This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 89

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 89

After talking with Ryleigh-kun and Zezgard-san, I immediately went to the kitchen.

So, I made a lot of scones with the dough I had.
I wondered if everyone would get bored with just honey caramelized nut scones, so I was glad that I made a prototype.
Rosemary and powdered cheese scones, made with the idea that it would be nice to have something that looks like a meal.
Planes scones that I made because it's nice to be simple.
Cut each one into pieces and pop them in the oven.

“Then, Zezgard-san, please.”

“Leave it to me.”

Wearing furs, gloves and goggles for flight, Zezgard-san sits around Gyabussh's neck.
I gave gave him a bag containing scones for Ash-san and the Kei Bihei brothers, and everything was ready.
Zezgard-san smiled and flew away.

“Then, Ryleigh-kun. . .”

“Yeah! Hold on tight.”

Holding the remaining scones, I bowed to Ryleigh-kun.
Then, I wrapped my arm around his neck.

“. . . I think there's another way.”

“But Shinsan. I saw it from the top of the tower, but everyone was gathering around the forest so that the monsters wouldn't get outside, so it would take a long time to move on the ground.”

“Yeah. . . that's right. Yes. It's not wrong as a way to move. . .”

Ryleigh-kun says 'this it definitely the best!' and stares at me.
Waah. The face is close. The face of a pretty boy is close. It's always been close, but now it's close enough to rub cheeks. It's shaved. The soft part of the heart is shaved off.

“If I eat Shinsan's food, my skills will become stronger and I will be able to fly in the sky with flames, so I should carry you safely and quickly.”

Yes. Ryleigh-kun has already eaten scones, so he's in strong mode.
Ryleigh-kun in strong mode can fly in the sky with flames. It's faster if we fly together.
Therefore, we decided to fly together and carry scones to everyone, but. . .

“It's difficult to fly unless both hands are free. . . I can't support Shinsan, so I'm sorry.”

Ryleigh-kun lowered his eyebrows dejectedly.

“I wish I was taller, stronger, and better able to hold you. . .”

“No, that's fine.”

With my strength, I might fall from Ryleigh-kun flying in the sky, so I'm worried about it, so I'm tied to Ryleigh-kun's body with a string and cloth.
My feet are still on the ground, so I shouldn't be heavy for Ryleigh-kun yet. . . Shouldn't be.
When we tried it once, the flames weren't hot, and Ryleigh-kun didn't have any particular problems.

“Ryleigh-kun, you're fine just the way you are.”

It's just that something about me is being shaved off.
The ethics of hugging a boy smaller than you.

It's just my own value is wavering when I look at it objectively as 'myself hugging a handsome boy'. . .
There is no choice but to disappear.

. . . I'm a koala.
Or it could be a cicada.

“Then let's go!”

Along with Ryleigh-kun's shout, my body floats into the air.
In the blink of an eye, we gained altitude and looked down on the magic beast forest from there.
And everyone in the knight order is dealing with it.
For example, it's like the situation after destroying an ant's nest.
Perhaps the magic beasts themselves have not yet adapted to the fact that the barrier has disappeared, and it feels like they're wandering around.

“. . . It would be bad if they all headed outside at once.”

“Yeah. . . It's fine now, but if it keeps going like this, the nearby villages and towns will be attacked.”

Everyone in the knight order is working hard in groups of five, but they can only deal with one magic beast.
Moreover, the defense is thin because they are spread out over a wide area so that the magic beasts don't get out.
If even one group is broken through, the magic beasts will go out one after another.

“Ryleigh-kun, let's distribute from the farthest group.”


Fly to the farthest group from the fort.
I knew they would be fighting in groups of five, so I wrapped the scones in groups of five in advance.
So we don't have to land on the ground, we can drop the scones!

“Everyone! Please eat some scones!”

When I called out to them from above, they received the wrapped scones beautifully, even as they confronted the magic beast.

“Oh! Isarai-sama! Thank you very much!”

“You did it! Oh, different kinds!”

“It's the usual nuts!”

“It's new!”

“I'm grateful to be able to eat Isarai-sama's new work!!”

Ha ha! Laughter and cheers of 'Delicious!'.
There is also dirt from avoiding the magic beast's attack, and sweat is dripping from their foreheads.
. . . But everyone is as usual.
Even now that the barrier is broken, everyone is lively.

“Please let me know as soon as anything happens! I'll deliver the food right away!”


I listen to everyone's responses and immediately distribute food to the next group.
A total of five groups were on the edge of the forest.
But everyone in the team led by Hurst-san and Garez-san is missing.

“Shinsan! Vol-san and Team 1 seem to be in the Magic Beast Forest.”

“Yeah! It doesn't seem like there are any magic beasts flying away yet, so it's okay!”

Ryleigh-kun nodded firmly and took me closer to the center of the Magic Beast Forest.
And there is. . .


Shining silver hair.
Expressionless, sharp blue eyes.
A very, very strong person who cuts down trees, turns them into stakes, and skewers monsters.

“. . . Shinsama.”

Hurst-san looked at me in the sky, unusually widened his eyes, and made a surprised expression.
He smiled with his eyes.

“Hurst-san, do you remember you promise?”

I landed on the ground together with Ryleigh-kun and had the flames burn off the strings and cloth I was wrapped in.
Then I can't fly anymore.

“. . . You said we'd be together forever, right?”

. . . When we ate bread gratin.
We talked.

“Let's cooperate as homeroom teacher and assistant homeroom teacher!”

Come and read on our website wuxia worldsite. Thanks

Supporting the homeroom teacher is the assistant homeroom teacher!

“. . . . is that so”

Hurst-san looks at me and narrows his light blue eyes softly.
In such a critical situation, in the center of enemy territory.
Hurst-san's smile is kind. . .

“. . . I knew somewhere that Shinsama would do this.”

Hurst-san closes his eyes once.
And the next time he opened them, they were back to the eyes he had when he was fighting.

“This is the most dangerous place, but I thought that by fighting in the center like this, I would be able to summon the magic beasts.”

“In that case, I can help you. Oh, first of all, have some scones. Garez-san and the others!”

“Oh, I'll carry it!”

“Yes! Thank you!”

Along with Hurst-san, I'm in combat mode too!
Even though it's just handing out scones.
Before the magic beast is skewered and doesn't come towards us, I hand over the scones to Hurst-san.
Ryleigh-kun delivered it to Garez-san.

“If I call them, I think I can do it.”

Yes. I'm sure I can summon the magic beasts.
It's kind of what I'm here for.
Hurst-san nodded yes to my suggestion.

“If Shinsama stays here, the magic beasts will aim here, not outside the forest. There is no need to protect the outer edge of the forest. Let's bring it down to a place close by.”

“I can tell them the fastest, so I'll tell them! I'll join you after that.”

“Ah, Ryleigh-kun, please.”

While talking, Hurst-san cuts down trees and throws logs deep into the forest.
I can't see it, but maybe there was a magic beast there.
Ryleigh-kun took Hurst-san's words and flew away immediately.

“We will also retreat from here and base ourselves in the forest near the fort. Since magic beasts are generally thought to come from the forest where there is a lot of magical power, with the fort behind us, we can concentrate on one direction only.”

“That's good! It's really fun!”

“Well, it's hard to turn your senses in all directions.”


Garez-san and everyone in the first group said they were saved by Hurst-san's words and raised their voices.
After all, it must have been difficult to keep fighting in the center.

“Currently, we are all fighting, but we will create a team to rest. Shinsama's cooking will increase our strength and heal our injuries, but if we continue fighting, our concentration will be lost, so we will need to rest.”

“. . . That's right. Certainly. Even if your body is fine, your heart will get tired.”

It's impossible to keep fighting all the time.
If you take turns to rest, you can keep it up for a while, but there is definitely a limit.
But. . .

“Shizuku-chan will definitely do it.”

The current situation is not permanent.
Only the Northern Knights can hold back the monsters until the barrier is created.
So I. . .

“I won't let a single one out of the forest.”

Confine all magic beasts when a barrier is set up.
That's why it's necessary to keep the magic beasts here.
What I can do for that.

“. . . I'll show off the appetite of an OL.”

The strongest in the world.
Let's show them my appetite!

“I always feel like this with Shinsama.”

When I was clenching my fist, Hurst-san looked into the depths of the forest and laughed.

“. . . I don't feel like losing.”

That smile is magnificent. . .

“No matter how many tens of thousands of magic beasts there are. . . I will slaughter them all.”

. . . This person is the Demon King.
Because it's unusually cold.

“I won't let you get hurt.”

I have such an amazing person with me.
So not at all.

. . . Not scary at all.

Even if tens of thousands of magic beasts are the opponent, even if the barrier is broken.
I look forward.

“Garez! Clear the way to the fort! I'll bring up the rear!”

“Yes! Let's go, Team 1! Follow me!”


“Isarai-sama, this way! Please go to the center!”


Following Garez-san who runs, I also start running.
I took out the knife wrapped in cloth that I had put at the bottom below the scones. . .

“Steak! Shaved pork! Yakitori! Button pot! Venison jerky! Roast duck!”

Come on, all of you!

“. . . Delicious!!”

Conquer all meat dishes!


Shina gets to show off her appetite, but she still has this weird misunderstanding that she is supposed to stay with him like an assistant. . . Poor Hurst-san.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!

Chapter end

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 106
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 105
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 104
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 103
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 102
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 101
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 100
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 99
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 98
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 97
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 96
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 95
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 94
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 93
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 92
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 91
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 90
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 89
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 88
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 87
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 86
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 85
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 84
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This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 81
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 80
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 79
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This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 20
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 19
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This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 16
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 15
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 14
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 13
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 12
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 11
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 10
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 9
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 8
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 7
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 6
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 5
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 4
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 3
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 2
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 1
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