The Fallen Merman Chapter 130

The Fallen Merman Chapter 130

Published at 30th of January 2023 07:40:41 AM

Chapter 130
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Volume 5: Double Thinking Silk Epilogue

Epilogue (7) 

At the beginning of April, many Chinese roses bloomed in the courtyard of the grand Alliance building's back wall.

Practically no one has set foot here, and the gardeners hired by the Alliance paid more attention to the design of the appearance and arranged the Christmas Japanese rose garden at the front door of the grand building to be splendid. They wouldn't do anything to the places where few people went.

But Golden Silk Spider loved to come here and water the flowers, alone, silent, and not making trouble for others. Because of his care, those golden-orange Chinese roses bloomed even more tenderly and beautifully.

He would come to take care of the Chinese roses every day. On weekends, he would pick a few flowers, wrap them into a bundle with spider silk, and bring them back to the mummy's bedside to replace the flowers from last week.

The replaced flowers were not thrown away either. He wove some dream catchers out of spider silk, pinned the flowers to them, and hung them on the wall of the ward.

His spider silk had a preserving function, so the bouquets would not wither. Hence, he accumulated more and more. After a few weeks, he transformed the ward into a garden.

In a few days, Bai Chunian would be leaving for the PBB military base. Before he left, he was worried, so he came over to check on Golden Silk Spider's situation.

Golden Silk Spider was weeding the area for the Chinese roses, wearing gloves and a sun hat that he made himself with spider silk, making his way through the Chinese rose cluster. 

Bai Chunian squatted down. “What are you bustling around for? No one comes here, and even the gardeners don't like to tidy this place up.”

When Golden Silk Spider heard someone talking, he hurriedly made his way out of the thicket of Chinese roses, patting off the soil and leaves on his body. The President said that when talking to someone, he should look into the other person's eyes. He opened his eyes which were covered with a metallic luster, and looked at Bai Chunian. “The President handed this garden to me and let me take care of the roses.”

“You still don't have to tidy it up every day, it's pretty tiring.”

“I'm not tired, gege.” Golden Silk Spider's naturally crescent lips curved upward, and his hair curled up against his forehead. 

Bai Chunian choked for a moment. Words with such intimate emotions would indescribably make one's mood better after hearing them.

He picked up the watering can, grumbling in his head at those sly old foxes from the Medical Association for pushing the matter of offending someone onto him.

“Well, the Medical Association wanted me to ask you for your opinion.” Bai Chunian pondered for a long time on how he should go about saying it. “Your brother Shao Wenjing… It has been confirmed that he's brain-dead. Do you… want to cremate him?”

After he finished speaking, he quickly added, “We'll respect your opinion. This is just part of the procedure. The Medical Association's research needs your consent to go through with it. If you don't agree to donate the remains, then they won't do it.” 

What was surprising was that Golden Silk Spider didn't get upset when he brought up this subject, rather, he answered, “You don't need to be so nervous, I'm not angry.”

Bai Chunian breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he could understand it very well from Golden Silk Spider's perspective. Bai Chunian had never experienced the pain of losing his only relative, but he could sympathize with him.

“My ge isn't dead, he has always been here.” Golden Silk Spider gently prodded the rose.

Ktlr wbcat, atfgf tjv jikjsr yffc rbwfbcf jmmbwqjcslcu tlw fnfgs vjs. Xbivfc Vlix Vqlvfg tjv yfmbwf wemt yglutafg. Lf fnfc abbx atf lclaljalnf ab ajix jybea atf qjra klat Djl Jtecljc. 

Ktf 109 Efrfjgmt Pcralaeaf lclaljiis wjlcajlcfv j mbbqfgjalnf gfijalbcrtlq klat Vtjb Qfcplcu'r wfvlmji fdelqwfca mbwqjcs. Lbkfnfg, bcf vjs, atf gfrfjgmt lcralaeaf bgvfgfv j yjamt bo ygffvlcu fdelqwfca ogbw Vtjb Qfcplcu'r mbwqjcs. Dfmjerf bo atflg mbbqfgjalnf gfijalbcrtlq, Vtjb Qfcplcu vlvc'a atlcx abb wemt bo la. Pa kjrc'a ecali atfs jrxfv obg j merabw ygffvlcu mbcajlcfg klat vlwfcrlbcr ola obg jc jveia atja tf rfcrfv rbwfatlcu kjr boo.

Ever since his little brother had graduated primary school, Shao Wenjing re-planned his company's business scope; he no longer involved himself in the gray areas. After seeing the custom-made request, Shao Wenjing felt that there was an issue. He wanted to run a proper medical equipment business and no longer wanted to earn money from unknown sources. And so, he decided to break off their cooperation and paid the hefty contract termination fees.

However, the kind of equipment that the 109 Research Institute wanted required a corresponding special technology. At that time, only Shao Wenjing's company had channels to buy it. An executive of the research institute named Hummingbird Aileen took the initiative to invite Shao Wenjing to visit the lab and shared with him the experiment blueprint.

The grand blueprint he presented was a special operations weapon creation plan. Aileen said that experimental subjects were just a special kind of weapon, and they hoped that they could continue to cooperate for a long time. 

Shao Wenjing knew that things were not that simple, so he tactfully turned them down.

Unexpectedly, one day, the teacher called him and asked why his younger brother Wenchi didn't come to school. Only then did Shao Wenjing realize that the institute had not given up on cooperating with him, even going as far as to kidnap Wenchi to threaten him.

Hummingbird Aileen contacted him through email, telling him to exchange the finished equipment for his little brother.

After hearing his little brother's voice through the phone, Shao Wenjing could only agree and prepare the equipment for the exchange. 

The equipment needed to be custom-made in Germany, and it would take a year to finish. During this time period, regardless of Shao Wenjing's strong threats or soft requests, they still wouldn't give Wenchi back. Moreover, they weren't scared of the police.

Finally, the equipment was shipped over, and Shao Wenjing led a group of people to hand over the goods overnight.

Sure enough, the institute turned its backs on him once they received the product, and weren't planning on giving Wenchi back.

Under Shao Wenjing's intimidation, the researcher who came to get the goods confessed—they had turned Shao Wenchi into a special operations weapon with the serial number 211 and with the codename “Golden Silk Spider.” 

Shao Wenjing was infuriated. He reopened the dusty arsenal and led armed men to the research institute, with the police following closely behind them.

At that time, Shao Wenchi had already become the cultivation-staged Golden Silk Spider. His eyes were glazed over, and he couldn't communicate.

Hummingbird Aileen activated Golden Silk Spider's suppressor, wanting to kill Shao Wenjing, but Golden Silk Spider stood indifferently. Aileen had the researcher inject a larger dose of catalytic combat agent into him. Golden Silk Spider charged wildly at Shao Wenjing and bit off his flesh.

During this one-year period, Shao Wenjing did not stay idle; he had already prepared for the worst. He used all possible means to look into the details pertaining to special operations weapons. He learned that when an experimental subject's food intake reached a critical value, they would evolve from the cultivation stage to the maturity stage. When the time comes, their strength would increase and their comprehension-ability would be restored. Thus, Shao Wenjing would be able to get Wenchi out. 

So Shao Wenjing pretended that he couldn't resist, lying on the floor and letting Golden Silk Spider bite him. Golden Silk Spider ate the flesh of his chest and half his shoulder.

At the same time, the number on the index detector device connected to Golden Silk Spider had soared; his food intake index was rising rapidly.

When the food intake reached 99.97%, Hummingbird Aileen finally realized Shao Wenjing's ploy. He immediately restarted Golden Silk Spider's suppressor and also released first-generation experimental subject 1513, Medusa's Eyes, to expel the intruders and kill Shao Wenjing.

At that time, no one had ever seen an experimental subject. Shao Wenjing was also seriously injured, so there was almost no suspense about his death. 

But when the fight was over and the institute called back Golden Silk Spider and Medusa's Eyes, they went to look for the corpse, but Shao Wenjing unexpectedly went missing. He was never heard from since, disappearing from this world.

A few years later, Golden Silk Spider was cultivated to a suitable state. It happened that the Ru Ruo Fangcheng Organization sent Ru Cheng to buy an experimental subject. The money they made from their business was not clean, so they had to pay a so-called “protection fee” to the Red-Throated Bird to launder the dirty money, and sending a new weapon over was a great choice.

After Golden Silk Spider left the institute, he didn't actually have any clear memories, but his instincts drove him home.

Relying on his muscle memory, he found the secret room bookcase at home. When the bookcase was pushed over, Shao Wenjing laid the body on the bed in the secret room, and wrapped it into a mummy using spider silk. 

He was holding a knife in his hand, and it looked like the blood on the blade had gone dry for many years now. There was an empty spot in the back of his neck where the gland should have been. Blood stained the bed sheet, which had now turned black.

The mummy was holding a scratched-up Ak-74, a still-beating gland was wrapped in spider silk around the butt of the gun.

A letter was pressed under the gun,

“I knew you would definitely come home if you're still alive.” 

“Wenchi, this gun will protect you in my stead from today onwards. The people who love you will eventually become stars and shine upon you forever. That's the law of the world, so you shouldn't be sad.”

“I'll forever love you, my baby. I'm always here.”

“From your older brother, Wenjing.”

After hearing the story of Golden Silk Spider, Bai Chunian's mind was blank. He stood dazedly by the garden for a long time. 

Bai Chunian initially thought that if Golden Silk Spider wanted to bury his older brother, he could use his differentiation ability, Annihilate, to help turn the mummy into a marble so that he could always have his brother with him. But now, he felt that even this was not enough.

“Your brother left his body to you probably because he wanted to use this method to keep staying by your side.” Bai Chunian crouched down and used a flower stem to draw on the ground. “His gland is still alive. If he were buried, he would feel cold, right?”

Bai Chunian pondered. “If I were no longer here, I would also leave my gland to my most beloved person so we could live together. If he accepts, I would feel that I hadn't been abandoned.”


Epilogue (8)

That night, Bai Chunian called Han Xingqian.

The next day, the Medical Association rejected taking Shao Wenjing's body. The body wrapped in spider silk would never rot and had no peculiar smell and wouldn't affect others, so it was left to the Golden Silk Spider.

When Golden Silk Spider went to the garden again, he carried the mummy as he had always done, and weeded and watered the roses. 

His M2 differentiation ability, Double Thinking Silk, could control spider cocoons. The thin spider silk fluttered in the air, connecting the mummy's body, limbs, and ten fingers.

Golden Silk Spider's fingers manipulating the spider silk moved slightly, and the mummy got off his back. It picked up the water can to fill it up at the faucet, then picked it back up and handed it over to Golden Silk Spider—its actions looked very much alive.


Epilogue (9) 

Speaking of which, about Bai Chunian and Rimbaud receiving their marriage certificate, Bai Chunian mulled over it for a very long time and often took out the marriage certificate from the drawer in the dead of night to look at it under the desk lamp.

He specially bought a thick notebook at the stationery store below the apartment building. At night, taking advantage of when Rimbaud would fall asleep, he would quietly write down his ideas and plans for their wedding. He would start to make arrangements when he returned from the military base.

The style of the wedding ring had also been clearly explained to the designer. Lu Shangjin had a great reputation, so a veteran artist from Huanshifengfei personally designed the proposal ring for Bai Chunian.

Bai Chunian took out his eight-figure savings, on the lower end and accumulated over three years, to make secret preparations. He never even smoked cigarettes worth more than ten yuan, but he didn't even bat an eye when spending money on Rimbaud. 

But he couldn't just do nothing during this time.

Bai Chunian chose an auspicious hour and lucky day, invited his colleagues to eat, and custom-ordered a huge, ten-layered square cake, made into the shape of a marriage certificate. He publicly announced that he was already engaged and that the wedding wine could be drunk very soon.

Alphas both admired him and envied him, and there were also some handsome omegas who had completely given up, drinking away their sorrow with the wine.

Duan Yang from the technology department held a wine glass and gossiped about them. “That merman is really beautiful but is too fierce. How did you subdue him?” 

“Who said that, how is he fierce? He is so small, and I only have to casually coax him, then he'll come running and act coquettish.” Bai Chunian happily drank a few more glasses, “He is very soft. Hei, he's so obedient in front of me.”

That day, he prevented Rimbaud from appearing. After all, it was an occasion full of his colleagues, and he was worried that Rimbaud would feel awkward.

But there would always be a simple-minded dolt like Passenger Pigeon, sending a picture to Moments right after taking it and without blocking anyone from seeing it. He also tagged Bai Chunian, loudly saying congratulations.

They were drinking wine when there was a knock on the door. Bai Chunian was stunned. He looked at the people present, and there was nobody absent. Who had come? 

The door was opened, and Rimbaud appeared at the doorway wearing a suit on his upper body and holding a bouquet in his hand.

Everyone here was stupefied.

Rimbaud tried hard to stand on the tip of his fishtail, leaning a piece of fishbone as far back as possible to support his body, trying to appear taller than Bai Chunian. But he failed, as he wasn't too steady standing like this.

Bai Chunian looked down at the bouquet in his hand, and his smile froze——a bundle of white flowers wrapped in black paper. 

Bai Chunian, “…So what did you base choosing the colors on?”

Rimbaud explained earnestly, “In the dark, there'll be Himalayan musk roses to accompany you.”

Bai Chunian gazed into his deep and serene beautiful blue eyes, then picked him up with the strength of alcohol. He held Rimbaud against the wall supporting his butt, kissed him vigorously, felt for the proposal ring in his pocket, and took it out. Bai Chunian picked the ring out from the flannel box and put it on Rimbaud's finger, not allowing for a rejection.

There were webs between Rimbaud's fingers, so the ring would be stuck in the webs. Bai Chunian looked at the delicate and charming merman in his arms up close, and the most hidden possessive desire and thirst in his heart were ignited. He forcibly pushed the ring in, then frantically released soothing pheromones. He had the torn web heal quickly, sealing the ring on his finger. 

The surrounding colleagues who were creating a disturbance and watching the excitement were suddenly stupefied by the strong brandy pheromone.

The area between his fingers hurt, and Rimbaud looked down at the ring that had appeared between his fingers.

“Wu. Painful.”

Bai Chunian kissed his lips, not letting him breathe. 


Epilogue (10)

The news that Bai Chunian forcibly kissed Rimbaud and made him wear a ring after drinking spread in the IOA Moments, and some anonymous people even started a rumor that Bai Chunian had sexually abusive tendencies.

After returning home, Rimbaud reclined on an upholstered armchair, happily admiring the ring on his hand. The pink diamonds were inlaid in the shape of a cat's paw. 

“The trash of humans is really beautiful sometimes.” Rimbaud pointed a gun at the back of Bai Chunian's head. “So does that give you the right to tear open my shirt in public, kiss my lips erotically, and then put your hand under my fin to randomly feel around?

Bai Chunian sobered up and kneeled on the keyboard with his head against the wall. The white lion ears that came up from his black hair drooped.


Chapter end

Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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