Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story 172 Alone Against a Dark Knigh

Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story 172 Alone Against a Dark Knigh

Nia won the Qualifier match but it was too early to celebrate. She still had six more matches ahead of her and she has already lost the first three, so she had to work extra hard to not end up in Bronze. To make sure that doesn't happen, Yuel stayed by Nia's side to give her advice.

"Go to the advanced settings," Yuel said. "Here, you can choose what you want to mute."

"Oh," Nia nodded. The basic "Mute All" option muted everything: chat, pings, and even the voiced macros. As much as Nia wanted to have a peace of mind during matches, she had to agree this was overkill.

"You can keep the chat muted, that's probably what you wanted in the first place. But, turn the rest on. It's not much of a team game if you can't coordinate anything with your teammates."

"Mhm," Nia nodded and followed the orders.

Turning the pings on was definitely important. However, as for the voiced macros, she wasn't so sure. There were a bunch of smartasses who used the macros to flame, like spamming a sarcastic "Thank you!" or a "Your rock!" into "Cancel that!". Those were so annoying.

However, those were much rarer than chat flaming and it was usually at least somewhat funny. So, Nia turned it on anyway.

With that, she was ready to face her next qualifier match.

[Please don't match me with people who steal roles.] Nia has already typed "Jungler" in the chat in preparation. As soon as the match lobby loaded, she jammed it in! Nobody was able to beat the speed of her stealthy tech!

However, being fast didn't help her. Ranked drafting had a specific order and Nia wasn't anywhere near the top of the list. The second player on the list called Jungler after her but he had the privilege to pick it first, so he ignored Nia's call and went for Ninja. What a bully.

Since the system shoved Nia to the bottom of the list again, so she had only two roles to pick from: Top and Support.

[Nobody wants to play Support, huh.] Yuel smiled wryly. He had the urge to gather all the people who rejected the Support role and personally lecture them about the depth and complexity of the role.

Unfortunately, it wasn't a role that fits everybody. It required playing with a vastly different mindset than other roles and the Support player had to have sufficient game knowledge and experience to make the role be of any help. So, as much as Yuel would have liked to see more people give it a try, he had to concede that Nia was better off playing Top.

"I can Vampire," Nia selected the class but hasn't locked-in yet.

"Vampire? For Top?" Yuel knotted his brows. "Well, it [is] considered a bruiser and it got sustain, but it's not that tanky. You sure?"

"Mhm," Nia nodded multiple times. She was dead set on playing Vampire for some reason. It was primarily a Jungler class so maybe Nia had some experience with it.

"Sure, why not," Yuel shrugged.

Vampire Top was borderline meme territory but this pick had a few merits. For one, Vampire's basics were ranged attacks so it had range advantage over most Top Laners. However, in exchange, it had a lower attack and endurance. So, this was almost like bringing a Carry class to Top. It could either go extremely well or turn into a disaster right away.

The enemy team left their Top pick for last, a thing that would normally be frowned upon in competitive matches. But, this was Ranked and teams were formed out of random players, so meta drafting could be dammed.

"Ah," Nia twitched once the enemy picked their Top Laner. Oh noes. Nonono. Bad. Bad. Bad!

It was a Dark Knight. Out of all things, it had to be that bully. Nia was done for.

"This is a great chance for you to feel for yourself what it means to deal with a Dark Knight in Top," Yuel snickered. "What did you use to say about ganking Top? That the Top Laner should 'play better' and not get overwhelmed by the Dark Knight?"


"So, this is your chance. Show us how it's done. Deal with that Dark Knight yourself. It's easy, right?"

"Gufu..." Nia curled into a ball. "Bully."

"Well, it's not all bad," Yuel said. "Vampire got range, so at least you can maintain distance whole farming. That's a huge deal against a Dark Knight.

"Oh, so I countered-picked him. I also countered picked that Pyro last game. Maybe I'm genius at counter-picking? Gotta be it."

"Sure, sure," Yuel rolled his eyes. Yeah, [counter-picked the Dark Knight before the opponent even picked it. Truly, such a godlike level of counter picking.]

With that said, counter-picking Dark Knight ahead of time during the Qualifier and at low ranks made sense in general. It was a popular "noob stomper" class because he usually required the enemy team to cooperate in order to take him down. And, with how well-organized teams of random people were... yeah.

"Hm, Tipmancer doesn't have anything for this matchup," Nia twisted her lips. Recently, the more she was using Tipmancer, the more it felt like a sham. Like, the advice was legit and all but there wasn't nearly enough of it. It felt like Yuel stored way more useful game than this entire app.

"I'd go aggressive," Yuel said. "Something like Giant Warhammer."

"Hm?" Nia tilted her head. "Shouldn't I buy defense to survive his attacks?"

"You can try that but it probably won't go well. Your clearing speed is mediocre but your opponent's is off the charts, so you need as much power as you can get to race him. Of course, you won't be able to beat him even with Warhammer but at least his minions won't get to push much."

"So, it's like 'offense is best defense'?"

"Yes, you can put it that way. Play safe from afar but be aggressive with clearing minions."

"Sounds all kinds of weird but I think I get it," Nia nodded.

As expected, the matchup was rough. The Dark Knight wiped out her entire minion wave with a single Dark Blast. Nia had to retreat to her Turret before she even got to sneak in a single hit on the enemy minions.

She resorted to firing at the incoming wave from her tower area. The little bats she sent flying packed a punch thanks to Giant Warhammer. Nevertheless, it didn't stop the enemy from invading her Turret. And, along with the minions, the Dark Knight also fearlessly jumped into her territory and hacked away at the Turret.

[I swear, players in low ranks got no fear.] Yuel smiled wryly.

Perhaps, that Dark Knight took into account it was risky for Nia to shoot him. Vampire wasn't too tanky despite being classified as a "bruiser", so Nia couldn't absorb too much minion fire, especially not during the early game. But no, this player probably didn't think about any of that.

That guy probably assumed the opponent will have to respect him because he was a Dark Knight. It was a typical arrogance that came with being a Dark Knight player. Back in the day, Gregory used to play it a lot and always acted like he was the strongest player in the world.

[Boy did he rage when he played against a competent team that shut him down.] Yuel chuckled. Unfortunately for Nia, her random team wasn't the competent type. She got zero aid from her peers against the Dark Knight.



No matter how much she spammed the macros, the Jungler didn't show any signs of caring. That antisocial Ninja only cared about his own farming and left Nia to die.

"Maybe he muted everything," Yuel wondered.

"What kind of Jungler mutes pings and macros?" Nia glanced aside.

"I know, right? Crazy people." Yuel chuckled. "So, looks you're on your own against this Dark Knight. Feeling like chances are in your favor?"

"Not really..." Nia twisted her lips.

"Right, because they really aren't. You need this guy to mess up big time to get anything going here. Otherwise, you'll be like a lamb to slaughter. So, you see why it's so important for somebody to land a hand in Top against a Dark Knight?"

"Guh. This class is broken. Can't he pick an honest one?" Nia pouted.

"It's a noob stomper class, same as Rogue. You're not playing the game for real unless you know how to deal with these classes."

"Then, guess our Ninja isn't playing the game for real," Nia glanced aside.

"Look who's talking," Yuel gave her a look. "Anyway, if the Jungler doesn't gank then you're in trouble. Our Mid isn't doing too hot over there so he doesn't have the luxury to help you either."

"So, GG?"

"Hey, don't write yourself off like that yet. Just because it's a tough position doesn't mean you don't have any chances of coming on top. You might be able to handle it yourself somehow."

"Like how? I wait for him to run low on HP and then attack?"

"Yes, that's a valid approach," Yuel nodded. "I take it you have a lot of experience dueling Dark Knights?"

"More than I care for," Nia shuddered. Back when she was just a naive greenhorn who jumped into Duel unprepared, Dark Knight players were everywhere. It was the most broken thing ever. Just thinking back on it gave her the yikers.

"Considering you reached Platinum, I suppose you learned know to deal with Dark Knight?"

"Yeah, it's easy," Nia nodded. "I just ban it."

"That's... not quite what I was hoping to hear," Yuel frowned. So, Nia's solution to Dark Knight was never fighting him. Huh.

Ranked Duel allowed each player to ban three classes, so it made sense to ban problematic classes. In fact, Dark Knight's bloated ban ratio at low levels made many players use it as justification to complain about the class being OP, even though Dark Knight wasn't nearly as dominant on the highest level of play.

In Duel, Dark Knight was undeniably strong. However, it suffered greatly from the fact the game started at Lv.5, which was halfway toward mid-game. Unless the Dark Knight managed to establish an overwhelming advantage in the first couple of minutes, he was doomed.

Alas, at low levels, players didn't know how to defuse a Dark Knight and it ran all over them. Therefore, it became a popular ban. People rather avoid a Dark Knight than learn the matchup. It was a valid, but the less skillful, approach to ranking up.

Unfortunately, Nia chose to do exactly that. In other words, she didn't [really] have much experience dealing with a Dark Knight on her own. Yuel will have to hold her hand here.

"At least you know the general idea," Yuel said. "Your best shot is to patiently wait for the Dark Knight to run out of HP or to overextend. I take it you learned it from Tipmancer?"

"Mhm," Nia nodded. "This strat kinda works but not really."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. This matchup can be frustrating sometimes. In this mode, it's even harder because you start at Lv.1."

"So, what do?"

"Just do it. Defend and wait. Let's see what kind of Dark Knight we got on our hands and find an opportunity to strike him down."

"Ok." [That's my favorite pastime.] Nia nodded to herself. Turtling and waiting for the opponent to make a mistake was her prime strategy in Duel. At some point, people lowered their guard and committed a grave overextension, which Nia immediately punished with a kill.

But, that was a lot way easier to pull off with an assassin class. Vampire was assassin-ish when built with power items, but it was still a world apart from a proper assassin with burst damage. So, even if this Dark Knight overextends, will Nia be able to properly punish him and get a kill...?

Chapter end

180 Fangless Lineup
179 Safe Draf
178 The Seniors' Draf
177 Senior Visitors
176 Pulling up the Weak
175 The Plans for Nia
174 The Jungler's Help
173 Playing the Patience Game
172 Alone Against a Dark Knigh
171 Fighting for the Same Goal
170 Help the Team to Help Yourself
169 The One Who Delivers Surprises Hates Being Surprised
168 Hide-And-Seek in the Jungle
167 The Importance of Bullying the Lane Bully
166 Vol.8 Ch.4: Delayed Kill
165 Reckless Low Rank
164 Playing Ranked with Randoms
163 Ranked Solo Queue
161 Surpassing Tipmancer
160 Tipmancer is Law
159 Rampaging Orc
158 Uncooperative Jungler
157 The Monk vs. Orc Matchup
156 Hide-and-Seek Grandmaster
155 Coming Out of the Shell
154 Vanishing Phantom
153 Shadow Clone
152 The Second Tes
151 Vanishing Presence
150 Dealing with the Knight Matchup
149 Duel Exam
148 Tracking Down the Elusive Candidate
147 The Mysterious Candidate
146 No Female Candidates
145 Terrible Marketing
144 Romeo and Juliet, Again
143 The Reserved Spo
142 Troublesome Pair
141 Kuudere?
140 The Arbiter of Talents
139 The Ungankable
138 Problem Kids
137 The Human Shield
136 Self-Sufficient Carry
135 The Support's Role in Bottom Lane
134 Clunky Cooperation
133 Ben the "Delinquent"
132 Afterword
131 The One They Left Behind
130 The Road Ahead Is Still Long
129 The Challenge of Gauging Teammates' Skill
128 Cautious Duo
127 Educated Memeing
126 Warding Openings
125 Luke, the Meme Jedi
124 The First Step Toward the Competitive Scene
123 Slogging for Victory
122 Rhythm Reader
121 Lane Pressure Sparks Offense
120 200% Accuracy Without a Mouse Is 0% Accuracy
119 Restricting Defensive Options
118 Sizing Up the Opponents
117 New Captain, New Trouble
116 New Beginning
115 The Last Farewell
114 Passing the Baton
113 Confronting the Lioness
112 The Only One Who Made I
111 The Unexpected Announcemen
110 The Aftermath of Defea
109 Afterword
108 And the First String Goes To...!
107 Julia vs. Taison
106 Hyper Rotation
105 Bait Twis
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
100 Wavering Minds
99 Do I Have the Right to Win?
98 Gilbert's Hesitation
97 Fast Shot Mixups
96 Slipping Defense
94 Fatal Hesitation
93 Defensive Gears
92 Drafting the Late Game
91 Restroom Encounters
90 From Offense to Defense?
89 Unleash the Demonic Power!
88 Defense That Sets up the Offense
87 Lack of Early Game Advantage
86 The Lars Killer
85 Can't Go on the Offensive
84 Turtling Patience
83 His Second Strongest Class
82 Drafting Traps
Chapter 81
80 Joy and Concern
79 The Flawed 1v1 Prodigy
78 The Hungry Jungler
77 Coping with Defea
76 Dark Knight, the Early Game Bully
75 Thirst for Strength
74 Preparation and Wi
73 Preparation and Adaptation
72 The Trickshooter Gamble
71 Everybody's Stakes
70 Battle Preparations - Yuel's Side
69 Battle Preparations - Howard's Side
68 Battle for the First String
67 Stats over Skill
66 Counter Pick Checkmate
65 The 1v1 Grandmaster
64 1v1 Preparations
63 A Drunk Pro Appears!
62 Duties of the Vice-Captain
61 Everybody Help to Grind
60 Summer Break Begins
59 New Captain and Vice-Captain
58 The Regionals Without Me
Chapter 57
56 Facing One's Shortcomings
55 Outcast Seniors
54 The Gap Between Practice and Experience
53 Inherited Skills
52 Everybody's Alternatives
51 Failures, Regrets and Hope
50 The Right to Stand on This Stage
49 Smashed Mental Image
48 Combo Constraints
47 Out of Touch
46 The Beast That Transcends Common Sense
45 Shackles of the Larger Picture
44 Drafting a Counter
43 Seizing Leadership
42 Substitution Reques
41 A Powerless Shot-Caller
40 Trever's Frustration
39 Rift in the Team
38 Mixup Strategy
37 The Coach Factor
36 Strong, but Familiar
Chapter 35
34 Destroyer of Optimal Plays
33 The Sacrifice's True Meaning
32 Tactical Sacrifice
31 Combo Player
30 The Stage of Those Who Didn't Make I
29 Scrimmages
28 Parrying
27 Competitive Nicknames
26 Club Tour
25 Exam Results
24 Each Girl's Drive
23 Berserker Maiden
22 The Determination to Play
21 Immortal Goddess
20 Bipolar Player
19 The Cocky Rookie's Greeting
18 Romeo and Julie
Chapter 17
16 Team's Suppor
15 Impenetrable Shield
14 The Antithesis
13 Unexplained Tactics
12 The Search for Knowledge
11 The Star's Shadow
10 Junior High Entry Exam
9 Third Wheel's Feelings
8 Friends
7 Those Who Keep Playing
6 Team Carry
5 Hateful Suppor
4 God of Trick Shots
3 Playing Online
2 Learning the Basics
1 Searching for a Team Spor
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