the 21st century, Xu Yun has no habit of eavesdropping on others.

   But considering the special circumstances of this dungeon, after some hesitation, he quietly moved to the side of the tent.

  At this time, there was some light faintly shining through the bottom of the tent, and some rustling sounds came from inside the tent.

   "Will, do you prefer the top or the bottom?"


   "OK, can you keep up with this speed? I accelerated."

   "Mr. Thomson, please tap."

  Xu Yun: "????"

   Isn't it?

   Is it true that men are attracted to men?

   Just as he was about to leave the tent silently, Thomson suddenly said:

   "In the Cartesian coordinate system, if the tangent you choose is below, the vertex normal will change."

   "In this way. Do you see? The direction of their three-dimensional space is probably not vertical"

   "If the tangent space is defined in each vertex, two more steps are needed to get the normalized TBN matrix"

   "By the way, Will, am I talking too fast? Do you need to go back to the speed you just had?"

   "No, Mr. Wilson, I can keep up."

   "Very well, then I will continue."

  Xu Yun: "."


   These two men actually hid under the covers in the middle of the night and studied mathematics together?

  This tmd seems to be more outrageous than exchanging information.

   Then Xu Yun rubbed his cheeks vigorously, and listened carefully to the content.

   Then he soon determined that Thomson and Will were discussing the problem of matrices and tangent spaces.


   This thing is a common tool in advanced algebra. In the ancient history of Chinese and Western mathematics, you can vaguely see the shadow of a matrix.

  For example, "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" was first written in the early Eastern Han Dynasty.

  In this algebra, the separation coefficient method is used to express the addition of linear equations, and its augmented matrix is ​​obtained.

   Then in the process of elimination.

  The operation techniques used such as multiplying a certain row by a certain non-zero real number and subtracting another row from a certain row are equivalent to the elementary transformation of the matrix.

   But unfortunately, there was no matrix concept as it is understood today—although it is formally identical to existing matrices.

   Therefore, at that time, this method was only used as a standard representation and processing method for linear equations.

   This is the same as the astronomical calendar mentioned before.

  They all belong to ancient China and had early applications, but they did not find tools in the right direction.

  As for the germination of the modern matrix, it appeared in the Gaussian period.

  Later, Arthur Kelly formally proposed matrix theory in 1858, and he is also recognized as the founder of matrix theory.

   As for the future, it is the matter of Frobenius, Hermit, and Poincaré, and finally developed to the current common matrix module.

   See here.

  Smart classmates must have discovered it.

   That's right.

   In normal history.

   Arthur Kelly did not formally propose matrix theory until 1858, and it was not until 1870 that it was popularized in universities.

   So obvious.

  Matrix This tool, like the flashlight, is another theory that appeared in advance.

  However, according to Thomson's teaching, the mastery of matrix in this era is a little primitive.

   Not to mention far away, there is even a big gap from the Hilbert stage.

  Thomson is a top student who graduated from Cambridge University, and he is basically exposed to the most sophisticated theoretical knowledge of this era.

  His solution is still primitive, so he can roughly judge the situation at the front of the matrix.

   So throughout the process.

  What really surprised Xu Yun was not that the matrix was proposed in advance, but

  Thomson is actually teaching Will mathematics?

To know.

   No matter how primitive the matrix is, its basic requirements are still very high.

   Not to mention the content related to tangent space.

   Said bluntly.

  In the 21st century, many college students will not be exposed to tangent space.

Of course.

   If you are in the Olympiad class, you should have relevant knowledge in junior high school.

  This is still the case in the 21st century, let alone 1850?

   Could it be that this big boy with a rural Scottish accent has some special past experiences?

   For example, you had excellent grades in high school, and even learned some college knowledge by yourself, but you were forced to drop out of school because of family circumstances?

  Thomson discovered his talent by chance.

  So he took him to London for a while, and took the opportunity to teach Will some knowledge on the way?

   This should be considered a reasonable explanation, and there are many celebrities who have had similar experiences in history.

   The most representative is Faraday.

   This master of science, who is only one letter away from Ferrari, was born in a poor blacksmith family. His father was weak and sick, and his work efficiency was very low.

  At the same time, due to the first industrial revolution led by Lord Niu, the profession of blacksmiths declined just like A shares.

   Therefore, Faraday's family has a meager income and can barely maintain food and clothing.

influenced by.

   Faraday had no formal education when he was a child, and dropped out of school after only two years of elementary school.

  Being forced by his livelihood, he had no choice but to work as a newspaper boy on the street. He was only 12 years old that year.

   In the second year, he went to work as an apprentice in the home of a bookseller and bookbinder.

  Relying on the knowledge learned during the book ordering, Faraday used waste materials to make electrostatic generators, and conducted simple chemical and physical experiments.

  At the same time, because the mechanical printing press had not yet appeared at that time, books were expensive, and reading and reading newspapers were all things of the upper class. Faraday also came into contact with celebrities from all walks of life.

  By chance.

  A customer gave Faraday a few tickets, thus walked into the gate of the Royal Academy, and met Sir David, the president of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

  After listening to many speeches.

  Faraday compiled the content of David's speech into a volume, bound it into a book and sent it to David.

  David was amazed when he read it, and became an important "receiver" in Faraday's life, which led to Faraday's brilliant life in the future.

   There are many similar examples, not to mention those who have not made a name for themselves.

  In the vast human race, there are too many geniuses who may become top figures, but because of various family conditions, they are lost to everyone.


  Will is also such a 'genius'?

  But soon, Xu Yun shook his head.

how to say

  Possible, but not great.

  Halo did not release the mission when Will announced his name, which showed that he was definitely not the protagonist of this dungeon.

   Not even Adam Hopkins in importance.

  In addition, Will is no longer a child. He can understand the concept of matrix at the age of twenty, and it is not too difficult to accept it.

   Therefore, his potential is not likely to be too high, and his importance can roughly be upgraded from Xie Laodu to Wang Ting.

  But I thought of the other party's kindness to help me dig my grave.

  Xu Yun still decided that if he had the chance, he should try his best to help this simple and honest Scottish youth.

   Then he quietly returned along the same road, leaving the two of them to continue studying late at night in the tent.

   Nothing to say all night.

   Early the next morning.

  The sun shines into the compartment through the gap.

  Xu Yun twitched his nose twice, yawned and opened his eyes.

   Then he lifted the curtain and walked out of the car.

  The weather is very good today, the weather is about six or seven in the morning, and the sun is shining all over the woods.

  The warm sun in winter is not dazzling, but it gives people a very warm and comfortable feeling.

  This is a rare sunny day in the UK, especially at this node.

  At this time, there was a pot on the side of the carriage, and Will was squatting beside it, adding firewood to it one by one.

  After seeing Xu Yun, he smiled naively and said hello:

   "Mr. Luo Feng, good morning."

   "Mr. Thomson said that you were injured, and specifically asked me not to call you and let you rest for a while."

  Xu Yun felt a slight warmth in his heart when he heard this.

   Maverick, look at others.jpg.

   Then he danced his arms and felt his left arm.

   Strange to say.

   I don't know if it was the effect of the halo. After one night, his injury has healed by more than half, and he doesn't feel much pain anymore.

   Then he swept around and asked:

   "Mr. Will, where is Mr. Thomson?"

  Will blew a few breaths into the fire, and at the same time reached out and pointed at the back of the car:

   "I'm preparing food for the horses. Horses are just like donkeys. If you want donkeys to pull the mill, you have to give them some grass, right?"

  Xu Yun nodded, giving a thumbs up to Brother Lv in his heart.

   A few minutes passed.

  Thomson returned to the carriage with a bundle of grain and grass.

  He greeted Xu Yun first, and after putting the fodder for the horses, the three of them gathered by the pot and began to eat breakfast.

   "Our schedule may be a little tight today."

  Thomson still ate a few mouthfuls of bread gracefully, took out a map from his body, and spread it out in front of him:

   "According to the plan, we will first pass through Mount Whitecombe, and then arrive at the small town of Danfries."

   "Whitecombe Mountain is a bit wet and cold in late autumn, and occasionally you can encounter some large beasts preparing for winter, such as grizzly bears and so on."

   "So we'd better not spend the night in the mountains, and try to reach the other side of Whitecombe Mountain today, and rush to the small town of Danfries as soon as possible."

  Xu Yun pretended to listen to Thomson's arrangement seriously, but glanced quickly at the map.

  Although the French Special Committee formulated the measurement standard for kilometers in May 1790.

  But the weights and measures used in Britain at this time are still the "standard legal inches" promulgated by Edward II in the 14th century.

   That is, inches, feet, and miles.

   According to where Thomson pointed.

  At this time, their location is about 30 miles, or about 42 kilometers, from Mount Whitecombe.

  The speed of the two-wheeled carriage was in the early 15 kilometers per hour in the wild with poor road conditions.

   That is to say, it takes three hours to reach the foot of Mount Whitecombe from here.

  Combining the time of going in and out of the mountains and the fact that it gets dark faster in British winter time, today is indeed a rather urgent itinerary.

  So after breakfast, everyone set off soon.


  The British-specific Sharma is a well-known draft horse in the world and one of the largest horse breeds in the world, capable of pulling five tons of goods.

   Right now, even though there are three people sitting inside and outside the carriage, the carriage is still moving at a relatively steady speed.

   Among them, Thomson sat alone in the carriage, seemingly looking at a book.

  Xu Yun and Will sat in the outer room, which was the front of the car where the groom was sitting.

  Will, who was born in the Scottish countryside, is very skilled in driving a carriage, while flicking his whip, while humming very Scottish country songs.

  Xu Yun watched the surrounding scenery with great interest, which was an experience he had never experienced before.

Of course.

  During the long journey, scenery and singing are just a temporary solution, and they will get tired after all.

   Chatting is undoubtedly a good way to kill time.

after awhile.

  Will seemed tired from singing, so he said to Xu Yun:

   "Luo Feng, you are going to London to find relatives, why did you get lost in Scotland?"

  Xu Yun shrugged at him when he heard the words, and said with the reason he had already made up:

   "No way, I got off the ship at Aberdeen Port, and found a carriage at St. Andrews to go to London, but I was thrown off by a black-hearted coachman on the way, so..."

  Will could not help but look at him sympathetically:

   "You are unlucky enough."

  Xu Yun smiled wryly with a three-point desolation mixed with three-point helplessness, three-point anger, and one-point sadness, and then asked:

   "What about you, Will, have you found your way after arriving in London?"

  Will shook his head slightly, looked into the distance, and said:

   "No, let's take one step at a time, maybe I will run back to Scotland in a desperate manner before long."

  Xu Yun asked again:

   "What about your family? Just let you go like this?"


  Will flicked the whip lightly, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, he shook his head and said:

  "My mother died when I was eight years old. My father used to be a lawyer. After my mother passed away. Well, for various reasons, I just left Edinburgh."

  “.ah, sorry.”

  Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and immediately apologized to Will.

   Unexpectedly, my polite question touched Will's pain point.

  It's hard for anyone to lose their mother when they were young.

   But then again.

  In this era, lawyers can be said to be a very high-end profession, and their status is even much higher than that of later generations.

  A family of lawyers should not be able to afford Will's tuition in theory.


  Will's dropping out of school may have nothing to do with economics, but the relationship between father and son?


   Just as Xu Yun was thinking.

  The carriage that was driving smoothly on the road suddenly sank down heavily.

  The three people in the car let out a soft cry that was caught off guard at the same time.

   After a while.

  Returning to his senses, Will quickly stopped the carriage, quickly opened the curtain, and asked inside:

   "Mr. Thomson, are you all right?"

  Thomson was pulling the armrest on the side of the car with his right hand at this time, he shook his head when he heard this, and pressed the floor with the other hand:

   "I'm fine, but what's wrong with the carriage?"

"I gonna go see."

  Will quickly jumped out of the car, bent down and checked under the car for a few seconds, got up and shook his head:

   "Mr. Thomson, the axle is broken."

  Thomson's expression froze for a moment.


   This is a travel tool that has left a large number of records and even samples in the development of various civilizations in the world.

  For example, the famous Qinling painted bronze chariots and horses in China.

  They are large carriages unearthed in Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi Province in December 1980. There are two carriages in total, and the animal power is four horses.

   Each of them has more than 3,500 parts. Archaeologists have to put together these parts like Lego, and they have to do restoration work.

   Therefore, the No. 2 carriage was assembled and repaired in 1983, and the No. 1 carriage was assembled and repaired in April 1988.

  However, most civilian carriages are much simpler in structure.

  In addition to the hub, spokes, and teeth.

   Then there are the shafts, axles and plates and so on.

   What remains at most is to add a V rabbit between the bottom of the car and the axle, which is the original shock absorption tool.

   And the same reason.

  The structure is simple, which also means that once any part has a problem, it will be difficult for the carriage to move on.

   "The axle was unevenly stressed, resulting in an overload fracture."

  As an engineering leader, Thomson quickly judged the cause of the failure after getting off the car:

   "In addition, the edge of the carriage was also damaged when it sank. The carriage can only travel with flight attendants, and it will definitely not be able to continue carrying people."

  Xu Yun also bent down to take a look, got up and said:

   "Sorry, Mr Thomson, it's all my fault"

   As a result, he was interrupted by Thomson before he finished speaking:

   "It has nothing to do with you, this is the main shaft fracture caused by the aging of the carriage."

"You and Will are sitting in the front room. If it is because of the weight overload caused by the addition of you, then the bottom plates of the four Jane wooden brackets should have collapsed first." , just apply the local saying)

  Thomson is very serious, this is his character.

  Although he still decided to part with Xu Yun in Danfries at this time, it doesn't mean that he will be brainless to throw the blame on this sudden passerby.

  The force diagram for this carriage is very simple:

  The main shaft bears the compartment, and the front room is supported by precious wood and the bottom plate, which belongs to the two-stage split bearing structure with western characteristics.

  Therefore, the main shaft, the link that carries the carriage, will not break because of the addition of Xu Yun in the front room.

Of course.

  If Xu Yun and Thomson were sitting together in the carriage, a great deal of responsibility would fall on Xu Yun.

   So for now.

  This main shaft should have been used for too long, and its natural life is over at this time.

  Will on the side glanced at the two and asked Thomson:

   "Mr. Thomson, what should we do now?"

  Thomson was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and took out the map from his body again.

  After spreading out.

  He took out a compass from his chest—this thing was brought to Europe from the mainland by Arab merchants in the 12th century, and its popularity is very, very high.

  Thomson first adjusted the position, and then swiped on the map with his slender fingers:

   "There is definitely no way to cross Whitecomb Mountain tonight. The main shaft is broken. We have to find a village to resupply."

   "Arles, no, it's too far away"

   "Simney Village, sixty miles to the south, is also trouble."

   A few minutes passed.

  Thomson's index finger suddenly stopped on a small black spot:

   "Huh? The village of Mendisolo, about twelve miles from here?"

   Well known.

  Scotland is sparsely populated, with an area equivalent to that of a mainland province, but a population of just over five million.

   Until the 20th century, the Scots lived a semi-nomadic life.

   Therefore, in a small-scale gathering point like a village, you can definitely buy all kinds of driving tools.

   You can even buy a brand new carriage if you want.

   Therefore, it is not difficult to resupply, the key is

  Thinking of his mission this time, Thomson couldn't help flashing a trace of solemnity and trivial worries.

  According to the original plan.

  He had prepared a large amount of supplies before departure, enough to reach Sheffield and even Nottingham all the way directly.

  During this process, they don't need to enter the town for any supplies, and naturally they won't be targeted.

   Even if the variable Xu Yun appears, he only needs to put him down near the small town of Danfries, and then continue to detour.

   The result was unexpected.

   Man is not as good as God.

  The breaking of the main shaft of the carriage completely disrupted his plan, causing him to now have to find a human gathering point to resupply.

  But Mendi Solo Village is just a small village of more than 200 people. If you only stay for one night, there should be no major accidents, right?

  Think here.

  Thomson already had a decision in mind.

   Then he took a deep breath, put away the map, pointed to a certain direction and said:

   "Let's go, let's go to Mendi Solo Village, rest there for the night today, find a hunter's house to buy a spindle, and start tomorrow."

   Xu Yun and Will have no objections.

  Then the three of them pushed the carriage with the broken main shaft and began to set off towards the target.

   Three hours later.

  The three of them, who were a little tired, arrived outside a village.

  It is different from the European villages of later generations.

  The European countryside in the 19th century was mostly built with the family as the basic unit.

  The residential area of ​​this kind of village is separated from the cultivated land, and there will be many public facilities for grinding rice or fetching water in the center of the village's residential area.

  For example, John Constable's "Watergate" painting describes this scene.

  At the same time, due to the surrounding mountains, most of the residential areas of Scottish villages will have a fence, and the cultivated land is outside the fence.

   But Xu Yun was surprised.

  The village in front of them was not surrounded by fences, but a thick earth wall.

  The height of the entire wall is close to two meters, the thickness is unknown, and it looks quite strong.

  The entire village has only one entrance in the north of the wall, which is somewhat similar to the "Li" in Huaxia.

  It was noon at this time, and smoke was rising from the village, which looked peaceful and peaceful.

  See this scenario.

  Thomson signaled Xu Yun and others to stop the carriage, walked to the door alone, and knocked on the door:

"Is anyone here?"

   After a while.

  The door opened at eye level, and an old man looked out:

   "Who is outside the door? Why are you here at Gaolaozhuang?"

   "Gaolaozhuang? Old man, isn't this Mendisolo village?"

   "That's right, Mendi Solo Village is the official name, but because most of the villagers in my village are extremely tall, they got the nickname Gao Laozhuang."

"So, Hallelujah, this old man, we are businessmen who came from the west and went to the east to do business. We passed by here, but the main shaft of the carriage broke. Can the old man make it easy for me to take a nap? One night, we will be on the road tomorrow."

  The other side of the door was silent for a moment, and said:

   "How many people are there, sir?"

   "Three people, plus a white horse."

   After a while.


  The door slowly opened.

  A skinny little old man appeared from behind the door, and said with his hands behind his back:

   "Come in, please."

  Thomson thanked him, and said to Xu Yun and William behind him:

   "Will, Luo Feng, let's go in."

   Wait for a few people to enter.

  The little old man led them to the village road, and at the same time introduced himself:

   "Mr. Thomson, my name is Evar. I am the hay supervisor elected by the village council, and I am also responsible for guarding the entrance of the village."

   "There are several carpenters with good skills in our village, but their areas of expertise are different. How many inches of spindle do you want to replace?"

   Thomson and Will looked at each other, and Will said:

   “Three to four inches will do.”

   "Three to four inches"

  Evar touched his beard, and soon thought of the candidate:

   "I see, you come with me."

   After speaking, he led a group of people to walk in a certain direction.

  In the 19th century, the Scottish countryside was not rich enough to squander resources at will, so the area surrounded by the entire village was a little bit compact, and the distance between households was mostly very close.

  The layout of the whole village is somewhat similar to the new rural buildings built collectively in later generations, but there is only one floor.

   On the way to the carpenter's house, Xu Yun looked at the unworn earthen wall and asked curiously:

   "Mr. Evar, is this wall just built?"

  Evar smiled at him, pointed to the corner of the wall, and replied:

   "That's right, this wall was built with funds raised by the village. It has only been built for about a year, so the foundation is still very new."

   Then he looked at Thomson, with a flash of curiosity in his eyes, and asked:

   "Mr Thomson, are you from Edinburgh?"

  Thomson nodded, this information is nothing to keep secret:


  Hearing this, Evar's eyes flashed with worry, and he hurriedly asked:

   "Mr. Thomson, I heard that we are going to fight the South, is this true?"

  Thomson was slightly taken aback, then sighed with emotion, and said:

   "Sorry, Mr. Evar, I don't know what the next situation will become."

   "I just heard that the two parliaments are negotiating, but the differences are still very big, and new variables may appear at any time."

  Evar heard the words, the expression on his face dimmed a lot with the naked eye.

  Xu Yun on the side blinked and suddenly understood something.

   Speaking of the full name of the country of Britain, a title may flash in most people's minds:

  United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  However, the real meaning of this appellation may not be known by so many people.


  The real United Kingdom is made up of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  What we call England does not fully represent the United Kingdom.

  These four countries belong to the British system, but they have a high degree of freedom with each other.

   Take the simplest example:

  The two major competitions of the World Cup and the European Cup, these four countries are all participating independently.

   Among these countries, Scotland's hatred for England is almost full. (The grievances between Scotland and England will run through this dungeon, so I will introduce it in detail)

  In fact, the Scots were the first to live on the British Isles. They were the landowners and real owners of the entire island.

   But back then they were not called Scots, but Celts.

  The Celtics are a group of ruthless characters, but they didn't expect that they encountered an even more ruthless stubble-this person was Caesar who was almost kicked into the moat by a batman.

   As a generation of heroes.

  Caesar successfully landed when he invaded the British Isle for the second time, and beat the Celts to the ground.

  The Celts were beaten to the northern mountainous area by the Western Romans, and they could only rely on the favorable terrain in the mountainous area to survive.

   And this time.

  The Romans came up with a whim, and came up with a show operation:

  They built a wall at the narrowest point of the British Isles, which is the famous Hadrian's Wall.

  The scale of this city wall is definitely incomparable to our local city wall, but the British Isle is not our endless frontier, is it?

  So ever since.

  It divides the British Isle into two parts, North and South.

   This is not a simple division of regions. Since then, the British Isle has formed two regions, the North and the South.

  The two regions have great differences in terms of ethnicity, religion, national politics, language, and culture.

  The ones in the south were with the Romans and gradually assimilated.

   Those in the north insisted on fighting and continued the Celtic lineage.

   Later, in the fifth century AD, the Western Roman Dynasty came to an end.

  So the Celts in the north, and now the Pitkes on the island of Ireland, launched a counterattack and quickly achieved excellent results.

   But those people in the south have already had a huge difference of opinion with the Celtics at this time.

  They think that the Celts in the north are not a good thing, and they cannot be allowed to do whatever they want.

  So those people in the south came to Bo Wu Sangui to possess him, and called the Anglo-Saxons to be responsible for "maintaining stability."

  These Anglo-Saxons came to the island and took root and became the ancestors of what is now England and Wales.

   This is the root of all the national contradictions between England and Scotland.

  If you are not of my race, your heart must be different. In fact, many people abroad regard this sentence as the truth.

   By 1298.

  England's King Edward I personally led the conquest and completely penetrated the Scottish defense line. England completely annexed the Scottish territory for the first time.

  But the Scots were not convinced, so the local resistance movement became more and more intense day by day.

  Finally in 1314, Scotland regained its independence.

  The movie "Braveheart" describes this history.

  However, in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign dynastic wars, the operation of marriage is often not lacking.

   Therefore, it often happens that A and B are at war, but A has a blood relationship with B's descendants.


  The mighty Queen Elizabeth of England coughed and passed away.

  Because he had no heirs during his lifetime, the closest relationship with him was his grandnephew, who was then King James VI of Scotland.

   So while wearing the Scottish crown, James VI was also crowned King of England.

  But at this time James is just the same person wearing two crowns, and England and Scotland are still two countries.

   But on the other hand.

   This also opened the prelude to the merger of the two countries and established a basis for cooperation for the merger.

  The reasons that eventually led to the merger of the two countries are somewhat meaningful:

  Scotland went bankrupt and eventually sold itself to pay off debts

  It was in 1688, Gaul was killing all directions in Europe, and it was quite a posture of Huang Tiandi.

  In order to prevent the expansion of Gaul, European countries united to fight against Gaul, known as the "Grand Alliance War" in history.

  Scotland, as one of the countries participating in the war, was single-handedly targeted by Gaul, and the economy suffered a severe blow.

   But as the saying goes.

   Blessings come without pairs, and misfortunes never come singly.

   At this time, another major famine broke out in the country, and about 15% of the population starved to death.

  In order to develop the economy, the Scottish government decided to give it a go:

   intends to establish its own colony in Central America to facilitate trade with Asia.

  However, considering that the treasury was already empty, the Scottish government finally made a decision to rely on public fundraising for project funds.

  In this way, members of Congress, local gentry, and thousands of wealthy citizens, including captains, doctors, and pharmacists, all enthusiastically invested their life savings in the colonial plan.

   Then tragedy struck:

  Before the second colonial fleet arrived in Panama in 1699, the "New Edinburgh" established by Scotland had been completely destroyed by the Spaniards, and these funds finally entered the pockets of the Spaniards.

  True. Send money boy.

   This part of the funds was about 25% to 50% of the national circulation wealth in Scotland at that time, so Scotland collapsed.

in this case.

  Scotland can only use political unity in exchange for economic aid and England's promise to relax trade restrictions.

   So 1707.

  The joint bill of both parties was passed.

  The Scottish Parliament was dissolved and the two countries were formally merged into a single "Kingdom of Great Britain".

Of course.

   Not all Scots agree with this result, so the voice of Scottish independence has always been—even in the later generations of Xu Yunchuan.

   And at this point in time.

   happens to be one of the key stages:

   In another 36 years, the Scottish Self-Government Association will be established.

  Although this wave of independence movements ended in failure, at this point in time, England and Scotland have been at war.

  The two sides had frequent frictions at the border, and there were even hundreds of people fighting with weapons.

  Just out of sensitive considerations, both sides use hand-to-hand or cold weapons, and no one dares to use firearms.

under such circumstances.

  The village of Mendi Solo built a high wall last year, using this method that is much higher than ordinary fences to protect itself.

After a few minutes.

   Everyone arrived outside an open space.

   As soon as they got here, Thomson and Xu Yun frowned at the same time:

  At this time, there was a table on the open space, and around the table were more than a dozen excited men, playing primitive games with howls.

  The surrounding area is filled with a strange smell mixed with sweat and alcohol.

  The arrival of Thomson and the others attracted the attention of some people, but they just glanced at Thomson and the others before continuing to gamble.

  Evar was not surprised by this either. He walked up to a tall and thin man and pulled him out of the crowd.

   "Hey! Slow down!"

   After standing still, the long-lived man shook the clothes that were crumpled by Evar, and complained:

   "Father Elva, what are you doing? I was just about to place a bet!"

   "Bet bet, bet bet, you know bet bet!"

   Evar slapped the man on the head imposingly, pointed at Thomson and said:

   "Sterling, why don't you welcome some guests?"

  The tall and thin man Sterling was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately realized something.

   quickly looked at Thomson, tentatively said:

   "You mean"

  Evar snorted coldly, folded his arms around his chest, and said:

   "These gentlemen are passing guests from Edinburgh, and the spindle of their carriage is broken. I remember you have some newly made three-inch spindles, right?"

  Sterling's eyes widened as he listened, until finally his eyes were almost flooded:

   "As many as you want, as many as you want!"

  Students who have studied geography should know it.

  Winter wheat is grown in the UK, which is a crop sown in autumn and grown in winter.

  At this time, the solar term is at the intersection of autumn and winter. The farmers have finished their farm work, and most of the prey in the forest are preparing to hibernate.


  These idle farmers and hunters will come here to gamble.

   Therefore, as a carpenter, Sterling has not opened much for several days, and can only try his luck at the gambling table.

  After all, the peak sales season for agricultural tools is spring and summer, and so are hunting traps.

  That's why Thomson's expression was so excited when he learned that he needed a carriage spindle.

  The carriage spindle looks like a piece of wood, but it is actually quite difficult to calibrate without some skill.

  Especially in the case of Thomson, which requires long-distance travel, the requirements for the spindle are even higher.

   Therefore, the price will naturally not be low. (doi10.15967/j.cnki.cn14-1312/g4.2008.06.006, this is the reference for the cost of the single carriage)

  Generally speaking.

  The cost of the main shaft of a two-wheeled carriage accounts for roughly 25%-35% of the entire vehicle, which is roughly equal to the carriage + shaft.

  This price in Britain in the 19th century was basically equal to the income from selling fifteen farm tools. (Refer to F329/K27 in the classification of agricultural economy in the 04 edition of "Modern World History", OvO who called an acquaintance of the Academy of Social Sciences at 5 o'clock in the morning for help)

   And just as Sterling nodded and bowed and took Thomson to his home.

   Not far away at the extremely lively gaming table.

  A burly man with a swollen face glanced at them calmly, and immediately put on an angry look:

   "wtf, the luck of this shit, it's not fair, reopen! All three must be reopened!"

  The other hunters on the side saw this, couldn't help but smiled and said:

   "Kurtz, you are drunk, get off the table and let me serve!"

  The big man named Kurtz left the gambling table without any abnormality under the persuasion of everyone, and then he walked to the corner, and the drunkenness on his face disappeared instantly.

  I saw him groping around for a while, and took out a folded piece of paper.

   Then he flattened it and placed it in front of him.

  I saw that this piece of paper was drawing a sketch of a character who was six or seven points similar to Thomson, and at the same time there were some other information attached.

   Right above the portrait, there are several English letters written impressively:

  order for arrest!

   Kurtz carefully read the above content, and his eyes deliberately stayed on Thomson's beard and particularly high hairline for a while.

   After a while.


  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 731
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723
Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 704
Chapter 703
Chapter 702
Chapter 701
Chapter 700
Chapter 699
Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
Chapter 693
Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682
Chapter 681
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 625
Chapter 624
Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
Chapter 620
Chapter 619
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
Chapter 612
Chapter 611
Chapter 610
Chapter 609
Chapter 608
Chapter 607
Chapter 606
Chapter 605
Chapter 604
Chapter 603
Chapter 602
Chapter 601
Chapter 600
Chapter 599
Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
Chapter 562
Chapter 561
Chapter 560
Chapter 559
Chapter 558
Chapter 557
Chapter 556
Chapter 555
Chapter 554
Chapter 553
Chapter 552
Chapter 551
Chapter 550
Chapter 549
Chapter 548
Chapter 547
Chapter 546
Chapter 545
Chapter 544
Chapter 543
Chapter 542
Chapter 541
Chapter 540
Chapter 539
Chapter 538
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
Chapter 535
Chapter 534
Chapter 533
Chapter 532
Chapter 531
Chapter 530
Chapter 529
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
Chapter 526
Chapter 525
Chapter 524
Chapter 523
Chapter 522
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
Chapter 519
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
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Chapter 509
Chapter 508
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Chapter 506
Chapter 505
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Chapter 503
Chapter 502
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Chapter 495
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Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
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Chapter 487
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Chapter 482
Chapter 481
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Chapter 479
Chapter 478
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Chapter 475
Chapter 474
Chapter 473
Chapter 472
Chapter 471
Chapter 470
Chapter 469
Chapter 468
Chapter 467
Chapter 466
Chapter 465
Chapter 464
Chapter 463
Chapter 462
Chapter 461
Chapter 460
Chapter 459
Chapter 458
Chapter 457
Chapter 456
Chapter 455
Chapter 454
Chapter 453
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Chapter 451
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Chapter 447
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Chapter 445
Chapter 444
Chapter 443
Chapter 442
Chapter 441
Chapter 440
Chapter 439
Chapter 438
Chapter 437
Chapter 436
Chapter 435
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Chapter 433
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Chapter 431
Chapter 429
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Chapter 423
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Chapter 421
Chapter 420
Chapter 419
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Chapter 417
Chapter 416
Chapter 415
Chapter 414
Chapter 413
Chapter 412
Chapter 411
Chapter 410
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Chapter 404
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Chapter 392
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Chapter 381
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Chapter 329
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Chapter 279
Chapter 278
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Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
Chapter 267
Chapter 266
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Chapter 264
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Chapter 262
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Chapter 253
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Chapter 251
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Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
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Chapter 235
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Chapter 231
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Chapter 214
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Chapter 202
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Chapter 190
Chapter 189
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Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
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Chapter 170
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Chapter 151
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Chapter 148
Chapter 147
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Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
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Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
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Chapter 114
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Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
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Chapter 104
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Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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