This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 44

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 44

Published at 18th of September 2019 03:13:38 PM
Chapter 44
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After bidding farewell with everyone, we proceeded on riding at the back of the timid looking dragon . The dragon is a one circumference bigger than the bird type demon beasts and around its nape there was a saddle like thing attached to it and a stirrup around its neck .   Then around the back portion of the dragon there's also a saddle meant for four to five person .  

I heard it was extremely cold above the clouds that's why there are some pelt cloth and hoods prepared . The gloves were also a high quality kind of leather gloves and it seems like it can keep you warm enough .  

Zezgrado-san rode right around the head of the dragon while me, Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun jumps in to the back part but  ――  .

"Shinsama are you alright?"

I feel like I heard Hurst-san's deep and calm voice echoing from afar, while my head is swirling around from here and there .

Nah, well . . . I do heard him while high in the sky but for some reason my ears has this kiiiiiin like ringing and the voice was like three decibels lower .  

"Shinsan are you feeling ill? Your complexion is quite pale"

"Tsk . To be in a state like this . Aren't you too weak"

I feel like I heard the gentle and worried voice of Ryleigh-kun and Zezgrado-san's voice who seems to be fed up with me . But even that, I feel it ringing and echoing inside my ears .

That's right! I am! absurdly nauseated! Because of the dragon!

"Let's go rest for a bit under the tree shade . Ryleigh go and grab some pelt cloth . "


As Hurst-san headed towards the tree, my body also sways along with his every step but unlike the one with the dragon . The swaying doesn't make me feel sick . Rather, the hands that are gently supporting my back and knees makes me feel a bit better .

" . . . . . . Hurst-san I'm sorry . "

"Its nothing much . I just thought that the Shinsama right now will have a hard time walking . "

"Yes . . . . . . "

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. . . . . . Un . The me, whose head is spinning like crazy because of the dragon, didn't even had the strength to get off from the back of it . That's why Hurst-san is embracing me and being carried away like this .

I feel really bad .

Though I do feel extremely sorry for this but I feel extremely bad . I don't even want to lift a finger . I want to sleep like the dead and never open my eyes .  

When a person feels ill, things like shame or feeling sorry are all forgotten .


I don't know anyone like that .

And so I was carried by Hurst-san under the tree shade while Ryleigh-kun spread out the pelt blanket on top of the grass and then from there I was gently placed down and I feel like I got better for a bit .  

What's more Ryleigh-kun carefully lifted my head and brought the water jug near my mouth as I slowly drank some of it and while I was resting, Hurst-san and Zezgrado-san's conversation began .

"It seems like Shinsama is a lot more exhausted than I thought . "

"Keh . She's too weak . Both me and Gabusch can still fly . Look! For the sake of you guys, Gabusch is flying for your sake but because you decided to take a break sooner he's feeling irritated"

And as if agreeing and supporting Zezgrado-san's words, the dragon's tail started swaying from left to right .  

The grass are being gouged out and the soil is being plowed . Scary .  

And from what I heard it seems like this irritated and peeved dragon's name is 'Gabusch' 

Un . Such a fancy name to this dragon who's growling in annoyance and going 'gyaagyaaa' . . . . . . ! SCARY!

"Zez, even if Gabusch is feeling irritated doesn't matter . We'll change our initial plan . "

"Keh . "

Towards the Zezgardo-san who is squatting down and even though in a low sound, Gabusch whose tail is slowly changing plowing through the ground ――Hurst-san doesn't falter one bit . Hurst-san is strong .  

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Seeing the unfaltering Hurst-san, Zez-san harrumphed and averted his eyes and then continued his words .  

"Even though today's initial plan was to fly all afternoon, take a break for an hour and then by dusk we would have arrived at the Northern Knight's Order . "

"Eh . . . . . . "

Hearing his words, my eyes shot open and looked over at Zezgardo-san's direction . Seeing me like that, the latter said another 'keh' and harumphed to my face .

"Other than the plan of one hour break, we planned to go on a one-way trip towards the North . Both me and Gabusch is strong enough for that . But to go on a one hour trip and one hour break we won't be able to reach there by today . "

"Eh, no, no . . . . . . That's really impossible . . . . . . "

Impossible . Definitely no way!

Even though we just traveled for an hour and it's already this taxing and to think the original plan was to have a non-stop trip . . . . . .

This isn't some international flight! It's not like hey I'll just fly over from Tokyo to Osaka . Definitely not! It feels like at this pace, it's more of a 'let's go all the way to New York' . . . . . . . or something way!

Well of course, compared to a dragon, I think an airplane is faster . That's why, I compared a flight from Tokyo to New York and it shouldn't take that long but it seems like The palace and the Northern Knight's Order is quite far from each others .

"If we go at that sort of pace, I think all the water components in my body will evaporate along with me . . . . . . "

Like my tears, cold-sweat . . . . . . or like me vomiting, all sorts of stuff . . . . . .

The road is long, just thinking about it, I could feel myself getting paler . Seeing me in a state like that, Ryleigh-kun smiled gently and said, "Shinsan it will be alright . I will accept Shinsan's everything inside me . " (Eunie: RUN!!)

. . . . . . cough**

If we translate it . . . it should be " Everything Shinsan (throws-up), I will catch it (midway, using a container or something) . " . . . . . . .

Nope . I also don't like that to happen . . . . . . . I also don't like riding the dragon . . . . . .

"For now, around noontime, we'll head on a town midway and spend a night there . "

" . . . . . . I get it . "

I'm starting to hate everything so I shut my eyes tightly and then after a few more moments, it seems like Hurst-san and Zezgardo-san's conversation has ended .  

The initial plan of non-stop flying changed into a half-day and I was able to have an interval of an hour break after an hour of flying . But as expected my health didn't improved much, so upon arriving at the town, halfway to our destination, and by the time we transferred to an inn . . . my soul has long left my body .  

Without even taking a lunch, I slept like a log inside the room .

After taking an eight hour sleep, my HP bar has finally been fully revived .  

"Shinsama, how are you feeling right now?"

"Yes, I'm alright now . I'm sorry for making you worried"

"Today we plan on staying for the night here so please get some more rest . "

When I woke up, Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun came to my room and told me the plans from now on .  

It seems like Zezgardo-san and the dragon, Gabusch can not enter the town so they're currently staying at the nearby prairie .  

Though I feel gloomy just thinking how I'll have to ride the dragon tomorrow but well for now the depression for today has ended . Just thinking about it makes me happy as I breath out a sigh of relief . Seeing that Ryleigh-kun looked at me worriedly .  

"I didn't think that Shinsan would feel this bad . . . . . . Even though it would have taken some time, we should have gone for the carriage . " 

"No, well . . . it is also my first time riding this kind of ride so I didn't know as well . "

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That's right . Even though I'm fine with cars, trains or airplanes . But, maybe its because everytime the dragon's wings will flap, I couldn't handle the swaying from it .  

     ――Tomorrow . . . it couldn't be help 

Tomorrow, I'll ride it as if on my last breath .

    ――However, after this, I'll never ride a dragon ever again!

"Ah, Shinsan aren't you hungry?"

After making a resolve to myself, while forming a fist with my hands, Ryleigh-kun worriedly asked me .

Oh, that's right . I haven't eaten anything since lunch time . But now that I'm feeling alright, I can feel myself hungry at the moment .

"Should I prepare something?"

It seems like Hurst-san will order something for me to eat but I just shook my head . And then I suddenly found their light blue and light green eyes grinning at me .  

"I'll just go and make some snack"


"Yes . Using my skill . Would you also have some Hurst-san, Ryleigh-kun?"

Upon hearing my words, their light blue colored eyes and light green eyes lit up .

"Yes . By all means"

"Un! I also want to have some!"

Seeing them sparkly smiling like that, I also couldn't help but smile along with them .  

"Then, I'll be gone for a bit . 'Summon Kitchen' !"

I'll make a fluffy snack to blow away this dragon sickness!

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Chapter end

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