Into Unscientific Chapter 230

Into Unscientific Chapter 230

  Chapter 230 The third genius in the history of human physics!

  Looking at the prompt of the light curtain in front of him.

  Xu Yun's facial muscles twitched a few times, and his mood was slightly subtle.

   Is this a flag?

   Actually tell the truth.

   Judging from the information obtained at the time, Xu Yun's derivation was not too problematic:

  Will and Thomson did not give any hints when they reported their names, and at the same time Thomson made it clear that he was going to Cambridge to find an old professor.

  Considering that the mainline characters must be related to Thomson, Halo also seems to like to discover some unpopular characters.

  Xu Yun thought of Hopkins in this way. The derivation process is completely reasonable, and there are no major omissions.

   The result was unexpected.

  The name Will is actually a vest name, and the true identity of this Scottish youth is actually Maxwell!

  That's Maxwell

  In the 21st century that Xu Yun traveled through.

   There are two issues that have always been quite controversial among the people. Basically, once they are raised, there will inevitably be conflicts.

  One is the sweet, salty and spicy party battle of tofu.

  Second is Newton and Einstein, who is the greatest scientist in history.

   Mentioned a long time ago.

  "Nature" did not select the 20 greatest physicists in the past millennium in 2000. That was a rumor from the Tianya Forum.

  Because for websites and magazines, no one dares to characterize this issue in an official capacity.

But on the other hand.

  Although those journal websites will not stand on their own, they occasionally provide a platform to organize some activities for industry insiders to vote.

   For example, PhysicsWorld and PhysicsWebSurvey often do this kind of thing.

  From 1999 to present.

  There are 29 selections by scientists organized by the core journals in the Q1 area of ​​the JCR division.

  B A certain C TV station organized two selections in 2007 and 2011 before the ICONS column before those underworld operations.


   This number is the total number of scientists selected by authoritative journals and media organizations since the new century.

   And in these 31 selections.

  The calf or the old cow took the first place 14 times, and Einstein 17 times.

  The fight between the two is inseparable.

   While the first two gods were fighting back and forth, there was a person who was as stable as the third in the position of the third.

  He is Maxwell.

   Among these 31 selections.

   Except that Galileo occupied four times and Planck moved three times.

  The remaining 24 selections for the third place, without exception, are all Maxwell.

  So how good is Maxwell?

  On June 13, 1831, Maxwell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland.

  His father was a defense attorney named James Clark.

   The reason why Maxwell has an extra "Maxwell" surname is because the Clark family and the Maxwell family have a deep relationship.

  For example, Little Maxwell's great-grandmother came from the Maxwell family, and Little Maxwell's father also inherited some properties of the Maxwell family.

  However, although Maxwell had a wealthy family in his childhood, he was often ridiculed by his peers because of his strong accent and other issues.

  So he has a withdrawn personality and doesn't like talking very much.

  When I was 8 years old.

  Maxwell's mother died of illness, causing him to become even more reticent.

   Fortunately, though.

  Maxwell's father did not give up his love for him, but actively encouraged and accompanied him to grow up, and sent him to Edinburgh Public School.

  When I was 15 years old.

   Maxwell published his first paper "Oval Line" in the Journal of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.


  16-year-old Maxwell entered the University of Edinburgh as he wished.

   Since then, he has won the first place in his grade for four consecutive years, and at the same time won the Calm Gold Medal of the Scottish University four times in a row-this is what Thomson won once.


  The University of Edinburgh stated that our small temple cannot accommodate this big Buddha, or Maishen, you should choose another place.

At this time, the board of directors of Cambridge University is discussing whether to abolish the diet students of Trinity College. After all, only Mavericks has passed the examination in the past two hundred years. significance.

under such circumstances.

   Someone made a suggestion:

  Anyway, it doesn't cost money, why don't you let classmate Mai come and give it a try?

  If even he can't do it, then just cancel it.

  So Maxwell transferred to Cambridge University under the **** of William Thomson, and finally passed the examination smoothly, becoming the second student of Trinity College after Mavericks.

  After entering the school.

  He was first absorbed into the Cambridge Apostolic Society of Cambridge University and became a glorious Cambridge Apostle.

  When I was 23 years old.

  Maxwell graduated from the Mathematics Department of Trinity College, Cambridge University, and this is one of the few places where many people question Maxwell:

   When Xiaomai graduated, his grades were only second in his age.

  It's like a genius who joins the sect in an online novel, and the sect sends elders all the way to **** him. After entering the sect, he becomes a core disciple, and his skills and resources are all full.

   As a result, he only won the second place in the Zongmen Grand Competition, which made him feel a little sorry for his previous aura.

  But in fact, there is something else hidden behind this incident, which is far from being as simple as it seems.

   It's just that for some reason, many domestic databases have hidden this content.

   Fortunately, as a historical celebrity, Maxwell has detailed introductions in many authoritative foreign language journals:

  At that time, the British university degree was called HonorsDegree, which is an honorary degree.

  Honorary degrees are divided into four classes, with the first class being the highest and the fourth class being the lowest.

  At that time, the college's requirement for wheat was to obtain the first-class degree, that is, FirsthonoursDegree.

  The entire examination period lasts for 22 days and covers 11 subjects.

   Among them, there are 3 compulsory exams, and the full score of all subjects is 100 points, that is, the total score is 1100 points.

  The minimum score for a first-class degree is 770 points. As long as the three required subjects are included in the tested subjects and the total score reaches the standard, the remaining subjects can be given up.

  As a result, during the exam period, Xiaomai's father suddenly became critically ill, so Xiaomai, who was eager to go home, only took eight courses in the entire examination period.

  After reaching the first-class degree mark, he gave up the remaining three exams and rushed back to Edinburgh.

  Wheat scored 793 points in eight subjects, and the first one scored a total of 837 points in 11 subjects

  If Xiaomai completes the remaining three subjects, the score will be 100% and steadily exceed 1000.

  So this matter is really not a black spot

   After graduation, in 1855, Maxwell read Faraday's book "Experimental Research on Electricity".

  He was attracted by various electromagnetic induction experiments in the book, and officially began to study electromagnetism.

   Since then, it has been unstoppable and started its own way of hanging on the wall.


  Maxwell published a paper - "On Faraday's Lines of Force".

  He first tried to introduce mathematical forms into Faraday's concept of lines of force, thus preliminarily establishing the mathematical relationship between electricity and magnetism.

  This article attracted the attention of the physics community and was also praised by Faraday himself.


   Maxwell published his second paper - "On the Lines of Force in Physics".

   in this paper.

  He proposed new concepts such as "displacement current" and "electromagnetic field" for the first time, and gave a more complete mathematical expression of electromagnetic theory.


   Maxwell published a third paper - "Dynamic Theory of Electromagnetic Fields".

  This paper not only gives Maxwell's equations, but also puts forward the concept of "electromagnetic wave" for the first time.

  Later, he also wrote the book "General Theory of Electromagnetism", established the first physics laboratory of Cambridge University - Cavendish Laboratory, and served as the first director of the laboratory.

   It's worth mentioning though.

   When Maxwell was alive, he was not actually respected according to his status.

   Quite the opposite.

  At that time, even within Cambridge College, many people believed that he was following crooked ways.

  How glamorous he was when he entered Trinity College, how bleak he was in middle age.

  Because his theory is too profound and complex, and the formula is too abstract, it is difficult for the public to understand.

  So when Newtonian mechanics was still dominant, it was not widely recognized by the public.

  In the year of Maxwell's death, when he was still unremittingly promoting the theory of electromagnetic waves, only 2 listeners were willing to listen to his lectures.

  One is a graduate student from across the sea, and the other is Fleming, who later invented the electron tube.

to some extent.

  Maxwell is a bit like Dr. Nezu who discovered Zilda gas in "Ultraman Tiga". The direction of research is obviously meaningful, but in reality he is an outcast.

   November 5, 1879.

  Maxwell died of stomach cancer in Cambridge at the age of just .

  48 years old.

  If wheat can live for more than ten or twenty years, the pattern of the whole world may be different.

  Because in the ninth year after his death, the young German physicist Hertz confirmed the existence of electromagnetic waves for the first time through experiments, which truly verified the correctness of Maxwell's theory.

since then.

  Maxwell's contribution and status have just been recognized by the whole world.

  It's a pity that God is jealous of talents, Maxwell died too early.

all in all.

  Maxwell's life can be regarded as a typical V-shape.

   That is to say, he was famous when he was young, fell into a trough in middle age after being exposed to electromagnetism, and began to rise suddenly a few years after his death.

   And because of this.

  Someone would want to put Maxwell to death during Thomson's escort:

  At this time, Maxwell was still a proper 'Heaven's Chosen', with thousands of auras all over him, which was really dazzling.

  Use the concept of future generations as an example.

  At this time, Maxwell was almost 750 points in the college entrance examination, 4.3 grade points in college every year, published ten papers in the first district during his undergraduate period, and was nominated for the Fields Medal.

  Many people think that he can reach the height of the Mavericks in the future, and no matter how bad he is, he will also be a leader in a certain field.

  Such a potential stock has been acquired by Cambridge University, so there will naturally be people who want to make a move outside the market.

  After all, this practice of black hands has precedents in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign academic circles. It involves the double dark side of humanity and interests, and the loss to the history of human science is immeasurable.

  For example, Maverick was poisoned when he was Professor Lucas, Qian Lao was assassinated twice when he returned to China, and Zhang Shoucheng, Ren Wei, Xiao Xiang, etc. passed away. (If you are interested, you can search for these people by yourself. They are too sensitive and will not be detailed in the text.)

   Even in 1832, which was very close to the timeline of the copy, another genius had just fallen into a shameful conspiracy:

   This person is Galois.

  He is a super genius in the history of mathematics. Unfortunately, he and Abel were fooled by Cauchy first, and then met Stephanie, the king of the sea, and fell into a trap by mistake:

  At that time, someone sent him a letter of challenge as a "rival in love", expressing that he would fight him in a shootout.

   Galois was under the black hand in the duel, and he chose a pistol without bullets, and his opponent was a soldier with superb marksmanship.

  In the end, Galois was shot three times in the abdomen and died after being sent to the hospital. He was only 21 years old.

   Not long before the duel, Galois wrote a suicide note according to the duel requirements—he perfected the group theory in only three days, and forever engraved his name on the milestone in the history of mathematics.

  In the long history of science, there are too many similar examples.

  Under the seemingly calm ocean surface, there are undercurrents surging almost all the time.

  The topic returns to the original place.

  In the academic and historical circles of later generations, Maxwell has been given a very high status.

  In particular, Maxwell's equations he summarized, like the author's ear root, are the most important in the industry.

  In 2004, the British scientific journal "Physics World" held an event:

  Let readers choose the greatest formula in the history of science. (You can search for thegreatestequationsever on the official website of PhysicsWorld, but there are actually twenty, and many articles have been simplified into "Top Ten Greatest Equations")

  As a result, Maxwell's equations surpassed the giants in the equation world such as mass-energy equations, Euler's formula, Newton's second law, Pythagorean theorem, and Schrödinger's equation, ranking first.

But on the other hand.

  To some extent, like Old Su, Maxwell is also a figure with serious information barriers.

  Out of academia and history, many ordinary people are confused:

   Are Maxwell's equations really that powerful?

how to say

  Maxwell's equations are not well-known among the people, and most of them suffer from the content.

  Look at Sir Niu's three laws, we can understand them in middle school.

  The formula goes on and on, that is, it revolves around "F=ma", which is very simple.

   Cupid's "theory of relativity"

  Although many people don't understand the specific content, it is very high-end, and it is always three-dimensional and four-dimensional in time and space.

  The formula, E=mc^2, at least looks simple and easy to remember.

   What about Maxwell's equations?

  Look at its integral content:





  The above is an "improved" version by the genius physicist Oliver Heaviside. The original version of Maxwell's equations has 20 equations, which is even more terrible.

   For example, let's explain the third formula casually:

  The left side represents the electric flux through the closed surface S, and E is the electric field strength.

  We divide the closed surface with area S into many small blocks, and each small block is represented by da, then the electric flux passing through each small block area can be written as E·da.

   Putting an integral symbol means to add up the electric flux of all the small pieces, so that the electric flux passing through the entire closed surface S is obtained.

  The s on the right with the enc subscript indicates the amount of charge contained in the closed surface, and ε0 is a constant.

  Because this closed surface S can be selected arbitrarily, it can be large or small, it can be a spherical surface or a variety of messy closed surfaces, and thus the divergence is derived.

  The divergence of the electric field E at a point is defined as the electric flux of the electric field through this infinitesimal surface divided by the volume

  Did you faint?

   It's right to be dizzy.

  So most people don't understand what this thing means, let alone its value. (Students who really want to know more recommend a book, "Illustrated Intuitive Mathematics Translation Collection: Maxwell's Equations Intuitive", about 20 yuan)

  Once a certain character or content cannot appear in junior high or high school textbooks, his spread will be greatly limited.

overall; in summary.

  Maxwell's greatest contribution is to participate in the foundation of electromagnetic theory.

   Figured out the truth about light, electricity, and magnetism, and finally helped humans control electromagnetic waves.

   Without Maxwell, there would be no widespread application of electromagnetic waves or it would be many years later.

   There will be no cell phones, radios, broadcasts, microwave ovens, radars, vibrating eggs, satellites, CT…

  Human society will be completely different.

  The development of history will also have another ending.

all in all.

  In the history of science, it is generally believed that Newton unified the laws of motion in the sky and on the ground, which was the "first" great unification.

   And Maxwell unified electricity, magnetism, and optics, which is the "second" great unification, and its status is evident.

   Another little easter egg.

  If you look back at the dates of Maxwell's birth and death, you will find two amazing coincidences:

  In the year Maxwell was born, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.

  Einstein was born the year Maxwell died.

  Sometimes fate is really magical.

  The line of sight is returning to the original place.

all in all.

  Now with the appearance of Xu Yun, the disaster of classmate Mai has passed smoothly, and the next step is a smooth journey.

at the same time.

  Halos have also undergone subsequent changes

  【The dungeon main task is being generated】

  【Drip, the main mission of the copy has been generated】

  【Task name: Student Mai, you don't want to see Mr. Thomson being nailed to the pillar of shame, do you? 】

   My heart feels a little uncomfortable. I can't register on the network of the cardiology department of the hospital on Sunday. I don't know if the doctor on duty can check it.

   Going to the hospital tomorrow, maybe there is no update tomorrow. When I woke up, I found a big pimple on the back corresponding to my heart. I was a little flustered. I don't know if it is a weakened immune system or a heart problem.

  (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

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Chapter 633
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Chapter 630
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Chapter 625
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Chapter 615
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Chapter 610
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Chapter 605
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Chapter 598
Chapter 597
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Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
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Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
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Chapter 561
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Chapter 51
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Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
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Chapter 4
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Chapter 1
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