This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 7

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 7

Published at 22nd of July 2019 11:46:32 PM Chapter 7

"It's done!"

When I say those words, my whole body seems to have warped back to the room .  

Un . I see .

It seems like if I say 'It's done' . My body will return back or more like warp back to the room I was first in .

"Summon Kitchen" mean I'll warp to the kitchen . While "It's done" will make me me return .

Yosh, I have mastered it .

While I was smugly laughing, I heard a 'kon-kon'/knock-knock sound on my door . It's just that the timing was spot on that it made me startled .

"Y . . . yes!"

"Is it okay now?"

"Yes . Please . "

Volvi Hurst-san . The Handsome Polar Bear .

He kinda mentioned about presence or aura or something but it seems like he's telling the truth .

That's because his timing is way too spot on! Just right when I came back, he started knocking already . Uuh . This is kinda bad for my heart .

Normally, you wouldn't know if someone is actually inside the room or not . Well sure, they can make sound or the sound of things can be heard but I haven't said anything or moved anything .  

That's why for him to know about it through sensing my presence alone . . .

. . . . . . The Handsome Polar Bear is amazing .

While I was feeling moved by the Handsome Polar Bear's ability, the door opened and he came in and the moment he saw what I was holding on my hand, his blue colored eyes started sparkling .  

"It looks delicious . " 

"No . Not really . This isn't really something much . Even kids can do this . "

"This . . . a kid can . . . . . . "

With me being humble like this, for some reason and with excessive sparkly and glittering eyes, he started to stare at the dish I'm holding .

"For a kid to be able to cut a bacon this thinly and in a uniform way . . . . . . "

With eyes filled with doubt . . . . . . He mumbled . Well now I know why he was so surprised .

I see . It's because of that .

"No, no . It's not like that . This bacon was already cut in a uniform way and was something bought in a store . " 

"Already cut?"

"Yes . In my former world, this thinly bacon is more of a commoner's food while the big block ones are the more expensive ones .  

"This level of skill is a commoners . . . . . . "

'What a great swordsmanship skills' . . . . . . is what the Handsome Polar Bear said in a soft voice .

It wasn't really some sort of swordsmanship skill .  

In fact it was probably some sort of machine that did it .

"This thin of a bacon is a first for me . . . . . The truth is, a while ago the one Isarai-sama was eating made me extremely curious . And if it was Isarai-sama who cut this bacon, I would really like to have a bout with you" 

"No . It's absolutely impossible . "

To have a bout with someone who can do stuff like sensing someone's presence? It will be an instant kill .

"While it's still hot please eat this . Since it's not good to eat while standing up, please sit here in the sofa . " 

Well it would have been nice if there's a table in this room .  

That's why I told the Handsome Polar Bear to sit in the sofa . As we sat besides each other .

The Handsome Polar Bear was restraining himself but since there's nowhere else to sit down, he had no choice but to sit besides me .  

"How should I eat this?" 

"Just please it in any way you want . This isn't some fancy dish where there's an order on how to eat it . " 

Even if you eat the white part first and leave the yolk last is fine and vice versa, even if you eat the bacon and egg separately, it's also fine .  

Eating this depending on your own preference, this is FREEDOM! And that is Bacon Egg! It has a big heart! (T/n: this doesn't mean in a literal way . It's more of a saying for being open minded or understanding . In this case, it's the bacon egg . xD)

"Well then, Isarai-sama what is your suggestion on how to eat this?"

"My preference is it?"


While holding the fork, he looked at me with sparkling eyes .  

That's why in response to those eyes, I couldn't help but laugh .  

"Well then, first of all please break the yolk a bit . " 

"I see . The egg yolk is it" 

And with my words, the fork at the hands of the Handsome Polar Bear moved .

While softly poking on to the yolk, with a sound like -puchi- the thin part broke and the gooey egg yolk flowed over .  

"Next, with the gooey yolk, cut a bit of the white part and the bacon" 


The Bacon which was placed like the three streaks for the word river, while the last one was placed as if it's a lid over . And then the bacon on the lowest part on the left side is slowly stick it  with the white part and then slowly slice that part .

"And then eat it an amount just like that and fold it . Then stab it over in your fork . " 

"Bacon and the white part is placed together in the fork?" 

 The Handsome Polar Bear was able to do it with his skillful hands .

By eating it like that, the saltiness of the bacon along with the white part's texture is extremely delicious together .

but . . . . . .

"Now then please try to dip the bacon and the white part to the egg yolk we just broke and then eat it . " 

But I definitely want you to get addicted to it!

With my words, the Handsome Polar Bear did what I just said and ate it .  

" . . . . . . Delicious"

He said spontaneously, to the point that he stopped speaking in a formal way .  

Saying it in a whisper like way, shows that he really did find it delicious to the point that his mouth has loosen a bit .  

"While the bacon is cut thinly, there's still that fragrance to it . And without even the need to use a knife, being able to cut it easily is amazing . The oiliness of the bacon, the texture of the white part add the mellow flavour of the egg yolk . . . . . . "

Stopping his words from there, as if he's rechecking the flavor, he started to take a bite again .

"This . . . is this black pepper?"

He asked while checking the bacon egg he was holding .  

He did say it was delicious, but could he it be he's no good with the black pepper?

"A, are you no good with it?"

"No . It's really delicious . It's just that in this country we don't use black pepper in this sort of way . "

. . . . . . Could it be, that the black pepper is something valuable here?

Will there be crusaders here? Is this something so valuable that there's a struggle to get it? Does it have the same value as gold . . . !

"Do you not use black pepper much? Is it something very rare or something . . . ?"

I asked as I remembered the relationship that the medieval Europe and India had .  

But the Handsome Polar Bear told me it's not like that .

"No . It's not because of that . Though its true that as a seasoning black pepper is a bit on the expensive side but it's not like it's impossible to acquire it . It's just we use it by just rubbing it as a spice to the meat and then fry it, or place it on the soup but without crushing it . Using it is on a more common side .  

And again, his blue eyes started sparkling .

"It's just that it's my first time seeing it this finely smashed and sprinkling it on top of a dish . It's just bacon egg, but he looks at it as if he's looking at a treasure as he slowly examines it .  

And as if it's extremely delicious he ate some more .

"This is truly delicious . It definitely has a bit of heat (spiciness) but what's more is this aroma, is good . The aroma that burst when I eat it together with the bacon .

It seems like he really likes the black pepper .

And without much time the bacon egg disappeared from his plate .

"It was truly delicious" 

It seems like he made sure to finish everything because even the gooey yolk on the plate is wiped clean .  

And while looking at me, he smiled as if he's really happy .

"Thank you for the meal" (T/n: gochisosamadeshita)

Seeing him like that, made me feel a bit stuffed . He always used to have those sharp eyes but right now it looks so gentle .  

. . . . . . It's kinda cute .

Even though the Handsome Polar Bear is older than me, thinking like this is a bit weird but somehow he looks really cute .

His smile looks like a child's, an innocent smile . I couldn't even help but smile along with him .

"No, it's me who is thankful for eating it deliciously . "

It was just a bacon egg . There wasn't even much trouble cooking it .

But really, saying that it was delicious makes me happy .

My heart becomes all warm and full .  

By smiling together, it seems like the distance can be shorten .  

And so while we were smiling together, the plate started shining brightly along with the fork he's holding and then--

"E, Something's shining . . . . . . "

"This is . . . . . . "

―― The Handsome Polar Bear is sparkling

Chapter end

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This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 1
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