The Gods' Decree 107 Amir Amir

The Gods' Decree 107 Amir Amir

Taf shook his head while a slight thought came to his mind as he saw May to his side...

" We haven't had much fun in a while. How about it? Wanna have some fun...?"

Hearing his words she was caught off-guard for a second...

" Sure I am always up for some fun. What is this fun activity you speak of?"

May then replied as she wonders what this brute could be up to...

" Just follow my lead and join in whenever you think it is most fitting"

Taf smirked as he responded before ridding himself of his previous expression. He then looked to the group whom he assumed were some of the so-called descendants.

There the leader emitted qi that could rival those at the 8th stage of qi condensation.

" Wait my..my red feathered eagle has red feathers and as it grows in strength it changes to yellow. Surely you're not insinuating that I could be..."

Taf stated as if he just came to a daunting revelation...

This brought a smile to the robust man's face. In his mind, he was jumping for joy at his luck for the day. Before all those that had visited were similar to the group on the hornbill's back.

There was disappointment as such groups were normally of the poorer class. That did not bode well for business and worse it meant less Qi stones for him.

Then came Mr Hotshot on his 8th stage red feathered eagle demon beast. He might as well have put a sign on his forehead saying ' Take me for all I have'.

" Damn rich and dumb, I have struck the motherload."

The robust fellow thought as he eyed the two on the eagle's back...

While this was occurring, Renford constantly berated himself for not highlighting the fact to Taf about some of the business practices these members conducted.

" Young master Ta.."

As he was about to warn Taf however he felt a slight gaze as well as what appeared to be some oppressive qi surrounding him.

" I, I can't do anything. They will definitely try to take him for everything he has. Hopefully, it's not as bad as I thought..."

He could only withdraw the thought from his mind. His only concern now being, he hoped whatever lost sustained would not be then blamed on him for suggesting such a place.

Though he was not a frequent visitor, it seemed he was still remembered from his previous escapades. Therefore his background wasn't laid in mystery but bare for all to see.

As Renford worried within his mind the slight confrontation did not go unnoticed by Taf. Yet he pretended as if he was oblivious to the whole affair.

" I am Amir Shar, The Nakushi tribe was known for many things in the past, but one thing we who still carry on its blood proud ourselves on is one word, Hospitality."

Soon the group were ushered around the village. It can be said that like the scenery above what awaited them below did not disappoint.

They were treated to rafting along the rivers. This for May especially was the best part of the experience.

" This fellow is definitely trying to take advantage of us. Yet being on this water I must say makes it a little less irritating.."

She stated while seemingly in a relaxed state on the raft...

" You know what's funny?"

Taf slightly chuckled as he thought of something...

" Hmmm, what...?"

May sat up looking at Taf before her who grinned the more he remembered something...

" Out of the two of us only one can swim but it is the person who doesn't have any affinity to water..."

Taf continued to chuckle but May seemingly didn't find it so amusing...

" So in a sense, if this raft was to capsize the one in need of saving would be the one destined with water. Isn't that irony at its best, See even the heavens have a sense of humour."

She could only respond by saying...

" Always the comedian aren't we. You know you're really wasting your talents. why bother with such things as cultivating? Go and tour the lands reaping the laughter of all around."

Her response only made Taf laugh even more...

" I might do that indeed. Let's make the signs from now. Damn with our looks and humour we would be billionaires in no time. How about it huh, what you say let's bring our act on the road....?"

He then slightly grabbed May's hands before she slapped him on it laughing...

" What would I do without you brute...?"


" Eh em, Mr Shar this experience surely is one that I and my lady find quite enticing. However let's talk qi stones shall we, though I am not averse to spending, how much have I accrued thus far?"

Taf comment was now directed to one of the many rafts drifting along the river.

" Young master this is but a minor figure. Why bother yourself with such things? Put your mind at ease, relax and enjoy. You all are in capable hands...."

Amir responded but still, there was no mention of the compensation to be had...

What followed next was the freshwater cuisine so highly spoken of while aboard the mounted beast. They saw fish so big that one table was not sufficient enough to bare their weight.

" Come Renford what kind of people would we be if we were to dine on this water beast alone. Sit everyone grab a utensil and have your fill."

May looked over to see Renford's group sitting a distance away gathered around some smaller tables. What they had on their tables though looked appetizing could not be compared to what Taf and May were partaking in.

Renford was not surprised by the request but by whom had spoken. During the whole trip Taf had been the main one that spoke. He only recalled May ever speaking a few words.

" It's odd to find cultivator like these indeed"

He thought before bringing his group to join and the most excited of all was Sheryl. She couldn't contain her eagerness as she saw the sumptuous water creature. Yet she still remembers some form of decorum by patiently waiting for the others to part take.

The anxiety seemingly was taking its toll as her hands became somewhat fidgety.

" Sheryl was it, go on its ok.."

May smiled as she encourages the girl who seemed around the age of 13 to dine.


She bowed as these words seemingly came from the food gods above. In quick time her mouth was stuff. Her mother and father could only look on with slight embarrassment.

" Thanks also"

The other teens would not be left out as they too partook in the feast. Soon even the adults also join in and some even for the first time conversed with both Taf and May.

Before they were wary of speaking but after observing the pair they realized they were quite down to earth. A trait not really associated with those supposedly within their standing...

As they dined outdoors in restaurants made solely from bamboo. Amir didn't appear opposed to what had occurred but was quite encouraged by it.

Calmly waiting was Taf yet there was still no mention from Amir or his comrades of any qi stones. He did not ask the question once more however as he awaited what they had in store.

It can be said that the accolades bestowed to these descendants of the Nakushi tribe were no exaggerations. The fish was seasoned to perfection, so much so that Taf himself would gladly tip his hat to the chef.

" I guess it makes sense that cultivator would have better quality in terms of spices and sauce. I dare say this is by far the best meal i have had"

Taf thought as he once more took apart a piece of the fish.

" Try it with this bit of sauce, the contrast between sweet and spicy is a delight..."

A piece of the fish was dabbed in yellow sauce by May before being put to Taf's lips...

" That really is delicious.."

He uttered in delight after slowly taking time to appreciate all the slight changes to his taste buds.

" Young master I had forgotten to disclose a small matter.."

The robust Amir finally came over to the table were a small conversation had been incited.

" Ah, Mr Shar what is this matter you speak of.."

The conversation came to a halt at the tables after Amir visit...

" Well, we don't charge per meal but by individuals. This had slipped my mind, you see I have to tend to many things. Surely you can understand."

A sincere look was plaster on Amir's face as he spoke...

" I..I.., don't be so hard on yourself I am an understanding fellow. So what is my bill thus far?"

Taf seemingly was understanding of the situation as he hurriedly dismissed Amir's worry. This, of course, was to Amir's liking as in his mind things couldn't be moving any smoother...

🌟 Currency - Qi stone ( Lower level, Mid-level, high level) will divulge more as the story progresses. Also, note Lower level qi stones are abbreviated to lqs 🌟

" Well before if it was just you and the young lady to your side, it would have a mere 30 lqs for the meal. For the rafting also it would have been 20 Lqs. so your total would have been 50 lqs.

However, since your party consist of 16 individuals and they also partook in the rafting, your total is as follow. For the rafting 160 lqs and the dining also 240 lqs.

There is also the matter of the service charge associated with both the dining and rafting which is also calculated per individual. The total sum is a mere 120 lqs. Making your grand total 520 lqs.


Hearing these figures Renford who had previously stuffed a mouthful of the side dish in his mouth nearly choked.

This was no small figure. He knew they would try to take advantage of the two but this was indeed absurd. Let's put this whole scenario in context.

A sect such as Dark Abylis Sect bestows to an ordinary cultivator an average of 23 lqs per month. Those it deems with above average would be bestowed 55 lqs, those worthy of being taken as disciples 126 lqs and holy child, well that is undetermined.

This whole bill, the most, should have been approximately 100 lqs. That in itself is after some exaggeration, yet it is five times that figure.

" Isn't this a bit hefty my dear friend Amir.."

Taf remained calm seemingly oblivious to the fact of how greatly he was being exploited...

" Not at all young master, in fact, you have received a quite gracious price..."

The expression of Amir did not change in the slightest as he eyed Taf...

" Well, i guess i have no choice but to foot the bill huh.."

Taf seemingly became resigned to this fact...

" Young master let me assist you somewhat. After all, it was my party that caused you to have accrued so much. Here are 163 Lqs.."

Inside it pained Renford to offer up this amount as he initially did not plan to spend this much. After all, this was no small figure and unlike the members of a sect, they did not receive a monthly stipend.

Hearing Renford words Taf could only smile. He figured this would be a huge total for him to offer. This gave him a slight insight into this fellows character.

" Hun? Aren't you forgetting something?"

May to his side suddenly chimed in...

" Huh? I can't recall. What is it i wonder?"

Taf seemingly was startled by May's words...

" Surely you haven't forgotten you are the promised one. Mounted on a beast drawn from the lineage of fire. Surely this must count for something.."

May words apparently enlightened Taf as he scratched his chin.

" I..I.., this is indeed the case and as i am aware this should come with its benefits, shouldn't it big flower?"

Taf responded to May after his slight epiphany...

" I would assume so, wouldn't it be some blatant lie then? But why would someone make up something so absurd? Surely not something so despicable as taking advantage of some hapless young teens...?"

As they both spoke a big vein began to protrude on the forehand of Amir as he heard the two's dialogue. It was evident to all that they were calling bullshit to all he had said...

Renford who was watching the event realized what was taking place.

" Seems I didn't give them as much credit as i should have initially..."

However, he was slightly curious as to how this would unfold. Perhaps he would now gain some idea of the background of the two.


" Definitely not, Amir is a friend. Amir my dear pal. From what I am aware there is a discount to be had?"

Taf smiled sincerely as he now focused on Amir who could not hide the anger displayed on his face. These two were mocking him to his face yet acting as if he wasn't even there.

" What discount?"

No longer was there the fake facade from before...

" I..i.., no need for hostility my friend, where has that come from? Well, I think of myself as a scholar somewhat. So I am well versed in prophecies and lures as such.

From my record, if a promised one were to step foot on the lands destined. Not only would he be absolved of all things such as expenses but be ladened with gifts and such.

Yet my feet lay bare and expense I have accrued. This I would assume is treatment not befitting a person in my position."

There was a smile of Taf face as he sensed suppressing qi at the 8th stage of qi condensation being released by Amir.

" How about we meet him somewhat halfway. Let's make bygones be bygones and offer an appropriate price. I say 90 lqs should be fitting.."

May also sensed the qi being omitted yet didn't seem quite phased by it and offered up a figure she deemed acceptable. She also noticed a large group of descendant seemingly surrounding the bamboo made restaurant...

Panicky was Renford and his group who felt the brunt of the suppression. He tried to assess the skies to see if the Red feather eagle would perhaps come to its master rescue. It was an 8th stage demon beast after all.

He didn't know what their cultivation was but he was certain they could not content with an 8th stage qi condensation cultivator. The rest were also no easy pickings being that of 7th and 6th stage cultivators. They were indeed in a pickle.

" You will pay what was stated..."

Amir sought to drive his point home as he unleashed his qi the maximum. His muscles bulged as the tables were ripped to shreds.

Renford tried his hardest to protect his group using the full force of his qi as a shield. However, what is paper before a storm?

" Sigh.., Why be like this friend? I was even thinking of giving a tip of 5 lqs. How about you just take the 90 lqs and we will pretend none of this occurred?"

There was seemingly some warm advice from Taf as he still was nonchalant about the whole thing...

" Ok, I'll take your 90 lqs..."

Amir seemingly smiled as he looked at Taf...

" Now that's the voice of reason.."

Taf slowly clapped after hearing Amir's response... He then threw a poach filled with 90 lqs in the direction of Amir.

"....but forgive me for having to beat the other 430 lqs out of you.."

He grinned before arriving like a flash before Taf...

" Next time don't be a pompous brat.."

He readied himself to launch a kick. He wasn't stupid enough to attack with full force as he didn't quite know Taf's qi level. So mistakingly killing him would definitely be excessive...

" Sigh.., Amir Amir..."

As Amir saw his strike propelling into Taf's rib cage he heard a feminine voice...

" Get lose!!!!"


Not only did not put a scratch on Taf but was sent flying to the river instead where just like a stone skidding on a pond there was Amir...


A large stone to the side of the banking was turned to dust and there laid Amir...

" Hopefully you haven't killed him."

Taf spoke as he drew for his chair which he protected from before...

" I told you he was quite annoying...".

May also had a seat next to Taf...

" It's really a pity we didn't even get to see what they had for dessert. After how sumptuous the meal was i bet the dessert would be out of this world...

As the two conversed and started dining once more, a pin would be similar to a wrecking ball hitting concrete at the moment. All mouths were left aghast and eyes in total disbelief.

" She..she just swatted him like a fly. An 8th stage qi condensation cultivator being treated like nothing more than a slight annoyance."

Renford could feel his head becoming dizzy...

" Friend Renford why stand there wasting precious time while there is a meal to be had. Come once more and dine..."

Taf waved towards Renford who was so dazed even his hearing seemingly stopped working. If Renford and his group were in this state imagine those descendants who had previously surrounding the restaurant...

Taf eyed them and all their knees became wobble...

"Eh em, surely we won't have to wait on dear Amir for some dessert..."

His words seemed like a jolt to their system as they all charged for the kitchen...

" See that's what I like about eating outdoors, prompt service. So it is indeed true huh. The customer is always right..."

Taf grinned with May to his side as they once more dined.

Chapter end

246 We are Conquerors
245 Tribunal
244 Awakening The Beast - My Modus 2
243 Awakening The Beast - My Modus 1
242 Bribery
241 Boiling Affections - The Wingman's Pligh
240 I Am Destined To Be A Waste
239 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 4
238 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 3
237 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 2
236 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 1
235 Clarity - Tales Of A Prosecutor
234 Fallen Tears 2
233 Fallen Tear 1
232 Enjoying The Little Things
231 Injustice
230 Candles at the Mercy of the Wind-Monsters 2
229 Candles at the Mercy of the Wind-Monsters 1
228 Crashing The Board - Leapfrogging
227 Utter Dominance - Tyrants In Our Midst 2
226 Utter Dominance - Tyrants In Our Midst 1
225 Sinister Cravings - Elites
224 All That I Desire
223 W.T.F : Dark Horse
222 Aspirations & Grievance - Clou
221 Savage Art of Limb Carving- Origi
220 Overkill
219 Release The Hounds
218 Vengeful Eyes
217 Bunker
216 Delilah
215 Enter The Pits
214 Steal The Marker - Grind
213 The Dawn - Precious
212 Happy Nightmares
211 Rebel - Perfume
210 Burn Ou
209 Fighting Inner Demons
208 A Father's Pain
207 Anecdotes of Wingman Theology 3
206 Anecdotes of Wingman Theology 2
205 Anecdotes of Wingman Theology 1
204 Cultivation Therapy
203 Indulge
202 Dead Man Walking
201 Playing With Daggers
200 A Perspective of Equality - Exceptions
199 Turf Wars
198 Calm Within The Storm
197 Self-Inflicted
196 Like A Leaf In The Wind
195 Goden Finger
194 A Matter Of Ethics
193 An Era's Prodigy
192 What The Night Brings 2
191 What The Night Brings
190 Sunflower
189 Pathogen
188 Brains & Elements
187 Arosa & Zaro Clan
186 Yours Truly,
185 Well.., Hello!
184 Thousand Year Genius
183 Blood Oath
182 Aligning Interests
181 Grand Elder
180 Axus
179 Token
178 Splitting Soul
177 My Little Friend
176 Mystifying Tree
175 Morbid - Sea of Corpse
174 Adieu To The City of Stars
173 Vermin Empress - Devil's Contrac
172 Escaping The Prism
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
161 Monster
160 May I Tap In?
159 Tainted - Checkmate
158 The Mercenary Contrac
157 Fate's Hands
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
146 Fine-Tuning
145 Damsel in Distress
144 No Remorse
143 The Mouse Who Investigates 3
142 The Mouse who investigates 2
141 The Mouse who Investigates 1
140 Benzalo & Marco
139 Tying loose ends - Nailed
138 Lion's Den
137 The Mouse who investigates 2
136 The Mouse who Investigates 1
135 Benzalo & Marco
134 Tying loose ends - Nailed
133 Lion's Den
132 Act of Terror
131 Assembling
130 Mission : Starlight City
129 Ma?tre d
128 Flaw
127 Team Building
126 The Deflowering Prince
125 Do you dare?
124 Joker
123 Starlight City
122 The Squad
121 World of Ice
120 Weakness
119 Mr Charisma
118 Wrecked Habita
117 Unleash Anarchy
116 Game of Alphas
115 Dwelling
114 Humility
113 Escor
112 Bonds
111 Destiny
110 It's Him
109 The bells
108 Underwhelming
107 Amir Amir
106 Hey wanna Have some fun
105 Being sloppy
104 Journeying ou
103 Caged lion
102 Ice Phoenix Blood
101 Lover Boy
100 Deluge No More
99 Grim Reaper
98 Pride and Fall
97 Bye Bye Webs and welcome clouds
96 Marked for Death
95 The Catalys
94 Terms
93 A Gif
92 Demon Beast Gathering
91 Fear
90 Cremation
89 Heaven and Earth
88 Worse Case Scenario
87 Absorption and Expulsion
86 Red and Gold Parchmen
85 Assimilation
84 Testing limits
83 Shredded
82 Pawn
81 Fiery Onslaugh
80 Plague of the Skies
79 Twinkling Stars
78 Level Jumpers
77 Cheeky Bastard
76 Alpha Flying Wolf
75 Wolf Pack Feast Nigh
74 Mission: Demon Beast Cores
73 Unshakable
72 Proud Momen
71 Silenced
70 Brave Man's Graveyard
69 Ant Colony
68 Unfamiliar Feeling
67 Behave
66 First Step
65 Series of Trials
64 Elixir
63 Beneath the mask
62 Relief
61 Sky Falling
60 Two Options
59 Where are we?
58 Bearer of gifts
57 What's Most Precious
56 How shameless
55 Four Questions
54 Warmth
53 Such a softie
52 Unfettered
51 The Boy and the Golden Flamed Phoenix
50 Abomination
49 Hello... hello...
48 Life is really cruel
47 What is your affinity?
46 Pledges and Oaths
45 A cough
44 World of Gods
43 Knowing comrades and enemies alike
42 City Lord Marvel's glee
41 Who could resist?
40 I know your weakness
39 You intrigue me
38 Destination Marvel City
37 You cheater
36 An explosive send off
35 The birth of a City
34 Anonymous corpse number one
33 The waiting game
32 May Day
31 The dictatorship of Black Spawn
30 Case of Mental Defec
29 Meaty or shower
28 Viper Junkies
27 Let's begin the smashing
26 A Promise Made
25 Mouse Trap
24 Keeping in line
23 The Price of Delinquency
22 The reign of Sir Mouse
21 As time pass
20 why hate one's self
Chapter 19
18 The dreams of a Toad
Chapter 17
16 Actions and Consequences
15 It is my modus
14 Instant Karma
Chapter 13
12 The spark that lit the flame
Chapter 11
10 Thank you Senior Grace
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
5 Business 101 according to Mr Ming
Chapter 4
3 An act of benevolence
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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