This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 41

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 41

Published at 11th of September 2019 03:17:21 PM Chapter 41

I can feel the light in my eyes disappearing .  

Humans are living beings that if they are exposed under too much light, the darkness within them grows stronger . I'm sure of it .

"Oi! Isarai Shina! What's next?"

Ash-san said as he demanded me for the next procedure . Un . He's really in high spirits . Well, the next step is the part where we'll have to put the weeds/grass that he loves . . . . . .

That's why in response to him, I tried to clear my mind and stop thinking about the one clinging around my waist .  

"The next step is to weave this around so the vegetables inside won't come out . Something like this"

After instructing them, everyone grabbed a skewer and stabbed it around the whole chicken . The wooden skewers were created by Hurst-san's skill, that's why it's easy to use . The whole part is smooth but the tip is extremely sharp that's why it's easy to use it .  

"With this, we're now done with the pre-cooking . "

We've just finished making the pre-cooking procedure . Basically, we will just use salt for flavoring and then stuffed the vegetables inside the chicken . But once we've roasted it together the chicken's flavour and the sweetness of the vegetable will definitely make it delicious .  

That's right! We'll place this whole chicken and roast it just like that then we'll have a free-range chicken party!

"After we're done with the pre-cooking please placed it inside the pot . It's quite heavy so please be careful" 

After the whole chicken is done with its preparation we have to place it inside the glittering black iron pot that we had prepared beforehand .  

This was also something that the head chef lent to us . Its size is just right for a whole chicken to fit in and it has been properly maintained and it looks similar to a dutch oven . **(Eunie: picture of a dutch oven will be done below . )

I'm truly thankful since we were able to borrow seven of those and looking at that pot, I couldn't help but grin to myself . . . . . .

"Ah . . . . . . it's so black and looks so cool . . . . . . "

Un . This pot is extremely cool looking . The light in my eyes that has disappeared is coming back . It isn't easy to continuously use a dutch oven since it's easy for it to rust if it isn't properly maintained . But on the other hand, there's the feeling of happiness over raising it and feelings of attachment towards it .  

The pot that we were able to borrow from the head chef can also be called a black pot, the bright shining blackness of the pot shows that it has been used for years with love and care tended to it .

This time we'll be able to use it, that's why we must properly use it with the utmost care and what's more, there's no way it wouldn't become delicious as long as we use this pot . That's why I couldn't help but grin as I stare at it .  

"So it's not just weeds but you also like iron?" Ash-san, who was across from me said .  

Nah, isn't it you, Ash-san who likes weeds, and what I like isn't iron but the pot itself .  

"Ah, is the preparation for the fire alright?"

While wondering, I couldn't help but ask and then Ash-san in a boastful manner went 'fu-fun' and said, "Ah, all because of some dog that a lot of the trees in the Royal Palace has been cut and was used to stab the demon beasts . That's why there's an overflowing amount of lumber and that's why it was gathered and now we're about to burn it down . "

"I'll be the one to lit up the fire so Shinsan watch me okay?

"Un . "

I heard a voice around my chest but for the meantime, I'll just nod my head and somehow I can feel a resentment filled dark green eyes glaring at me around my feet . But maybe it's just my imagination .  

"Now then all that's left is to place it inside the pot and bake it that's why for the meantime I'll be cleaning a bit around here . That's after cleaning a bit here . Please lit it up . "

And then everyone is done with their work and cleaning the area so now it's time to ignite it!

Well even for someone like me I was imagining something like a bonfire party and while waiting for the chicken to be baked, we'll be talking together or something, however . . . . . .

What was in front of me was a yagura .

Un . A yagura .

(Eunie:I haven't seen the raws of the manga so I'm not a hundred percent sure if the image down below is correct . I'm also a bit unfamiliar with the types of bonfires if there's any so I'm just gonna use the Japanese word as it is . if anyone knows please do tell me . PICTURE of a yagura will be down below . ) 

The lumber has been combined together and is taller than the constructed two storey knight's office and then there's Rhyleigh-kun who eagerly pointed a blue flame towards .

Rather than a fire festival, it's roughly the same as a conflagration . I wonder what should I do with this . . . . . . as I looked distantly . However, it seems like Ryhleigh-kun adjusted the firepower and it immediately burned down and what's left is a great type of charcoal fire . Something like a glowing ember . **picture down below**

The surface is white however you can clearly see the red fire from within and the smoke is mostly appearing . It's perfect for cooking .  

"Shinsan its ready" triumphantly said by Rhyleigh-kun 

. . . . . . Goodbye, my easy, gentle way of talking .  

Goodbye, to the fire who is encircling it, let's talk to each other about the time when we warmed ourselves up .  

It's different from what I initially thought but Rhyleigh-kun's skill is indeed amazing . That's why I immediately placed over the pot on top of the charcoal fire . After placing all seven pots on top of it, I covered each of them with the lid and placed some charcoal fire on top of it . This is one of the reasons why the dutch oven is amazing, you can bake it from top to bottom . **picture down below** 

The baking time needed is approximately an hour and a half but time flies as everyone was having fun, talking to each other .

After that, we placed the freshly baked dutch oven on top of the huge table and wore a mitt to remove the lid .  

"Alright! Isarai Shina! Open it up!"


Just like what Ash-san said, I opened the lid of the dutch oven and then the moment when I removed the lid, the chicken's delicious fragrance and the herb's aroma overflows as it spreads out, enticing our appetite . . . . . .

" . . . . . . It looks delicious . "

The exterior of the skin is properly charred a bit and there's also that shining luster over it and the vegetables inside its stomach seem to have been steamed properly .  

Un! It's complete .

  ―― Free-range chicken's Roast Chicken!


After saying that, everyone's seems to have followed as well as they started excitedly talk .  

"Amazing! It looks very delicious!"

"Waaa waaa! We just stuffed some ingredients inside but for it to work this good!"

"Well then Isarai-sama, I'll distribute it"

While my attention has been completely stolen by the delicious looking chicken, Hurst-san deftly used the server knife and fork as he takes out the chicken inside the pot and skillfully deconstructed it

It seems like in this world, the distribution is done by men . As Ash-san and the other Kei Bihei brothers took it out and skillfully deconstructed the chicken .  

"Isarai-sama this way please" 

After saying that Hurst-san presented to me the chicken's most delicious part . The leg part of the chicken . It is also well-balanced as there are some vegetables and mushroom, it looks very delicious as I received it . Then I headed towards the table and sat on the chair that we brought out and waited after everyone has their share so we can all start eating together .  

Just in case, I had a knife and fork ready but I prefer on eating it by holding it on the bone part of the chicken leg and then I took a bite from the crisp skin and munch till its meat .  

The moment I bit it I could feel the rich flavour packed with the juicy flavour of the meat spreading inside my mouth . Maybe it's because it's a free-range chicken, the meat has this springiness in it . But it's not like it's hard or chewy . . . . . .

" . . . . . . Delicious"

Beside me, I heard that familiar voice say and then I also heard the others saying it as well .

"Shinsan! This is extremely delicious!"

"What's this chicken! It's so flavourful!"

I couldn't contain myself from being happy upon seeing everyone's surprised face .

"As I thought a free-range chicken is definitely the best"

That's why I couldn't help but let out a complacent smile after hearing everyone .  

The enclosed meat flavor of the skin and the meat juice that seeps out from it is in one word only one thing, 'delicious' and there are the vegetables and mushroom that were baked together is delicious . Each of its taste is combined with the umami/flavour of the chicken is the best!

It's really delicious .

Everyone eating the same thing and by smiling together with everyone makes it a lot more delicious . And then while everyone else is eating, I tried asking about the thing I was curious about .  

"Ah, Thruster-san, I'll be leaving it up to you about the thing with the Saint"

I said to the person sitting besides Rhyleigh-kun . Until just a while ago he's been on the ground but it seems like now, he finally decided to sit down and then upon hearing what I said, Thruster-san's expression didn't change much and said, "Saint . You mean Shizuku-sama"

"Ah, so her name is Shizuku"

It's the first time I learned about it . So that high school girl's name is 'Shizuku' . It sounds like a cute name and I think it really suits her .  

"It's not like I was able to do much even though I was here in the palace and it doesn't seem like I'll be able to do anything for her from hereon since I decided to go to the Northern Knight's Order, I don't really think we'll ever see each other again"

And it's not like I'll be able to secretly ask around on how she's doing .  

" . . . . . . How kind of you . Even though the other person might have already forgotten you"Thruster-san replied in a cold voice, after hearing what I said . Then Ryhleigh-kun stared at him with those light green eyes and his shining blue hair .  

He's really a bishounen (pretty boy)


"Ah! Rhyleigh! What's wrong? Should I finely cut the chicken into pieces?"

Thruster-san said in a brotherly considerate way however Rhyleigh-kun's eyes are cold as he looked at the former with eyes as if he's looking at a piece of garbage .  

"Shinsan is asking a favor, shouldn't you reply by saying 'yes'"

"Yes . Please the matters about the Saint to me"

Today as well, everything is resolved in two seconds .

Brotherhood is . . .

. . . Brotherhood love is . . . . . . . .

But well now I guess I'm feeling relieved now .

"I'm really looking forward at the Northern Knight's Order"

While listening to the exchange between the two brothers, I slowly looked up to the person beside me .

What's there is that kind and gentle light blue eyes . . . . . .

"Yes . I'm also happy that Isarai-sama will be there as well"
Eunie here: *Dead* Uuuuh . . . I'm gonna sleep for awhile . I'm really sleepy af . oTL I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I can post another one . But well there's only one more chapter left before we move on to the Northern Knight's Order >u< 

The next one will be *drumroll please* . . . .

. . .
. . .
. . .

Well leaving you guys hanging is the best part . Btw thank you so much for removing your adblock and if you have the time please click on some ads . It would really help ^^ THANKS IN ADVANCE!! 



​Hope you guys had fun .

Chapter end

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 106
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 105
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 104
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 103
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 102
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 101
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 100
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 99
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 98
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 97
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 96
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 95
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 94
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 93
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 92
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 91
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 90
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 89
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 88
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 87
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 86
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 85
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 84
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 83
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 82
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 81
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 80
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 79
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 78
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 77
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 76
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 75
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 74
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 73
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 72
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 71
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 70
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 69
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 68
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 67
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 66
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 65
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 64
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 63
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 62
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 61
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 60
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 59
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 58
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 57
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 56
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 55
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 54
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 53
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 52
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 51
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 50
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 49
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 48
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 47
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 46
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 45
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 44
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 43
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 42
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 41
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 40
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 39
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 38
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 37
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 36
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 35
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 34
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 33
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 32
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 31
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 30
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 29
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 28
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 27
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 26
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 25
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 24
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 23
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 22
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 21
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 20
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 19
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 18
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 17
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 16
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 15
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 14
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 13
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 12
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 11
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 10
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 9
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 8
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 7
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 6
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 5
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 4
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 3
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 2
This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 1
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