Chat Group For Magicians 174 oofers

Chat Group For Magicians 174 oofers

I was baffled by what the guy earlier said. He is claiming he is the real Kazuma? You think you are fooling anyone? But I didn't think someone with be so courageous to proclaim that he is the one in front of the real guy he is posing for. The old man is calm and looked calmly on us as he inhaled the smoke coming from his tobacco pipe.

"You saying you are me then?" I said as I calmly try to expose the impostor.

"Oh really? You think you are me then? I am the one who received the parcel, how come someone uninvited will also come to pick up the item?" he smugly looked at me with bloodlust in his gaze.

I've been under severe trouble this past months and his glare barely felt bad to me that is why I am not taunted by the fake. However, just what is his goal in faking his own identity? To take the parcel? That was just plain waste of time. Why don't they just buy rather than steal it from the original owner? The impostor quickly approached the old man and extended his hand to the latter.

"I want the package immediately. I need it immediately that is why I need to get it immediately."

"Hmm, there is no rush young man," the old man said. "The package won't run away so why not settle down for a bit?" the old man said as he smiled to the impostor.

Mirai's condition is now stable but her soul is under the state of slumber at the moment. According to Raigaki, it should be normal for now since she is recovering but her time of slumber shouldn't exceed in seven days. She has to be awake earlier than that to survive and if she remained in slumber after seven days, it is possible that her soul is permanently damage and cannot be saved by healing anymore. But I am hoping it's not going to happen.

After healing Mirai, Raigaki is so exhausted that he went to sleep after the deed. Apparently, he exerted most of his mana causing him to collapse. Still, he was just asleep and will recover mana eventually. After everything done, I was called to the reception room and was made to file the mission details for the day. Since I didn't get much valuable info at the moment that involves the job, I filled it with report of "further investigation required."

But after that, I was asked about the Body Eater. Since it was the first time that they encountered such entity, they decided to ask me and Leto some info on the Body Eater so that they can add the info in the database which would go handy for the future magicians and for the sake of future missions involving them.

With everything done, I head to the practice room where magicians were practicing. At the moment, I was alone inside so it's not a problem. After my skirmish against the Body Eater, I found a lot of flaws in my movement and my decision making which caused too much injury on Mirai. I might be trained by Catmod for the battle but I still lacked the mastery on it leading to poor result. Therefore, if I want to avoid that outcome again, I have to increase my magic power and practice my decision making.

When it comes to magic, I have lots of magic that can be combined together but I did not really make good use of the magic power I have therefore, the poor output I am doing right now. After becoming an expert after eating the bean from Miya, I was now a master in hand to hand combat and that was proven correct after my battle against Sou who was easily beaten alongside with his lackeys. My physical prowess might be a bit lacking but with good attack speeds, I can still deal enough damage against normal people without relying on magic.

I started meditating to calm my nerves and reduce the stress accumulating in my body. As soon as I concentrated a bit, I was able to rest and cool myself down, allowing me to think better. Just as I was about to start practicing magic, I was suddenly hit by an epiphany.

Every time I go into a fight against enemies that are related to magic world, I use only magic skills without letting any matters with it. When I was just starting out, I added my physical prowess together in my magic but due to my lack of mastery and my amateurish movement, that didn't end too well and I abandoned it. However, after getting the hand to hand mastery seed from Miya, I think it is time to change my mindset in my early practice.

I equipped the Flamethrower gloves to my hands. Even though I can conjure flames without relying on the gloves, I still prefer to use the gloves because you can use it easily without fussing too much and they can be comfy to wear too. After doing so, I conjure my flames out and observed them for a while. I have seen in anime that many people who uses fire magic can infuse their strength into the flames. I may have used that when I was in berserk mode but I don't think I have used it without any help. What is more, whenever they are engaged in hand to hand combat, they can unleash their flames like ignition to their fists. I haven't done that and feels difficult. I closed my eyes and extinguished the flames in my gloves before I nodded by myself. Let's do this.

Now that my decision is done, I decided to test it out firsthand. In this practice room, there was a dummy that is prepared. This dummy is somewhat special since this dummy can move by itself. Of course, that is not the only function of this dummy. It can also fight like a normal person without giving any restraint. However, it was specifically for the magicians so this dummy is not safe from destruction. With magic skills becoming destructive as time goes by, the dummies are now able to regenerate again if they are destroyed, reduced to ash, broken to pieces, etc. Whatever method you try to destroy the dummy, this dummy would return and return and return without any spots of broken wood. Approaching a dummy that is prepared in the practice room as a practice target, I prepared my mana in my palms but I did not activate it yet.

What I realized is that, holding out the mana is quite taxing. It was like going to pee but can't do so because you are not yet in the toilet? That is the feeling right now that I feel in my body. Still, practice makes perfect. When the mannequins started moving, I also started moving my body and tried dodging the dummies' attacks. I tried unleashing my magic but then, I failed causing only to punch the dummy without any of the ignition blast that I am imagining.

The dummy responded and it unleashed a strong punch straight to my gut, causing me to cough out and curl in pain. These dummies are real deal, they don't care if you are practicing or not, they will attack. The dummies surrounded me and they start to gang up on me. Still, I am not someone that would allow others to dominate? Damn it all, I am not going to lose against a dummy!

I unleashed my flames and throws it out to the annoying dummies trying to gang up on me. And since they are made of wood, they quickly burned to ashes. Still. I know that they will appear again so I did not bother much on it. Now that I see it, they can be easily beaten if you seriously did it. And as expected, around a few seconds after the dummies being burned to death, a new batch of dummies appeared once more. I nodded and admired the convenience of it because you don't have to pay to buy a new set of dummies just to destroy it or practice it to burn.


Activating agility, my movement speed increased in twofold, allowing me to outmaneuver the movements of the dummies but I don't dare to underestimate the dummies. If they are dummies made by magicians, surely they also have the power to beat you up right? As soon as I approached the dummy, with my fist ready to deal some damage, the dummies started gathering up and they began to give out attacks all of a sudden causing me to curse.

"Damn it, these bastard dummies is making me work harder!" I grunted and shake my fingers a bit.

These dummies has a will of their own and knows how to do decisions to take down the enemy as soon as possible. Every time the dummy is destroyed and replaced, the dummies' difficulty starts rising They are annoying but it was designed so to keep magicians on track with their powers.

With the Agility activated, I rolled away and made a distance, far from the dummies before activating the flames again. I didn't bother to hurl the fireballs away but let them stay on my fist blazing. I did not practice for magic proficiency, I am practicing of how efficient I can be in battles.

Still, it didn't matter much. As long as I can learn from my mistakes, that would be okay for me.

Chapter end

Chapter 183 Weep
182 Dead
181 Two Red
Chapter 180 REDUX
179 blank
178 Grand
Chapter 177 Headache
Chapter 176 Jinx
Chapter 175 The world of mine
174 oofers
173 What the heck am I doing
Chapter 172 Repea
171 No idea what I am doing
Chapter 170 No idea what I am doing
169 trial chap
168 This is just a sneak Peek for Outbreak Chronicles
Chapter 167 I'm still Stonkz
Chapter 166 Stonks
Chapter 165 I'm Stonks
Chapter 164 Do not Purchase
Chapter 163 Recovery
Chapter 162 Torture The Body Thief
Chapter 161 Summoning the Body Thief
Chapter 160 One Fell Swoop
Chapter 159 Deathflags Everywhere
Chapter 158 The Package
Chapter 157 Blood Battle
Chapter 156 Who is the impostor?
Chapter 155 Underground Mall Battle
Chapter 154 Awakening of Mirai
153 Titan's Offer
152 Titan and Kazuma
151 Meeting Titan
Chapter 150 Another Brawl Part 2
150 Another Brawl Part 2
Chapter 149 Another Brawl Part 1
149 Another Brawl Part 1
148 Sou's Revenge
147 Aftermath
146 Savageness of Asuza
145 The Awakened Fourth Par
144 The Awakened Third Par
143 The Awakened Second Par
142 The Awakened First Par
141 Reason Why Get Muted
140 Good Luck!
Chapter 139 Meeting My Alter Ego Again
Chapter 138 Fighting the Dummies
Chapter 137 Repair the Soul
Chapter 136 Raigaki
Chapter 135 Mirai's Body
Chapter 134 Stalking the Impostor
133 Body Hunting
132 Mirai Akazaki
131 Brawl
130 Lex Talionis
129 Notice Me
128 First Day
127 The New but Old Kid
126 Graduating from being a NEE
125 Unlocking the Second Mana Circui
124 Wanna go back to School?
123 The Man-Crab core and the Mermaid Orb
122 Magician Society
121 Where the F*ck is my House?!
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
113 Treasure!
112 Discovering the Chasm
111 Retribution
110 Battle Against the Abyssal Demon
109 Is That The Night Stalker?
108 Horde of the Undead
107 Forest of the Sacrificed Souls
106 Dark Chasm
105 Purpose of Existence
104 Meatshield
103 Manipulator
102 The Chief
Chapter 101 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 3 of 3
101 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 3 of 3
Chapter 100 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 2 of 3
100 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 2 of 3
Chapter 99 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 1 of 3
99 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 1 of 3
98 Recovery of the Others
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
87 Kazuma's Rampage
86 Earthshaker
85 Releasing the Seal
84 Kazuma's Mana Circuits
83 Cave
82 Leap of Faith
81 Behind Enemy Lines
80 Hikari
79 Hatching
78 Horde of Wild Beasts
77 The Assault of the Hooded People
76 Race Hidden in the Fores
75 Prelude to Conflic
74 Maple
73 I Came From that Egg!
72 Didn't you own an Egg from the Oracle?
71 Blue Fireball
70 Sparring to Duel
69 Reasons Second Half
68 Reason First Half
Chapter 67 Discovery Part 3
67 Discovery Part 3
Chapter 66 Discovery Part 2
66 Discovery Part 2
Chapter 65 Discovery Part 1
65 Discovery Part 1
64 You Just Need To Get Back Up
Chapter 63 Harshest Training Part 3
63 Harshest Training Part 3
Chapter 62 Harshest Training Part 2
62 Harshest Training Part 2
Chapter 61 Harshest Training Part 1
61 Harshest Training Part 1
60 Training Begins Epilogue of Arc 1
59 Catmod's Lair
58 Magic Trial Ruins
57 Job Complete
56 Case Close?
55 Revelation
54 Kazuma Vs Onizuka Second Half
53 Kazuma Vs Onizuka First Half
Chapter 52 Face-Off Part 3
52 Face-Off Part 3
Chapter 51 Face-Off Part 2
51 Face-Off Part 2
Chapter 50 Face-Off Part 1
50 Face-Off Part 1
49 To Sensouji
48 The Enemy
47 Magic Card Arcana
46 Methods of Paymen
45 Explanations
44 Should I Start Collecting Rent?
43 The Mana Tree Awakening
42 The Crystal Seed
Chapter 41 The Homunculus Experiment Part 5
41 The Homunculus Experiment Part 5
Chapter 40 The Homunculus Experiment Part 4
40 The Homunculus Experiment Part 4
Chapter 39 The Homunculus Experiment Part 3
39 The Homunculus Experiment Part 3
Chapter 38 The Homunculus Experiment Part 2
38 The Homunculus Experiment Part 2
Chapter 37 The Homunculus Experiment Part 1
37 The Homunculus Experiment Part 1
Chapter 36 Episode 36: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 3
36 Yaya Arrives!
Chapter 35 Episode 35: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 3
35 The Man's Plea
Chapter 34 Episode 34: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 2
34 Return to Tokyo
Chapter 33 Episode 33: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 1
33 The Oracle
32 The Dragon Insignia
Chapter 31 Episode 31: Preparation Part 2
31 To Protect or Not to Protec
Chapter 30 Episode 30: Preparations Part 1
30 Rescue
29 The Tokyo Calamity
28 The Twelve Councilors
27 Meeting the Council
26 Council of Magicians Third Par
25 Council of Magicians 2nd Par
24 Council of the Magicians 1st Par
23 Decision
22 Full Fledged Magician Rank 0: Apprentice
21 Fire Monster
20 Beat Fire with Fire
19 Hachiko Statue Patrol
18 #JOB
17 Holy Protection
Chapter 16 Episode 16: Actual Training Part 3
16 Actual Training Part 3
Chapter 15 Episode 15: Actual Training Part 2
15 Actual Training Part 2
Chapter 14 Episode 14: Actual Training Part 1
14 Actual Training Part 1
13 Itazura
12 A 'Playful' Familiar
11 A Furry Familiar
Chapter 10 Episode 10: Learning the Magic Circle Part 2
10 Learning the Magic Circle Part 2
Chapter 9 Episode 9: Learning The Magic Circle Part 1
9 Learning The Magic Circle Part 1
8 Monster Core
7 Monster in Human Guise
6 Eating is Leveling
5 First Magic
4 Meditation Can Be Tiresome
3 Aptitude As A Magician?
2 Hot Hot Hot Gloves! Firebreathing Gloves!
1 Invited to the Chat group
-1 Episode 0: The Day of Reckoning
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