The Gods' Decree 188 Brains & Elements

The Gods' Decree 188 Brains & Elements

"Last time I became excited based on an offer you suggested, in the end, I was left with egg on my face."

The purple masked man replied evidently not as intrigued as the Grand elder might have hoped.

"That little lesson of mine dare child was just this old one's way of having some fun with a junior who sought to take advantage.

I'll, however, rectify this wrong. That is if you are able to defeat an opponent who in a manner of seconds will usher a challenge. I promise without a doubt it will be worth your while."

The grand elder once more tried persuading the man who wore the purple mask. He then after a second of thought responded,

"How about May? Will there be a need for her participation?"

The question asked gave slight hints to the identity of the masked man. If the female elder who sat beside him in the white armor covered in purple petals was May.

Then surely this masked stranger could only be the one and only Taf.

"No, she will not. So how about it? Will you gain me this victory?"

The grand elder pushed for a reply from Taf.

"We have a deal."

Taf then confirmed after thinking it through. Afterall having Old Perth owing him a favor might come in handy in the future.


On the left side of the room similar to the grand elder prepping Taf, so too would the second elder not be left out.

He had already engaged one of his Zaro Clan members. This a man whose head was shaved, his sleeves had been ripped off showing his massive biceps with scorpions tattooed on each arm.

"I will not stress again the importance of this victory. Your branch's ranking within the clan will have a surge unlike you could ever imagine.

However, I caution against complacency as your opponent will not be an easy one."

"Yes lord Patriarch, I Dar Zaro will fight for the honor of the clan."

An enthusiastic reply was then heard by the man who called himself Dar. This was a once in a million opportunity for him and more importantly his branch of the family that was not so highly regarded as others.

Who would have thought that of all the mid-level lord realms within the clan he would be given this opportunity?

The more he thought of it, though he was from a lower branch his talent far exceeded those of the privileged in his age group.

That being said there was by no means he would lose this fight. He gazed at the man in purple on the other side of the room seeing images of him under his feet.

This was what blocked the path for his branch's first step to the summit with his unparalleled momentum.

Seeing the oozing confident of this descendant of lower birth, the second elder was quite pleased. He could think of no one better to place his bet on.

This man was hungry for success, though in comparison to his prodigy grandson Jason his talent was negligible. One thing was certain his thirst for acknowledgment was even more insatiable.

   "Very well child." Patriarch Zaro responded.


Soon all heard a voice reverberation throughout the chambers, which was quite surprising to the elders congregated. One moment the grand elder was speaking, then there was a pause before this voice was heard.

"A formal request has been made for a demonstration of the prowess of the newly ordained elders. As this is within the customs of the sect, the grand elder has accepted.

The challenger Elder Dar Zaro and his opponent Elder Moussier."

A sense of intrigue overwhelmed the room. There were many within who were curious as to the strength of these newly recruited elders.

More importantly, a huge sense of jealousy was within their hearts after hearing these two were personal disciples of the grand elder.

How many among them had strived for such accomplishments for decades even though knowing its possibility was minimal?

All knew the grand elder's strength was masked in a mysterious fog but one thing was for certain, she could always keep the second elder in check with a mere glance.

Imagine then hearing of these two catching her eye while she saw the world. Aren't they then the luckiest bastards who ever lived.

There was then a hush in the room but a majority hoped for a crushing defeat for the elder called Moussier.

Soon everyone's attention was placed to the roof where sounds could be heard. Similar to the flower known rightfully as Morning Glory, opening up in the sun's ray, so too did the roof of the meeting chamber.

"Be careful."

Taf heard May's voice in his mind as he rose from his seat to meet his challenger in combat.

"You know I will. Just another chance to exercise this lazy body of fine." He then responded assuringly. 

In quick time he made his way through the roof hovering in the skies of the Dark Abylis Sect. His opponent too had followed his lead while assessing Taf.

As they both hovered a transparent blue circular barrier surrounded them and continuously expanded for ten thousand meters.

Evidently this was to mitigate any damages from the battle and protecting the disciples below.

"I'm sorry this is a battle I can't afford to lose," Dar uttered confidently with some warning in his voice.

"Interesting, I was thinking the same. So how about you give me this victory and I give you the next. Sounds fair don't you think." 

Taf responded in his usual carefree manner. Yet, Dar evidently didn't care for his wording.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"You dare to belittle me!" He bellowed in a serious manner as his qi ignited twisting the air around him.  

"Actually I was just making conversation to lighten the mood a bit. However if you are more motivated by the thought of me belittling you, well think it as such."

Taf ended by saying while assessing his bald opponent. By his qi he was at the mid-level of the lord realm similar to Benzalo, which meant that the battle would not be an easy one. 

Suddenly Dar's body with his qi ignited started to send off a searing heat. It was so torrid that even his skin became red until his whole body combusted into flames.


He tore through the skies launching himself towards Taf.

It could be seen why anything Taf stated with any kind of satire would piss his opponents off. After all, the only clue they had as to his facial expression was that smiling face on his mask.

"I guess the small talk is over,"

Taf uttered while black lightning slowly twisted around his body.

🌟Elemental Art (Earth) Iron Body🌟

In the blink of an eye, his body was camouflaged in iron sheen as he met Dar mid-flight.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

They exchanged blows one after the other at lightning speeds. It was apparent that similar to Taf this Elder Dar too favored close combat as he bombarded Taf with scorching kicks and punches in kind. Seeing an opening in the other's defenses they both sought for the advantage.


The two's fists smashed against each other. The force of their attacks was so strong each was sent flying in the opposite direction.

Below all were in anticipation of the outcome of the battle. As each elder had his or her bet on who the victor might be. The masked May sat by her lonesome but underneath she had nothing but confidence in Taf's abilities. 

The second elder's smiled at the grand elder after seeing the result of the two's confrontation. With their discerning eyes, it could be seen out of the two who had the advantage in the clash.

"Care to renegotiate once more. I'm in a good mood."

He teased now having once more confirmed his faith was placed within the right person. However, the grand elder would give him no response as her mind went elsewhere.

She observed the lightning that twisted around Taf's body. This was the same lightning she previously saw him expel by accident a few weeks prior.

In this quick time, she wondered how did he master it to such an extent. She knew the second elder didn't question the lightning too much because there were cases of persons using variant forms.

Though rare in the Fu providence it is not unheard of. This lightning however she felt had a different component from those. Yet she could not put her finger as to what it might have been.

After the previous clash, Taf then composed himself. His arm felt a bit sore but now he had a slightly better understanding of his opponent's strength in order to strategize. He didn't disregard that Dar too was making plans of his own.

As he observed Dar from the distance he saw his biceps starting to bulge and his scorpions shrouded in a white glowing light. Soon they took life forming into two ten-meter large red scorpions with large stingers to his left and right sides.

With determination in his eyes to usher in a new dawn for his family branch, Dar held nothing back. 

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Sounds similar to a canon firing could be heard as Dar along with the scorpions by his side sped through the air. Unlike Dar whose entire body was ablaze, only their stingers were aflame.

Though a bit startled by the change in Dar's strategy, Taf stood still once more to adjust his tactics.

The aforementioned brought a smile to the face of the grand elder below. This was one of the things she always tried to convey to her students.

The greatest strength one can have in a strenuous situation is a tranquil mind to assess as to what their next move might be. What could be more demanding than a high stakes battle?

Seeing they were in close proximity to Taf both scorpions spat smelting lava through their mouths. To this Taf could only aim to avoid however he soon saw their stingers which were shrouded in flames, also aim for his vital organs.

It comes without saying that if he were to be caught it would put him in an unfavorable position.

Usual he wouldn't mind such a battle as with the arsenal at his disposal he would bombard them with unrelenting counters. However, this could not be the case in this fight.

The aforementioned was simply due to the many prying eyes below. His darkness art could not be used as from what he knew this was the signature of a devil.

The Demon inherent art also had to be hidden. As he felt the only person to see it should be his enemies before their deaths. 

Lastly, his Heaven's Art could not be blatantly used being that it too was one of his killing moves.

Though he might use the lightning aspects for flight and clashes, gravity he definitely wouldn't call upon. Therefore at this point, he fought like a lion without any teeth.

"Well, I guess it's back to the basics, brains, and elements."

He uttered as a smile formed under his mask awaiting the challenge.

Before him, a scorching heat could be felt as torching Dar and his venomous flaming scorpions neared aiming to burn him to crisp...

To be continued...

Unedited Version

Chapter end

246 We are Conquerors
245 Tribunal
244 Awakening The Beast - My Modus 2
243 Awakening The Beast - My Modus 1
242 Bribery
241 Boiling Affections - The Wingman's Pligh
240 I Am Destined To Be A Waste
239 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 4
238 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 3
237 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 2
236 The Autopsy Of The Deflowering Prince 1
235 Clarity - Tales Of A Prosecutor
234 Fallen Tears 2
233 Fallen Tear 1
232 Enjoying The Little Things
231 Injustice
230 Candles at the Mercy of the Wind-Monsters 2
229 Candles at the Mercy of the Wind-Monsters 1
228 Crashing The Board - Leapfrogging
227 Utter Dominance - Tyrants In Our Midst 2
226 Utter Dominance - Tyrants In Our Midst 1
225 Sinister Cravings - Elites
224 All That I Desire
223 W.T.F : Dark Horse
222 Aspirations & Grievance - Clou
221 Savage Art of Limb Carving- Origi
220 Overkill
219 Release The Hounds
218 Vengeful Eyes
217 Bunker
216 Delilah
215 Enter The Pits
214 Steal The Marker - Grind
213 The Dawn - Precious
212 Happy Nightmares
211 Rebel - Perfume
210 Burn Ou
209 Fighting Inner Demons
208 A Father's Pain
207 Anecdotes of Wingman Theology 3
206 Anecdotes of Wingman Theology 2
205 Anecdotes of Wingman Theology 1
204 Cultivation Therapy
203 Indulge
202 Dead Man Walking
201 Playing With Daggers
200 A Perspective of Equality - Exceptions
199 Turf Wars
198 Calm Within The Storm
197 Self-Inflicted
196 Like A Leaf In The Wind
195 Goden Finger
194 A Matter Of Ethics
193 An Era's Prodigy
192 What The Night Brings 2
191 What The Night Brings
190 Sunflower
189 Pathogen
188 Brains & Elements
187 Arosa & Zaro Clan
186 Yours Truly,
185 Well.., Hello!
184 Thousand Year Genius
183 Blood Oath
182 Aligning Interests
181 Grand Elder
180 Axus
179 Token
178 Splitting Soul
177 My Little Friend
176 Mystifying Tree
175 Morbid - Sea of Corpse
174 Adieu To The City of Stars
173 Vermin Empress - Devil's Contrac
172 Escaping The Prism
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
161 Monster
160 May I Tap In?
159 Tainted - Checkmate
158 The Mercenary Contrac
157 Fate's Hands
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
146 Fine-Tuning
145 Damsel in Distress
144 No Remorse
143 The Mouse Who Investigates 3
142 The Mouse who investigates 2
141 The Mouse who Investigates 1
140 Benzalo & Marco
139 Tying loose ends - Nailed
138 Lion's Den
137 The Mouse who investigates 2
136 The Mouse who Investigates 1
135 Benzalo & Marco
134 Tying loose ends - Nailed
133 Lion's Den
132 Act of Terror
131 Assembling
130 Mission : Starlight City
129 Ma?tre d
128 Flaw
127 Team Building
126 The Deflowering Prince
125 Do you dare?
124 Joker
123 Starlight City
122 The Squad
121 World of Ice
120 Weakness
119 Mr Charisma
118 Wrecked Habita
117 Unleash Anarchy
116 Game of Alphas
115 Dwelling
114 Humility
113 Escor
112 Bonds
111 Destiny
110 It's Him
109 The bells
108 Underwhelming
107 Amir Amir
106 Hey wanna Have some fun
105 Being sloppy
104 Journeying ou
103 Caged lion
102 Ice Phoenix Blood
101 Lover Boy
100 Deluge No More
99 Grim Reaper
98 Pride and Fall
97 Bye Bye Webs and welcome clouds
96 Marked for Death
95 The Catalys
94 Terms
93 A Gif
92 Demon Beast Gathering
91 Fear
90 Cremation
89 Heaven and Earth
88 Worse Case Scenario
87 Absorption and Expulsion
86 Red and Gold Parchmen
85 Assimilation
84 Testing limits
83 Shredded
82 Pawn
81 Fiery Onslaugh
80 Plague of the Skies
79 Twinkling Stars
78 Level Jumpers
77 Cheeky Bastard
76 Alpha Flying Wolf
75 Wolf Pack Feast Nigh
74 Mission: Demon Beast Cores
73 Unshakable
72 Proud Momen
71 Silenced
70 Brave Man's Graveyard
69 Ant Colony
68 Unfamiliar Feeling
67 Behave
66 First Step
65 Series of Trials
64 Elixir
63 Beneath the mask
62 Relief
61 Sky Falling
60 Two Options
59 Where are we?
58 Bearer of gifts
57 What's Most Precious
56 How shameless
55 Four Questions
54 Warmth
53 Such a softie
52 Unfettered
51 The Boy and the Golden Flamed Phoenix
50 Abomination
49 Hello... hello...
48 Life is really cruel
47 What is your affinity?
46 Pledges and Oaths
45 A cough
44 World of Gods
43 Knowing comrades and enemies alike
42 City Lord Marvel's glee
41 Who could resist?
40 I know your weakness
39 You intrigue me
38 Destination Marvel City
37 You cheater
36 An explosive send off
35 The birth of a City
34 Anonymous corpse number one
33 The waiting game
32 May Day
31 The dictatorship of Black Spawn
30 Case of Mental Defec
29 Meaty or shower
28 Viper Junkies
27 Let's begin the smashing
26 A Promise Made
25 Mouse Trap
24 Keeping in line
23 The Price of Delinquency
22 The reign of Sir Mouse
21 As time pass
20 why hate one's self
Chapter 19
18 The dreams of a Toad
Chapter 17
16 Actions and Consequences
15 It is my modus
14 Instant Karma
Chapter 13
12 The spark that lit the flame
Chapter 11
10 Thank you Senior Grace
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
5 Business 101 according to Mr Ming
Chapter 4
3 An act of benevolence
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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