The Fallen Merman Chapter 123

The Fallen Merman Chapter 123

Published at 30th of January 2023 07:40:52 AM

Chapter 123
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Several International Police Station helicopters landed outside the interrogation room. A few police officers were outside checking the list. Armed police and snipers carrying live ammunition were spread out everywhere.

Bai Chunian was dragged out from the escort car and pushed into the main building. 

There were a few other experimental subjects in the hall besides him, but it wasn't all of them. Along the way, he saw Eris and the bee patissier being escorted into different interrogation rooms and waiting rooms.

Bai Chunian was first placed in a square room with bulletproof glass on all four sides. There was only a chair with a table in the room. He sat on it with his hands handcuffed to the table, his movements limited. Two bright and hot lamps shined down on him, and no one paid him any attention for a long time.

He lightly exhaled through his nose and rubbed it with his finger. The microchip that Bi Lanxing passed to him landed on his index finger and was automatically absorbed into his skin.

This thing couldn't stay in his nasal cavity for too long. If he accidentally inhaled it into his windpipe and into his lungs, it wouldn't be so easy to take out.

He looked around. The walls were coated a solemn black. Some warning signs in different languages were stuck on the walls, all pretty much having the same meaning—expressing the meaning of being lenient for those that confess and severity for those that resist.

The entire island was situated in the tropics, and the temperature stayed around 35 degrees Celsius all year round. Except for the prison guards' lounge and their dormitory, the prison area didn't have air conditioning. Only some fans were installed in places where crowds tend to gather to help circulate air.

Bai Chunian sat in the interrogation chair. The high temperature was already annoying, and there were even two burning hot lamps shining in his eyes on top of that. These police officers were really good at torturing people.

However, it was lacking compared to his methods of interrogating others. He often used lynching and torture, and more often he relied on these methods of torturing people without leaving a trace to obtain the information he wanted. 

During this hour he had been left hanging in the interrogation room, Police Officer Zhang and Du Mo, who were in charge of the interrogation, were talking outside the door.

Du Mo didn't take the cigarette the officer next to him offered him. He crossed his arms, raised his chin, and lightly warned, “He's a difficult person to deal with.”

The officer beside him patted his chest and guaranteed, “Our Officer Zhang is an expert in interrogation. No criminal under his interrogation would dare quibble with him.”

Officer Zhang had a towering figure and a face similar to that of an iceberg. He looked oppressive, with a determination to win this interrogation. 

The International Prison had long since set their eyes on Crawler's experimental subject organization, “Sow Firewall.” They had classified them as a disaster-level terrorist organization, so it was necessary to have all the main members under control as soon as possible. From the clues obtained from their investigation, it was discovered that Bai Chunian had contacts with them, so they hoped to get some reliable information out of him.

Du Mo disagreed. He took out his own cigarette, lit it, and took a puff. “9100, a messenger-type experimental subject that burst out with a probability of 3 out of 100,000, won't be that easy to deal with.”

Officer Zhang was fairly confident in his own interrogation techniques, so he didn't take Du Mo's warning to heart. He walked through the locked and barred hallway with another officer who would be assisting with the interrogation and entered a room adjacent to the room Bai Chunian was held in. The two of them were separated from Bai Chunian by a bulletproof glass wall, connected by a sound transmission hole and a small speaker in the middle.

Officer Zhang had just sat down when Bai Chunian greeted him. 

“Hey, sir. Nice ring you got there.” The corner of Bai Chunian's lips were raised, looking obedient.

Officer Zhang was wearing a simple ring on his pinky finger. It could be seen from the shape that it had a matching pair. It should be a wedding ring, and a small sized one for omegas. A bit of the edge of a white silk handkerchief was exposed from his jacket pocket.

In just a few seconds from when Officer Zhang entered the door and sat down, Bai Chunian's gaze had already checked him up and down from a distance of several meters. He poked him directly at the sore spot as soon as he opened his mouth to greet him—he was recently widowed.

Officer Zhang's already cold and serious face lost any trace warmth it had. 

“The boss of the former IOA Secret Service Search Department is indeed like what the rumors say—sharp and cold.”

“Who is it? Who tarnished my image? That's certainly not a rumor that the IOA spread.” Bai Chunian leaned against the back of the chair, naturally clasped his hands on the table, stretched out his legs, and crossed them.

Officer Zhang made him state the facts of his crimes. Bai Chunian confessed to everything he did, such as blowing up the ball on the Pearl Tower.

Officer Zhang, “Since you have already joined the IOA Alliance, why did you defect? As far as I know, President Yu Yan has great trust in you.” 

Yoolmfg Itjcu qbrrfrrfv j rlwlijg ilf vfafmalbc jylilas jr Gg. Vjwbsfv bo atf Xgffcois Prijcv'r rqfmlji agjlclcu yjrf. Ktlr kjr jirb atf gfjrbc kts tf kjr xcbkc jr jc lcafggbujalbc fzqfga. Qtfc atf batfg qjgas jcrkfgr atf ageat, Yoolmfg Itjcu mbeiv vfafgwlcf jeatfcalmlas ys atf mbibg jybnf Djl Jtecljc'r tfjv.

“Now that's offensive. How did I defect?” Bai Chunian patted the table. “I didn't defect, there was just an error in the mission. That day I went to capture Eris, but he was a A3-grade maturity stage experimental subject. Everything I did wasn't out of my own volition.”

In Officer Zhang's eyes, a white halo that others couldn't see appeared above Bai Chunian's head, which meant that he was telling the truth.

The other officer lowered his eyes to record his words, coldly asking, “The city's surveillance shows that you indulged in the experimental subject, Cursemaker's, homicidal tendency. How do you explain this?” 

Bai Chunian, “Subjectively, I don't have the tendency to hurt others, nor do I have the motives to kill. I stopped Eris from advancing towards the crowded downtown area, and led him to a closed subway station to minimize casualties.”

Officer Zhang watched him—Bai Chunian still had a white halo above his head. If the halo turned red, it meant that he lied. The darker the red, the lower the credibility.

“I heard that it was the IOA public agent Rimbaud that arrested you. Aren't you guys in a relationship? Why didn't he stop you?”

Bai Chunian, “What, that fish? How much do you think I like him? We're just fuck buddies. With so much pressure in our line of work, there must be a way to relieve it, am I right?” 

In Officer Zhang's eyes, the halo above Bai Chunian's head changed from white to red.

Bai Chunian continued, “Moreover, he has a strong desire to control. I hate being ordered around, and I don't like omegas that are too alphlike.”

The halo became even redder.

“How should I put it? Rimbaud arrested me probably because we had a long-standing grudge. He detests me very much. After all, I got in the way of his promotion.” 

The halo was completely red. Bai Chunian looked like a fiery archangel to Officer Zhang.

Officer Zhang was perfectly aware that he was talking nonsense, but he couldn't speak and stop him, because if his lies were exposed, he would immediately realize that the interrogator had the ability to detect lies. Then he would definitely set a trap in the testimony as a result, increasing the difficulty of the following interrogations.

So the interrogation continued for a full twelve hours, half of which Officer Zhang and his colleagues were forced to listen to his reverse confession without changing their expressions.

When Bai Chunian walked out of the interrogation room, he sighed softly. “Ai, I really don't miss him at all.” 

The last bit of energy in Officer Zhang's gland was drained by the fiery halo around Bai Chunian's head. Weak-footed, he was helped up and brought out by his colleagues.

Du Mo took Bai Chunian again, watched Officer Zhang leave with an extremely poor expression, and sneered.

“The relationship between the International Prison and the International Police Department doesn't seem to be very good?” Bai Chunian stood by the wall and chatted with him as if nothing had happened.

Du Mo snorted softly. “We all want outstanding achievements. Because of you experimental subjects, we're tormented seven or eight times a month. Who would want to serve you guys? Experimental subjects take up seats in the prison and eat our food, and there's no one to visit them and no one to protect, which means there's no profit to be had. You guys even create a disturbance from time to time. If not for my duty, I would want to drive you all out.” 

Bai Chunian broke into laughter.

“When can I be visited?”

“You?” Du Mo glanced at him, “Your next of kin will have to apply for a visitor permit, then bring the permit here. They can visit after three months. Do you have any next of kin?”


“Then what are you wasting words for?” Du Mo grabbed his forearm and escorted him back to the prison block.

While he was turning his head, Bai Chunian quickly took out his canteen meal card from his pants pocket and slid it against the wall to the floor.

The interrogation of the other experimental subjects also finished. In the hallway, that bee experimental subject “Patissier” was grabbing at an officer and pleading. He sobbed as he hung onto the officer, “Sir, I already confessed to everything, and I'm willing to wear a suppressor forever, so please reduce my sentence. I won't hurt people anymore, I'll control myself. I want to open a shop in a small city and live well.”

The police officers who came to interrogate obviously couldn't easily agree to this kind of request. The officer didn't kick Patissier away out of politeness, and answered him with official words, “We will consider it at our own discretion.” 

Patissier collapsed and slumped to the floor and started tearing up. He kept rubbing his eyes like a child, not daring to cry out loud. Only the shaking of his shoulders could be seen.

Eris stood at the side and laughed incessantly. He kicked a piece of shredded trash at Patissier and said helplessly to Bai Chunian who was standing not that far away, “My god, this is the most hopeless thing of my kind I have ever met. He should just die already, he's polluting my air.”

Du Mo swung down his disciplinary whip and hit Eris' calf, then sternly reprimanded, “Go back to your prison block.”

Eris pulled back his leg in pain. His eyes that were gloomy but brimming with curiosity were attracted to Du Mo. “Sir, omegas shouldn't be so fierce.” 

Bai Chunian helplessly watched the scene. He reminded Du Mo, “Cursemaker can hold grudges very well.”

It would be a lie if he didn't feel any oppression while being sandwiched between the two alphas. Du Mo pushed them to the armed police. “Take him back.”

He then walked to Patissier, bent down, and pulled him up. Patissier saw his disciplinary whip and grew apprehensive. Du Mo retracted the long disciplinary whip and patted him on the back. “It's always just you that goes back crying. Hurry and get up. Let's go, let's go.”

After the armed police escorted the experimental subjects out, Du Mo put his hands in his pocket and discovered that his canteen meal card was gone, so he went back to the corridor to look for it. It only took a few steps and less than two minutes. 

Bai Chunian was escorted out. Invisible Stalker stood beside another escort car. He was blindfolded, his hands were handcuffed in front of him, and he stood facing Bai Chunian. His hands were gesturing slowly, and it seemed like he wanted to express something, but Bai Chunian didn't get the meaning at all. He could only rely on his superhuman memory to memorize the gestures.

After returning to the prison block, Bai Chunian once again lived an ordinary prison life. The work of the inmates in the block were not fixed, but they were assigned to different places in turn. Bai Chunian stayed in a clothing factory for a month, and then it was their prison block's turn to clean the work building.

They weren't allowed in the office area. The tasks assigned to them included cleaning the toilets, cleaning the corridor floor and the windows outside the building, etc. It sounded easier than a clothing factory, but the work was actually more cumbersome. The inspection was strict; the places that need to be cleaned should not even have a speck of dust. If the inspection failed, not only would points be deducted, but they must do it again.

After cleaning for three days, the guard said they needed someone to go clean the stack room. 

The prisoners didn't like to tidy up the stack room. It was called the stack room because it was a warehouse for storing books. The previous warden loved to read books and collected a lot of old ones. After he retired, the books were piled in the warehouse, with more than 3,000 books in there. The newly appointed warden respected the old one so he would often ask people to clean up the stack room. However, because it was left alone for a long time, there was a layer of dust on the books. The nooks also had many rats. If they found a book that had been bitten by rats, they would have to record it and replace the book with a new one.

Many of the convicts here were uneducated. It was harder to get them to write than to kill them. It was easier to sweep the floors and wipe the windows.

Tidying up a place like the stack room once a year was good enough. It was only last month that the prisoners in the B Block cleaned it, so logically speaking, there shouldn't be a need to clean it again.

Bai Chunian thought about it, then raised his hand. “I'll go.” 

The guard had always thought this youngster wasn't bad and was quick on his feet, so it was only right to take him there.

Bai Chunian followed the guard into the elevator. Every elevator needed a fingerprint verification, so outsiders couldn't use it. Many of the locks here were fingerprint locks or iris locks, hence the possibility of stealing keys was eliminated. Bai Chunian had never thought of using such a low-efficiency and non-technical method.

After several turns into the stack room, it was indeed a warehouse for storing books. The bookshelves were arranged closely together. The place had also been cleaned, so there wasn't much dust. The books were neatly stacked together, but were only arranged according to size. The usual way to arrange books was to organize them by categories according to their content.

This way of placement confirmed Bai Chunian's conjecture. 

The last inmate that cleaned this stack room was probably Invisible Stalker. He couldn't see due to being blindfolded, so he could only arrange the books by size. If following the standards of cleaning, this way of placement was very neat, which is why it had passed the inspection. However, if the next cleaner was more serious, the books would need to be reorganized.

The guard locked the door, leaving Bai Chunian alone inside the stack room. He would come back to pick him up when it was time.

Bai Chunian started tidying up from the corner; carefully lining up each book according to its content, flipping through them to see if there were any missing or folded pages, and putting books of the same category on the same shelf.

After tidying up for three hours, he pulled out an old leather-bound book that was pressed at the bottom. The title of the book wasn't written on the cover, just a few protruding little bumps. 

Bai Chunian reached out and touched the small round bumps. He didn't get what they meant for a while. He even thought it was a unique cover design, but he noticed that the arrangement of the small bumps at the bottom where the book number was located looked very familiar. The normal elevator buttons also had these raised small dots arranged in this shape to make it easier for blind people to identify with their fingers.

This was a Braille book. After opening it, the left side was the English explanation, the right side were small dots that could be felt, and lastly, sign language line drawings were attached to it.

Although Bai Chunian never learned Braille before, it was enough to just read the English explanation. This was a book to teach sign language. The Braille on the right side should be a translation for the English explanation.

The few hand signs Invisible Stalker gestured to him outside the interrogation room were probably learned from this. 

Bai Chunian looked for the pictures with similar gestures to the ones in his memory and was actually able to put together a complete sentence—

【Please let me see their fingers and eyes】

Bai Chunian had already experienced Invisible Stalker's imitation ability back at the cabin. If he read this book, even if he only read it through touching the Braille text with his fingertips, he could still write it down without missing a single word. Invisible Stalker was able to casually duplicate a library and an archive room, so a large number of books had already been imprinted in his mind. Hence, it wasn't surprising for him to understand Braille.

“Their fingers and eyes.” Bai Chunian pondered for a while, then understood what Invisible Stalker meant. 

In fact, he wasn't expecting for Invisible Stalker to be so cooperative. He had just said in his ear something that had no basis and no guarantee. It seemed like this little thing really wanted to see the major.

While tidying up the stack room, Bai Chunian put the books on the shelf with one hand, and held the thick sign language book with the other hand, silently memorizing all the gestures in the book.

It took about three days to organize the stack room. After finishing, Bai Chunian could only go back to sweeping the floors and wiping windows.

During this period, there was a riot in the Severe Penalty Prison. A former member of the Red-Throated Bird stabbed Golden Silk Spider with a piece of ceramic tile from who knows where, but he was held back in time. He immediately tried to commit suicide with the ceramic tile piece but was stopped and had now been dragged to the interrogation building. 

Golden Silk Spider injured an artery in his leg but he didn't die. The doctor stopped the bleeding and sutured him in time. Now he had been lying on a hospital bed for a while.

Bai Chunian couldn't be anymore familiar with this type of trick. The Red-Throated Bird member that was locked up was being threatened by the organization with the safety of their family. They wanted him to silence Golden Silk Spider and die once it had been accomplished. He still had to die even if he didn't succeed. The fugitive was exchanging his own life for his family's lives.

The boss of the Red-Throated Bird was really capable; his hand could even reach into the International Prison, which Bai Chunian had not expected.

Which meant that Golden Silk Spider still held valuable clues. If he wanted to get in contact with him, Bai Chunian could only get help from Invisible Stalker. 

Bai Chunian was lying on the bed in his cell, with one hand on his pillow, staring at the seepage stains and rusty roof in a daze.

His other hand stretched into the waistband of his pants. Alphas liked to play with their baby when they were bored. They would eventually go out of control as they kept playing with it.

The room was small, so the other inmates in the room could hear the restrained panting in the corner. They shut their mouths one by one.

Bai Chunian lowered his head, his breathing getting heavier and heavier, and regretting what he said to Rimbaud in the bathroom in his mind. 

That day in the bathroom, he actually said something like “Give me a little fish.” He felt like he had been poisoned by the institute's reproductive mindset. To utter such humiliating words in front of Rimbaud, he felt a bit uneasy now that he thought about it. He didn't know what Rimbaud thought of it—did it make him uncomfortable but he won't say it because he indulged him?

But he really wanted a little fish. No one could control the secret desires in their hearts. He was always envious of the President for having a family, or rather, he was envious of everyone with a family.

Bai Chunian turned over and tore off a piece of paper to wipe his hand clean. He put the pillow between his legs, imagining that he was hugging Rimbaud and little Rimbaud, and snuggling them to sleep.

After getting along for so long, Rimbaud would definitely not leave him. Even if he occasionally said something that made him uncomfortable, or accidentally lost control and did something, he would pamper him. 

After three very long months, Bai Chunian had more or less already gotten used to day-to-day mechanical life and completely figured out all the patterns of operation, monitoring locations, patrol routes, and sniper spots within the prison.

Next, he needed to wait for an opportunity to arise that would let him meet Invisible Stalker.

But unexpectedly, a guard opened the door early this morning and called for him: “S-9100, there's someone here to visit.”

Bai Chunian's spirits rose, but after he thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was not included in his plans. 

Inexplicably, he was escorted into the visitation room. There was a piece of bulletproof glass and a telephone in front of him. There was a round stool in front of the tabletop. Bai Chunian sat on the round stool, fiddled with the phone, and knocked on the glass. He didn't know if the President had sent someone over. The IOA should be able to get a visitation qualification.

A sound came from the electronic meter on the wall, and the door outside the glass opened. Bai Chunian looked toward the door, and something quickly crawled in.

With an archive envelope in his mouth, Rimbaud climbed from the doorway to the wall, and then climbed along the ceiling to the bulletproof glass. He sniffed everywhere, trying to find a small crack to get in.

“Family member! You can't press too close to the glass!” The policeman outside quickly pulled him down and pushed him onto the round stool, “The visiting time is only half an hour; don't exceed the time limit.” 

Rimbaud dusted off the bandage wrapped around his arm, raised his eyelids slightly, and said, “Got it, back off.”

The policeman, “…”

Bai Chunian was stunned. “How did you get in?”

“I swam over justly and honorably and then crawled in.” Rimbaud calmly took out a visitor permit from the archive envelope. 

Separated by the glass and unable to touch it, Bai Chunian was confused. The IOA Alliance should be qualified to visit, but the permit used would definitely be a work permit, not a visitor permit.

“Yan Yi said that human law stipulates that only your immediate family members can visit you.” Rimbaud rummaged through the archive envelope again, “I asked him what immediate family members are, and he told me that I needed to have this.”

He took out a set of marriage certificates from the archive envelope.

Bai Chunian's eyes were fixated on them after seeing the covers of the red booklets, and his mouth opened wider and wider. “… No, this, can they issue it without me present?” 

Rimbaud held his cheek with one hand, the other playing with the marriage certificates. “The bureau that issued the certificates also said something like that. Then when I took out a gun, he said 'yes, yes, of course it can be done.'”

Chapter end

Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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