Into Unscientific Chapter 350

Into Unscientific Chapter 350


   With Xu Yun's finger poking out.

  The second light sphere shattered.


   But this time.

  The shattered light sphere did not form tiny light spots that could not be seen clearly as before.


   turned into a series of transparent crystal hexagonal fragments.

  These crystal fragments are like a silver-white ribbon, slowly circling around Xu Yun.

at the same time.

  Xu Yun still had the faint sound of wind chimes ringing in his ears.

  The fragments lasted like this for nearly a full minute, and then they moved closer together, and slowly gathered in front of Xu Yun to form...a crystal necklace.

  After seeing the appearance of the necklace clearly, Xu Yun couldn't help but let out a little surprise.

  This necklace…

   He's seen a few times on Aveline's neck.

   Although Aveline doesn't carry it as much as Classical Physics.

   But it is not difficult to see from the behavior that Avelyn attaches much more importance to it than "Classical Physics".

   It's just that Xu Yun has never had the opportunity to ask about the origin of this necklace, so his knowledge of the necklace is limited to the level of 'jewelry'.

   The result was unexpected

  The halo actually manifested it as the penultimate reward?

  See this scenario.

  Xu Yun couldn't help but let out a soft breath.

   After adjusting his mood, he reached out and grabbed the necklace.

  A light curtain quickly appeared in front of Xu Yun.

  【Prism Necklace】:


   Guided by the Wallfacer, Exa Newton discovered the dispersion of light using a prism, which opened the prelude to a legend]

  【After the Wallfacer disappeared, Exa Newton gave the prism to Lilani Escu, who made it into a prism necklace and passed it down from generation to generation】

  【As time goes by, this necklace has gradually become the identity proof of the patriarch of the Escu family】

  【After more than a hundred years, the necklace was passed on to Evelyn Escue and kept by her personally】

   See here.

  Xu Yun could not help but pause slightly.

   Lowering his head, he looked at the necklace in his hand again.

  It turns out that the main body of this necklace is the prism I had back then?

  The prism was passed to Mavericks by himself, but after more than a hundred years, it returned to him in this way?

   Is this a reincarnation?

   It's amazing...

  However, before Xu Yun could continue to sigh, the light curtain changed again:

  【well known】

  【According to Everett's multi-world interpretation, if any event can produce different consequences after it happens, then each possible consequence will form a world line】

  [Later generations have supplemented Everett's views, and regard the choice of different consequences as the collapse of a specially defined wave function]

  【A new world line will only be generated if the collapse level is sufficient】

  Looking at the words on the light curtain, Xu Yun nodded slightly.


   This has always been a controversial topic in the field of physics...or science fiction.

  The earliest proponent of this theory is called William...James, and his multiverse theory is an experimental psychological explanation.

  Later generations of "Dragon Ball" where Trunks travels and some plots of "Dragon Ball Super" are based on this theory. …

  However, with the development of quantum mechanics, the scientific community's interpretation of the multiverse has become diverse.

  For example, the island universe in eternal inflation, the random emergence of cosmic bubbles in m-theory, the interpretation of many worlds, etc. were born.

  They can all create "parallel universes".

   And their theoretical basis is "our unobservable part of the universe."

   "The unobservable part of our universe" sounds a bit esoteric, but it is not difficult to understand:

   It was produced by the events that produced our universe.

  That event was called the creation of the world by God in ancient times, and later called the Big Bang.

  In Hawking and others, it is changed to the quantum event under the Hawking-Hartle boundaryless condition, which is called the model starts to run in the simulated cosmology.

   And in the above heavy theory.

  The proposer of the many-worlds interpretation is Hugh Everett III, a student of Wheeler.

  He believes that the different possibilities of any event in life will form a new universe.

  For example, when you read our passage, you were going to vote for a monthly ticket, but because you still didn't see Avelyn, you chose to si la, which will create a new universe.


   Everett's theory was not taken seriously during his lifetime.

   Until after his death.

   This theory was re-proposed by Wheeler at the Quantum Physics Conference and was supported by many physicists.

   Today's multiverse theory has become a successful theoretical hypothesis, called mi, and many students of big things will also take this course.

be honest.

   This is a theory with very distinct advantages and disadvantages. It has the advantage of very explicitly assigning a physical meaning to the observation:

   Observation is nothing more than some interaction between the observer and the observed system, which can and must be described by quantum theory itself.

   But again.

  Its shortcomings are also very obvious:

  If any event can cause a new universe to appear, where does the energy to create the new universe come from? Indeed.

  In the extremely high-dimensional Hilbert space, the cosmic wave function has indeed one or even more side branches.

   But this side is not cheap enough to generate countless universes in a second—think about it, the 6 billion people on the earth, deducting the 9 hours of sleep, are conscious for 15 hours a day.

   Suppose you encounter a choice every minute:

  For example, get up from a chair, press the left or right button after going to the toilet, and think about what to eat at noon...

   At the end of a day, at least hundreds of billions of "universes" are born.

   This is obviously contrary to common sense.

  So then.

  The front-end theory has applied an optimization patch to Everett's theory:

  The creation of the universe cannot be so cheap.

   Only the collapse of the wave function with a huge amount of information will lead to the generation of a new world line.

   For example in reality.

   The 'magnitude' of a baby escaping is low, so no worldlines would be generated if it happened.

  But if the old man climbs and disperses, his collapse information level... also has enough influence, and a world line that has not been condensed will be generated.

  This theory is not difficult to understand, but it's all right, why does Halo mention such a point of view? …

To know.

  Although Everett's theory is a very formal hypothesis, its main theoretical camp lies in some science fiction or science fiction forums.

  In fact, the status in the study of the universe in the pure physics world is very low, and it is unlikely to be used as a halo reward.

   But if it is not as a reward, but as a "introduction" to a narrative

  Could it be...

  Some premonitions appeared in Xu Yun's heart.

  So he hurriedly continued to read.

  【In the 1850 copy, the bullet fired by the assailant Becky Smirnoff did not hit Prince Albert, but hit the head of Wilshere Kennedy beside him】

  【However, in a certain timeline, the bullet fired by Becky Smirnov did not miss, and Prince Albert died on the spot】

  【Subeki? Smirnov and others no longer attack the auditorium as in the dungeon, but directly attack the venue guests

  Indiscriminate attack started]

  【During the attack, Evelyn Escue's move to leave the crowd alone attracted the attention of the attackers, and she was hit by a stray bullet and died】

  【Aveline's soul is sealed in the necklace. She has passed away, but just like the reincarnation of a prism, what is lost may return one day】

  【Current Soul Awakening Progress: 16%】(can be obtained through task rating)

   Look at the content on the light curtain in front of you.

  Xu Yun's hand holding the necklace subconsciously realized Yisong.

  The prism crystal quickly fell towards the ground.

   Fortunately, he reacted in time and grabbed the necklace again before landing.

   Then he straightened the prism crystal, placed it in the palm of his hand, and looked at it carefully.

   This polished triangular prism crystal is about three centimeters long, clean and translucent throughout, and strung with a silver chain.

  From the perspective of future generations, it seems that it can only be said to be ordinary.

  And inside this prism...

   Containing Avelyn's soul?

  Xu Yun watched it like this for several minutes before slowly regaining his senses.

   explained above.

   According to the current patch for Everett's theory.

   To generate a parallel world line, the first thing to do is that the wave function of event collapse reaches a certain magnitude.

  Plainly speaking.

   means that the impact on history should be far-reaching enough.

   And it just so happens that…

   The night the dungeon ended happened to meet this prerequisite.

  The firearms of 1850 did not have the complete ballistics of the later generations. Even two guns with the same appearance shooting at the same time from a hundred meters away may have an error of more than several meters.

   Who can Becky Smirnov's bullet hit? This is actually a matter of probability.

  So when Becky? Smirnoff bullet fired the moment.

   Then there is a wave function 'magnitude' that generates new timelines.

   Judging by the people present at the time, there was even more than one timeline generated:

   Except Albert.

  There will inevitably be five timelines of Gauss' death, Riemann's death, wheat's death, Faraday's death and Xu Yun's own death.

  Because they were standing a few meters away from Prince Albert, they could theoretically be hit.

  They are all people who have had a profound impact on human history, so there must be a timeline after their death. …

  For example, if Riemann dies.

  Riemann's conjecture and Riemannian geometry will not appear, at least the time to appear will be delayed.

   A lot of work related to Riemann will be overthrown and restarted in later generations, and the impact is not small.

   So did Prince Albert.

   And when Prince Albert died.

   More than 70 attackers don't need to gather together to attack the auditorium as before, but can launch indiscriminate attacks on the spot.

   In this way.

  The death rate of everyone on the scene increased by at least five times.

   So in theory.

  Aveline does have a chance of being shot and killed.

   Right now, the halo has stored Avelyn's soul in that timeline into the necklace, and at the same time left a reminder of the progress of the awakening.

   Could it be that...

   If the progress reaches 100%.. Aveline will be resurrected?

   More importantly...

  Follow the prompts in the previous copy.

  1850 dungeon will be closed after settlement and cannot be opened again.

   In other words.

  If Evelyn is resurrected...she will appear in reality?


  Think here.

  Xu Yun couldn't help clenching his fists subconsciously.

after all…

  I owe Avelyn too much.

   Don't say anything else.

  Just the cultural relics she collected later and the things she did in the East are all promises to be completed regardless of cost or even safety.

   And what Xu Yun left for that girl was endless regrets.

  He brought a beam of light to Aveline, but extinguished it with his own hands at the end.

be honest.

   Pretty scumbag.

   But there is no way, Xu Yun and Avelyn are people from two worlds, the time he can stay in the dungeon is only so little, leaving is the inevitable end.

  But if Avelyn can be resurrected in reality, everything will be different.

   Therefore, out of emotion and reason, we must bring that girl back to life!

At least…

   Should I take her to another snowball fight?

   Then Xu Yunzhen put the necklace away with great care, and turned her gaze to the last ball of light.

   This time.

  While his expression was swift and dignified, there was also a trace of calm visible to the naked eye.

  Students with good memory should remember it.

  At the beginning of Pluto's night, the halo once gave the last ring mission.

  The title is 'It's Lonely'.

  In the task description at that time, Xu Yun also saw this sentence:

  【It has been wandering alone for an unknown number of years, lost outside and witnessing history, can you find it? 】

   For a long, long time after that, Xu Yun once thought that this mission described the **** king planet.

  But it wasn't until the end of the dungeon, when Tian Hao personally took over "that thing" from Tian Hao's hands.

  Xu Yun finally understood the meaning of this task.

  That's weird...

   No wonder the aura only reminded the completion of the 'routine task' when seeing Shenwangxing.


   It's not only Shenwangxing who is really lonely, but also it... Boo~

  The ball of light shattered again.

   After a few seconds.

  A dilapidated small purse appeared in front of Xu Yun.

  Xu Yun reached out and took it.

   During the year of the dungeon, he had seen this bag no less than twenty times, and would say hello almost every few days. …

  Even the day he first arrived in London, he had 'met' this little bag.

  Because it was hung on Sylph's waist during the dungeon.

   That's right!

   This is the little purse that Sylph has been holding onto since the meeting!

  Xu Yun, Avelyn and others have always believed that the reason for Sylph holding the small purse is a lack of security.

  There are a few extra coins in the money bag of that size, so no one, including Xu Yun, pays much attention to it.

  But now I want to come.

  The reason why Sylve is so precious to it is actually because the treasure she stole from the den of thieves is contained in this purse full of patches.

   Then Xu Yun sighed softly, and untied the rope of the money bag.

  Pockets face down to palms.

   Shake lightly.

  A square object slowly came out of the pocket.

   This is a small square piece of white jade with a length and width of only about three centimeters. There is a small gap in the upper left corner with a gold border.

  Five entangled little dragons are engraved on the upward side of the white block, and at the same time, there are eight tiny Chinese characters that Xu Yun can read clearly:

  Be ordered by the sky, and live forever.

  Among China's vast national treasures, two cultural relics are the most special.

  In most people's minds.

  Their ranks are all higher than those of the Preface to the Lanting Collection and the "Yongle Dadian", firmly occupying the first or second place.

   Among them, the first is the mysterious Jiuding.

  The earliest legend of Jiuding in Chinese history comes from the Xia Dynasty. As for the saying about the Xia people casting the tripod in the pre-Qin classics, it can be seen at the earliest in "Zuo Zhuan? The Second Year of Xuangong".

  The book records the famous historical event of the son of Chu aspiring to the throne. When Wang Sunman answered the origin of the tripod, he clearly pointed out that it was cast by the Xia people:

  【In the past summer, there was virtue in the land, drawing things from afar, paying tribute to gold and shepherds, casting tripods and elephants, and preparing all kinds of things for them, so that the people know the gods and traitors. When the old people entered the mountains and forests of Chuanze, they never met. Chi and Mei are separated from each other, and it is impossible to meet them. Use energy to cooperate with the upper and lower, to inherit the sky. —— "Zuo Zhuan? The Second Year of Xuan Gong"]

   Jiuding has a very magical feature. In the words of the Internet, it can automatically recognize the owner.

  The Xia people were dying, so they ran to the Yin people.

  The Yin and Shang Dynasties failed, so they went to the Zhou people.

   This is the so-called "do not move but do it yourself".

   But all the time.

  Jiuding is quite legendary and even mythical. There are few clear records in history, and there are often conflicts between documents.

for example.

  Whether the caster of Jiuding is Dayu or Xia Qi, there is still no conclusion.

  For example, Sima Qian's "Historical Records? Xia Benji" in the Han Dynasty clearly pointed out that the Jiuding was cast by Yu Dayu, which is the famous sentence [collect the gold from Jiumu, cast Jiuding, like Kyushu].

  Sima Qian, with the influence of his writings, passed this statement down to later generations, and many historians have followed this statement since then.

   It can be confirmed that it is Xia Qi in "Mozi Gengzhu":

[In the past, after Xia, the envoy Fei Lian folded gold in the mountains and rivers, and pottery cast it in Kunwu; it was the envoy Weng Nanzhiyi who made it to Bairuo's tortoise, saying: "The tripod is made of three legs and square", and he cooks himself without cooking. , Do not lift but self-storage, do not move but self-sacrifice, to sacrifice to the emptiness of Kunwu. 】

  In addition, "Zuo Zhuan? The Second Year of Xuangong" which recorded Jiuding the earliest, although it did not clearly state who Xia Zhifang was, there is almost such a convention in ancient documents:…

   That is, if it is mentioned what the Xia people do, but there is no specific target, this person generally refers to Xia Qi.

  There are even two history professors in China who have been fighting for more than ten years because of this disagreement, and even fought in seminars.

  In addition to the caster, there is also a lot of controversy about where Jiuding went.

  The number of guesses about the whereabouts of Jiuding is even several times that of the "Yongle Dadian", and they are all recorded in ancient books.

It can be said like this.

Up to now.

   Except for the number of nine tripods that is determined to be 'nine', none of the information is conclusive.

   Even whether 'Zhou Ding' and 'Jiu Ding' are the same thing is still controversial.

   Therefore, many people think that Jiuding does not actually exist, but is a fictional artifact.

  But even those who think that Jiuding does not exist cannot deny the status and particularity of Jiuding in Chinese culture.

Of course.

  The above-mentioned people refer to experts or related enthusiasts who simply think that Jiuding is a fiction, excluding the kind of idiots who follow the West and think that Xia Dynasty does not exist, so there is no Jiuding.

   In addition to Jiuding.

  The second treasure is, of course... Chuan Guo Yuxi.

  The Chuanguo Yuxi is made of a treasure called Heshibi... There are two stories on it.

  One piece is called Bian and Qiyu.

  The other section is called Returning to Zhao after Bibi.

  Gambling jade is prevalent in Dian Province today, and they believe in Bian and gambling jade as their ancestors.

  Bianhe got a stone in Jingshan Mountain, identified it as precious jade, and offered it to King Li of Chu successively, but King Li of Chu didn't believe it, and he believed that he had deceived the king and gave him the punishment of laity (digging out the knee bone).

  He refused to accept it, and offered jade again when King Wu of Chu.

   As a result, he was found to be deceiving the emperor again, and the other kneecap was dug out;

   Later, Bian He still refused to accept it, and wept day and night in Jingshan.

   King Wen of Chu summoned him after hearing about it, and he actually said, "I am not sad to cut a gem, but to name it a stone, and a chaste man is called a lie, so I am sad."

  So King Wen of Chu ordered someone to break open the stone, and found the precious jade.

  Because the jade was presented by Bianhe, it was named "Heshibi".

   During the Warring States Period, the state of Qin heard about this piece of precious jade and was willing to exchange it with fifteen cities, which shows that the precious jade is invaluable.

  But at the moment when Lin Xiangru, who is loyal and courageous, held it out, he would rather be broken than complete, which would make the value of He's Bi even further.

Of course.

  Whether it is Returning Perfectly to Zhao or Bian He Qiyu, they all have some color of secondary creation.

  For example, Bian He cried blood and tears and so on.

   But just discuss He Choi itself, its existence is still no problem.

   After the Qin Dynasty unified the world.

   Qin Shihuang got this rare treasure, and sent someone to carve this piece of Heshibi into a jade seal.

   And ordered Li Si to inscribe the eight characters "Ordered by heaven, long life and eternal prosperity" on the top.

  Maybe Li Si didn't even know it himself.

  His moment started He's Bi's legendary career:


  It is a symbol of imperial power, and it has passed through thousands of years.

It's just that Qin Shihuang, who hoped to "be passed on to the second generation and even the eternal life", was probably the same as Li Si. Death. …

  When Qin Ziying tied the imperial jade seal around his neck, He Shibi not only witnessed the change of dynasty... but also saw its new owner--Liu Bang.


   This jade seal is called "Chuan Guo Yuxi".

  Any new dynasty that wants to prove its "Mandate of Heaven" must obtain this piece of jade that is "destined to live forever"!

after that.

  Wang Mang, who is highly suspected of being a traverser, usurpers.

  When he sent his subordinate Anyang Hou Wangshun to ask his aunt, the empress dowager Wang Zhengjun for the imperial jade seal, the old lady was furious and threw the jade seal at the golden pillar.

  With a sound of biaji, a corner of the Chuan Guo Yuxi was knocked off.

  So then.

  Wang Mang inlaid a gold border on the jade seal.

   This is the origin of the word gold inlaid jade.

  After Wang Mang, the next person to get entangled with Yuxi was Sun Jian.

  At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos.

  Sun Jian led his troops and the princes to crusade against Dong Zhuo, but unexpectedly found this jade seal under the dry well in Luoyang Palace.

  Yuxi once again proved her magical power to everyone——Sun Jian felt that I had the advantage and decided to fight his own world.

   Everyone knows the result later.

  Sun Jian died under a knife and arrow. His son, Sun Ce, Sun Shiwan's Oni sauce, dedicated this jade seal to Skeleton King Yuan Shu.

  The dynasties have changed, but the jade seal remains the same.


  The Three Kingdoms were unified in Jin, and Jin divided the West and the East.

  Former Zhao Liu Cong captured Jinhuai Emperor Sima Chi, and Xi returned to the former Zhao.

  Nineteen years later.

  After Zhao Shi strangled the former Zhao, he got the seal.

  In order to prove his own legitimacy, and even more to promote his "divinity", Shi Le engraved "Heavenly Destiny Shi Shi" on the right side of the jade seal - their surname is Shi, and they get gems, and their destiny will never end in the future.

   Unexpectedly, only a dozen years later, Yuxi passed to Ran Wei following the destruction of the kingdom of Later Zhao.

   Later, Ran Wei begged for soldiers from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but he did not expect Chuan Guoxi to be cheated by the Jin generals.

   As a result, the Chuan Guoxi was returned to the Sima family of the Jin Dynasty.

that's it.

  Chuan Guo Yuxi has gone through the four generations of Song, Qi, Liang and Chen.

   When the Sui Dynasty unified China, the Chuanguo Yuxi was included in the Sui Palace.

   During the Daye period of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was killed in Jiangdu, and the Sui Dynasty died.

  Chuan Guoxi was taken by Empress Xiao and fled to Mobei Turkic.

   Tang Zhenguan four years.

  Li Jing led an army to crusade against the Turkic Chuan Guoxi and returned it to Li Tang.

  At the end of Tang Dynasty, God bless for four years.

  Zhu Quanzhong abolished Emperor Ai of the Tang Dynasty and seized the Imperial Seal.

   Sixteen years later.

  Li Cunyue established the Later Tang Dynasty, and the Chuan Guoxi was transferred to the Later Tang Dynasty.

   AD 939.

   Later Jin Shi Jingtang led the Khitan army to surround Luoyang, and the late Emperor Li Congke of the Later Tang Dynasty climbed to the Xuanwu Tower with the Chuan Guoxi in his arms and set himself on fire.

  Since then, there has been no trace of Chuanguo Yuxi.

  Although there were rumors of jade seals being discovered in the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, all of them were later proved to be false news.

   Insurance fee

  Shou Wang

  After Qianlong ascended the throne.

  He ordered people to engrave twenty-five square jade seals and place them in the Jiaotai Hall of the Forbidden City.

  The kind of thick and square jade seals you see in later generations is exactly this kind, four inches square, two inches thick, and three inches high.

   It looks like three packs of instant noodles stacked together.

   And actually.

  The jade seals of the Qin and Han Dynasties were not very big.

  For example, Shaanxi Libo has a seal with a height of only 2 cm, a side length of 2...8 cm, and a weight of only 33 grams. From the perspective of modern people, it is completely inconspicuous. …

  But it is the highest-ranked, earliest and only empress seal found in my country during the Han Dynasty so far.

  The body of the seal is square, and the button is a crawling tiger carved in high relief; the face of the seal is engraved with four characters of seal script "Queen's Seal", with a rigorous and generous font structure.

The seal was picked up by Kong Zhongliang, who was still in primary school, in 1968, next to the Langjiagou Ditch in Xy City. This place is within a cemetery about 1,000 meters west of the land where Empress Lu and Liu Bang were buried together. Therefore, some experts speculate that it may be It is the seal of Empress Lu.

   In addition, according to the records of the Three Kingdoms.

  The jade seal "is four inches in diameter, engraved with five dragons on the top; one corner is missing, inlaid with gold; on it is the eight characters in seal script: 'Ordered by the sky, you will live forever'."

  At the same time, the Three Kingdoms quotes Wei Zhao's "Book of Wu" in this section, which is the official history book of Wu State.

   This description is also the earliest and most important record of the appearance of the jade seal.

  One Chinese inch is equal to 2...The square circle refers to the circumference rather than the side length, that is, the size of the Chuan Guo Yuxi is about 2-3 cm.

  In addition, the thickness of He's Bi can also be used as relevant evidence.

  'Bi' was a flat jade ware in ancient times, with a small hole in the middle.

  Erya? Interpreter says:

  【Meat that is twice as good is called Bi, meat that is twice as good is called Yuan, and meat that is as good as one is called Ring】

  The meat refers to the side, the good refers to the hole, and the side is twice the diameter of the hole is the bi.

   For details, you can take a look at the pictures of the Jade Bibi in the Shang Dynasty or the Qingyu Yuhuan Yubi in the Han Dynasty.

   That is to say.

  After Bian He's piece of jade was opened, King Wen of Chu sent jade men to polish it into a flat 'wall', and made a new creation.

  Then Qin Shihuang dug out the 'wall' to get the jade seal, which belongs to the second creation.

   Therefore, the thickness of the jade seal is fixed.

  As of 20222, the thickest 'wall' unearthed in Huaxia is only about two centimeters.

Of course.

   There are no thicker jade articles.

  But it was called jade cong in ancient times, which is different from 'bi' - the records of ancient Chinese rituals and music are extremely strict, and it is impossible to make the mistake of calling jade cong 'yubi'.

  Currently, among the jade seals unearthed in the Qin and Han Dynasties, the empress's jade seal mentioned above has the longest side length, followed by the gold seal of the King of Dian and the jade seal unearthed from the tomb of Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhongshan.

  Liu Sheng's jade seal is 2...7 cm long on a side, and the golden seal of the King of Dian is only 2...4 cm long on each side.

  Because the seals at that time were covered on the sealing clay, similar to western wax paint, the jade seals of the Qing Dynasty could not be used at all in the era of bamboo slips.


  Yuxi became bigger and bigger after the invention of papermaking.

  Another example is a large jade disc unearthed from Tomb No. 52 of Group B in the Old City of Lu State.

   And this piece of Ubisoft is by far the largest jade in the Warring States period.

  Therefore, the real jade seal made in Han Dynasty is not as big as in the film and television works. (There is also a saying that the jade seals are made of Lantian jade, so the size is not affected by the thickness, but Heshibi → Chuan Guo Yuxi is the most accepted saying, and I also use this)

  「Chuan Guo Yuxi...」

  Looking at the jade seal in his hand, Xu Yun's mood was more complicated than ever.

Of course.

   This complicated entanglement doesn't matter whether you want to be king or not. …

   But as a Chinese, who doesn't have a jade seal plot?

  This kind of plot has nothing to do with the superstition of "destiny", but a kind of ritual and music inheritance engraved in the blood.

  Through the jade seal.

Xu Yun seems to have seen that in the distant years, one emperor after another stood on the altar, leading the leaders to pray to the sky, surrounded by chime chimes, chime bells, and n bells. The shadow of a candle...

  It has witnessed the ups and downs of China for thousands of years, and the years are long, and it is still holy and unchanged.

  After being in a daze for a long time, Xu Yun brought his thoughts back to reality.

  At the same time, "Yongle Dadian" gave such a good reward, what about the Jade Seal that has been passed down for more than two thousand years?

  Holding this curiosity.

  Xu Yun slowly stretched out his hand and covered the jade seal.

  【Chuan Guo Yuxi】

  【One of the highest symbols of the spiritual civilization of the Chinese nation, it can rectify the fortune of the country, straighten the heart, kill evil spirits, and promote the noble spirit】

  【Effect (can only be activated after completing a specific copy)】:

  【National fortune +5, average life expectancy increased by 5%, intelligence +5 (specially for newborns), national-level project growth rate of 30%, it is known that there is a certain probability of being punished by heaven, and the ranking of the national football team will drop by 20】

at the same time.

  Xu Yun is not far away.

  The three doors that originally represented the 1665, 1100, and 1850 copies suddenly disappeared and two of them disappeared, except for the 1665 copy.

   After a few seconds.

   At the location where the original 1100 and 1850 copies were located, two brand new doors appeared again.

  The value displayed on the left side is 0/100.

   That is to say, opening still requires knowledge points, which should belong to a standard regular copy.

  The one on the right shows a prompt:

  【Special Task】―【Available to open】―【Please open within 180 days】

It is clear.

  Behind this door, it leads to the specific copy displayed on the page of Chuan Guo Yuxi.

  But now that Xu Yun has just returned from 1850, he needs to adjust both mentally and physically.

  So he is not going to open this new instance right away, at least he has to explain some things in reality before thinking about it.

  Think here.

  Xu Yun's eyes showed a trace of complexity.

  It's finally over...

   After half a minute.

  He sighed softly,  holding Avelyn's necklace, raised his head and said:

   "Back to reality."


  Thanks to Wang Zi and the leader of grandpe for the reward, adding ten chapters with a total of 60,000 words qaq...

  The update will start after the first seven days of the update, that is, the daily million of the seven days is not counted. After seven days, I may update normally for four or five days to adjust the biological clock, and then start to repay the debt. The debt repayment title will be noted.

  The 4D update is here, please double the monthly pass! !

   Watch "Into the Unscientific" for the fastest update, please enter -- to view in the browser

Chapter end

Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 731
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723
Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 704
Chapter 703
Chapter 702
Chapter 701
Chapter 700
Chapter 699
Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
Chapter 693
Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682
Chapter 681
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 625
Chapter 624
Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
Chapter 620
Chapter 619
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
Chapter 612
Chapter 611
Chapter 610
Chapter 609
Chapter 608
Chapter 607
Chapter 606
Chapter 605
Chapter 604
Chapter 603
Chapter 602
Chapter 601
Chapter 600
Chapter 599
Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
Chapter 562
Chapter 561
Chapter 560
Chapter 559
Chapter 558
Chapter 557
Chapter 556
Chapter 555
Chapter 554
Chapter 553
Chapter 552
Chapter 551
Chapter 550
Chapter 549
Chapter 548
Chapter 547
Chapter 546
Chapter 545
Chapter 544
Chapter 543
Chapter 542
Chapter 541
Chapter 540
Chapter 539
Chapter 538
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
Chapter 535
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Chapter 532
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Chapter 110
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Chapter 101
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Chapter 90
Chapter 89
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Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
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Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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