Chat Group For Magicians 20 Beat Fire with Fire

Chat Group For Magicians 20 Beat Fire with Fire

I still remembered using this skill to escape from the giant foot that was about to crush me and now I am actually using it for chasing a man. I am not lightning fast runner while in haste so it only looked like I was a marathon athlete in the first glance.

I chased the guy holding the girl down and with the traffic of people in the streets, its kind of hard to catch up to this guy who seems really capable of using the crowd as his getaway pass. With my hoodie on, I felt like an assassin chasing a target(1) in here. What I am lacking here is a hidden blade.

"Halt! Anyone stop him!" I growled as I continue to chase the guy even by pushing others.

A few tried but before they can do, they are aimed by a gun and they got frozen on the spot as they saw a threatening muzzle aimed at them, making them stop in their tracks.

"F*ck! Motherf*cker get back here!" I roared as I continue to run ridiculously. Miraculously, my endurance in running seems to improve by a large margin and I don't feel easy to tire out. Did that chase scene with the giants made me able to run like this?

I continue to chase this agile guy. Even though he is a freaking thin guy, I am wondering how he can carry a child and run at the same time without me, who casted a Haste catching up on him. Is this an inhumane guy?

The guy looked back and seeing me on his tail for quite a while now, he aimed the muzzle of the gun and fired it. For some reason, my survival instincts kick in and with a wave in my hand wearing the gloves, I catches the fast bullet and incinerated it. This skill was being trained by Moonlight to me everyday.

Moonlight would always train me in catching any sorts of surprise attacks including guns. And since Moonlight has no gun, she uses magic bullets instead to test. The training she conducted me was brutal but fulfilling. Using the Flamethrower Gloves, I burned it without leaving a trace. The flames on the gloves can incinerate almost anything. The thief did not notice me incinerating the bullet. Besides, even if he see it, he will only see me catch the bullet but not actually see the process I burn it.

The kidnapper continued to run and looked back but seeing me still chasing him, his face became distorted and he looks pretty angry.

"Stop following me!" He roared and pulled the trigger of his gun three times. I dodged the two and catch the last one making me able to avoid conflict with the bullets.

I made a quick parkour around the benches and walls when he started to go to a more crowded places. To avoid him from shooting innocent people, I choose this way to stop him. Besides, I am good in parkour, walls are nothing to me.

The girl he kidnapped was literally unconscious since she was only limping on his arms instead of struggling meaning he made the girl faint. On what method he did that, I have no idea.

Many people are now panicking seeing me and the guy carrying a child chasing each other. This kind f scene is not common and not some kid of always occurrence event.

With the Haste still in effect, my body is still able to quickly run and climb walls, slowly closing in the distance between me and the guy.

Soon, this guy slowly arrived in a vacant area in which I am clearly not familiar with. He keeps on shooting but all of them missed since I get to slide or use the walls as cover. Soon enough, he run out of bullets.

"Sh*t!" He cursed as he tried to look for a way out. He was cornered.

With Haste skill, I was able to catch up to him. He looks like a teenager just like me but based from his voice, it was already similar to a 40 to 50 year old geezer. From the looks of it, he is handsome and just like what Volta said, some monsters looked like a harmless guy but in reality, they are the most dangerous entity.

"You interrupted my meal! No one has the right to interrupt my meal!" he roared and his facial expression began to twitch. Just by looking at those moving muscles in his face makes me want to puke.

Soon, the skin that he seems to cover himself slowly turned black like it was burned. I smell a burning object and smells disgusting. Seems like his skin is being burned that is why it looks like it is getting darker than usual.

What comes next came out of my expectation. All of his seven orifices released spouts of flames like something that canes from geysers that explodes lava. Seeing that he is still holding the girl, I focused my attention into his right arm and released a fireball.

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My surprise attack made him release his grip from the girl. Seeing the chance, I cast Haste once more and dash towards the falling girl.


Since I got near from him, I made a roundhouse kick immediately before retreating again. The monster that did not anticipate my attacks, stumbled down.

I made the girl out of the way from the area before facing the monster once again. The monster slowly stood up and revealed his burned body. From the looks of it, my interruption makes his transformation failing.

"Magician! You filthy magic users are the bane of us monsters!" He roared and release a flaming power in the surroundings but for some reason, even though he roared loudly, the hotness of his skill did not really get me feel any danger. Did that also got affected from his failure of transformation?

"You filthy magician made me weaker! You will pay for it and since you stole my food, you will become my appetizer instead!" He spreads his hands and flames appeared from his hands. Unlike the normal flames, his flames is green. It didn't turned red might be from his failure? Also, his right hand seems to shook a bit and it is raised lower than the left hand.

I make a calm decision as I observe this guy. Based from his mannerisms, his body seems to take a lot of toll for failing his transformation. He can't unleash the full potential of his skills and somehow, he looks like he can't stand fire either since he looks like he was hurt in his right hand. It should be a good idea to beat him up using my Torrent Bullet since its a water type magic but I have no good control on Torrent Bullet and I might instead lose all of my mana.

There is an old saying "Beat Fire with Fire" and since this guy is also affected by flames, I might as well try hurling flames on this guy.

He throws a fist size fireball to me. Its not so fast so I dodge it, but I didn't realize that he will throe another fireball to me while dodging. I quickly made the gloves cover me before the fireball hits and luckily, this gloves is able to absorb flames. Its a good magic item that can nullify fire attacks if used as the shield.

I quickly slid away and covers my hands with flames. After days of training, I am no longer afraid of the flames coming from the gloves itself. I stick close to the monster and kicked his kneecap with strength, causing Jim to lose balance and grip his knee in pain.

"Ha!" I quickly made an uppercut to the guy while he grips his kneecap. Of course, my punch is amplified more with the flame magic so it hurt him like hell.

"Bastard!" he quickly recovers and tried to claw me but luckily, I duck and made another punch to his stomach.

"Pu!" the monster was full of openings, dealing with this guy is not a problem. With my punch hitting his stomach squarely, he puke out red blood that seems to boil.

I did not retreated yet and released a fireball into his stomach once more causing him to get propelled a few distance away before stopping as he hits the nearby wall.


1. This is from the Assassin's Creed Game franchise. The protagonists of the games are assassins and usually had their hoods as the trademark.

Chapter end

Chapter 183 Weep
182 Dead
181 Two Red
Chapter 180 REDUX
179 blank
178 Grand
Chapter 177 Headache
Chapter 176 Jinx
Chapter 175 The world of mine
174 oofers
173 What the heck am I doing
Chapter 172 Repea
171 No idea what I am doing
Chapter 170 No idea what I am doing
169 trial chap
168 This is just a sneak Peek for Outbreak Chronicles
Chapter 167 I'm still Stonkz
Chapter 166 Stonks
Chapter 165 I'm Stonks
Chapter 164 Do not Purchase
Chapter 163 Recovery
Chapter 162 Torture The Body Thief
Chapter 161 Summoning the Body Thief
Chapter 160 One Fell Swoop
Chapter 159 Deathflags Everywhere
Chapter 158 The Package
Chapter 157 Blood Battle
Chapter 156 Who is the impostor?
Chapter 155 Underground Mall Battle
Chapter 154 Awakening of Mirai
153 Titan's Offer
152 Titan and Kazuma
151 Meeting Titan
Chapter 150 Another Brawl Part 2
150 Another Brawl Part 2
Chapter 149 Another Brawl Part 1
149 Another Brawl Part 1
148 Sou's Revenge
147 Aftermath
146 Savageness of Asuza
145 The Awakened Fourth Par
144 The Awakened Third Par
143 The Awakened Second Par
142 The Awakened First Par
141 Reason Why Get Muted
140 Good Luck!
Chapter 139 Meeting My Alter Ego Again
Chapter 138 Fighting the Dummies
Chapter 137 Repair the Soul
Chapter 136 Raigaki
Chapter 135 Mirai's Body
Chapter 134 Stalking the Impostor
133 Body Hunting
132 Mirai Akazaki
131 Brawl
130 Lex Talionis
129 Notice Me
128 First Day
127 The New but Old Kid
126 Graduating from being a NEE
125 Unlocking the Second Mana Circui
124 Wanna go back to School?
123 The Man-Crab core and the Mermaid Orb
122 Magician Society
121 Where the F*ck is my House?!
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
113 Treasure!
112 Discovering the Chasm
111 Retribution
110 Battle Against the Abyssal Demon
109 Is That The Night Stalker?
108 Horde of the Undead
107 Forest of the Sacrificed Souls
106 Dark Chasm
105 Purpose of Existence
104 Meatshield
103 Manipulator
102 The Chief
Chapter 101 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 3 of 3
101 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 3 of 3
Chapter 100 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 2 of 3
100 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 2 of 3
Chapter 99 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 1 of 3
99 Sneaking to the Elven Camp Part 1 of 3
98 Recovery of the Others
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
87 Kazuma's Rampage
86 Earthshaker
85 Releasing the Seal
84 Kazuma's Mana Circuits
83 Cave
82 Leap of Faith
81 Behind Enemy Lines
80 Hikari
79 Hatching
78 Horde of Wild Beasts
77 The Assault of the Hooded People
76 Race Hidden in the Fores
75 Prelude to Conflic
74 Maple
73 I Came From that Egg!
72 Didn't you own an Egg from the Oracle?
71 Blue Fireball
70 Sparring to Duel
69 Reasons Second Half
68 Reason First Half
Chapter 67 Discovery Part 3
67 Discovery Part 3
Chapter 66 Discovery Part 2
66 Discovery Part 2
Chapter 65 Discovery Part 1
65 Discovery Part 1
64 You Just Need To Get Back Up
Chapter 63 Harshest Training Part 3
63 Harshest Training Part 3
Chapter 62 Harshest Training Part 2
62 Harshest Training Part 2
Chapter 61 Harshest Training Part 1
61 Harshest Training Part 1
60 Training Begins Epilogue of Arc 1
59 Catmod's Lair
58 Magic Trial Ruins
57 Job Complete
56 Case Close?
55 Revelation
54 Kazuma Vs Onizuka Second Half
53 Kazuma Vs Onizuka First Half
Chapter 52 Face-Off Part 3
52 Face-Off Part 3
Chapter 51 Face-Off Part 2
51 Face-Off Part 2
Chapter 50 Face-Off Part 1
50 Face-Off Part 1
49 To Sensouji
48 The Enemy
47 Magic Card Arcana
46 Methods of Paymen
45 Explanations
44 Should I Start Collecting Rent?
43 The Mana Tree Awakening
42 The Crystal Seed
Chapter 41 The Homunculus Experiment Part 5
41 The Homunculus Experiment Part 5
Chapter 40 The Homunculus Experiment Part 4
40 The Homunculus Experiment Part 4
Chapter 39 The Homunculus Experiment Part 3
39 The Homunculus Experiment Part 3
Chapter 38 The Homunculus Experiment Part 2
38 The Homunculus Experiment Part 2
Chapter 37 The Homunculus Experiment Part 1
37 The Homunculus Experiment Part 1
Chapter 36 Episode 36: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 3
36 Yaya Arrives!
Chapter 35 Episode 35: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 3
35 The Man's Plea
Chapter 34 Episode 34: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 2
34 Return to Tokyo
Chapter 33 Episode 33: GATES: Embodiment of Sins and Malice Part 1
33 The Oracle
32 The Dragon Insignia
Chapter 31 Episode 31: Preparation Part 2
31 To Protect or Not to Protec
Chapter 30 Episode 30: Preparations Part 1
30 Rescue
29 The Tokyo Calamity
28 The Twelve Councilors
27 Meeting the Council
26 Council of Magicians Third Par
25 Council of Magicians 2nd Par
24 Council of the Magicians 1st Par
23 Decision
22 Full Fledged Magician Rank 0: Apprentice
21 Fire Monster
20 Beat Fire with Fire
19 Hachiko Statue Patrol
18 #JOB
17 Holy Protection
Chapter 16 Episode 16: Actual Training Part 3
16 Actual Training Part 3
Chapter 15 Episode 15: Actual Training Part 2
15 Actual Training Part 2
Chapter 14 Episode 14: Actual Training Part 1
14 Actual Training Part 1
13 Itazura
12 A 'Playful' Familiar
11 A Furry Familiar
Chapter 10 Episode 10: Learning the Magic Circle Part 2
10 Learning the Magic Circle Part 2
Chapter 9 Episode 9: Learning The Magic Circle Part 1
9 Learning The Magic Circle Part 1
8 Monster Core
7 Monster in Human Guise
6 Eating is Leveling
5 First Magic
4 Meditation Can Be Tiresome
3 Aptitude As A Magician?
2 Hot Hot Hot Gloves! Firebreathing Gloves!
1 Invited to the Chat group
-1 Episode 0: The Day of Reckoning
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