The Fallen Merman Chapter 116

The Fallen Merman Chapter 116

Published at 12th of December 2022 05:25:21 AM

Chapter 116
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Rimbaud scooped a jellyfish in both hands while he watched a drama on the TV from the fish tank at 8 at night.

In the middle of the advertisement, there was a news advisory underneath. It said that two terrorists blasted the sphere atop the Oriental Pearl Tower. Fortunately, they brazenly issued an alert prior to the detonation, allowing the policemen to conduct an evacuation ahead of time, resulting in no injuries. 

“Hmph, what idiot would do such a senseless and stupid thing.” In his leisure time, Rimbaud was occupied by boredom. As a way to pass the time, he found it interesting to watch these human news, so he tuned in to the news channel with the intention of watching the excitement with great interest.

It was already late in the evening. With the shaky camera of the reporters, the faces of the people at the height of the Pearl Tower were indistinct, and only the thick smoke of the explosion could be seen.

While others failed, how could Rimbaud not be able to recognize Bai Chunian's back?

Plop. The jellyfish fell into the fish tank.

At that very moment, Yan Yi was at home mixing a vegetable salad at the bar counter of the dining area. Lu Shangjin sat next to him, moving his mouse around, keeping tabs on the investment bank.

The urgent ring of a phone sounded. Yan Yi glanced at the number. “My hands are wet, please help me press it.”

Lu Shangjin pressed the speakerphone.

Rimbaud's majestic low voice went through, “Yan, Yi—look at what you've made my poor and weak Xiao Bai do!” 

Yan Yi, “….”

The underground boxing match would start on time at 8 every Friday evening.

Although this combat arena was called an underground boxing arena, its rules were much more complicated than those of other illegal fighting arenas. Since it was established in Greenfly City, stepping even a little out of line would be equivalent to breaking the ground where Tai Sui stood. Therefore, this boxing arena didn't abuse children nor buy and sell slaves, and only issued combat competitions. Before taking the stage, both parties would sign a life-and-death contract and settle the wager. No extortions and no backing out on payments.

Nonetheless, business was thriving. Greenfly City has a lot of affluent and prominent individuals who were prepared to spend a lot of money in order to seek entertainment. Although this generation was far more steady than it had been 15 years ago, the notion of honoring strength was firmly ingrained in the people's hearts. To put it bluntly, some people just liked to watch people fight to the death. 

The boss of this combat arena was said to have a vast variety of resources and connections, and he also had some wealth and power. There were times when Lu Shangjin's name would be mentioned, thus no one risked asking for trouble. With fewer hiccups, business was naturally smooth sailing.

From the grand lobby, two young alphas entered. Two burly-looking security guards stopped them and said, “Please present your VIP membership card.”

“Gbc'a tjnf bcf.” Sglr rtba vbkc bcf bo atf rfmeglas uejgvr, atfc kjixfv lcrlvf.

Ktf batfg rfmeglas uejgv kjr rqijaafgfv klat yibbv. Ktf rfmeglas uejgv atja kjr ifoa jilnf, joafg cba yflcu lcpegfv ktlif kbgxlcu lc atf olfiv obg abb ibcu, kjr ogbhfc lc rtbmx. 

Djl Jtecljc abbx bea j NPU mjgv ogbw tlr agberfg qbmxfa jcv qea la lc atf rfmeglas uejgv'r tjcv. “P tjnf bcf.”

The two walked unimpeded into the combat arena. Alarms screamed throughout, and the security officer cried hoarsely into the reporting phone, “Two armed terrorists broke in! Right! Both alphas, around 1.85 meters tall. One of them looks like a foreigner, yes yes! It's the two terrorists you're looking for!”

The enthusiastic spectators in the combat arena were still enthralled by the heated match inside, oblivious to what was going on outside.

Finally, one person fell in the pool of blood on the enclosed platform, and the other participant proudly showed off his majestic muscles and figure to the audience. 

This was the combat arena's unbeatable general, an African elephant alpha dubbed Violent Slaughter. He had a whole company as his backer and was the cash cow of the boss. He frequently patronized prominent combat arenas both at home and abroad and has yet to be defeated.

Just by looking at his thick and solid build of almost 2.5 meters, he wouldn't lose to anyone in terms of strength, and his combat skills were astonishing. His opponents have never stepped off the fighting ring intact; they were either dead or disabled. Several times, he didn't stop even after his opponent had surrendered and seriously injured the opponent, so he was penalized, but his glorious accomplishments still couldn't be hidden.

When they heard that Violent Slaughter would be starting a boxing challenge competition in Greenfly City tonight, the interested rich and powerful bigwigs came one after another for him, ready to enjoy tonight's visual feast.

Violent Slaughter had already knocked out two opponents in a row tonight, and the bosses who came to watch the matches with their boxers hesitated, reluctant to send the boxers they spent money nurturing onto this stage where they would definitely lose. Thus, even if the host worked hard to warm up the event, the atmosphere was still a bit awkward. The crowded audience was even a little impatient. 

The arena was covered in smoke and dust. Eris came in and was first excited for a moment, making a scene, and then elbowed Bai Chunian. “Is this the good place you mentioned? How do we play?”

Bai Chunian raised his chin and motioned him to look at the stage. “Do you see that? That African elephant alpha has already killed two opponents in a row, and now he is waiting for someone to challenge him. The numbers on the screen behind him show how much award money you can get after beating him.”

Eris counted the numbers with his fingers. “So many zeros. I can buy a subway card.”

“Exactly, you can buy many.” Bai Chunian took off his jacket for him considerately, “No one will scold you for what you do here, and they will even clap for you when you win.” 

“Wuhu, how great. No one has ever clapped for me.” Eris was eager to try. Bai Chunian lowered his head and rolled up Eris' sleeves, telling him, “Remember, you can't use your differentiation ability when you go up there; you can only fight hand-to-hand. Otherwise, they won't give you money even if you win.”

“Humph, I don't need my differentiation ability to deal with such a slow elephant.” Eris propped himself up with one hand on the platform, flipped over, and jumped into the fighting ring.

Seeing someone come on stage, the audience below got excited again. After realizing that it was a slim, tall, and pale handsome teen, the audience's screams became even more ear-piercing and crazy. They threw flowers at him one after another.

Eris had never seen such a scene—all the applause and cheering were for him. He blew a kiss toward everyone. “I'm Eris! I'll beat the shit out of him~” 

The screams of the audience became louder, it seemed as if even the ceiling was shaking.

This kid is quite the natural at riling up the crowd. Bai Chunian watched from the audience with his arms crossed. He had already grown tired of doing boxing matches. When it came to hand-to-hand, if he didn't use his differentiation ability, he would only spar with Instructor Dai Ning from the Special Training Base.

Dai Ning was the only human that could defeat him in hand-to-hand combat. Several instructors at the training base were top agents before they retired. It wasn't that the President wasn't willing to let them go into retirement, but because they had offended too many people while working as an agent. Putting them on Greenfly Island was the greatest protection for them, as well as allowing them to live the rest of their lives in peace.

Bai Chunian shook his head. He would always think of them without realizing it. 

During the time he was lost in thought, the competition in the ring had already started. Violent Slaughter was dismissive of this insignificant opponent. He exhaled a blast of steam from his nose and raised both fists and attacked first.

Eris easily dodged, grabbed Violent Slaughter's forearm which was at least half as thick as his own waist with both hands, moved lightly and went around behind him. His arm clutched Violent Slaughter's neck from behind, and he let out a creepy, maniacal laugh as his grip kept getting tighter.

For professional boxers, a chokehold from behind was really easy to break out of, but Violent Slaughter was unable to throw Eris off. The seemingly delicate body actually contained an explosive strength, while the arm locking his throat was like a steel bar that he couldn't break away from.

Violent Slaughter forcefully pushed backward in an attempt to use the strength of his entire body to crush Eris onto the ground. However, when his back was falling to the ground, Eris suddenly changed direction and swung off his neck. Eris' body sprang upward, then laughed out loud as he quickly fell and heavily landed on Violent Slaughter's stomach. 

Violent Slaughter spurted out a mouthful of blood.

This was a fight without any suspense. In just three exchanges, Violent Slaughter had both his legs and an arm broken. He was carried off the stage while screaming miserably.

The fighting ring was submerged with the flowers thrown by the audience. Eris threw himself into the sea of flowers and sniffed obsessively, then sprinkled the flower petals he ripped off at the audience.

Eris' arrival caused everyone to get excited, but at the same time, the Red-Throated Bird tattoo on his bare upper arm was in full view. 

Maybe ordinary people wouldn't recognize this symbol, but the families of the audience members here were all people with connections. Even if they were only rich playboys, they wouldn't be unfamiliar with this symbol.

Violent Slaughter's boss stared fixedly at the Red-Throated Bird tattoo on Eris' arm and clenched his fist until it turned white. This fight had caused him to lose tens of millions. He squeezed out a few words between his clenched teeth, “Red-Throated Bird… just you wait…”

Bai Chunian was very satisfied with the boss's reaction. He coughed and egged on Eris, “Not gonna pick a few opponents from the audience?”

Unexpectedly, Eris refused. He was busy holding the flowers and shaking the audience's hands. He turned around and asked, “Why? Look, they like me. This place you brought me to is so awesome. From today onwards, you are my big bro.” 

Bai Chunian choked. He felt for his lighter and lit his cigarette. “Up to you ba.”

He glanced at his watch, it should almost be time. The International Police would first come to arrest Eris, then bring him to the detention center. Finally, he will be personally escorted by the International Prison officers and could smoothly enter International Prison. If they hadn't made such a large-scale disturbance and didn't cause casualties, the International Prison would have simply ignored it.

There was already a faint sound of sirens outside the combat arena. Bai Chunian indifferently stared at Eris, stretching his hand toward Eris' shoulder.

He could judge from when Eris introduced himself. He had whimsically accepted the name 'Eris,' so Bai Chunian's M2 ability Annihilate would absolutely be effective on him. 

Just as he was about to touch Eris, there was a sudden heavy helicopter propeller sound above the combat arena, and even warned using the speaker, “You guys have already been surrounded by the PBB Storm Forces. Please put down your weapons in this instance and stop the needless resistance!”

Bai Chunian already had a conditioned reflex after hearing this voice so many times—it was He Suowei raising his voice in warning.

“The fuck, didn't the Storm Forces directly withdrew from M Harbor?” Bai Chunian crushed his cigarette butt and glanced at Eris, who had raised his shotgun again, eyes glinting. He quickly reached out to grab him but was dodged by Eris. With one screw loose, he said, “Don't touch me! My body is covered in the kiss marks of my followers.”

Bai Chunian was momentarily speechless. 

“Hey, it's PBB! I'm gonna pick a fight with them!” Eris rushed out, holding the gun.

“Come back! Motherfucker!” Bai Chunian followed closely behind him, not knowing the access code for He Suowei's communicator. It was way too late to apply for an access call, so he could only call the technology department in a low voice, “Quick, interfere with PBB's connection signal. It's too late to report to the headquarters; have Lao He evacuate the people. I've got things under control”

The combat squad of the Storm Forces had no right to be equipped with a large number of special anesthetics like the International Police Station and the International Prison. If there were no special anesthetics, angering the cursed Eris would definitely cause explosive casualties. Compared to the few people Eris had killed at will, the casualties would be difficult to estimate.

Eris was already fighting with the Storm Forces. He was even having fun with enthusiasm, obviously not taking it seriously yet. Bai Chunian hurriedly searched for He Suowei's figure in the chaotic crowd. 

A helicopter landed before him. He Suowei was wearing an explosion-proof suit with the PBB symbol, a camouflaged metal helmet, and goggles. He was holding a mini submachine gun on the helicopter, letting loose a torrent of abuse while extending his hand toward Bai Chuniain, “Don't waste your fucking breath! We've got it covered here.”

Bai Chunian subconsciously wanted to go up, but he suddenly stopped in his tracks. Blankly, he looked up at him for a very long time. Then, he bent down to pick up a piece of broken glass, sliced his arm in front of He Suowei, and reached out his hand for him to have a look.

The jagged edge of the sharp glass carved out a bloody, gaping wound on his forearm, which then healed as quickly as the naked eye could see.

Proof of an experimental subject. 

His move stunned He Suowei for a moment.

The police cars of the International Police Department have hurriedly arrived with their sirens blaring. They have specially equipped howitzers for dealing with experimental subjects. After locking in Eris's position, they fired incessantly.

An explosive projectile landed and exploded. The sound was deafening, the pressure waves overturned several cars, and the glass of the fighting arena burst and fell, a dazzling sight.

Large pieces of glass and heavy billboards were shaken, falling from above Bai Chunian's head. 

He wouldn't die anyway. After a busy day, Bai Chunian was a little tired, both mentally and physically.

A heavy force pushed him two meters away, and He Suowei, who was wearing an explosion-proof bulletproof suit, threw himself onto him to push him away. Before Bai Chunian could react, the butt of a gun was pressed against his stomach.

He Suowei cursed, “I adopted two unfortunate children like you, and now they are contributing to the world by maintaining peace, obtaining troop recognition and military rank medals. You can choose to be our enemy and face off with us on the battlefield, but it's cowardly to sacrifice yourself. Laozi looks down on you.”

Bai Chunian was slightly startled; this straight as a pole A still doesn't know his plan and just sputters his face with spit. He could tell that the PBB and the IOA were birds of the same feather. 

But right now wasn't the time to reveal everything.

“Stop lecturing me. I didn't even use species suppression and hurt your ego.” Bai Chunian also didn't struggle, he simply laid on his back and smiled, revealing his canine as he said—

“It's not that you look down on me, it's just that you can't see through me.”

Chapter end

Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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