The Fallen Merman Chapter 138

The Fallen Merman Chapter 138

Published at 4th of April 2023 01:16:53 PM

Chapter 138
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The horn touched Specter's forehead, and monotonous memories flowed into Han Xingqian's mind along the spiraling grooves of his horns.

What he saw was what Specter had seen- several memory fragments that had left the deepest impressions. 

The first thing he saw was a bedroom with Turkish marble pasted on the wall and a leather floor. A married couple was on the bed, bodies interacting. The alpha's figure was shriveled, his old saggy skin full of distinct liver spots. A very prominent, irregularly-shaped brown birthmarks could be seen on his back. He was already an elderly age of 80, and even using his arms to prop up his upper body to such a position was extremely challenging to do.

But as time went by, the liver spots on his body gradually vanished one by one, his loose skin regained its tightness, and his muscles changed from shriveled to firm and robust. In a few minutes, the alpha changed from an 80-year-old man to a dignified man in his prime.

The alpha on the bed smoked a cigarette after that finished, then suddenly turned his gaze and stared at him for a long time.

Han Xingqian had the first-person perspective of Specter, so he could conclude that the alpha was staring at Specter. Specter was in their bedroom, watching this live sex scene intently.

It seemed that the alpha's transformation was because of Specter's ability.

The alpha showed a look of disdain, then called up a doctor and a few bodyguards. After the bodyguards came in, they restrained Specter while the doctor adjusted a bottle of reagent beside them and dripped it into Specter's eyes.

His vision blurred more and more until eventually, he couldn't even see a ray of light.

The following memories didn't have images anymore. Specter became blind because of that. 

But the memories didn't stop as a result. Han Xingqian heard a voice.

“Thanks for helping us resurrect him, you're still kind of useful. Join our revenge plan, haha. Wouldn't it be good to have everyone you hate drop dead? …Why are you acting like a block of wood? Basically, if you, fool, can understand what I'm saying, go to the Berna Pharmaceutical Factory in Santa Fe Island to participate in our fireworks show at 12 in the evening on April 13th, bang! Hahahahahahahaha… It's our first gift to human beings, but you can't go empty-handed. The entrance fee is 44 human corpses. The weak cannot afford it.”

The voice was frivolous and sinister, and it sounded like it had a bit of a frenzied overtone.

Specter was standing blankly with his forehead pressed against Han Xingqian's glossy horn tip. Although he was grabbed by the neck, he didn't struggle much and calmly raised his head slightly. 

The Pegasus gland that came from a fusion belonged to the category of holy animals glands. It had an innate type of warm-hearted feeling that people yearned for.

When the five minutes were up, Specter suddenly disappeared in Han Xingqian's hands and then appeared under another clock close in the hallway immediately afterward. The minute hand of the clock was pointing to 8.

Specter could move near all the clocks within his range at will, but he must move in the sequence that the minute or hour hands point to 1-12. Also, he couldn't move through the same clock within the 1-12 cycle.

In other words, when Specter appeared at a position where any clock hand pointed to 6, his next appearance could only be under a clock with a hand pointing to 7. The interval between starting teleportations was at least five minutes, and a clock couldn't be reused until 12 ticks had passed. 

Ljc Wlcudljc oluegfv bea atlr geif atgbeut Wljb Wec'r gfqbga bo atf alwf bearlvf atf yelivlcu jcv ublcu yjmx jcv obgat yfakffc atf olgra, rfmbcv, jcv atlgv oibbgr bo atf beafg rfmalbc ktfc atf mbwweclmjabg rabqqfv kbgxlcu.

Ktlr kjr Vqfmafg Lbeguijrr'r jrrbmljafv jylilas, 'Klwf Kgjnfi.'

Vqfmafg rabbv lc atf vlrajcmf obg j ibcu alwf, atfc bqfcfv tlr wbeat jcv jrxfv Ljc Wlcudljc, “Ljnf sbe…ybeuta atf…fcagjcmf off? P'nf mbiifmafv fcbeut…44 mbgqrfr. P'ii…olcv rbwf wbgf klat sbe…ab kjamt atf olgfkbgxr rtbk.”

Han Xingqian asked, “Who invited you? Was there anyone else there?” 

Specter shook his head.

“Not a companion. Goodbye.”

He turned and left along the ring-shaped hallway, disappearing around the stairs.

After he left, Han Xingqian took out a magnetic card from his pocket and weighed it in his hand. He had just stolen it out of the white silk wrapped around Specter's body. He had heard Rimbaud say that he picked up a card holder at Entrance F. It might have been holding this card. 

Bai Chunian and Rimbaud found a wall decorated with a seascape at the start of the stairway of the middle section. They chatted quietly as they moved toward the corridor behind the dim decorated wall.

It was uncomfortable having the communicator plugged in for a long time, so Rimbaud took it off. His ears turned into fins and shook.

Bai Chunian said, “Put it on.”

Rimbaud, “Why do you want that kid to give commands? I wear this just to listen to you.” 

Bai Chunian, “In case we go out for our honeymoon or something in the future, IOA can hand over any task they have over to them, and we can spend our honeymoon with peace of mind without any disturbance.”

Rimbaud, “What's a honeymoon?”

Bai Chunian, “A happy trip for two people.”

Rimbaud, “I understand.” 

Bai Chunian closed his eyes. “Really?”

They passed a locked room and could only peer at the situation inside through the door's glass, but the hallway was very dark and the lights weren't on. There was seemingly a power outage in the middle section; every room was dark.

There seemed to be some rustling inside the door. Bai Chunian became alert and stuck his ear to the door, listening to signs of activity inside.

Thump. Thump. 

The sound of a human's heartbeat.

There was someone inside.

“Flashlight.” Bai Chunian peeked inside the glass, and his open hand reached behind him.

Rimbaud searched his body for it, but the best option was to hand over his tail again. 

Bai Chunian picked up the glowing tail, stuck it to the door glass, and looked inside.

A distorted human face was suddenly stuck to it, separated from Bai Chunian by only a window.

He laughed foolishly at the window exterior, all his facial features strangely twisted in different directions. He was wearing a white researcher uniform.

Bai Chunian took half a step back in fear. The person then put his full weight on the door, slapped the glass hard, and kept laughing foolishly. 

Haha, hehe. Haha. Hahaha.

Three dots of gold, green, and blue that were arranged in an inverted triangle shape were on his forehead, identical to the mark on Specter's forehead.

Rimbaud also leaned on the door and gnawed on the glass with the monster inside.

The footsteps on the third floor were a little noisy. 

Bai Chunian's hearing was very sensitive. Apart from the strange, silly laughter from inside the door, there was also the sound of pacing footsteps deep in the third floor hallway.

“It's a little odd.” Bai Chunian raised his index finger to press against Rimbaud's lips and listened carefully to the movement upstairs.

This person had already walked back and forth upstairs many times. Bai Chunian listened for ages and found that this person always took sixty-three steps to the left, stopped for about five minutes, and then took another sixty-three steps to the right. It was incessant, and he didn't know what it was for.

“I just feel like something is wrong…” Bai Chunian pulled him over. “Let's go upstairs and have a look.” 

In the darkness, they saw a researcher in the uniform of the pharmaceutical factory walking in the hallway with his back to them. He was holding a cleaning rag in his hand and walked slowly to the trash can, wiping the rim of the trash clean can little by little, then walking back with the rag.

“It's the middle of the night. Why are you wiping a trash can in the dark?” Bai Chunian observed him, and after the researcher went back to wipe the trash can with the rag again, a familiar and ominous premonition arose in Bai Chunian's heart.

“Rimbaud, light.” Bai Chunian patted Rimbaud's butt.

The fishtail glowed blue, illuminating half the hallway. 

When the researcher came back with a rag after wiping the trash can, he directly saw Rimbaud's swaying blue fishtail.

His face suddenly twisted, a strange smile appeared on his face, and the corners of his mouth split to the base of his ears.

“Looping Virus.”

Bai Chunian was startled. The infected researcher opened his bloody mouth and pounced toward them. Rimbaud was also frightened by his sudden attack. He instinctively opened his bigger mouth full of fangs and bit down on the researcher's head, chewed in confusion, and swallowed. 

“Nali?? (What happened)”

“…Anyway, let's withdraw first.”

Bi Lanxing said in the communicator, “I tested how long Specter Hourglass's effect lasts, and it goes on for quite a long time. Even now, it hasn't lost effectiveness.”

Han Xingqian's communicator was finally restored, and he successfully contacted them. “There is more than one subject in this pharmaceutical factory right now. I suspect that there is an organization planning to take action today and the plan started as early as a month ago.” 

Xiao Xun, “Are you okay?”

Han Xingqian, “I'm okay. Specter had already left to go toward the middle section. Xiao Bai, pay attention to the clock on the wall. Except for the second hand, when the hand points to 9, you guys are very likely to run into Specter.”

Bai Chunian, “I found a person infected with Looping Virus in the middle section.”

Han Xingqian, “408 Samael's Looping Virus? Isn't he dead?… Right…Specter Hourglass can make an old person young, so maybe he can also bring the dead back to life.” 

Bai Chunian, “The situation has changed. Everyone, evacuate.”

The communicator vibrated. It was Captain He's access request. Bai Chunian didn't think there would be any good news from the Storm Forces requesting communication at this time.

He Suowei, “We were attacked by an unknown experimental subject at the island perimeter. The experimental subject has wings, can fly, and can play music.”

Bai Chunian looked down at his watch. Crawler hadn't replied to his information yet. When a flying experimental subject was mentioned, Bai Chunian's first reaction was Butterfly Experimental Subject Domino. 

He Suowei, “It's not a butterfly. He has transparent wings and makes a sharp noise, like a… cicada!”

A very ear-piercing sharp cry came from his communicator, almost drowning out the other's voice.

Rimbaud tilted his head to listen and suddenly said, “242 Demonic Cicada. I met him in the research institute. Because he was too noisy, I bit off a wing, then the researchers moved him away from my area. When I left the research institute, he also left.”

Bai Chunian held his chin and thought deeply, “Have we been surrounded? What went wrong?” 

Bi Lanxing asked, “After Samuel died, who handled the body?”

Bai Chunian suddenly remembered that after he killed Samael, the body was handled through the Storm Forces, and the International Police Department took over the body. Then, it was shipped to the International Prison for preservation and research by their forensic doctor.

If medical research was to be done, it must be carried out in the laboratory of the International Prison Custody Building. On the day the Patissier deteriorated, the Custody Building was crazily bombed and became chaotic.

The one who had the best chance of transporting Samael's body away amidst the confusion… 

Bai Chunian recalled that a week after he was released on bail, Eris had appeared above the prison in a helicopter and announced his escape with a blond white alpha piloting the helicopter.

Eris didn't seem like a deep-minded person. It was more likely that someone had been planning and fueling the flames behind the scenes. Ever since Eris was imprisoned, they have been planning for a big show.

Bai Chunian pondered, then laughed. “Looks like we've run into someone who wants to stop us. We have to take the HD agent tonight. Even if we have to drink it, we can't let him take it away. Otherwise, I won't have the face to be a dge.”

Chapter end

Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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