This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 43

This “Summon Kitchen” Skill is Amazing!~Amassing Points by Cooking in Another World Chapter 43

Published at 18th of September 2019 03:13:38 PM
Chapter 43

On the morning of our departure towards the Northern Knights Order . Ash-san and everyone from the Kei Bihei Brothers is seeing us off, while firmly standing on the Knight's Training ground .

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That's right . In the training ground .  

It seems like we'll be leaving from there and head towards the Northern Knight's Order . As to how on earth we'll do it . It seems like the set up for the whole thing is in front of me .

" . . . . . . It's huge"

I couldn't help but let out of voice, in front of me seems to be our mode of 'transportation' . Its huge body is covered with red scales . Its sharp eyes and vertical pupil that are golden in colour seems to lit up . The claws on its forelegs and hind legs are also golden in colour and at times a low growl like sound seems to come out from its mouth and from there we can see sharp points fangs .

The wings on its back seem to be folded at the moment but I'm sure they'll be ginormous once it opens and flaps its wings .

" . . . . . . . A dragon . "

I muttered in a dazed as I stare at the being in front of me .

. . . . . . So it really does exist .

It is extremely ferocious! Is what those fangs seem to say .  

But it's obvious that it is just for show . . . . . .

"Shinsama this is the dragon we'll be using as our means of transportation"

Honestly, I'm a little bit scared of the dragon . Since it gives off that aura of a predator .

However, even in front of this displeased looking dragon who's muttering if it's okay to be here, Hurst-san was unfazed as he pointed his right index finger to it as he introduces me to the dragon .  

As expected of Hurst-san . He never wavers .

By the way, Hurst-san has stopped calling me 'Isarai-sama' and started calling me 'Shina'-sama, after the day when we had a farewell chicken party and I started making a chicken a stew with the remaining chicken .

Even though I cooked it as thanks for everything, and even after being frozen over by Hurst-san again and again, he requested to allow him to call me by my name .  

Just remembering it will freeze me over .

It's a frozen tale . . . . . .

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Every time I think of it my heart seems to beat louder and louder, so I slowly tried to calm myself . It alright . There's nothing to fret over! Since even Ryleigh-kun calls me by my name .

"And the person over here is a dragon knight . "

While I was in that sort of state, Hurst-san introduced me to an unfamiliar face .

"I'm Isarai Shina . For this journey, pleased to make your acquaintance" 

For someone I'm meeting for the first time, I greeted him and properly introduced myself . But . . . . . .  

"Tsk . I'm not pleased to meet you at all!"

What was returned to me are words of some rebellious teenager .

Even after receiving such words from him, my heart is still calm as I observed the person in front of me . First, what caught my eyes is his bright red hair . His hair seems to be choppy but the end part of his hair is long and gives a wild feeling . (Eunie: Check out Future Mukuro of KHR minus the pineapple part . )  

And the second thing that leaves me with a deep impression are those golden eyes of his . Even though his eyes are glaring in displeasure and it kind of has that steady composure .  

The clothes he is wearing is all black and is adorned by some red ornaments and it suits him very much . He is also quite tall and is around the same height as Hurst-san and at times I couldn't help but wonder how he'll fare if those displeased eyes of his are gone . . . . . .

" . . . . . . despite your age and appearance your speech and conduct are like those of a teen"


It seems like he heard my mutterings as he took a step, towering over me, he leaned his face near mine while roughly glaring at me .  

His tall stature and a little rough voice and those sharp glaring golden colored eyes of his would surely scare most women .  

But, I wasn't really scared . . . . . .

"You are similar to my cousin, Mkun"


His sullen looking expression immediately changed into a questioning one as his mouth is gaping at me and then Hurst-san who was beside me, asked me . "Who is Mkun?"

"Ah, It's my male cousin who is ten years younger than me . Whenever he sees me all he does is complain and act in a haughty bossy manner but after we ate together a meal I cooked, he immediately became behaved and obedient . " 

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Answering Hurst-san's question reminds me of the storm like Mkun . That kind of thing happened just before I started working for the company I used to work in . Ever since I started living alone, cooking for myself has become a frequent occurrence . Mkun was still in sixth grade when I first made him some egg rolls .   

Even though I contemplated for a long time whether I'll make is sweet or salty, in the end, I ended up making both and it seems like they're both delicious so he ended up eating it all . . . . . .

" . . . . . . Mkun"

How nostalgic . Seeing those golden eyes in front of me I couldn't help but think 'You sure have grown up' as I called out his name . (Eunie: I'm sorry . I can't take it anymore . BWAHAHAHAHA)

But then those golden eyes seems to have run away as he took a step back and said, " . . . . . . !! I'm NOT Mkun!"

I see . So he's not .  

He's not the Mkun who's ten years younger than me .  

"I'm already THIRTY YEARS OLD!"  (Eunie: WUT???"


"Don't go making an expression as if you are really surprised by it!"

Well . . . I can't really help it . Who would have thought he's actually older than me . Even though he's a bit younger than Hurst-san, but he's much older than me .

"Listen up! To be honest I didn't want to leave this place at all!! It just couldn't help that I ended up coming along!"

"Zezu . What's the point of saying that to Isarai-sama . As long as you feel displeased over the duty bestowed upon you then all you have to do is to bring you complaints to the higher-ups . Telling it to Shinsan is barking it to the wrong tree!"

"Un . Zezu-san is quite the weirdo right?"

To the howling Zezgard-san, Hurst-san couldn't help but thrust a sound argument and as a finishing blow Ryleigh-kun quipped in with an angelic smile of his and in response to that, all Zezgard-san could only groan .  

"Shinsama, I'm truly sorry . Zezu grew up in a household surrounded by a lot of male siblings that's why the way he speaks is rough . It is just that he possesses the skill "Dragon Knight" and so he can command the dragons . " 

" 'Dragon Knight' . . . is it"

"Yes . Dragons can be emotionally attached to humans and in order for that to happen, they need to have the ability to converse with one another and that is possible with the skill 'Dragon Knights' . There are others who also possess the same skill but the Dragon Knight's Order is situated in the Easter part . The only one available here in the capital is Zezu . " 

"That's right! . . . . . . I came from the Dragon Knight's Order for the sake of the Saint . . . . . . to protect Shizuku-sama! ME! I wanted to stay besides Shizuku!"

Shizuku .

It's the Saint's . . . that high school girl's name .

. . . . . . Ah, that's right . Before when I saw that high school girl around the back garden surrounded by a lot of ikemen but . . . . . . I guess there's a redhead back then .  

I see . So that was Zezgard-san .

I see . Yup . I get it . Then Zezgard-san muttered, "I . . . . . . I think of Shizuku like a precious younger sister" 

But after saying those words somehow the mood around us got heavy . . . . . .  

And all I can do is nod my head in agreement .  

"  ――The smell of a crime, reeks in here . "

Hearing those words, his golden eyes got sharper as and then he said, "What the hell! What's with this serious like mood! I told you she's like my sister!"

"No, well . . . but you see isn't it the usual trope that when your feelings of her as a precious sister will just go beyond that before you even realize it . And back in my country, there are matters of age-gap, students and all sorts of law regarding that . That's why in my heart, I couldn't help but feel that there's a stench of crime lurking around . " 

In response to Zezgard-san's declaration, with a solemn look, I answered him as I nodded my head . Seeing me like that, the former took a deep breath and with his left arm, he strongly raised it and pointed his index finger and yelled . "AREN'T YOU ALSO WEIRD!" 

What his finger is pointing at is Ryleigh-kun, who is firmly clinging to my arm and who, from time to time stares at me .  

Uhh . . . . . . my head is . . . . . .  

But . . . this . . . is . . . that . . yup . . .

"Its because he's (like) a little brother"

That's why it alright .

"Then, isn't it okay since she's also (like) a little sister"

I . . . guess so .

Let's stop . Let's just stop all this talk .

"Let's stop this . The darkness at the current topic at hand is quite deep!"

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"It is not! At least in my case, IT IS NOT!"

That's right . I have no time for this . I have yet to properly greet everyone who came to see me off .

Ryleigh-kun please wait a bit over there .

"Ash-san thank you so much for everything . "

Today as well he's properly wearing his knight's uniform and his boots are sparkly clean . Seeing him like that I couldn't help but be happy and after saying my thanks, Ash-san nodded his head and said, "If anything happens, call me anytime . We will always come rushing to help you no matter where you are"

With their backs straight, feet firmly planted on the ground, everyone who is standing in a proper posture is looking at me straight in the eye . Seeing their eyes, I couldn't help but feel warm inside .

"Oi! Are you listening? Are you properly listening to me!" (Zezu)

I feel like I can hear a distant sound coming from somewhere far away . . . . . .

. . . . . . Let's just pretend I didn't hear anything .  

"Yes . Thank you so much . . . . . . . I'll do my best!"

"Ah! Go do it!"

Hearing his words I smiled and in response, Ash-san also smiled back at me . Everyone from the Kei Bihei brothers was also sending me off with all sorts of cheer and in response, I waved my hand to them .

"Oi! What's with you having a heartwarming farewell! Look at me! LISTEN TO ME!"

The blowing wind . . . doesn't seem to have any plans on turning off .  

I wonder if Ash-san can also hear the blowing wind but I guess he's just letting it through as he laughed in that haughty trademark of his . And then Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun who is looking at the both of us seem to be talking amongst themselves . . . . . .

"I'm glad . Zezu-san is kind of hard to deal with but it seems like everything is fine"

"Ah . It seems like Zezu is already attached to Shinsama . As expected of her . "

Just what is to become emotionally attached . . . . . .

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Chapter end

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