The Fallen Merman Chapter 140

The Fallen Merman Chapter 140

Published at 4th of April 2023 01:16:51 PM

Chapter 140
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Bai Chunian looked around; the exit had already been blocked by these four people, and he also couldn't retreat from behind. The dome roof was decorated with curved glass, but it wouldn't be easy to break through it from the inside.

His eyes wandered and landed on the alpha that was carrying a light machine gun. The alpha was tall and muscular—a far cry from the usual slender and fair-looking teenage experimental subjects. 

“You are…?”

“3114, Sarcosuchus.” The alpha placed the machine gun on the ground with his feet spread apart. His forearm wrapped in scales was as thick as the thighs of other people, his eyes were the same as a crocodile, and his olive-colored eyes had thin slits in them.

He could see Bai Chunian's doubts and said with uninhibited laughter, “There isn't just one developer of experimental subjects. You guys were made by that perverted Hummingbird Aileen. You guys are as weak as toothpicks and aren't anything special.”

After hearing this, Eris turned around and shot at Sarcosuchus. “Shut up! You're just a huge idiot that can only lower your head and squeeze in the back row when taking a taxi.”

At such a close distance, a normal person would have long been shot into becoming a sieve. The shotguns fired densely on Sarcosuchus' chest, but it seemed as if they were being nailed into a solid wall.

Sarcosuchus shook his body and the pellet pieces fluttered to the ground. His skin covered with crocodile skin was only slightly sunken in, then quickly recovered to its original state.

“Knicks, keep him in check.” Sarcosuchus patted off the pellet pieces that were caught between the crack of his crocodile skin, then turned to the alpha with blonde hair, wearing a western suit sitting next to the lab counter.

The blond-haired alpha coughed. “Eris, stop fighting amongst yourselves.” 

“Only a useless guy would tell on others.” Eris cursed angrily, but still restrained himself and held his gun in his arms. It seemed like Eris obediently listened to him.

“Knicks?” Bai Chunian looked over. “The Puppet Master? You guys are the Red-Throated Bird's people, what are you guys doing here?”

“Not anymore.” Knicks gently unbuttoned the collar of his shirt to breathe better.

“The one behind you, Odd Bones, is our friend. She just reached maturity today, so we came to get her. It just so happens you can also witness the birth of the most beautiful being in the world.” 

Bai Chunian turned his head and glanced at the remaining time for the cultivation of Odd Bones, 10 minutes 45 seconds.

Regarding the matter of Puppet Master leaving the Red-Throated Bird's terrorist group, Bai Chunian knew something due to Golden Silk Spider's statement.

Because the Red-Throated Bird had purchased too many experimental subjects in the cultivation stage, these experimental subjects needed to eat a lot of food to grow to maturity, and the food they needed had to be produced artificially. If one wanted the experimental subjects to quickly enter the maturity stage, the fastest way was to feed them human flesh. However, the Red-Throated Bird didn't have too much food to provide to those waiting to be fed, so they could only continue to purchase Ac enhancers from the 109 Research Institute. Furthermore, matured experimental subjects needed regular injections of expensive anti-interference vaccines to avoid infection from special viruses.

Ktlr kjr nfgs rlwlijg ab j rajaf bo tlut-ifnfi vgeu erf. Ciatbeut atf obgmfr atja ybeuta atf fzqfglwfcaji reypfmar tjv obgwlvjyif meaalcu-fvuf kfjqbcr, atfs mbeivc'a vb klatbea atf qgbvemar bo atf 109 Efrfjgmt Pcralaeaf. Ciyfla, atlr kjr pera j vgbq lc atf yemxfa obg j obgmf klat fcbeut olcjcmlji gfrbegmfr ab yes fzqfglwfcaji reypfmar. 

It was precisely because of this that the 109 Research Institute could grow rapidly to an unshakable level in just a few years. The 109 Research Institute was also using this kind of method to have many countries and world powers protect their existence as well as strengthen their position.

However, ever since the Red-Throated Bird lost a batch of important supplies (white lion cubs) at M Harbor, the leader refused to continue cooperating and didn't intend to continue to purchase special operations weapons and related commodities from the Research Institute. However, some core members, led by Puppet Master, believed that they should continue to buy them.

There was a disagreement with the higher-ups, and as a result, there was internal turmoil in the Red-Throated Bird. Several core members left the organization with their loyal subordinates, and it was Puppet Master who initially planned and initiated the rebellion.

“You guys just came out in broad daylight like this, aren't you afraid that the leader of Red-Throated Bird will retaliate?” 

“Retaliate?” Knicks crossed his legs and lit a cigar. “We initially joined Red-Throated Bird to get resources. Why should we stay when we aren't getting what we want? How about you, what are you trying to obtain by working at the IOA?”

“I'm working for the person who gave me a second life. Our three views are also aligned.”

“It's nothing more than wanting revenge on the Research Institute. Divine Envoy, join us and your wish will come true soon.” Knicks chuckled, walked to the deep sink, reached out his hand, and lightly flicked off the ashes. His fingertips swiped on the operator panel while saying, “I heard that you have a very close relationship with Electro-optic Phantom; we will welcome him as well. It's very free here—there are no laws, no rules, the powerful can enjoy all the best things, and personally execute those who don't like it.”

Bai Chunian spread out a hand. “You guys really like poaching, don't you? Many influential leaders have already uttered these words to me before.” 

Eris poked him with the muzzle of his gun. “You really won't join us? I can forgive you for deceiving me. Knicks is very nice, look at the new outfit he made for me.” He lifted the delicate folds of his collar and straightened a jewel button that was slightly crooked.

“He's treating you like a doll, isn't Puppet Master an expert in this aspect?” He almost forgot; Eris' prototype was originally a cursed doll.

Eris' expression gradually turned dark.

“Then I can't let you off.” He flipped his attitude faster than flipping through a book. After he finished speaking, he opened the barrel chamber and shoved a bullet into it, quickly locked and loaded it, then fired his gun at Bai Chunian. 

Eris' hand was very fast, there were almost no pauses when reloading.

Bai Chunian had long since anticipated Eris' actions. When he pulled the trigger, Bai Chunian had already gotten down on his stomach and slid in between Eris' legs. His hands grabbed onto Eris' ankles and pulled hard.

The explosive bullet hit Odd Bones' glass cultivation pod.

A hole was made in the cultivation pod, and the cultivating fluid started gushing out. As soon as Sarcosuchus saw this, he hurried over, used his back to cover the hole, and swore, “Eris you fucking dumbass, why can't you do anything right!” 

Eris was having fun shooting and firing at Bai Chunian one after another. Bai Chunian flexibly dodged and hid among the cabinets, medicine counters, and instruments. His ability to jump and avoid obstacles was powerful; the places his body passed by didn't touch any debris at all. Eris, on the other hand, was like a disaster that befell the lab, leaving nothing intact wherever he passed by.

The bullets that were flying everywhere shot through several cultivation pods. Numerous small holes were also made in Odd Bones' pod, and the fluids were gushing out even faster. The glass pod was full of cracks and it wouldn't be able to hold on any longer.

If an experimental subject were to be separated from the cultivating fluid before reaching the cultivation time, they would suffocate and wilt. Bai Chunian was precisely trying to destroy the cultivation pod.

He jumped down from a high place, drew out a dagger from the gun belt on his thigh, and plunged it toward the top of Eris' head. Eris could have avoided it, but Bai Chunian made a feint and passed over Eris. He inserted the dagger into the crack of the cultivation pod and pulled hard. 

The entire pod shattered. The fluid came pouring down, submerging the floor, and Sarcosuchus was thoroughly drenched. Odd Bones fell out, and her frail peacock tail feathers trembled feebly in the air.

Specter, who was in the corner without much of a presence, silently flipped his hourglass. Odd Bones returned to her original place, the leaked fluid poured back into the pod, and the broken glass fragments were put back together.

“Tch.” Bai Chunian gnashed his teeth in displeasure. Borrowing strength from the wall, Bai Chunian switched guns and rushed toward Specter Hourglass. The bullets fired at Specter's head in succession, but the moment one was about to hit him, the bullet was blocked by Sarcosuchus.

Bai Chunian landed on the ground and was surrounded by them. 

He raised a brow. “Come at me at the same time.”

Eris was immersed in bloodlust and couldn't be stopped at all. He unleashed his J1 ability, Misfortune Arrives, around Bai Chunian. The reagent cabinet beside Bai Chunian loudly fell, and like dominoes, the cabinets toppled over in the direction he was dodging.

However, shadowless lamps were used in the core lab, so Eris' A3 ability, Like the Abyss, couldn't be used.

Specter turned the hourglass, and the oxygen where Bai Chunian landed was completely sucked away. But in the next moment, Bai Chunian stepped on the last fallen cabinet and jumped out. From behind Specter, he struck him hard. Specter's backbone turned to white glass, and a large chunk came off. 

Sarcosuchus stood in front of Bai Chunian like a huge solid wall. Bai Chunian drew out his dagger, twirled it in his hand, and stabbed Sarcosuchus in the heart.

With the sharp blade combined with the full power of Bai Chunian's strike, the dagger unexpectedly merely penetrated a centimeter into Sarcosuchus' chest. Bai Chunian pressed down on his shoulder, silently mouthed the name “Sarcosuchus,” and used his M2 ability, Annihilate. However, it had no effect—Sarcosuchus was only his experimental subject code name, and he himself didn't acknowledge this name.

Sarcosuchus sneered. He spread his hands apart and forcefully clamped down on Bai Chunian's front chest and back.

Sarcosuchus' J1 ability, Gigantic Crocodile Fangs Guillotine: The bite force inherited from the prehistoric giant sarcosuchus is poured into both arms respectively. The strong shear stress acts on the target. Even rocks could be smashed instantly. 

They were in a completely different weight class. When Bai Chunian was clamped by those heavy shears, his breastbone made a sound like it was almost being fractured.

Sarcosuchus said contemptuously, “Little white cat, are you scratching me? Even the Divine Envoy is just so-so.”

“You're right, my bad.” However, a force burst out of Bai Chunian's body, shaking the tightly-knit arms of Sarcosuchus. He turned back and stepped on the wall, then landed firmly. He used his J1 ability, Bone Armor, on his entire body, so his body was still intact after such a heavy blow.

Sarcosuchus was startled. 

Before Bai Chunian could catch his breath, Eris fired at him again.

Eris laughed maniacally as he fired. “How about we go out and fight? It's full of lights here, I can't even use my powers.”

Bai Chunian didn't want to get entangled with him, so he rushed toward Odd Bones' cultivation pod again. He replaced the magazine with a new one in mid-air, threw it into the chamber, and fired, aiming at the back of Odd Bones' neck without hesitation. But once again, it was blocked by the wall-like body of Sarcosuchus.

The cultivation time was less than five minutes. It'll be troublesome if he doesn't resolve it soon. 

Knicks observed the entire fight next to the deep sink.

“Eris, hurry up. Stop playing around.” He spoke softly, then threw a silver square key hanging from his fingertip.

It was shaped like a key but had no teeth grooves. There was only a square hole at the front.

The key flew into the air, sensed the presence of Eris, and automatically attached itself to him. The square teeth were inserted under the back of Eris' neck and turned slowly. 

The IOA Medical Association had researched on the association, fusion, symbiosis, and dominant relationship between glands; some glands were born with a dominating relationship with specific glands.

The 109 Research Institute also discovered this characteristic. Generally, the glands with the potential to be controlled were all found in full-mimetic subjects (median number 10), and the probability was only three out of one hundred thousand. In the past few years, a total of three envoy-type experimental subjects have been produced. Their own strength couldn't reach outstanding levels, but once they found the glands that could form a dominant relationship with them, they would show unparalleled strength.

Correspondingly, the dominator who could form a dominant relationship with them was also very special. The dominator usually had something that they couldn't use, which could and could only be applied to the dominated person.

The key that was turning on Eris' neck was a doll wind-up key; Cursemaker's dominator was Puppet Master. 

“How comfortable. I'm really infatuated with the feeling of having my key inserted in me as if I can crush the entire world.” Silver patterns slowly crawled up on the ball joints throughout Eris' body, and the light smell of heather pheromones overflowed into the entire space. Eris' light green eyes stared at Bai Chunian. “I want to grind a ring out of your thigh bone as a gift for someone.”

“…” Bai Chunian dazedly retreated two steps back.

Eris' speed became faster all of a sudden, and he rushed toward Bai Chunian. Bai Chunian dodged, and Eris fell heavily to the ground. His ten fingers easily punctured holes in the ground.

The ball joints all over his body could rotate at any angle. As soon as Bai Chunian landed behind him, Eris' arm bent from the front to the back and punched Bai Chunian harshly in the abdomen. 

Even with Bone Armor, this punch was like a hundred hydraulic machines hitting his stomach at the same time. Bai Chunian's back slammed against the wall, and when he fell, he fell into the broken reagent on the ground. Kneeling on the ground, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Before Bai Chunian could stand up, Eris was already in front of him. He grabbed Bai Chunian's neck, raised his own knee, and slammed it into Bai Chunian's breastbone.

This was a strength that even Bone Armor couldn't endure. A violent tremor went straight to his heart.

“Hahahahaha you're really as soft as a kitty—” Eris lifted Bai Chunian from behind, his lips next to his gland. “Did you come alone? What about Electro-optic Phantom? I'm really upset that you two pretended to be strangers, but in reality, you two were a married couple and worked together to deceive me.” 

Bai Chunian grabbed Eris' wrist with his backhand and silently recited his name. However, Eris easily recognized that this was a sign of him using Annihilate, so he grabbed Bai Chunian's hand and folded it back forcefully.

Bai Chunian gritted his teeth and grunted, the veins on his neck protruding.

“Apologize to me before you die. Say you won't dare do it again.” Eris leaned down and bit on the side of Bai Chunian's gland, his canine tearing at his weakest vital point. Bai Chunian screamed in excruciating pain, but he was firmly held down by Cursemaker.

“Enough.” Knicks lightly waved, telling him to let go. He slowly walked to Bai Chunian, who was crouching in the middle of blood-stained glass shards, crouched down, and raised his chin. 

The corner of Bai Chunian's mouth and nose were dripping with blood, his complexion worsening, and his rosy cheeks were slowly losing their color.

“Now tell me.” Knicks tucked a piece of blond hair behind his ear, lowered his head, and asked, “Where did the only HD agent in the deep-water medicine vault go?”


“It's too hard to answer, isn't it?” Knicks compassionately wiped off the blood on the corner of Bai Chunian's mouth. “Then let me ask you, where is Electro-optic Phantom?” 

Chapter end

Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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