The Gods' Decree 212 Happy Nightmares

The Gods' Decree 212 Happy Nightmares

A few hours had passed in the blink of an eyes. Before Taf knew it outside the sun was saying its adieu as the skies darkened. Seeing how late it was he briskly made his exit from the library.

Having no intention of once more walking Taf called forth upon the services of Hammerhead. Then when certain no one was looking he launched himself into the sky and onto its back.

Seeing the red-feathered eagle it became apparent that its breakthrough was at its latter stages.

"A bit longer than I expected. still, I see there is hope for you yet, Hammerhead.

Hopefully, when we are finally able to converse you won't hold my prior acts against me. Inside I have been so aggrieved these past months.

How about it? let's make bygone be begone, huh?"

Taf patted Hammerhead on its back in a bid to make some peace. It was quite clear he had bullied the eagle for a prolonged period. So much so that it was extremely fearful of him.

With it being his and May's mount perhaps there was a need to change this outlook.

If eagles could roll their eyes Hammerhead would be doing just that. It knew this fellow was no kind soul and could tell this perhaps was an idea encouraged by May.

May it liked undoubtedly with her always being so kindhearted towards it. Regularly ensuring it was properly tended to at all times, unlike Taf who just saw it as a mule and only instilled fear.

Yet Taf's talent and strength garnered respected no doubt. In truth, Hammerhead knew it was not a necessity to the two.

Having been an eyewitness to their prior feats. Perhaps the only reason it was still around was due to May's attachment.

So this half-arsed apology by Taf it would gladly accept. Noting that a half a year ago it could have died by this lunatic's hands things hadn't turned out too bad after all. 

The red-feathered eagle then nodded its head indicating it too agreed to let the past be left alone.

"Good, very good pal." Taf once more patted the red-feathered eagle as they soured through the skies which transformed from day to night.



Taf landed right outside the door of his neighboring manor. After brushing himself off a bit the doors ere then opened where he was greeted by the smell of sauteed spices.

As Taf entered he saw a blonde girl with freckled hurrying to the door having heard someone enter.

"Oh it's you Taf. Why didn't you ring the bell? I would have welcomed you." Lisa greeted having noticed the familiar visitor.

"That's too much of a bother Lisa. Is it you or May that's cooking?"

Taf questioned to which Lisa embarrassingly blushed. She wasn't the best cook so from time to time May would give her some pointers.

While as a mortal she was pampered so things like cooking were an afterthought.

"Just the sauce for the moment." She uttered growing further out of her shell than two months prior.

Taf nodded his head as it seems some strides had been made in her cooking. Sure it was just the making of the sauce.

Yet after what his stomach experience previously this was truly a huge leap.

Soon other footsteps could be heard and the two were joined by May who wore a white dress with spatterings of yellow sunflowers.

"So Mr. Charmer finally arrived huh?" She smiled dragging Taf's hands as Lisa awkwardly stood by,

"You should be famished." 

"Yes, I am actually. Are you trying to fatten me up before the tournament so I might lose in the final when we meet.' Taf snickered as May poked him in his gut.

"This lady needs no such tricks to win, Sir,"

May smirked as Lisa still awkwardly stood wondering how these two always seemed excited seeing each other when spending so much time together.

Soon they were around a table with Lisa feeling like a third wheel the more they engaged in conversation. Soon she heard Taf say,

"Remind me to warn the others to be extra vigilant while participating in the tournament."

"Why is that? Has someone threatened them?" May stopped eating for a second as she enquired.

"Some idiot tried to poison me today. The same fellow from training grounds." Taf responded while dabbing some chicken meat in gravy.


May's smile slowly faded. She was not blinded and knew Taf sometimes went overboard with his actions, but truthfully he would never kill unless pushed.

For a fellow disciple to try killing over a mere altercation was simply crossing the line.

Taf then went over the detail of his ordeal at the library, but what Lisa found mindboggling was his reaction came off as telling a funny tale.

He could have died yet Taf made it sound like an ordinary day.

He spoke of Laura and her attempts of blindsiding him with her charm not leaving anything out.

When May heard this it could be said she wouldn't mind meeting this Laura in person.

At that moment she ensured to make a mental note of the name as this Laura was no more innocent than Darwin.

Soon Taf wrapped up his tale, but when he uttered his last statement Lisa suddenly froze which the two notice.

"Did you say perfume?" She questioned out loud.

"Ah, Yeah..." Taf responded wondering what that had to do with anything.

"What did it smell like?" Lisa once more inquired. With her questions May realized what Lisa might be insinuating.

Taf on the other Still didn't quite understand but provided a response anyway,

"It was lavender. Sweet yet not too overbearing."

With his confirmation, Lisa's eyes became slightly listless as May ensured to hold her hands somewhat as a means to provide comfort.

"It's him!"

Lisa shivered as she uttered the words which brought her back to a few months prior where she felt unsafe and subhuman. Her skin crawled and the contents of a letter echoed in her mind. 

May remained silent as she took Taf aside.


She then went in detail about Lisa's previous encounter while in the swamps. Previously in a bid not to embarrass Lisa she had kept the matter between the two and not even Taf was told.

Now it was clear why he was ushered out that day.No wonder Lisa was so shaken up at the time.

"Deflowering Prince[1], huh?" Taf uttered having heard the title Darwin gave himself.

"Yes that's what the pervert calls himself." A fuming May responded while inside she couldn't wait to meet this self-titled prince.

"I did sense something off about him when he mentioned Selena being tainted, but nothing like this came to mind."

He then signalled May with the tilting of his head to join him for a private conversation away from the shivering Lisa.

They then made their way out to the courtyard where they had some privacy.

"Interesting, this does bring up a dilemma. I had plans of killing this fellow after today but now who will get the honours?" Taf questioned May.

"I will, I promised Lisa I would end it on her behalf," May stated outright.

Taf then cautioned remembering their discussions a few nights prior, "You do know that means another corpse keeping you up at night, right?"

"His I will look forward to adding." May coldly responded while Taf rubbed his chin pondering,

"Very well, but of course this needs to be done cleanly. At this point it makes no sense drawing the hatred of the sect."

He then continued as May nodded her head indicating this was true and would indeed cause a stir,

"This is someone ranked fifty-first. So even the grand elder won't be able to brush it under the rug."

May wasn't worried however and knew that Taf had some plans of his own having already marked Darwin for dead, "What do you suggest?"

"Hmm, we'll ensure there are many witnesses to our innocence," Taf spoke vaguely yet by the confidence he displayed May could only smile. She then pulled his hands playfully dragging him back towards the dining area.

"Brute, you're so bad.' She uttered which made Taf snicker....

To be continued..

Unedited version.

[1] Chapter 131 - The deflowering Prince

Chapter end

246 We are Conquerors
245 Tribunal
244 Awakening The Beast - My Modus 2
243 Awakening The Beast - My Modus 1
242 Bribery
241 Boiling Affections - The Wingman's Pligh
240 I Am Destined To Be A Waste
239 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 4
238 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 3
237 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 2
236 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 1
235 Clarity - Tales Of A Prosecutor
234 Fallen Tears 2
233 Fallen Tear 1
232 Enjoying The Little Things
231 Injustice
230 Candles at the Mercy of the Wind-Monsters 2
229 Candles at the Mercy of the Wind-Monsters 1
228 Crashing The Board - Leapfrogging
227 Utter Dominance - Tyrants In Our Midst 2
226 Utter Dominance - Tyrants In Our Midst 1
225 Sinister Cravings - Elites
224 All That I Desire
223 W.T.F : Dark Horse
222 Aspirations & Grievance - Clou
221 Savage Art of Limb Carving- Origi
220 Overkill
219 Release The Hounds
218 Vengeful Eyes
217 Bunker
216 Delilah
215 Enter The Pits
214 Steal The Marker - Grind
213 The Dawn - Precious
212 Happy Nightmares
211 Rebel - Perfume
210 Burn Ou
209 Fighting Inner Demons
208 A Father's Pain
207 Anecdotes of Wingman Theology 3
206 Anecdotes of Wingman Theology 2
205 Anecdotes of Wingman Theology 1
204 Cultivation Therapy
203 Indulge
202 Dead Man Walking
201 Playing With Daggers
200 A Perspective of Equality - Exceptions
199 Turf Wars
198 Calm Within The Storm
197 Self-Inflicted
196 Like A Leaf In The Wind
195 Goden Finger
194 A Matter Of Ethics
193 An Era's Prodigy
192 What The Night Brings 2
191 What The Night Brings
190 Sunflower
189 Pathogen
188 Brains & Elements
187 Arosa & Zaro Clan
186 Yours Truly,
185 Well.., Hello!
184 Thousand Year Genius
183 Blood Oath
182 Aligning Interests
181 Grand Elder
180 Axus
179 Token
178 Splitting Soul
177 My Little Friend
176 Mystifying Tree
175 Morbid - Sea of Corpse
174 Adieu To The City of Stars
173 Vermin Empress - Devil's Contrac
172 Escaping The Prism
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
161 Monster
160 May I Tap In?
159 Tainted - Checkmate
158 The Mercenary Contrac
157 Fate's Hands
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
146 Fine-Tuning
145 Damsel in Distress
144 No Remorse
143 The Mouse Who Investigates 3
142 The Mouse who investigates 2
141 The Mouse who Investigates 1
140 Benzalo & Marco
139 Tying loose ends - Nailed
138 Lion's Den
137 The Mouse who investigates 2
136 The Mouse who Investigates 1
135 Benzalo & Marco
134 Tying loose ends - Nailed
133 Lion's Den
132 Act of Terror
131 Assembling
130 Mission : Starlight City
129 Ma?tre d
128 Flaw
127 Team Building
126 The Deflowering Prince
125 Do you dare?
124 Joker
123 Starlight City
122 The Squad
121 World of Ice
120 Weakness
119 Mr Charisma
118 Wrecked Habita
117 Unleash Anarchy
116 Game of Alphas
115 Dwelling
114 Humility
113 Escor
112 Bonds
111 Destiny
110 It's Him
109 The bells
108 Underwhelming
107 Amir Amir
106 Hey wanna Have some fun
105 Being sloppy
104 Journeying ou
103 Caged lion
102 Ice Phoenix Blood
101 Lover Boy
100 Deluge No More
99 Grim Reaper
98 Pride and Fall
97 Bye Bye Webs and welcome clouds
96 Marked for Death
95 The Catalys
94 Terms
93 A Gif
92 Demon Beast Gathering
91 Fear
90 Cremation
89 Heaven and Earth
88 Worse Case Scenario
87 Absorption and Expulsion
86 Red and Gold Parchmen
85 Assimilation
84 Testing limits
83 Shredded
82 Pawn
81 Fiery Onslaugh
80 Plague of the Skies
79 Twinkling Stars
78 Level Jumpers
77 Cheeky Bastard
76 Alpha Flying Wolf
75 Wolf Pack Feast Nigh
74 Mission: Demon Beast Cores
73 Unshakable
72 Proud Momen
71 Silenced
70 Brave Man's Graveyard
69 Ant Colony
68 Unfamiliar Feeling
67 Behave
66 First Step
65 Series of Trials
64 Elixir
63 Beneath the mask
62 Relief
61 Sky Falling
60 Two Options
59 Where are we?
58 Bearer of gifts
57 What's Most Precious
56 How shameless
55 Four Questions
54 Warmth
53 Such a softie
52 Unfettered
51 The Boy and the Golden Flamed Phoenix
50 Abomination
49 Hello... hello...
48 Life is really cruel
47 What is your affinity?
46 Pledges and Oaths
45 A cough
44 World of Gods
43 Knowing comrades and enemies alike
42 City Lord Marvel's glee
41 Who could resist?
40 I know your weakness
39 You intrigue me
38 Destination Marvel City
37 You cheater
36 An explosive send off
35 The birth of a City
34 Anonymous corpse number one
33 The waiting game
32 May Day
31 The dictatorship of Black Spawn
30 Case of Mental Defec
29 Meaty or shower
28 Viper Junkies
27 Let's begin the smashing
26 A Promise Made
25 Mouse Trap
24 Keeping in line
23 The Price of Delinquency
22 The reign of Sir Mouse
21 As time pass
20 why hate one's self
Chapter 19
18 The dreams of a Toad
Chapter 17
16 Actions and Consequences
15 It is my modus
14 Instant Karma
Chapter 13
12 The spark that lit the flame
Chapter 11
10 Thank you Senior Grace
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
5 Business 101 according to Mr Ming
Chapter 4
3 An act of benevolence
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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