This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 18

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 18

Published at 26th of July 2019 11:03:50 PM Chapter 18

 There are all sorts of knives .

If you divide it into to tow, there's an eastern knife and a western knife . There are also various shapes and sizes .

But, the one I want is only one .

And of course that is . . . . . . .

"San Toku knife?"

Yes, in home cooking it's a must kind of knife"

A Santoku knife is produced from Japan, therefore, there's definitely nothing like that in this another world .

That's why, in order to describe to Hurst-san the knife that I want . First, I need to know what kind of knives do they have here . Since no matter how much I explain it to him, he might not understand . That's why we decided to go to the Palace kitchen .  

And it seems like the one taking care of the herb garden is someone from that kitchen . That's why while we were at it, I might as well asking permission to use it .

It seems like they were quite busy around in the afternoon, which is why when we came there during their break they seemed annoyed, but it seems like the meals I've been having came from here and after giving them my opinion and saying my thanks to the delicious food, they all started smiling and seemed to be in a good mood .

They even allowed me to use the herb garden, that's why I'll gratefully use it .

"That knife looks similar to the one the chef's knife, right?"

"Yes, It has a similar breadth like to the blade of the chef's knife and the tip is a bit narrower and sharper . With the Santoku knife, it's blade is a bit wider in width, while the pointed end is a bit in a loosely like curve . " 

After returning to my room, I grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing and explaining how it looks like . Using the chef's knife as a comparison, it looks similar to a butcher knife, where it's easier to cut meat . While the others seems to have a peti knife or bread knife, there were all sorts of knives but I feel like it was the closest knife to explain it .  

"The length of the blade is around half of two fist" 

So while gripping my hand, I place them both as a comparison . And in order for Hurst-san to easily see it, I raised my hands and for some reason Hurst-san started smiling .

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing"

*cough* After an obvious fake cough, he averted his eyes from me .

"Isarai-sama's hand's are very small"

He murmured .

. . . . . . Nnn? I don't think it's small? Isn't it normal .

"Nah, I think it's a normal size . A, aren't Hurst-san hands just bigger?"

That's right . It's not like my hands were small, It's just that Hurst-san's are big .

By placing it in both side, I used one hand to grabbed Hurst-san's right hand, stick it over and compared it .

​"See, Hurst-san, try to hit it like this . "

"No . "


​Just compare it! And then suddenly his hand moved, Hurst-san grabbed my hand and tightly grasped my fist and lightly hit it .  

"Waaa! I knew it! For someone who uses swords, a hand like this is just right"

"wa, i"

"If it's like this then it doesn't seems so different . I'll to take note of this!"

As I opened my fist, I started writing notes on a piece of paper . To make it easier to understand, I started writing all sorts of useful information .

"Then, the height of this part . . . . . . has a bit of a peak, while this part is mostly straight, the thickness is around this much, and the heaviness, it would be nice if it's a bit heavy for me"

A light knife and a heavy knife . The size of the thickness and I have all sorts of preference but for me it's important that it's a bit heavier and the peak part of the tip is a bit thicker . Well, leaving aside a detailed one, rather than a sharp knife, the weight is more important so that my hands won't get tired . (Eunie: *Dead* It's soooo hard tl-ing all this descriptions of a knife . I'm not even sure if I was able to properly deliver the description OTL)

" . . . Hurst-san?"

After saying all that, I just realized that Hurst-san is still holding my hand .  

​It seems like he's smiling? or grinning a bit . . . ? (Eunie: yeaaah . go for the fluff and forget about all the knife description . I might start hating knives if this continues . )

While wondering why, I once again looked at Hurst-san and he made another fake cough .  

"I'm really sorry . Please continue . " (Eunie: *DEAD* Nuooooo)

I don't really know why Hurst-san is smiling . . . . . . .

But since he, himself said to continue so, I returned back to the paper at hand .

"Well then, please make the blade a bit like . . . . . . . After that is the handle, the material should be lumber or plastic . . . . . . a, I mean a material that is resistant to water . The handle and the blade are connected and I think there should be a metal that entwines them . "

"The drawing of the knife here is something made from lumber . If thinking about the attachment, I'm not sure if it's possible with my skill alone . Even though I can make the shape, there's still a need for some technique to connect them"

I see . Even if the parts can be make separately, it seems like it would be hard for Hurst-san's skill alone to connect them .  

Well, I could just use some points and exchange it . So it's fine .  (Eunie: THEN WHAT WAS ALL THE SUFFERING I HAD TO EXPERIENCE JUST FOR THE DESCRIPTION OF THE KNIFE ALONE!!  Sure, Polar Bear was enjoying it, cause he's holding your hand but ME . . . OTL)

For now, as thanks to listening to me, I gazed over at Hurst-san and then I saw those blue eyes of his, shining joyfully . . . . . . .

"But as long as there's a metal to combine them, then it's possible . "

"Is it true!"

"Yes . If in the drawing the material is iron and we have the necessary materials, it's possible to make it with my skill . "

"A, I see . . . so you'll be needing materials" (Eunie: Uwaah . this cheapskate can't you just exchange it . wasn't it around 30 pts . )

Obviously, I forgot about it .

It's obvious but right now I'm penniless . After being summoned in another world, I was thrown in this room and just became depressed, that sort of me doesn't have money .

​The necessities . Tentatively, is being granted and that the reality none of them are what I chose .

"I'm sorry . Thank you for thinking about it with me . After seeing Hurst-san's skill, I thought an amazing knife will be made and so I got all excited . " I smiled while trying to gloss it over .

"Since Hurst-san has always eaten my food so I have saved up, quite a lot of points . That's why, I'll just exchange some points for a knife"

That's right, thanks to Hurst-san, I can somehow exchange some points for a knife . .

In order change the dennetsuki to an I H gas, to have two portable gas stove and to install a grill for grilled fish . Is the reason why I'm saving up points . That's why there's no problem if I use some points .

Which is why,  With my feelings of thanks towards Hurst-san and for telling me about his amazing skill, this talk is over and so I tried to fold the paper I was holding . But, that paper was immediately grabbed by Hurst-san .  

"Isarai-sama, if it's about the materials then I know something just right"


"In fact, it's for times like this that it's perfect to use it . "


I wonder if there was something like that .

Nah, could it be that Hurst-san will provide it himself? As expected, that's inexcusable .

As the me, who is starting to feel uneasy, Hurst-san smiled at me . "It will be fine, since no one's using it right now and something I've left there in the knight's office"

Knight's office?

"Yes, the blade's length is just right, and the quality of the metal is quite high . Though there were some drawings and design in there that has no purpose at all, if we removed it--it's gone be just fine . "

. . . . . . A somehow I know it .

Un . I think I've seen it .  

"Though I did cut it into two, the length, the narrowness of the tip and the blade is just perfect for it"

"Um . . . that's . . . . a . . . . "

"It was something left at the knight's office"

Un, in short . . . it's that sword that Hurst-san cut into two, using a wooden sword .

――――It's blonde ashime's heirloom sword

Chapter end

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This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing! ~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 1
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