Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story 72 The Trickshooter Gamble

Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story 72 The Trickshooter Gamble

Friday arrived and the match for deciding the new first string was upon them.

"We'll use the computer rooms," Howard handed Yuel a key.

"How did you get the keys?" Yuel asked.

"Let's just say I borrowed them, alright?"

[Borrowed. Even though we're supposed to keep a low profile about being at school without our advisor. Sure.] Yuel wanted to retort, but that didn't really matter. Howard probably knew where to get the keys because StormBlitz held their entrance exams in these computer rooms. That's where Yuel met and fought Howard for the first time. And now, yet again, they'll be clashing with each other in these same rooms.

"Good luck," Howard smiled and stretched his hand.

"You too," Yuel accepted the handshake with a smile, but immediately applied some force behind it because Howard did the same. The handshake and smiles were just a sportsmanship formality. In truth, they both wished for the other to crash and burn in the upcoming match. Neither of them was allowed to lose today.

After a tug of war that felt like it lasted five minutes, neither of them managed to crush the other's hand and they let go. That's it. From this moment on, they were sworn enemies. No pity and no mercy. They silently approached their respective doors and went inside.

The two computer rooms were adjacent to each other, a single wall separated between them. Perhaps the two rooms were a single one in the past and were separated to make it look like this school had two computer rooms. That'd explain why each room was too small to house a whole class and students had to work in duos and trios.

Whatever the case, this arrangement of two rooms was convenient for them today. There were even five monitors already lined up in a row, just waiting to be used for a Classmancers match. Everything looked exactly the same as during the entrance exam.

Yuel booted the five computers and opened Classmancers on all of them. He and Howard organized everything by entering all game clients into the same room. Physically, each team was going to be in a separate room, but virtually, inside the game, they were all packed together into one space. Nothing new about that concept, but it felt funny somehow.

Before long, the other team members arrived. Howard and Yuel arrived early to set everything up but everybody was told to get here at 9 am.

"Yo," Lars greeted everybody by flashing his teeth. "Ready to rek these dudes?" He raised his hand.

"Of course," Yuel also raised his hand for a high-five. They were born ready for this.

"I'm going to play my best too," Julia interjected.

"Look who's all ya fired up," Lars grinned and huddled both of them. "We gonna do this, yo!"

"Definitely." "We got this."

Roi and Dan shortly joined them. Dan barely made it in time, whereas Roi was late by three minutes. There always had to be that one kid who comes late, right?

Anyway, everybody was here now. The stage was set. The match was about to begin!

"About the first game," Howard addressed his team. "We might lose because I plan to let them use Trickshooter."

"Kek," Gregory adjusted his glasses. "I see you like to live dangerously."

"Sounds like an unnecessary gamble," Gilbert said. "Reason?"

"Simple," Howard said. "We all agree their team gonna be at its peak if Lars gets Trickshooter, right? Which means: if we beat them in that condition, it's as good as winning the entire match right there. Think of the mental blow that'd deliver."

"Evil,". Gregory smirked, his eyes full of respect. He must have been taking mental notes about this tactic.

"But," Gilbert objected. "If we lose, they'll be one game away from winning. You sure that's worth it? I never thought you, of all people, would ever suggest taking such a big risk."

"Sometimes, you have to take a calculated risk to increase your chances of winning."

"Sounds like something Yuel would say," Gilbert raised an eyebrow. "But, if you're sure..."

There were no further objections. Calling this idea "bizarre" didn't do it justice, but everybody trusted Howard's judgment. Over the past week, he has displayed an unrivaled ability to organize, strengthen and lead the team. He paid attention to the smallest quirks of each teammate and advised them how to cover their weak points, how to play without dying in difficult situations and even which classes suited them best in different team compositions.

Howard's way of doing things often led the team to victory in Ranked, even against strong pre-made teams filled with "golden names". These guys were either active/former competitive students or maybe even legit pros. Even so, with Howard holding the reins, the team felt strong and successfully ground most opponents into submission.

Therefore, even though nobody quite understood why the ever-careful Howard would go for such a dangerous gamble, everybody was going to follow his lead.

[Nobody seems too concerned. Alright.] Howard nodded to himself. As long as this plan wasn't going to cause distrust, it was worth a shot. It's alright that nobody understood the full scope of Howard's intentions this time. In fact, it's better this way.

["Something Yuel would suggest", huh.] Howard smiled meaningfully. At first glance, the idea of taking a big gamble to potentially reap huge benefits was very Yuel-like. In fact, maybe Yuel really inspired this line of thinking in Howard.

However, there was one fundamental difference between Howard's idea and Yuel's tactics. What Howard was trying to achieve here was radically different from gaining "a better position" in a game. Yuel probably couldn't think in such a way yet because he was still a greenhorn when it came to competitive experience.

"Tai," Howard patted Taison's shoulder. "Your ability to 1v1 Lars is going to play a huge role this game. Think you can handle his Trickshooter?"

"Kahaha, no problem!" Taison pumped a fist. "I'm the 1v1 champ! I beat scrubs and get da pizza!"

"A very questionable motivation, but good enough for me." Howard nodded. [Let's see how far he can go. I'm not going to count on it, but if he can beat Lars in 1v1 that'd give us a real chance to win this gamble. If he loses, that's good in its own way too.]

"So, Greg," Howard turned to Gregory. "Do you feel like playing hardcore defense?"

"Eh, do I have to?" Gregory made a face. "I mean, if you tell me to, I'll do it, but..."

"Nah, that's alright. Play what you think works."

"Sweet! I wanna go for something more balanced, like Knight."

"No problem." [This first game will change your mind, then.] Howard left it at that. Forcing a difficult brat like Gregory play something he didn't like was only going to put a damper on his motivation and will create a rift in the team. It'll be a hundred times better when Gregory chooses to turtle of his own accord. That's one benefit to reap from this crucial first game.

After Howard addressed each member, nobody was concerned about the Trickshooter gamble anymore.... save for Howard himself. No matter how he twisted it, this plan still harbored huge risks. Losing a game in a best-of-three match was like putting one foot in the grave.

Even if they lose, they'll gain many benefits. Ultimately, they should win more than they lost. In the long run, it'll be the superior strategy... it had to be.

[This isn't good for my health.] Howard sighed. Even the tiniest risk could prove fatal, and failure was absolutely not an option today.

"My," Ellen leaned on Howard's back. "You're such a worrywart."

"I'm not worried."

"Oh, is that so? Then, pray tell, why are you tapping your foot as if you're trying to break the floor?"

"Tch," Howard looked away. His right leg was really restless, he didn't even notice.

"You're not the only one who is good at noticing stuff, you know." Ellen gently wrapped her hand around his. "It's okay, we got this. We've been discussing that idea the whole week, remember?"

"Since when it's [your] job to console [me]?"

"Hehe, what can I say? I'm a woman of many talents~" Ellen playfully rubbed her nose against his arm.

"And here I thought you'll be the most worried about this first game. You're probably going to be a primary target. Sure you can survive his Trickshooter?"

"I have absolute faith my dear knight will protect me~"

"You gonna make it my responsibility?" Howard sighed with a chuckle. "Alright, let's begin. No use worrying about it. We won't know the result until we play them."
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With everybody convinced, or at least not outright opposed, Howard's plan was set in motion.

"Hey, look!" Lars shoved his finger into Yuel's monitor. "They left Shooter open!"

"I can see that." Yuel frowned. The first banning phase was over, yet Trickshooter was still available and it was Yuel's turn to pick a class for the team.

"C'mon, dude! Let's grab it!"

"Hrm." Yuel crossed his arms. Why? Why didn't Howard ban Trickshooter? Everybody knew Lars was exponentially stronger when playing Trickshooter. There was no conceivable reason to allow Lars to play Trickshooter.

Was it some sort of trap? If so, Howard was way too obvious about it. And yet, it was a very alluring trap, the kind you can't help but walk into even though you know it's risky.

"My, Yuyu is pretty shaken~" Ellen covered her lips as if to muffle laughter.

"He must be pretty shocked" Howard smiled to himself. [So, you hesitate even though I gave you such a great opportunity. Alright, we're off to a good start.]

Picking Trickshooter should have been a no-brainer for Yuel, yet he took his time. Sure, standard theory claimed that taking Carry as the first pick wasn't advised and yadda yadda yadda, but that theory didn't hold to this situation. Lars's godlike skill with Trickshooter transcended any reason or logic.

Nevertheless, Yuel hesitated. He was wary of what Howard could possibly have in mind to allow this. Yuel will probably still go for Trickshooter in the end, but this hesitation was huge. Howard's presence already started weighing on Yuel's mind and that weight will only become heavier as the game goes on. This was bound to impair Yuel's judgment at some point.

[I can't figure it out.] Yuel sighed. There were multiple ways to deal with a Trickshooter on lane but none of them was effective enough to hold down a beast like Lars. Maybe Howard and Ellen underestimated Lars's skill? Or rather, they underestimated Yuel and Lars as a Bot duo? Perhaps it was Howard's way of saying "We'll beat you even with this handicap."

"C'mon, dude!" Lars insisted. "Gimme a Trickshooter already." He pretended like he was going to snatch Yuel's mouse, which made Yuel instinctively grab the mouse.

Due to the way this match room was set, Yuel had complete authority over the drafting phase. He was the one who'll pick classes for everybody, so the decision laid with him. So, Trickshooter or no Trickshooter?

"Just to make sure," Yuel turned to Lars. "You can play Trickshooter, right? I pretty much banned you from playing it the whole week because I was sure it'll be banned every game."

"No problem," Lars grinned. "You didn't let me play it in Ranked, but I still practiced it at home every day."

"Seriously?" Yuel blinked. Even though they trained together from early in the morning until late into the night every day, Lars still found time to work on his Trickshooter? Heh, what a guy.

"Okay, let's do it then." Yuel locked-in the Trickshooter. [If they think they can beat me and Lars with this handicap, be my guests. Surprise me, maybe there's a counter I haven't thought of.]

But, there was nothing that resembled a hard counter in the enemy's picks. Howard's first two picks were Paladin and Knight, their Support and Top. Paladin was a decent counter because he could shut down Trickshooter's ult with Justice Strike, but it wasn't the most reliable tactic, especially not against Lars's inhuman twitch reflexes.

Afterward, Howard picked Pirate for Carry. Again, nothing unusual and nothing that directly countered Trickshooter.

[Maybe there's some larger strategy in store?] Yuel couldn't help but wonder. There had to be something to it because Howard would never take such a risk for no reason. But, no matter how hard Yuel pondered, it felt like banging his head against a wall. Howard's plan was shroud in mystery.

Before long, the drafting phase approached its end. Both sides had only one more class to pick, which happened to be the Jungler for both teams.

Leaving Jungler for last was a calculated choice by Yuel. With Dan's versatility, it was best to push the Jungler pick to the very end and pick a class which countered the enemy comp the best. On the other hand, in Taison's case, there was probably no special reason to leave him to last. As a Jungler, low versatility was one of Taison's most glaring flaws. He only ever played bruisers and never played assassins. Therefore, Yuel could pick a Jungler with the assumption that Taison will pick a bruiser.

"Venomancer seems good here," Yuel addressed Dan. "What do you think?"

"Sounds good," Dan smirked. "If Taison picks a bruiser, they gonna have a pretty tanky comp, so taking them down with percentage damage gonna be fun."

"Indeed." Yuel nodded. They have already discussed Venomancer as one of the likely picks for this match. The enemy already had a Paladin and a Knight, so together with Taison's bruiser - they'll have three tanky classes. Venomancer was one of the most effective ways to deal with those.

[So, he went for it.] Howard smiled wryly. That Venomancer pick clearly factored Taison's tendency to play bruisers. Howard left Taison's pick for last in hope Yuel wouldn't consider this line of attack, but Yuel gotta be Yuel. Sneaking somebody's weakness past Yuel was impossible.

[But, you fell into my trap!] Howard smirked. [I also knew Taison's weakness, so I made him practice assassins! ...I wish it was like that.] He sighed. It's something he really wanted to do, but it was impossible to pull off, especially not over the span of a single week.

Taison's love for 1v1 fights caused his fixation on bruisers. Sneaking behind enemies to burst them down wasn't his style. Instead, he wanted to fight his enemies face-to-face and take them down via a display of strength. As a result, even when he agreed to play assassin due to Howard's request, Taison retained the same gung-ho mentality and challenged his enemies to 1v1s. Needless to say, that didn't turn out well for him.

To fix Taison's weakness, it was first necessary to change his mindset. That was too great of a challenge for Howard, especially with the time limit of a single week. Not to mention that forcing Taison to practice something he didn't enjoy was only going to hurt his motivation. Howard's hands were tied on that matter.

"What you want to pick?" Howard asked.

"Lancer looking hot right now," Taison said without the slightest hint of concern. So what if picking a busier will play right into the enemy's Venomancer pick? Taison just gonna wreck some scrubs as usual!

"Alright," Howard nodded with a small sigh on the side. This was his team right now, so he had to deal with it. He was the one who came up with this arrangement in the first place, so there's nobody else to blame but him. He'll have to make the best out the hand he dealt himself and to push toward victory despite the odds.

With the Lancer pick, the drafting phase came to an end. The starter selection match was about to begin!


Yuel: Alchemist

Lars: Trickshooter

Julia: Electromancer

Dan: Venomancer

Roi: Dark Knight


Howard: Paladin

Ellen: Pirate

Gilbert: Warlock

Taison: Lancer

Gregory: Knight

Chapter end

180 Fangless Lineup
179 Safe Draf
178 The Seniors' Draf
177 Senior Visitors
176 Pulling up the Weak
175 The Plans for Nia
174 The Jungler's Help
173 Playing the Patience Game
172 Alone Against a Dark Knigh
171 Fighting for the Same Goal
170 Help the Team to Help Yourself
169 The One Who Delivers Surprises Hates Being Surprised
168 Hide-And-Seek in the Jungle
167 The Importance of Bullying the Lane Bully
166 Vol.8 Ch.4: Delayed Kill
165 Reckless Low Rank
164 Playing Ranked with Randoms
163 Ranked Solo Queue
161 Surpassing Tipmancer
160 Tipmancer is Law
159 Rampaging Orc
158 Uncooperative Jungler
157 The Monk vs. Orc Matchup
156 Hide-and-Seek Grandmaster
155 Coming Out of the Shell
154 Vanishing Phantom
153 Shadow Clone
152 The Second Tes
151 Vanishing Presence
150 Dealing with the Knight Matchup
149 Duel Exam
148 Tracking Down the Elusive Candidate
147 The Mysterious Candidate
146 No Female Candidates
145 Terrible Marketing
144 Romeo and Juliet, Again
143 The Reserved Spo
142 Troublesome Pair
141 Kuudere?
140 The Arbiter of Talents
139 The Ungankable
138 Problem Kids
137 The Human Shield
136 Self-Sufficient Carry
135 The Support's Role in Bottom Lane
134 Clunky Cooperation
133 Ben the "Delinquent"
132 Afterword
131 The One They Left Behind
130 The Road Ahead Is Still Long
129 The Challenge of Gauging Teammates' Skill
128 Cautious Duo
127 Educated Memeing
126 Warding Openings
125 Luke, the Meme Jedi
124 The First Step Toward the Competitive Scene
123 Slogging for Victory
122 Rhythm Reader
121 Lane Pressure Sparks Offense
120 200% Accuracy Without a Mouse Is 0% Accuracy
119 Restricting Defensive Options
118 Sizing Up the Opponents
117 New Captain, New Trouble
116 New Beginning
115 The Last Farewell
114 Passing the Baton
113 Confronting the Lioness
112 The Only One Who Made I
111 The Unexpected Announcemen
110 The Aftermath of Defea
109 Afterword
108 And the First String Goes To...!
107 Julia vs. Taison
106 Hyper Rotation
105 Bait Twis
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
100 Wavering Minds
99 Do I Have the Right to Win?
98 Gilbert's Hesitation
97 Fast Shot Mixups
96 Slipping Defense
94 Fatal Hesitation
93 Defensive Gears
92 Drafting the Late Game
91 Restroom Encounters
90 From Offense to Defense?
89 Unleash the Demonic Power!
88 Defense That Sets up the Offense
87 Lack of Early Game Advantage
86 The Lars Killer
85 Can't Go on the Offensive
84 Turtling Patience
83 His Second Strongest Class
82 Drafting Traps
Chapter 81
80 Joy and Concern
79 The Flawed 1v1 Prodigy
78 The Hungry Jungler
77 Coping with Defea
76 Dark Knight, the Early Game Bully
75 Thirst for Strength
74 Preparation and Wi
73 Preparation and Adaptation
72 The Trickshooter Gamble
71 Everybody's Stakes
70 Battle Preparations - Yuel's Side
69 Battle Preparations - Howard's Side
68 Battle for the First String
67 Stats over Skill
66 Counter Pick Checkmate
65 The 1v1 Grandmaster
64 1v1 Preparations
63 A Drunk Pro Appears!
62 Duties of the Vice-Captain
61 Everybody Help to Grind
60 Summer Break Begins
59 New Captain and Vice-Captain
58 The Regionals Without Me
Chapter 57
56 Facing One's Shortcomings
55 Outcast Seniors
54 The Gap Between Practice and Experience
53 Inherited Skills
52 Everybody's Alternatives
51 Failures, Regrets and Hope
50 The Right to Stand on This Stage
49 Smashed Mental Image
48 Combo Constraints
47 Out of Touch
46 The Beast That Transcends Common Sense
45 Shackles of the Larger Picture
44 Drafting a Counter
43 Seizing Leadership
42 Substitution Reques
41 A Powerless Shot-Caller
40 Trever's Frustration
39 Rift in the Team
38 Mixup Strategy
37 The Coach Factor
36 Strong, but Familiar
Chapter 35
34 Destroyer of Optimal Plays
33 The Sacrifice's True Meaning
32 Tactical Sacrifice
31 Combo Player
30 The Stage of Those Who Didn't Make I
29 Scrimmages
28 Parrying
27 Competitive Nicknames
26 Club Tour
25 Exam Results
24 Each Girl's Drive
23 Berserker Maiden
22 The Determination to Play
21 Immortal Goddess
20 Bipolar Player
19 The Cocky Rookie's Greeting
18 Romeo and Julie
Chapter 17
16 Team's Suppor
15 Impenetrable Shield
14 The Antithesis
13 Unexplained Tactics
12 The Search for Knowledge
11 The Star's Shadow
10 Junior High Entry Exam
9 Third Wheel's Feelings
8 Friends
7 Those Who Keep Playing
6 Team Carry
5 Hateful Suppor
4 God of Trick Shots
3 Playing Online
2 Learning the Basics
1 Searching for a Team Spor
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