Chat Group For Magicians 48 The Enemy

Chat Group For Magicians 48 The Enemy

Volta made two more Lightning Bolt. And yeah, about the rock that got to be my practice target was broken to pieces and the surrounding grass around the rock got burned to ashes. It was a strong electric attack that even the rocks that are invulnerable from lightning was broken and reduced to powder. What will happen if I shot it on a normal human? They will really die for sure.

I ended up liking the element of Lightning. Besides the fact that you can stun your enemies using the attack, you can chain up your attacks to multiple targets without losing too much mana unlike Fire Magic and Water Magic that needs conventional skills to attack multiple enemies. However, sadly for me, I can't learn Lightning element magic yet. My body is still to fragile and if I practiced on it, there was a chance that the magic itself would backfire and kill you instead.

Since it was pretty late, I returned to my room and saw Itazura returned to her human form and is currently curled up on my bed. Of course she have clothes, if that was what you are asking. Moonlight has given her transformation clothes that won't snap off from transformation like normal clothes would do. I pull the blanket and covered Itazura lightly. Although she cannot speak like a person yet, she is already aware of things that she is not supposed to destroy which I am happy because the destruction of my things since she was summoned is the very worst thing to happen to me.

I opened the window of my Veranda and just like the rest of the house, it was also different and no longer seemed looking diapidated like it used to be. But it didn't affect my stargazing activities at all. Instead, it was a bit higher from what I remember and I can see the stars clearly in the sky. Especially the Orion constellation.

I pull out the Arcana card of the magic, "Lightning bolt and stare at it for a while.

"Mom, Dad, I know you are watching me right now. I have been entangled by a rather strange event of the Magician world where a series of weird kidnapping cases seems to be connected to the world of magic that I entered a few weeks ago. I know that it was a dangerous world that is why I am asking for a blessing to God to survive the incoming battle that I have no idea how dangerous it was. I know that I am not strong enough but please lend me your strength and guide me towards my decisions to this new world I entered with."

I glanced again to the glowing constellation of Orion and sighed. I already know that I won't get any answer but I still hoped. But that would be not going to happen at all...


As soon as the first ray of light landed into my window, I woke up already and prepared. Today is the day I had to accompany Yaya and Volta to a mission of ambushing and finding out the location of the missing children. This should be a case for the police but it was beyond of what the police can handle. I never expected that I would be in this case. Itazura also woke up and seeing that she turned back to her human form, she quickly reverts back to her fox form and climb up to my neck. Her fur tickles a bit and I realized that she turned herself into a scarf. I just laughed a bit before I head out of the room.

As soon as I open the door, I saw Volta is already on the telephone and seems to be contacting someone on the other line.

"I know that this matter is something that is within your scope of mission so I hope you can find a  good info about this guy's last locations this past week alright? Good, now bring me a good news. Lives are on the line here," Volta said and put down the phone, ending their conversation with whoever that person he was asking on.

"Who was that?" I asked as I closed the door of my room.

"Oh, that was one of my associates in the magician trackers. I asked him information about Onizuka Teruyama and his current location but they cannot trace this guy for now which is going to be a problem for us, anyway, you are pretty early Kazuma, are you not able to sleep last night?" Volta returned to the sofa and opened his phone.

"Are you asking help with our fellow magicians?" I asked.

"No, I want to check the magician daily news that is usually posted in the news channel of our group. You can't access it though unless you reached the level Adept Grimoire Magician on the group so you can't access it yet."

That's when it hit me. Some channels of the group are 'blocked' due to my insufficient amount of progress and I am not able to be so active this past week in the chatgroup. That might be the case why I don't have any idea about it.

"What is this news about? Does it includes the regular news usually seen in televisions?"

"No, Kazuma. This news is specifically a news for us magicians. The normal humans had no access to this kind of news so its a unique one. Here, let me show you a few of it. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

I moved beside Volta and saw that there were articles indeed about magic and stuff related to arcane magic that a few magicians seems to be developing. Most of the news are about the appearance of the monsters which is somewhat irregular due to the fact that the monsters seems to be more on the prowl and hungry as they are now more open in hunting humans.

"What has happened to this world? The monsters are already on the prowl? Isn't that going to be very dangerous?"

"Yes, it is dangerous but it is also a help for us magicians. Remember the core I gave you last time? They are precious treasures for Magicians so other Magicians are on the move to find out who are the brutal monsters who actively hunt humans. They will hunt their cores and they will exterminate the threats on humans. Its a win-win situation."

Yaya came downstairs since she had occupied a room on the newly built second floor. Although I have no idea what is the look of the second floor, that would wait after this.

"Oh! Morning everyone, so, are we all ready for the upcoming battle in Sensouji?" Yaya whip her hair into a ponytail and smiled.

"Of course, we are ready, isn't it Kazuma?" Volta tapped my shoulder.

"Yeah...though I am nervous a bit," I clenched my hands.

"HA! Don't be, just remember your last experience in your last battle against a monster. They are just a bit similar so you have nothing to be afraid of." Yaya grinned.

As we are talking, a cat meowed and the three of us looked into the source. A black with white spots cat appeared wagging its white tail while a paper roll is currently rolled on its mouth.

"A cat?" I was surprised. When did a cat appeared here?

"Oh, this is the familiar of the acquaintance of mine that I dialled earlier. Looks like he has news!" Volta exclaimed and moved towards the paper roll and pull it from the cat's mouth. Volta pull out a red candy ball of some sort and throws it to the cat. From the looks of it, it was like a gumball of some sort but I am sure it was not a gumball at all.

Volta rolled out the paper and read the contents. He didn't read it loudly but we can see in his expression that the info on the rolled paper is something for Volta.

"Onizuka is spotted. He is around the vicinity of Sensouji!"

Chapter end

Chapter 183 Weep
182 Dead
181 Two Red
Chapter 180 REDUX
179 blank
178 Grand
Chapter 177 Headache
Chapter 176 Jinx
Chapter 175 The world of mine
174 oofers
173 What the heck am I doing
Chapter 172 Repea
171 No idea what I am doing
Chapter 170 No idea what I am doing
169 trial chap
168 This is just a sneak Peek for Outbreak Chronicles
Chapter 167 I'm still Stonkz
Chapter 166 Stonks
Chapter 165 I'm Stonks
Chapter 164 Do not Purchase
Chapter 163 Recovery
Chapter 162 Torture The Body Thief
Chapter 161 Summoning the Body Thief
Chapter 160 One Fell Swoop
Chapter 159 Deathflags Everywhere
Chapter 158 The Package
Chapter 157 Blood Battle
Chapter 156 Who is the impostor?
Chapter 155 Underground Mall Battle
Chapter 154 Awakening of Mirai
153 Titan's Offer
152 Titan and Kazuma
151 Meeting Titan
Chapter 150 Another Brawl Part 2
150 Another Brawl Part 2
Chapter 149 Another Brawl Part 1
149 Another Brawl Part 1
148 Sou's Revenge
147 Aftermath
146 Savageness of Asuza
145 The Awakened Fourth Par
144 The Awakened Third Par
143 The Awakened Second Par
142 The Awakened First Par
141 Reason Why Get Muted
140 Good Luck!
Chapter 139 Meeting My Alter Ego Again
Chapter 138 Fighting the Dummies
Chapter 137 Repair the Soul
Chapter 136 Raigaki
Chapter 135 Mirai's Body
Chapter 134 Stalking the Impostor
133 Body Hunting
132 Mirai Akazaki
131 Brawl
130 Lex Talionis
129 Notice Me
128 First Day
127 The New but Old Kid
126 Graduating from being a NEE
125 Unlocking the Second Mana Circui
124 Wanna go back to School?
123 The Man-Crab core and the Mermaid Orb
122 Magician Society
121 Where the F*ck is my House?!
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
113 Treasure!
112 Discovering the Chasm
111 Retribution
110 Battle Against the Abyssal Demon
109 Is That The Night Stalker?
108 Horde of the Undead
107 Forest of the Sacrificed Souls
106 Dark Chasm
105 Purpose of Existence
104 Meatshield
103 Manipulator
102 The Chief
Chapter 101 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 3 of 3
101 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 3 of 3
Chapter 100 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 2 of 3
100 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 2 of 3
Chapter 99 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 1 of 3
99 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 1 of 3
98 Recovery of the Others
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
87 Kazuma's Rampage
86 Earthshaker
85 Releasing the Seal
84 Kazuma's Mana Circuits
83 Cave
82 Leap of Faith
81 Behind Enemy Lines
80 Hikari
79 Hatching
78 Horde of Wild Beasts
77 The Assault of the Hooded People
76 Race Hidden in the Fores
75 Prelude to Conflic
74 Maple
73 I Came From that Egg!
72 Didn't you own an Egg from the Oracle?
71 Blue Fireball
70 Sparring to Duel
69 Reasons Second Half
68 Reason First Half
Chapter 67 Discovery Part 3
67 Discovery Part 3
Chapter 66 Discovery Part 2
66 Discovery Part 2
Chapter 65 Discovery Part 1
65 Discovery Part 1
64 You Just Need To Get Back Up
Chapter 63 Harshest Training Part 3
63 Harshest Training Part 3
Chapter 62 Harshest Training Part 2
62 Harshest Training Part 2
Chapter 61 Harshest Training Part 1
61 Harshest Training Part 1
60 Training Begins Epilogue of Arc 1
59 Catmod's Lair
58 Magic Trial Ruins
57 Job Complete
56 Case Close?
55 Revelation
54 Kazuma Vs Onizuka Second Half
53 Kazuma Vs Onizuka First Half
Chapter 52 Face-Off Part 3
52 Face-Off Part 3
Chapter 51 Face-Off Part 2
51 Face-Off Part 2
Chapter 50 Face-Off Part 1
50 Face-Off Part 1
49 To Sensouji
48 The Enemy
47 Magic Card Arcana
46 Methods of Paymen
45 Explanations
44 Should I Start Collecting Rent?
43 The Mana Tree Awakening
42 The Crystal Seed
Chapter 41 The Homunculus Experiment Part 5
41 The Homunculus Experiment Part 5
Chapter 40 The Homunculus Experiment Part 4
40 The Homunculus Experiment Part 4
Chapter 39 The Homunculus Experiment Part 3
39 The Homunculus Experiment Part 3
Chapter 38 The Homunculus Experiment Part 2
38 The Homunculus Experiment Part 2
Chapter 37 The Homunculus Experiment Part 1
37 The Homunculus Experiment Part 1
Chapter 36 Episode 36: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 3
36 Yaya Arrives!
Chapter 35 Episode 35: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 3
35 The Man's Plea
Chapter 34 Episode 34: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 2
34 Return to Tokyo
Chapter 33 Episode 33: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 1
33 The Oracle
32 The Dragon Insignia
Chapter 31 Episode 31: Preparation Part 2
31 To Protect or Not to Protec
Chapter 30 Episode 30: Preparations Part 1
30 Rescue
29 The Tokyo Calamity
28 The Twelve Councilors
27 Meeting the Council
26 Council of Magicians Third Par
25 Council of Magicians 2nd Par
24 Council of the Magicians 1st Par
23 Decision
22 Full Fledged Magician Rank 0: Apprentice
21 Fire Monster
20 Beat Fire with Fire
19 Hachiko Statue Patrol
18 #JOB
17 Holy Protection
Chapter 16 Episode 16: Actual Training Part 3
16 Actual Training Part 3
Chapter 15 Episode 15: Actual Training Part 2
15 Actual Training Part 2
Chapter 14 Episode 14: Actual Training Part 1
14 Actual Training Part 1
13 Itazura
12 A 'Playful' Familiar
11 A Furry Familiar
Chapter 10 Episode 10: Learning the Magic Circle Part 2
10 Learning the Magic Circle Part 2
Chapter 9 Episode 9: Learning The Magic Circle Part 1
9 Learning The Magic Circle Part 1
8 Monster Core
7 Monster in Human Guise
6 Eating is Leveling
5 First Magic
4 Meditation Can Be Tiresome
3 Aptitude As A Magician?
2 Hot Hot Hot Gloves! Firebreathing Gloves!
1 Invited to the Chat group
-1 Episode 0: The Day of Reckoning
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