Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading Chapter 358

Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading Chapter 358

After ten o'clock in the morning.

When Mu Yang came back from Xinghai Building, he was still very satisfied with the decoration of his new home, but he didn't show it, so let that Chen Ming and Luo Xian feel more anxious for a while.

Now the Xinghai Building has not been renovated, once they show satisfaction, they will relax supervision, which is not good for themselves.

As a manager, you should also learn to beat your subordinates often, but not press too hard.

Just like a bowstring, if you pull it too hard, it will snap accidentally. If you don't pull it, it will be easy to cross.

In a few months, the decoration of Xinghai Building will be completed, and his new home will be ventilated for half a year. Muyang can move into Xinghai Building, and employees can also move into the new office building.

The opening of Xinghai Building also represents a new milestone for Xinghai Group.

Go back to your office, sit in the massage chair, close your eyes, and get a massage.

Ten minutes later, at half past eleven, Luo Zhize knocked on the door to remind him that there were still two minutes left for the meeting.

Mu Yang stood up and came to the conference room. Luo Zhize had poured a cup of chrysanthemum tea for him. Mu Yang was a little angry recently.

After he sat down, he glanced at the more than ten managers who were already seated, as well as Vice President Yang Hai, and laughed softly: "I just came back from Xinghai Building, our office has been renovated, and a few more In June, we can move to a new office space, and it is not good to be crowded in the laboratory building.

There are many voices in the company asking who can move into the office building.

From their discussions, it can be seen that everyone wants to move into a fashionable, high-end and comfortable office space. When entering and leaving, they feel that their identity has been sublimated, and they have a face when they speak out.

However, once people get used to being comfortable, they tend to become lazy, and they seldom go to the workshop or the laboratory building.

Therefore, the office staff who do not need to go to the workshop must be working in Xinghai Building;

If you need to leave the workshop or laboratory frequently, you can work in the workshop or laboratory building. This time period is set at 2 hours a day, that is, as long as you need to leave the workshop or laboratory for more than 2 hours, work according to the principle of proximity.

Designer, working in an office building.

Of course, I know that many employees want to use our office building as a viewing building. The 96th floor of our company is the sightseeing floor of the building. As long as it is the company's employees and their families, they can go sightseeing on weekends and open days. As a company A benefit for employees.

If it is not the family member of the employee, then it cannot go up. We are also not open to the public, this is our office space. "

Mu Yang spoke in a mocking tone, and the subordinates in the conference room couldn't help but laugh.

As the management of Xinghai Group, they are proud, and their relatives and friends are very envious when they hear that they are the management of Xinghai Group.

Ordinary people looking at this Xinghai Building from a distance will imagine that they can also work in it.

Now the chairman said that employees' family members can also go sightseeing on weekend open days, but only for the interior.

Zhou Chen took the initiative to applaud, and the other managers also applauded.

Muyang continued: "The Xinghai Building has a large total floor area and can accommodate at least 30,000 people. Our group has only 15,000 people in total, but the number of people who need to work in the building is estimated to be 1,000 or 2,000. people around.

If we can fill this building with full staff in any year, it will not be a problem to enter the top 50 of the Fortune Global 500.

Maybe the top 50 is a bit difficult, then we set a goal to enter the world's top 500 first!

I estimate that the threshold of this year's top 500 is about 22 billion US dollars. We are still a little far from this goal, but it is not out of reach.

Of course, the world's top 500 is nothing, and it is the hardest thing to always be the world's first in a certain industry. "

Xinghai Group's revenue target for this year is 60 billion yuan, equivalent to about 9 billion US dollars.

If you can't do it this year, then set a goal for next year.

Muyang transmits a concept to everyone: we want to be the world's top 500! We are number one in the world!

"It's useless to shout slogans. We have to do every little thing with full passion, high fighting spirit, will to fight, and a pragmatic attitude. I always thought that I would emphasize execution and hope Keep that in mind everyone."

After Mu Yang finished painting the pie, he started to get to the point.

After watching the Xinghai Building today, he has more bullshit. If it is a usual meeting, it will not be so long-winded.

"I asked everyone to come to this meeting because there are new research and development projects, and I plan to set up two projects.

One is a metal additive project, and the other is a CNC machine tool project. The CNC machine tool is developed based on metal additive equipment... The research and development and post-improvement cycle of these two projects is about two years. "

Muyang asked Luo Zhize to distribute the overall project plan and R&D project sheet to everyone. The information indicated the approximate content and time of the project plan, and also clearly indicated what professional and level of personnel were required.

The chairman's own research and development direction is nothing new in Xinghai Group. Everyone is used to it and believes that the chairman's general direction of vision can bring huge benefits to the company.

If you let them choose the general direction, I really don't know for sure.

"I plan to select personnel from each project team. The principle of personnel is voluntary, and there is no coercion. Go back and inform the employees. Sign up first, and then evaluate, not to enter new projects at will.

Our company emphasizes the enthusiasm of employees. Employees who have been doing repetitive work will also feel bored and work will be accumulated. It is better to transfer to a new project. The new environment can also change a person's work mentality.

Don't keep thinking about the problem of having rich work experience in the original position and the high cost of transfer. If a person is salted, going to work is just paddling. No matter how rich the work experience is, they don't do anything.

Of course, the transfer of personnel cannot affect the progress of the original project, and someone has to take over.

If you have any questions, you can ask. "

Even Muyang, if he has been in a position for two or three years, he will begin to have a working mentality of eliminating accumulation. Maybe some people are five or six years old, and some people are one or two years old.

Manager Long Xuanlong of the titanium alloy project team raised his hand and asked, "If the employees are too old and they are transferred to a new project team, will it not be worth it? Especially for employees who are approaching retirement soon."

Zhou Chen explained: "Most of our company's R&D personnel are under 40 years old, and few are over 55 years old. I know what you mean, after I feel over 55 years old, I may be transferred to a new project team, and there is nothing to worry about. It is better to continue to contribute in the original position, it is more beneficial to the company, is that the meaning?"

Long Xuan nodded: "Yes, after all entering a new project team, we have to start from scratch."

After Mu Yang listened, he stroked his chin with his right hand and entered into thinking mode.

Few of the company's R&D staff are over 55 years old, but after a few years, there will always be more.

As long as there is no serious health problem, it is not a problem to engage in mechanical research and development until the age of seventy-five. Like the experts in the university, they are all older, most of them are over 60 years old.

At the age of 60, it is the most experienced age. If you don't use it, it will be a waste of talents, and it will be difficult for the country to train an expert.

After some thought, Mu Yang said: "In principle, female employees of our company retire at the age of 55, while male employees retire at the age of 60. If they exceed the retirement age, it is not a problem to continue to work, but the working hours will be less. Some, correspondingly, the salary package will be less.

If it is a worker, it will no longer be recruited. If you are old, you will still do hard work, like what.

As for new projects, there is still no age limit. If a person is bored with the work in the same position, it is pointless to stay any longer, and it is not good for the company.

In principle, it is not restrictive, but neither is it recommended. "

After Mu Yang finished speaking, everyone started to discuss.

"That's fine, the old experts continue to play their residual heat, but at this age, you should really enjoy life."

"Maybe for some people, work is about enjoying life, and if there's nothing to do, it's boring."

"Then let the children have a few more grandchildren, there is always something to do."

"Haha, raising a child is not easy now, especially in the city. If you have a boy, you have to prepare a house."

"Don't go so far, let's discuss how the new project personnel are allocated."

"I think it's better to sign up voluntarily, and then choose a better one. There is no need to assign it to each project group."

Mu Yang listened to their discussion while drinking water. After feeling the same, he made a summary.

The meeting lasted for just half an hour, and Luo Zhize, as the secretary, had to remind everyone of the time every time they quarreled.

The meeting was not for the sake of the meeting. Before the meeting, Luo Zhize informed the theme of the meeting, so that everyone could think in advance.

Useless meetings, inefficient meetings, procrastinating meetings, and escorted meetings are time-wasting and creating "wenshan meeting seas", which have become an important reason for the inefficiency and increased cost of many companies.

After the meeting, Luo Zhize sent the minutes of the meeting to the participants, and he also wanted to track the progress. This was a new authority granted to him by the chairman.

Mu Yang had just returned to the office and came out in a tuba in the bathroom of the next house. Within ten minutes, the director of the office, Cai Xiaokun, reported the urgent matter to him: the company was on fire!

The non-standard warehouse, namely the Group's frame structure No. 2 workshop, caught fire. Fortunately, the employees put it out in time, and there were few flammable materials, so it did not spread.

"How about the staff?" Mu Yang asked worriedly, he was most afraid of death.

"There was still an employee who was burned all over while putting out the fire. It seemed that the burn area was relatively serious. Manager Lai just sent someone to the hospital." Cai Xiaokun replied sadly.

Mu Yang frowned, took out his phone, and called Lai Chunqin directly, solemnly explaining that no matter how much the treatment cost, he had to do it well.

"Come on, let's go to the workshop to have a look."

After Mu Yang finished speaking, he quickly left the office and walked towards the non-standard warehouse.

A few minutes after the fire broke out, some employees didn't know it yet. Fortunately, the amount of EPE piled up was not large.

These pearl cottons are easy to catch fire, and if they really catch fire, it is difficult to put out.

A few minutes later, Muyang came to the non-standard warehouse. Kwong Yinghua, the vice president of production, saw the arrival of the chairman and explained to him the cause of the fire: "I checked the video. It was caused by friction and static electricity in the process of transportation."

"Well, how to prevent hidden dangers in the future?" Mu Yang asked seriously.

"Good ventilation, keep away from open flames, and store them in isolation. There is no other way. When we bought these pearl cottons and came back, we emphasized this point, but during the implementation process, there were many problems, and we needed to strengthen fire prevention training. "

"Okay, you can figure it out, the worker is injured, you can take a look on my behalf.

But for this accident, you are responsible, including the production manager, supervisor, and warehouse staff, and will be punished accordingly.

This time, the firefighters will also be rewarded accordingly. "Mu Yang severely criticized.

Kwong Yinghua nodded slightly ashamed: "Yes, it is still my management that is not in place."

No matter what the reason, whatever the reason, as long as there is an accident, he is responsible, and the management can never escape.

If he shirks responsibility from the beginning, maybe the chairman will drop his position as vice president of production, and return to his original position wherever he is promoted.

On the same day, the personnel department of the group company announced the whole process before and after the fire, rewarding firefighters and punishing management personnel.

Many companies have overturned the savings of the operators for many years due to fires, the factories burned down, and many employees were burned to death.

When Mu Yang came home at night, his parents asked him about it.

"It's nothing, there are not many goods, so it won't burn." Mu Yang comforted.

"I heard that a worker was burned?" Muyang's father was still walking around the headquarters base today. He was startled when he heard the discussion among the employees.

Mu Lin often goes to the headquarters base. Many employees of the group know his identity and call him "Uncle Mu" or "President Mu" when they see him.

And he likes to answer these employees with his hands behind his back and nod solemnly.

Malan also mocked him, saying that he didn't like to walk around, but liked to be flattered by others.

However, Mu Lin is also very thick-skinned now, he doesn't care about his wife's ridicule at all, and he is still quite content.

"There is such a thing, hey, it's a headache." Mu Yang said, "It's normal for this kind of thing to happen in a business. There was an accident in our company in the past year, and it has been controlled very well.

Of course, human life is at stake, and it must be controlled to zero accidents, and any occurrence is a major loss. "

After dinner, Mu Yang talked to his parents about the new home, but the two elders preferred living in the current villa, not so high, and felt unsafe.

After Ma Lan cleaned up the tableware, leisurely Youzai turned on Wantai TV to watch the drama ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Li Yifeng's "The Origin of Happiness".

Mu Yang went to get the fruit to eat, glanced at it, and said, "Mom, why are you spending so much time in urban love idol dramas?"

"I haven't watched the drama, I think this is pretty good, these male stars are not as handsome as my son."

Ma Lan, who was bored at home, watched all kinds of dramas, but there was no drama to watch, and sometimes she even watched cartoons like cat and mouse.

"Mom, I like to hear what you say."

"I feel that these stars are not very good now. I say that this Xiang Yunchao and that one played by Han Yifeng are too bad. They sacrifice their kindness and even abandon their love."

"Mom, this is a TV series. They are actors, so of course they will act according to the script." Mu Yang said with a smile.

"That's what I said, but I don't like this person. I wish he was thrown into the eighteenth hell. It's too bad. It looks bad." After Ma Lan complained, he reminded his son, "This kind of person, don't Invite him to be your company's image spokesperson, maybe one day he will be tricked to death."

"Our company has never invited any celebrities to act as image spokespersons, nor will we invite celebrities to endorse them. Your son is the biggest celebrity. I'm an endorsement for my company, so why should I invite celebrities." Mu Yang replied shamelessly.

"That's good, just go with your work." Ma Lan waved, "Stay with Xuelu, she's graduating soon. You two get married and have children early, and your mother has something to do."

Mu Yang quickly slipped away when he heard that his mother was talking about giving birth to a baby again.

Back in the bedroom, he checked his email and saw that John, the president of Hummer, had sent him a pre-sale plan for the Hummer EV.

The pre-sale time is scheduled for July 1, 2012, and there is still more than a month. At this time, there is an international auto show in the beautiful country.

The pre-sale price is being approved by Muyang.

Chapter end

Chapter 533
Chapter 532
Chapter 531
Chapter 530
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
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Chapter 525
Chapter 523
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Chapter 521
Chapter 520
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Chapter 121
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Chapter 111
Chapter 110
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Chapter 107
Chapter 106
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Chapter 102
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
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Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
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Chapter 74
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Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
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Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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