This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 106

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 106

I immediately pointed to one of the eye-catching food stalls and walked towards it.

They sell fish a little bigger than your palm, steamed with lemon.
Tables and chairs are lined up next to the stalls, and it seems that you can sit there and eat.
Only one empty table and four chairs.
What should I do? As I was thinking, Eljsan raised his voice.

“I want to look around the city, so let's go separately!”

“I see.”

Eljsan also has the role of inspecting the city, so rather than being with me who wants to eat while walking, I guess he has other things he wants to do.
The bard's appearance is well adapted to the night town, and it seems that there will be no problem at all even if he goes to the back alley.
So, when I nodded at that, Ryleigh-kun and Shizuku-chan immediately strengthened my sides.

“I'm with Shinsan.”

“So am I.”

“Ah. Ryleigh and Mizunami-sama are together with Shinsama.”

Hurst-san nodded at the words of the two.
Certainly, it would be nice for the two of them to eat and walk peacefully with me.

“Then, I'll have Thruster and Ash Claude come with me!”

“It's impossible not to see Ryleigh enjoying the festival.”

Thruster-san immediately rejected Eljsan's words.
This is a posture that absolutely does not want to move even if there is a lever.
No matter how you think about it, I think Thruster-san should go gather information, but. . .
And not only Thruster-san, but Ash-san didn't refuse either, but he had a confused look on his face.

“It's an important role to protect His Highness the Crown Prince. But. . .”

Ash-san looks at me.
Maybe Ash-san also wanted to eat the steamed figure.

“After we both finish what we want to do, how about we join up again? I think it would be nice to divide our goals and enjoy the festival at that time. . .”

It's okay to have free time, not just assignments.
It's not just Ash-san, but I feel sorry for Hurst-san as well.

Ash-san's face brightened in an easy-to-understand manner at my words.

“Yes! Isarai Shina, see you later!”


“Hahaha! That's good! Well then, Shinkun, I'll see you later!”


I don't really understand, but the duo with a high laugh that makes you feel that they are related disappears into the crowd.
Is it alright. . .

“It's troublesome, but I'm going too. I'm worried about them going alone.”

Zezgard-san chased after the two of them who were laughing loudly.

“Enjoy the festival.”

He smiles and waves his hand. I waved back.
Yes. Zezgard-san has a bad attitude, but he has common sense. He went with the two of us, which made me feel more at ease. As expected. . . Fufun Rush. . .

“Hey, those eyes!”

Zezgard-san, who sensed what crossed my mind, said that and disappeared into the crowd.
As a result, the five of us left were me, Shizuku-chan, Ryleigh-kun, Thruster-san, and Hurst-san.
There are only four chairs, but I don't think Thruster-san will sit there anyway, so it's just right.

“Shizuku-chan, Ryleigh-kun, please sit down and wait.”

“Ah, but. . .”

“Shinsan, I'm going too!”

“But you'll be in trouble if the table is gone, right?”

“. . . Yes.”

“Okay. . . I got it!”

I asked the two people who wanted to follow me to sit on the chair, and Hurst-san and I stood in line to buy the steamed fish.
Thruster-san is at Ryleigh-kun's feet like it's only natural, so leave it as it is.
The question now is whether to buy one or two.
There are many other food stalls, so you can't go hungry here.

“Hurst-san, Hurst-san.”

“What's wrong?”

I called out to Hurst-san who was next to me.
The main street is noisy because there are so many people.
So, even in the hustle and bustle, I brought my body closer and called out to him, and hurst-san bent down a little and leaned his body towards me.

“Would you like one plate of fish? Two plates? Or one fish per person?”

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“What do you want to do, Shinsama?”

“Hmm. I feel like I'm going to be full, so I wonder if it's impossible to eat all of them. . . If not, I'd like to have one or two plates and eat them together. Shizuku-chan and Ryleigh-kun. I don't think they can eat that much, so I think one plate would be safe, but if it's too little, it would be rude to the staff at the restaurant, so at least two plates. . . but I wonder if we can eat that much. I'm sorry if it's normal to order one plate per person here. . .'

The condition of my stomach is the same, after all, it's a different world. So I don't understand the culture.
I don't know if it's okay to buy a lot at a stall like in Japan, or if I should order one plate per person because I'll take one seat.
So, when I asked Hurst-san, he nodded to reassure me.

“When eating and drinking at a food stall, there is no rule that each person should order one dish. If you want to stay for a long time, you should order more, but if you eat and leave right away, I think it's enough to order two dishes.”

“I see, then two dishes.”

“Even if Shinsama, Ryleigh, and Mizunami-sama can't eat much, I'll eat what is left, so don't worry.”

“. . . . .Thank you very much!”

It's very reassuring.
It's painful to leave food, but it's also painful to eat too much.
It is important to balance what you want to eat and how much you can eat.
Of course, since I ordered it, I'm going to do my best, but when Hurst-san tells me there's nothing to worry about, I feel a different sense of security.
This will allow me to enjoy the festival without worrying. . .!
When I smiled with joy, Hurst-san gave me a gentle smile.
In the midst of the hustle and bustle, those light blue eyes were so beautiful. . .

“What, what! It's hot!”

'If you can't help but be fascinated, you'll lose your place at the front!' I was called out with a laugh.
Suddenly, it seemed that it was our turn to order.

“Excuse me, please give me two plates of steamed white fish.”

“I see! Today is the annual port festival! Don't worry about it and stick together!”


When I rushed to place an order, Hurst-san paid for it.
And when I nodded at the shopkeeper's words, he smiled and hugged my waist.
There were a lot of people, so I think he did it so as not to get in the way, but I don't mind the gentle feeling. . .
That's why, even if I pretend to be calm, my face turns red. . . I think it can't be helped.

“Onii-chan, that's also good. Ah, by the way, do you have that very cute girl with you?”

“What is it?”

Hurst-san calmly replied to the shopkeeper's words.
What the owner was talking about was Shizuku-chan sitting at the table.
Shizuku-chan is wearing a town girl-style dress, but she has an overflowing incognito lady feeling.
Even in this city full of people, there is no doubt that she will stand out.

“Well, I thought she is a beautiful person! I couldn't believe my eyes if it was a ghost!”


What about Shizuku-chan?
Hearing the strange words from the shopkeeper, my flushed cheeks healed and I tilted my head.
'So the customer doesn't know?' she laughed.

“Yeah, there's a rumor about ghosts around here right now. There's a ghost in the sea. A beautiful ghost.”

Hearing those words, I unintentionally made eye contact with Hurst-san.
Ghost? Isn't it a magic fish?
If I'm not mistaken, there were eyewitness reports of demonic fish coming out of the Magic Sea, and Eljsan should have come to investigate it. . .

“If you see a very petite face floating in the sea and crying, 'I miss you, I miss you,' then the boat will sink.”

“Heh. . .”

It's a ghost.
Certainly it is absolutely haunted.
It sounds like a type of ghost that is also in Japan.

“Look, it's done! There are rumors, and that girl stands out, so be careful!”

The shopkeeper said only what she wanted to say, then pushed the plates of steamed fish onto us and proceeded to serve the next customer.
Hurst-san and I will get in the way if we stay there, so we take the plates and forks we received and go back to Shizuku-chan and the others.
Just as the owner said, if I pay attention to the surroundings, it certainly feels like everyone is looking at Shizuku-chan.
Or rather, it's not just Shizuku-chan, Ryleigh-kun is also a handsome boy, and Thruster-san is also a handsome man, though his strange behavior is strange. Hurst-san, who is next to me, is also a handsome polar bear, and I could feel that he really stands out.
I'm definitely the least noticeable.
Just because ghosts are beautiful, I don't think Shizuku-chan will get hurt, but it's probably best to be careful.


Festivals can make you feel relaxed, but you have to be careful.
But now, first of all, steamed white fish in front of me!
Place the two plates on the table and eat together.
I thought it would be difficult to eat the whole white fish with a fork, but I was able to scoop it up easily because it was easy to separate it.
It's body is fluffy. The exquisite amount of salt and the scent of lemon make you want to eat it.
It seemed that everyone was the same, and the two plates were empty in no time.

“Is your stomach still okay?”



When I asked Shizuku-chan and Ryleigh-kun, they smiled and said they were fine.
I return the plate to the stall and go to the next stall!

“Let's eat that next!”

Grilled shellfish!


Sorry for the late update. I was traveling yesterday and it completely slipped my mind.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!

Chapter end

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 106
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 105
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 104
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 103
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 102
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 101
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 100
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 99
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 98
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 97
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 96
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 95
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 94
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 93
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 92
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 91
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 90
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This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 2
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 1
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