This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 46

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 46

Published at 11th of March 2020 06:44:59 AM
Chapter 46

Now then, I'll immediately start using the measuring cups and digital scale I just got . But first I'll be needing milk and granulated sugar .

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And then I'll be measuring it using a bowl but . . . . . .

"As expected . It sounds good" 

Pouring the sugar into a metal bowl and a *chichichichi* sound is echoing as the small grains of the sugar hits it and when it piles up a bit, the change sounds to a smooth sounding *zaaaaa*

It's nothing much but it's really healing me a bit .

(Eunie: just like when you pour some hot water in an instant coffee and even though you are stirring it hard nothing spills . It's strangely satisfying-u-)

Then, I'll pour the already measured milk and granulated sugar into the one-hand pot and next is the vanilla beans .

Vanilla beans are black and it looks like a tree branch but it's a bit softer and inside it is a black grainy looking seeds . (Eunie: It's called a POD . *picture will be down below*)

That's why to get the pod out of the vanilla beans, I placed it on top of the chopping board and from the edge, I vertically sliced it down . Once the edge part opens up, I used the knife to scrape the pod from one end to the other of the vanilla beans . That way, I can get the pod from the vanilla beans . After doing that, I placed the pods I got inside the pot .

"Alright . Now it's time to heat it"

At times like this, the dennetsuki's slow startup is a little bit useful . Since now, I have to slowly heat the pot with the milk, sugar and vanilla beans .  

When the milk boils up, the milk's flavour lessens a bit that's why I want to attach a bit more flavour to it . And then from time to time, I used the cooking chopsticks to stir it and mix the ingredients .  

Finally, when I looked over the sugar has long melted down and mixed in with the white milk and black pod then just when it started boiling and forming bubbles, I turned off the dennetsuki .  

"Then add some fresh cream . " (Eunie: I read some recipes but they mostly use heavy cream for making ice cream . But the novel says fresh cream so I'm sticking to that one . )

Using the measuring cup I used in measuring the milk, I measured the fresh cream .

If you put the fresh cream into the heated milk, the fresh cream will also get warmed that's why there is a need to cool it down first .

Usually, you have to use a container filled with ice and then put the pot to cool it down but I have the one-door refrigerator .  

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"I love it . . . . . . "

With the one hand pot on my hand, I patted the one door refrigerator . Then I opened it and while it's still piping hot, I directly placed it inside .  

Normally doing this is impossible cause it will raise or messed up the temperature of the refrigerator's cooling system and it might also melt the resin .   

But it's alright .

If it's a "Summon Kitchen" 

This is why, when I opened the door once again, the one hand pot has cooled down quite nicely so I poured in the fresh cream and started mixing everything .  

"After mixing it properly, I'll put it in this Tupperware . . . . . . "

I'll be using these two newly bought metal types of tupperware and pour the mixture inside it .

"Now all that's left is to placed it inside the freezer . . . . . . "

Something that will harden once it is properly chilled . . . .

That is――

"Ice Cream!"

Well . . . . . . you see . . . don't you want to eat something cold after getting dizzy or something . It's not like I got a hangover from drinking sake (Japanese wine), but it's because I got dragon-sickness . Err . . . they're both similar you know . . . . . .

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In making ice cream, an ice cream machine is extremely convenient . Because you can mix it while it is being chilled and you don't have to worry about it turning into milk icicles and it's going to be a lot more airy and soft . But I don't have it .  

I don't have an ice cream machine, so I decided to just use the freezer .  

That's right . You can still make ice cream using a freezer . However, once it's placed inside it will become in a frozen rock solid-state and the necessary step of mixing it to make it airy will be hard to do .

That part is really troublesome .

There's a huge chance that it will become frozen too much inside the freezer like ice but then again there would be no point if it isn't frozen .

It has to be that 'just right' frozen temperature and then mixes it .  

Mix it and then chill it .

You have to do this process repeatedly to make delicious ice cream .

But everything is all good since I have this "one door open" refrigerator .

"Oh~ it's frozen just right . . . . . . !"

This is probably the most emotionally moved I've ever been .

"What's more it even gave me a large spoon . . . . . . "

After taking out the Tupperware from the freezer, I looked inside it and it seems like it didn't become rock hard instead it has this just right hardness and on top of the kitchen preparation table is a large spoon .  

As if it is saying thoughtfully, "Make sure to use me~"

"Love . . . . . .

I said as I muttered softly while patting the kitchen preparation table .

I can't stop this love I'm feeling for it .

Well putting that aside, with the spoon provided to me, I started mixing properly the frozen mixture . For the air to come in and to make it smooth and soft . I continuously mix it and then placed it back to the freezer .

Put it inside and then take it out .

Take it out and then put it back .

Mixing it again between intervals .

"Alright . I guess for the meantime this is just right . "

And what is completed is a pure white milk vanilla beans gelato with vanilla bean pods mixed in it . The fat parts of the fresh cream which was properly combined and mixed in looks so smooth .

"Let's taste it~"

Un . Tasting it is also an important part . That's why it couldn't be helped .

Well, I happened to scoop a lot but well it wasn't really my fault since its the spoon being big and all .


On top of the silver spoon is that pure white goodness and then I slowly brought it near my mouth and then I ate it .

" . . . . . . Nnn"

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I can feel the silver spoon and my mouth getting cold . . . . . .

As a gentle sweetness spreads over my mouth .

Since I used a lot of milk, compared to the ones sold there's less texture than usual but the gentle flavour of the milk is still there and when it hits my mouth, it immediately melts, spreading the amazing fragrance of the vanilla beans .

"Delicious . . . . . . "

That cool aftertaste left is also the best .

I couldn't help but grin at the satisfaction of being able to make this . . .

  ――With a lot of milk, Milk Gelato!

"deki . . . . . . Nah . Saying it NOW would be bad" 

I was so excited, I almost said 'dekiagari!', that's just wrong . I told myself . Phew . But that was dangerous . I almost warped back to the room .

"Alright! Now that I'm done with the milk gelato . The next one is . . . !"

That's right, this time it wouldn't end with just the milk gelato . That's why for now, I'll close the lid for the milk gelato and placed it back inside the freezer and then I have to proceed on the next dish!

"Now then . . . once again, measuring cups, here we go again!"

Un . The measurement is its lifeline in making sweets/desserts .

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Chapter end

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