The Fallen Merman Chapter 127

The Fallen Merman Chapter 127

Published at 30th of January 2023 07:40:45 AM

Chapter 127
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With Han Xingqian's dispel, the saccharification on Bai Chunian and Rimbaud disappeared. A floating, pure white feather was now above their heads.

Rimbaud threw away the riot shield made of water-created steel. After Bai Chunian hugged his waist and flung him into the vine wall, Bai Chunian also quickly climbed in. After they smoothly withdrew, Bi Lanxing spawned vines to block all the small cracks, separating them from Patissier. 

Bi Lanxing had spent too much of his energy, so he supported himself with his vines to relax for a while. But still, he could barely stand firm.

From beginning to end, the team relied on him to spawn vines to control each person's position. As he was observing the fast changing battle situation, he must also respond quickly and pay attention to each companion's circumstances. One small mistake of his might cause a teammate's sacrifice. Under such an intense operation and mental pressure, he would undoubtedly be very drained.

The vines caught Lu Yan from the other side of the high building. He brushed off the dirt on his body, hurriedly squeezed out of the crowd, ran to the meeting point, and emitted some soothing pheromone from his glands to alleviate Bi Lanxing's fatigue. “I also don't have much left. I also have to leave some for my M2 ability later, so I'm squeezing a little out for you.”

“This won't do. You're using too much energy. If this goes on, our coordination will definitely fall apart.” Lu Yan fished out the clothing hem from his waistband and wiped the blood residue on Bi Lanxing's arm cut by the broken glass. “I'll walk toward the vines' anchor point later. Come down directly along the vines; this can save some strength.”

“I know what I'm doing.” Bi Lanxing helped him tuck the dirty clothing hem back into his waistband, sat down on the ground to rest in exhaustion, and looked up at Bai Chunian, “Chu-ge, how will we proceed later? Will we drag it out?”

“Patissier's associated ability can wear down willpower and also absorb the enemy's physical strength for himself to use. He has recovered again.” Han Xingqian jumped off the top of the vines, gracefully glided to the ground, and used his J1 ability Strength Reset to restore his teammates' gland energies.

After receiving the replenishment, Bi Lanxing's complexion, which had paled due to excessive exhaustion, went back to being rosy.

The bandage wrapped around Rimbaud's body was burned with several holes, and the bandage on the back of his hand came loose from the burn. The severed bandage hung down beside him, revealing his pure white forearm. 

Sporadic blue scales were near his elbow, some of which were burnt, revealing pink flesh. Rimbaud casually licked it twice in silence, cut off a piece of bandage from his body, held one end of the piece in his mouth, and wrapped it around the injured area.

“Are you okay?” Bai Chunian asked.

“I'm okay.” Rimbaud held one end of it in his mouth and tightened the bandage with force. “This lousy bug is so arrogant. Think of a way to drag him into the sea, and I'll sort him out.”

“He can fly. Once he's released, we may not be able to control him. If he runs away, it will be over.” Bai Chunian took out alcohol and a cotton ball from the simple medicine box and pressed it on where Rimbaud's scales had fallen off, “My wounds can heal, but you won't look good if your scales fall off.” 

“They'll grow if you kiss it.” Rimbaud laughed in a careless manner and spread out his fishtail to let him disinfect where his scales fell off.

Bai Chunian only had time to fasten the watch that Rimbaud had given him onto his wrist after he finished disinfecting. He then turned around and asked Du Mo, “If we capture Patissier alive, will you let us take him back?”

Du Mo clenched the gun in his hand, suppressing his anger as much as possible, and said calmly, “Please look around clearly. This is a prison, not a nursery. He killed my colleagues and inmates of our International Prison.”

“Ah, I understand.” Bai Chunian raised his eyebrows gently, “Sorry for your loss.” 

“This won't work if we keep going on like this. Let's change plans.” Bai Chunian observed Patissier's situation from a distance. The giant bee had landed on the big building and was drinking the melted syrup.

As he sucked the syrup into his body, Patissier's broken wings were slowly repairing.

“Han-ge, get rid of him.”

Ljc Wlcudljc oijqqfv tlr klcur, jcv j ofjatfg oibklcu klat tbis iluta oibjafv ab atf abq bo Ujalrrlfg'r tfjv. Pc j yilcx bo jc fsf, atf weial-mbibgfv rsgeq bc tlr klcur ibra lar mbibg, jcv atf vjwjufv qjga bo tlr klcur jirb rabqqfv gfqjlglcu. 

Ktf tfilmbqafg bo atf qbilmf rajalbc'r gfrlvfca afjw xfqa olglcu tbklahfgr ja Ujalrrlfg, obgmlcu Ujalrrlfg ab tjnf cbktfgf ab ijcv. Lf mbeiv bcis mlgmif atf gbboabqr bo tlut-glrf yelivlcur jcv agjnfi yjmx jcv obgat yfakffc atf ylu yelivlcur atja kfgf mtjcufv yfsbcv gfmbuclalbc, mbcrajcais kfjglcu vbkc tlr qtsrlmji ragfcuat.

“Looks like gland damage still has an impact on him.” Bai Chunian thought for a while. “Lu Yan, approach him from behind. Lanxing, be on the ready to protect him with Ivy Armor at all times.”


After receiving the order, the two climbed out of the vine wall shield at the same time. The vines billowed and grew on the ground. Lu Yan nimbly stepped on the gradually rising stopover checkpoints to approach Patissier. 

The giant bee sensed the rapidly approaching danger and turned around suddenly. His M2 ability Honey Meltdown was once again applied onto Lu Yan.

Bai Chunian, “Han-ge, use dispel. Lu Yan, don't retreat and keep walking. Take him away from the high building.”

A pure white feather fell on Lu Yan's head in a timely manner, and a divine glimmer enveloped him, eliminating the saccharification ability that Patissier had put on Lu Yan.

Patissier rushed toward Lu Yan buzzing, and the Buzzing Wingblade cut toward Lu Yan's waist without hesitation. 

Bai Chunian, “Lanxing, Poison Ivy Armor. Don't protect his entire body; focus on protecting his middle section. Xiao Xun, take advantage of this moment and find a high point for control, somewhere higher than Patissier's nape.”

A piece of extremely tough and durable Ivy Armor with a hardened outside wrapped around Lu Yan's torso. Patissier slashed an arc in the air. The Buzzing Wingblade cut past Lu Yan's body, and the edge of the blade collided with the armor, producing a layer of flying sparks between them.

The heavy strike caused sharp pain in Lu Yan's ribs, and his internal organs seemed to be injured. He covered his ribs and continued to attract the attention of Patissier. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Xun had already climbed up to a high building's rooftop, where Patissier had stopped and landed, with his sniper rifle on his back. It was also the highest place in the entire area.

Unexpectedly, Patissier suddenly changed directions and flew toward Xiao Xun, who was positioning his sniper rifle. At the same time, he launched his M2 ability Honey Meltdown. As long as he selected someone, unless their grade was higher than his, syrup would corrode their entire body and they would sooner or later die. 

“Han-ge, guard Xiao Xun. Lanxing, put Lu Yan in the collapsed building at one o'clock.”

A feather floated to the top of Xiao Xun's head, dispelling the saccharification for him.

Xiao Xun let out a small breath and looked for Patissier's figure through his scope.

At this time, the positions of Xiao Xun and Lu Yan have formed intersecting lines of firing. Xiao Xun once again occupied the controlling high point. 

Bai Chunian continued and said, “Xiao Xun, shoot a tracing bullet at Patissier's nape.”

“Received.” Xiao Xun immediately pulled the trigger, and a sniper bullet shot through the air, quickly sinking into Patissier's nape. A red square crosshair appeared on his nape, and he used his M2 ability Hunt Back Lock On to share the target's location with his companions.

Although Lu Yan was not good at long-range shooting, after receiving Xiao Xun's shared position, his firearm's crosshair would be adjusted by Xiao Xun, and his ballistic trajectory would be corrected by Universal Dashboard. As long as Lu Yan's hand didn't shake, even if he was blind, he could shoot ten rounds perfectly.

Regardless of the time and money it took for a team to train a sniper, it was very difficult to find a team member with outstanding sniping talent. Xiao Xun's shared ability could completely upgrade the scoring rate of his team's other shooters to sniper level. 

A small team had a clear division of labor, and each person had a thing they were good at. Everyone trained the longest in their area of ​​expertise, which inevitably led to shortcomings. However, if the shooting accuracy of all members was increased to 100%, it was equivalent to having an entire team of snipers while everybody also had a separate task. Very few had teams able to have this kind of elite configuration.

Bai Chunian narrowed his eyes. “Focus fire on the glands. Rimbaud, drag him down.”

The crowded bullets sniped toward Patissier's nape with precision. His vital point received round after round of live ammunition attack, causing Patissier to suffer unbearably. He fell meter after meter, struggling.

When he fell to about ten meters above the ground, Bai Chunian pushed Rimbaud. Rimbaud suddenly borrowed power from the hollow of his tempered palm and leaped up, his fishtail firmly wrapping around Patissier like a cord. Lightning creeped up his entire body. 

Attacked by the lightning, Patissier went mad. He brought along Rimbaud while flying and bumping into things haphazardly among the big building's ruins. Rimbaud hung onto his neck and violently raised his fist, beating up the bee's compound eye.

Patissier was in too much pain from the beating. He flung his head back frantically and used all his strength to launch his M2 ability Honey Meltdown. This time, the saccharification was on Xiao Xun and Bi Lanxing.

Han Xingqian's wings flapped and produced a gust of violent wind. Two white feathers landed on the tops of Xiao Xun and Bi Lanxing's heads respectively; the saccharification was promptly dissolved twice.

At this time, the top of Xiao Xun's head was already layered with two bright and clean feathers. 

Every time Patissier used his M2 ability Honey Meltdown, he would also use his associated ability Gingerbread House at the same time. The person who was splashed by the syrup would have hallucinations and lose their will to resist, then he could absorb enough energy from within to support the next use of his ability.

Therefore, every time Han Xingqian used Wings Of the Divine Rider, he would also release a feather on Patissier, eliminating the negative situation on his side while making Patissier lose the buff of his associated ability.

After his pegasus gland A3 differentiation ability Wings Of the Divine Rider used dispel on its target three times, the feathers would detonate.

After using dispel thrice, the top of Patissier's head was layered with three snow-white long feathers. 

“Rimbaud, leave him first.” Bai Chunian said, “Han-ge, blow him up.”

As the three feathers expanded into long and narrow feather blades, they became hard and erect from their previous soft floating state. They directly faced Patissier, produced a resounding whistle, pierced Patissier's body one after another like swords, then exploded with a loud bang.

The Patissier's broken body was blown up into a ball of flying, scattered feathers, drifting all over in the air.

Bai Chunian looked at the bee that had lost its direction in the sky and said calmly, “Rimbaud, kill him.” 

Rimbaud was climbing outside the collapsed big building, and when he heard the order from the communicator, blue electricity filled his body up from top to bottom and he grabbed onto Patissier firmly with one jump. His sharp black nails quickly extended from his hands and made deep slashes into the bee's flesh. His long tail tangled around the bee's body ruthlessly, causing his skin to crackle. The high voltage hissed and burst into flames on his body.

“It hurts.” Patissier let out a resonant, mournful cry, and multi-colored syrup burst out from all over his body, splashing down on everyone indiscriminately.

His M2 ability Honey Meltdown began to pick out targets all around and drained the last trace of energy in his gland, smearing everyone present with thick, sticky, corrosive sugar liquid in hatred. During the deterioration stage, an experimental subject would have a tendency to self detonate, dragging everyone else to die with them. This was actually the original intention of creating special operations weapons.

Bai Chunian, “This isn't good. Han-ge, use dispel on everyone. I'll block Xiao Xun.” 

After Han Xingqian heard this, he flapped his wings again. This time, everyone in range had a feather symbolizing dispelling and protection added to the top of their heads, offsetting the Patissier's final desperate attack.

Bai Chunian needed to pay attention to the overall situation at all times and calculated the status of each team member inwardly. Of course, this included the number of feathers stacked on each team member after Han Xingqian used dispel each time. He climbed out of the vine wall and nimbly climbed up the high building, rushing toward Xiao Xun, who had three feathers stacked.

After the Wings Of the Divine Rider's dispel was used three times and three feathers were stacked, they would detonate after a fixed period of time, regardless of friend or foe. This was also the powerful ability's only side effect. Even the deterioration stage Patissier was blown up by the detonated feathers to the verge of collapse, much less a M2 differentiated human youth. This wasn't something Xiao Xun could endure.

When Bai Chunian was still two meters away from catching Xiao Xun, a pure white wing blocked his sight. Han Xingqian first took Xiao Xun into his arms, then folded his wings and tucked him firmly under them. 

“Go control Patissier.” Han Xingqian pushed Bai Chunian away from the explosion range of the feathers. If Bai Chunian's glands were injured and Patissier hadn't died, the next battle would certainly be dangerous.

And so the three feather blades detonated on Han Xingqian's wings. Feathers scattered all over the sky, and the triple explosion immediately blew up Han Xingqian's wing mimicry.

Pegasus's wings and horn were both results of energy surplus, mimicry that appeared from the generous growth of gland cells. Injury to the wings was equivalent to injury to the glands. After his wings disappeared, Han Xingqian pressed hard on his gland that was oozing blood and supported Xiao Xun with one hand. He brought him down the high-rise building with the help of Bi Lanxing's vines.

Meanwhile, a water-created steel dagger appeared in Rimbaud's hand, and he ruthlessly stabbed it into Patissier's heart. 

“Blasyi kimo.”

Bai Chunian jumped down from the tall building and stepped on Patissier's nape, forcing him to fall heavily to the ground from mid-air.

A part of Patissier's bee mimicry subsided. Half of his face was that of a bee, and the other half a human's. He was both terrifying while cutting a sorry figure.

The howitzer at the police station was reloaded, and a shower of artillery shells fell on Patissier. Patissier, who lost his gland, was no longer tough and durable. After the thick smoke passed, several charred limbs were scattered on the ground. 

But he wasn't dead yet; his wings were shattered into small pieces, and he was struggling on death's door. His body only had one hand left that was able to move, and he could only crawl on the ground with his hand.

He raised his head with difficulty. The half of his face that degenerated into a human face was weeping, and he used all his strength to crawl toward Bai Chunian.

“I've…met so many people…who all said I was wrong… I thought…I put too much sugar and not enough salt…”

Patissier's voice was hoarse, accompanied by the buzzing of the bee wings, “So…I earnestly learned how to make food and desserts delicious… I thought that this is what's right. Now I know… It turns out that…walking is wrong…breathing is wrong…and opening my eyes is wrong…” 

Patissier stretched out his only remaining hand and grabbed Bai Chunian's finger. “Asking you to save me…was also wrong…”

The screen of the watch on Bai Chunian's wrist received an email from Crawler.

“Patissier's name is Xin Yuan. I just found it from the bakery where he used to work part-time.”

Bai Chunian squatted down, held his hand, and whispered, “This wasn't the result I wanted. I'm sorry.” 

“…” Patissier sobbed and slowly started to smile.

His damaged skin was gradually covered with vitreous material, then twisted, shrank, gradually dehydrated, became smaller, became transparent, and disappeared into a glass bead in Bai Chunian's hand.

Looking at the light, the glass bead was like a pink strawberry crystal, limpid but broken inside.

The people stood stiffly in a clutter, and helicopters from the PBB and the police headquarters rushed to the scene and began search and rescue for staff and prisoners trapped in the big collapsed building. 

With red eyes, Du Mo organized the prison guards to search, rescue, and transport his colleagues who died in this fierce battle. Bai Chunian squatted on the empty ground to pick up Patissier's limbs that were destroyed in the explosion, using the hem of his clothes to hold them.

Rimbaud went over, sat on the ground beside him, and watched him quietly. His fishtail encircled the area around Bai Chunian so that others could not disturb him.

“We each feel pain for our own kind; this is nothing.” Unexpectedly, Bai Chunian was the one comforting him. “I've also seen more miserable things than this.”

Rimbaud sighed quietly. “He wouldn't have died if we were in the sea. I would've caught him.” 

“Ah, it wasn't him who died.” Bai Chunian squatted on the ground, picked up a slender finger, wiped the soil and blood on it, and threw it into his shirt. “It was us.”

[Translator Corner]

Art by Bamboo

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you guys have a nice holiday!!

Chapter end

Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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