The Fallen Merman Chapter 77

The Fallen Merman Chapter 77

Published at 5th of August 2022 01:18:15 PM

Chapter 77
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Translator: ThatLazyPotato

Translation Checker: Rin 

Editor: Numiya

Proofreader: Khun

Rimbaud was particularly intrigued by the uniqueness of the lion's physique, “When did this happen? Could it be that you haven't had obe with anyone else for the past three years?”

“I didn't.” Bai Chunian tilted his head. 

Rimbaud stroked him tenderly. “How obedient.”

“It was still smooth when you were younger. Barbs… Then I can't have you enter for the time being.”

“I'll teach you something.” Rimbaud kissed his earlobes as his hand moved gently. “Don't be shy. This is what I should be doing.”

It was imperative to educate one's little queen on how to please themselves in his absence. After all, he couldn't always be available to accompany him.

Rimbaud had impressive strength. The ice-cold, soft palm was controlling him. Rimbaud said to himself, “Fortunately I'm not in a hurry to lay eggs. I first have to show you some techniques. You were always reckless growing up, but your strength and thing were still within my control at the time.”

Bai Chunian grit his teeth and grunted. He grasped Rimbaud's hand. “Is this how you usually seduce other people?”

Rimbaud raised his eyebrows in surprise as he peered into the little lion's bright and pitiful black eyes. “What are you talking about? This is the exclusive treatment for my queen. But there's plenty of alphas waiting for me to have obe with them, and they would attain beauty and health as well. They eagerly yearn for it, so they would swim to the depths of the sea in search of the most precious sunken gem striving to have the chance to obe with me.”

Bai Chunian tried his best to endure. 

Rimbaud kissed his forehead, coaxed and appeased him, “Do you like it? Tell me.”

Bai Chunian swung his head to the other side. Although he would normally let go of such crude words, it was hard for him to imagine if he really did do it—how wrecked Rimbaud would be when he ravages him, how tormented he would be, and how severely wounded he would be.

The deep-rooted notion that making love was for reproduction purposes had been ingrained inside Bai Chunian's mind since cultivation. This behavior was restraining and humiliating for him. Even if he also received enjoyment and pleasure from it, he still believed that his obsession with reproduction was not a good thing.

“I will make you say it.” Rimbaud grabbed his face and kissed him. “You're not in the wrong for satisfying your sexual desire, randi.” 

The incredibly long fishtail tied the alpha's hands firmly behind his back, preventing him from moving around.

Djl Jtecljc'r ygfjatlcu kjr fzmfqalbcjiis tfjns, jcv yief nflcr mbeiv yf rffc yeiulcu ogbw tlr afcrf cfmx. Llr wlcv kfca yijcx, jcv tlr tjcvr kfgf alutais ojrafcfv ys atf rmjis ajli. Snfc atbeut atf ragfcuat bo tlr Dbcf Cgwbg kjr wemt wbgf obgwlvjyif atjc atja bo atf olrtajli, tf vlvc'a ygfjx ogff. Ufgtjqr la kjr yfmjerf tf kjr kbgglfv jybea tjgwlcu atf bwfuj, jcv qjgais yfmjerf tf vlvc'a kjca ab rageuuif.

The alpha's eyelids reddened and he growled uncontrollably.

Rimbaud captured his lips, “If you call me by a name I approve of, then I'll help you with your release.” 

“King.” Bai Chunian shut his eyes and answered.

“Too distant.” Rimbaud was unsatisfied with being called this. “Does the human language contain anything more intimate?”

“Gege.” Bai Chunian raised his neck in pain and leaned against the tiles. “Gege.”

Hearing this word, Rimbaud was profoundly thrilled and delighted, causing the tip of his tail to glow. The faint electric current stimulated Bai Chunian's body. At the same time, he bit Bai Chunian's neck, pouring vigorous pheromones into the alpha's skin. 

Bai Chunian abruptly stiffened. After a few seconds, he lowered his head into the hollow of Rimbaud's neck, and sweat trickled from his cheek down to his chin. His deep and low breaths after such torture sounded sexier than ever before.

There were bleeding teeth marks left behind on his neck, which swiftly healed. Now that he had entered maturity, the emblem from Rimbaud's biting was no longer the same small adorable blue fish. A grand bewitching and gorgeous manta ray fish imprint was branded on his neck, covering the upper collarbone to the entire right shoulder and pectoral muscle.

The alpha's black vest was completely drenched through. The undone tactical belt waistband revealed a lean waist, as the beautifully sculpted abs rose and fell.

Rimbaud nestled into Bai Chunian's arms, gently cradled his neck, and his nose lightly brushed the alpha's slightly parted lips. “Learned it now, In—struc—tor—Bai?” 

“Aren't you taking advantage of someone who is stuck between a rock and hard place? You obviously knew that I just didn't want to hurt you.” Bai Chunian's hands were still bound behind his back, his chin atop Rimbaud's shoulder, and his breath was fervent. “Are you jealous? They are all my trainees. I think of them as kids.”

“Of course. Of course you regard them as kids.” Rimbaud lifted Bai Chunian's chin, “When they hugged and crowded around you, I wasn't angry in the least.”

“When will you understand that you belong to me?” Rimbaud questioned him seriously.

“What does your definition of 'mine' denote?” 

Rimbaud could only reply, “Brood pouch. But you dislike hearing that term. I'm also vexed.”

Bai Chunian suddenly freed his hands, clasped Rimbaud's neck, rolled over and pressed himself on top of him. He knelt on the ground and yelled at Rimbaud like he was crazy, “What kind of shit is that! Let Laozi instruct you how to say 'brood pouch'! A brood pouch with feelings is known as a husband, got it? Do you understand now?!”

Rimbaud's neck was squeezed with such force that he coughed. “In fact, cough cough, it's actually a very sweet word. This is what young omega merfolks call the alphas that spawn with them. But not to all alphas… cough.”

“…Right, cough cough, then which word should I use? The puppy told me 'lover', so it should express this meaning… Relinquish your hands from my neck, randi… I command you.” 

Bai Chunian promptly halted his hands, the tip of his nose reddened, and his eyelids were flushed. A layer of obscure, unspoken emotions shrouded his pitch-black eyes, like a little cub gazing at him helplessly. He enquired dazedly—

“What did you say?”

Rimbaud coughed harshly. He shoved the grumpy alpha off of him, leaned on the bathtub, and took a few breaths. “I never taught you to control your temper, because I thought it was unnecessary for you.”

Rimbaud pondered over that word Bai Chunian mentioned just now. “Husband. For you, does it sound better than brood pouch? However, 'old' isn't a positive thing, you're not even old. 'Male' is also bizarre. When you translate it, it becomes 'old male'. And it's genuinely a name you like when you combine them?” 

Whilst he sincerely reflected upon it, this was indeed the case, but Bai Chunian still nodded. He was more thoroughly immersed in the human Chinese culture, so he enjoyed being given this title.

“At least, 'little male' is more suitable.” Rimbaud uttered to himself, “Or 'young male'. Why would it be 'old male'”?

“Fuck, if I tell you to call me this then call me by it. Why do you have to overthink it so much?”

Although he thought it was strange, Rimbaud still granted him his wish, because it seemed like the alpha really fancied it. 


Bai Chunian didn't budge, sitting distractedly on the floor.

“Husband?” Rimbaud repeated again loudly.

The alpha still didn't react, but Rimbaud witnessed with his own two eyes a pair of fluffy snow-white ears popping out from his shaggy black hair. 

Rimbaud scooted closer to him and attempted to call him a third time, “Husband?”

Bai Chunian began to heat up, and he removed his hands which trapped Rimbaud's arms, then suppressed the involuntary features on his head. However, Rimbaud was stunned to discover that two pink cat paw pad impressions were left on his arms.

Rimbaud curiously turned over Bai Chunian's palm, but he clenched his fist tightly so as to conceal it from Rimbaud.

“This is amazing. Could it be that 'husband' is some sort of trigger?” Rimbaud leaped into his arms. “My heart has now changed into water, flowing to and from within my chest. No one will dislike randi, the furry on land.” 

That was Bai Chunian's best night's sleep.

After entering maturity, Rimbaud's heat tolerance improved tremendously. Bai Chunian embraced Rimbaud in his arms, carefully cradled his waist, with his head buried in the hollow of his shoulder. He undeniably relished this night's slumber.

He felt abundantly relaxed. In fact, he had many questions he wanted to voice, but it didn't seem all that significant at this moment. He acquired a new identity, which he especially cherished.

So much so that when he stood on the balcony early in the morning and stretched with only a black tank top on, he completely forgot the massive alluring fish impression on his shoulder. 

The instructors' group chat exploded anew.

Technology Instructor – K: [Click to see picture]

Combat Instructor – Dai Ning: “Fuck. What's going on?”

Sniping Instructor – Lorentz: “Dropping an OMG. You photoshopped this, right?” 

Technology Instructor – K: “Hackers never photoshop.”

Profiling Instructor – Zheng Yue: “From the looks of it, Chu-ge was visibly satisfied last night… What's with this fish-shaped symbol? Is it what I think it is?”

Tactics Instructor – Hong Xie: “You can even flaunt having had sex with your body, I'm gonna vomit! What's so great about having a sex life?!”

Sniping Instructor – Lorentz: “It's certainly quite great.” 

Combat Instructor – Dai Ning: “It's hard not to support.”

Dai Ning lived right beside Bai Chunian. It wasn't enough that he joined in on the fun in the group, thus he had to rush to the front line to eat fresh melon. He trotted over to his balcony and peeked over in Bai Chunian's direction.

Bai Chunian stood within the white European-styled balustrade on the garden balcony. His left hand was tugging at his right elbow from behind his back, gently stretching, and his bones produced a crisp cracking sound. The elegant shoulder line was dyed gold by the sunlight, like a big cat stretching his body while sunbathing as he savoured the aftertaste of affection.

“Aiyo,” Dai Ning covered his mouth, “Truly fucking handsome.” 

Bai Chunian still hadn't seen the 99+ messages in the group chat. He turned his head and saw Dai Ning on the balcony next door, so he stated conveniently, “Divide the classes amongst yourselves today, I have something to do.”

Dai Ning thought, it would be really peculiar if you didn't have something going on, but acted clueless, “Ah, what is it?”

Bai Chunian picked up a diving mask and suit near his feet and curved his eyes, “Going snorkeling.”

Dai Ning squinted. “Those who don't have classes are also allowed to go ah.” 

Bai Chunian waved, “You guys can't. All of you need to provide the young cubs extra lessons today. None of you should slack off. You guys have to clear the coast for me.”

Dai Ning: “He—tui!”

Chapter end

Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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