Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story 125 Luke, the Meme Jedi

Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story 125 Luke, the Meme Jedi

On the second day of school, the Classmancers club gathered in the basement room again. Yuel, Lars, Kai, Vincent, and one more guy.

"Heya," The guy saluted with a smile. "The name's Luke."

"Yo, dude. I'm Lars."


"So," Luke grinned. "I heard you hacked your way into the club? I thought selections are like next week."

"We're just guaranteed to pass," Yuel explained. "We're Challenger rank, so you'll be hard-pressed to find any freshmen who are higher than that."

"Whoa, Challenger!?" Luke jumped. "... how high was that again? Is it higher Diamond?"

"Yes, it's higher Diamond," Yuel retorted sharply. What kind of question was that? Everybody knew the ranks went from Platinum to Diamond to Challenger. [I have a bad feeling about this...]

"Yeah, dude," Lars tuned in. "How ya don't know that? Challenger is like top tier, yo."

"Yeah, sure sounds like it," Luke nodded. "I just don't really remember all the ranks that are far above my own LUL."

[Far above?] Yuel's fears began turning into reality. "What rank you are?"

"I'm stuck in like Gold II, I think."
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"You think?"

"Yeah, I don't really keep track, haha. Ranked is for tryhards, man."

"..........." Yuel just stood there like a short-circuited robot. He had no idea how to respond to this absurdity. Ranked was for "tryhards"? Then, what did this guy think about the competitive scene? Seriously, this guy...

"So," Lars took over the conversation because Yuel's brain stopped working. "What role ya play?"

"Whichever role I feel like that day," Luke shrugged.

[What do you mean "whichever you feel"?] Yuel felt like he was about to blow up. [Serious players should start off by maining a couple of roles to bring them up to a competitive level! Who recruited this guy!?]

"You don't have a main role?" Yuel asked.

"Hmm, I guess you could say I play Top and Jungler the most. After all, that's where all the spicy memes are at."

[Memes?] Yuel was losing all hope in humanity. Calling people tryhards for paying Ranked and talking about memes... Yeah, it wasn't hard to imagine at what level this guy was playing. How did he even get into the club?

Well, this was Stratus, after all. It was the team that failed to pass the first round at tournaments for a reason. Luke must have gotten in because he had an alright rank during his first year, but he hasn't made much progress since then. Considering the condition of this club, it wasn't hard to imagine why.

"Doesn't seem like Bob is coming today," Kai gathered everybody. "We got five people, so let's go to Ranked as a team."

"Roger!" Luke saluted and leaped on one of the two computers in the room. "First! I'mma play on this one!"

That left only one other computer available. Fortunately, Yuel already predicted this situation and prepared for it.

"You brought your laptop, right?" Yuel asked Lars just to be sure.

"Yep," Lars took out his fancy gaming laptop out of the bag. "Good call telling me to bring it. I don't wanna go through all that controller aiming nonsense again."

"I hope you didn't forget the charger?"

"... Whoops."

"As always, huh," Yuel shook his head.

"Meh, it gonna be fine. Gonna last me at least two hours."

"Just make sure to check the battery isn't about to run out before we queue. We don't need a deserter."

"Yes, mom," Lars chuckled while installing his laptop on a desk. He connected his wireless basketball-skinned mouse and was ready to go.

According to Lars, the laptop's thin keyboard apparently wasn't as nice as his PC's keyboard. But, overall, his performance on the laptop was on par with his strong PC performance. Today, by playing on a laptop, he should be able to put on a strong performance that'll convince Kai.

[I wish I had a good laptop like this.] Yuel sighed. He could ask his mom to buy one, but if he tells her it's for Classmancers, she'll give him the evil eye for sure. So, Yuel just sucked it up and played on tablet when there was no PC available. But, no matter how used he got to playing on tablet, there was no beating playing a MOBA on PC.

"Can I use the remaining PC?" Yuel asked.

"Fine by me," Kai shrugged. "I like controller better anyway."

"I prefer PC but I'm fine with a controller too," Vincent nodded.

And so, it was decided. Yuel and Luke used the basement's computers whereas Lars was on his fancy laptop. The rest were on tablets.

It was weird to play on such a mixture of platforms. Compared to this poor arrangement, the 15 oldie PCs they had in StormBlitz looked like a luxury.

"Yo, I can't connect," Lars pouted. "Yuel, do something. Make this dude work."

"Let me see," Yuel checked the connection error Lars was getting. It seemed to be an internet issue. There was no option to connect the laptop with an ethernet cable, so Lars had to rely on the school's wifi.

The laptop properly recognized the wifi and Lars even successfully logged into the wifi on his own, but the reception was poor. Even normal internet didn't work for him.

"It must be the Ultimate Anti-Signal door again," Vincent opened the basement's door wide. Surprisingly, that helped. The wifi still only had 4 bars, but it was good enough.

The group formed a party and queued into Ranked together. The matchmaking was probably going to be wild. It had to find "fitting opponents" for a mixed team that had anything from Gold to Challenger in it. What criteria was it even going to use to search for a good match? This was surely about to be clown fiesta.

"We have to decide our roles," Yuel pointed out while they were waiting.

"Right," Kai said. "I'm Carry. Who wants to be the Support?" She threw glances at both Vincent and Yuel.

"Yuel said he was dreaming to do it," Vincent gave Yuel a pleading look. Yeaaaaah, no.

"I'll take Top," Yuel said. "You've been playing Bot together, so you'll be a much better Support for her right now. Maybe I'll practice with her later, but first I want to see how we all perform in positions we're comfortable with."

"Geh, okay," Vincent's shoulders sunk. "Guess it's time to be blamed for everything."

"I'll only blame you if you suck," Kai said. "But, you always suck."

"Why thank you, that's really encouraging."

Everybody cracked a laugh.

For the rest of the roles, it was decided Lars will be Mid and Luke will be Jungler. It was scary to entrust an important role like Jungler to a guy like Luke, but there was no other choice. A devastating defeat was incoming...

After a while, the matchmaking finally matched them with somebody. As usual, when queuing up with a full team, it was likely to run into a full premade team. That was the most balanced way to go about it because cooperation and communication were more important than any disparity in ranks. A five-player premade got a huge advantage over a four-player premade by default and it was hard to compensate for that gap with something simple like a higher average rank.

It was easy to tell the enemy team was premade because all the players there belonged to the same guild: TheRangers. They also all had golden names, which meant they were recognized as part of the competitive scene in one way or another. Perhaps they were another middle school club, though that name didn't belong to any team from this region.

Either way, they were likely going be tough opponents. Unfortunately, it was impossible to see their ranks because they set their accounts to private like most competitive players do to avoid being researched.

Hopefully, that team wasn't made of strong competitive level players. Otherwise, this match will probably be very one-sided...

Any other day, Yuel would want to play the absolute best opponents he could find. But, not right now with the current experimental lineup. Yuel and Lars weren't at their strongest roles and were likely to mess up. They weren't ready to face serious opponents yet.

"I feel like I haven't played Mid in ages," Lars scrolled through the list of mages with a dumb smile.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I played Top too," Yuel nodded.

They played Mid and Top at the club throughout the year but, in the last two months, they focused exclusively on their main roles. They grinded in Ranked to reach Challenger IV and they prepared for the selection match against Howard and Ellen. There was no time to be distracted by secondary roles.

"If you think you're rusty," Yuel said. "Go with Aero. Hard to mess up too badly with it."

"Yeah, sounds good." Lars nodded and locked in Aeromancer.

[As for me,] Yuel glanced at the enemy's Knight pick. Assuming that was the enemy's Top Laner, then Viking served as a decent counter. Viking was much stronger in combat once he got in and he could also poke Knight from afar with axe throws. On top of that, Viking could even chase a mounted Knight by sticking the axe on the Knight.

With all that considered, Yuel went for the Viking pick. The enemy picked Lancer and Electromancer. The Electromancer was a direct counter-pick to Lars's Aeromancer because Thunderstorm countered Hurricane quite heavily. However, aside from that one advantage, Electromancer didn't have any particular advantages over the Aeromancer, so it wasn't much of a deal. Lars shouldn't have much trouble warming up as Aeromancer in this matchup.

Next, Kai picked Pirate. There was no particularly deep reasoning behind it. Pirate was just a solid pick overall and Kai seemed to like it. There was a chance the enemy would ban it during the second banning phase to prevent Yuel's team from picking it, so it was a good call to pick it early.

After the second banning phase was over, it was the turn of Yuel's team again.

"You want to go first?" Vincent asked Luke.

"Hmm, let's see," Luke scrolled the list of classes. "What do I feel like playing today?"

[How about you check the enemy's composition and try countering them?] Yuel made a face but stayed quiet. It was the first time he was playing with this group, so he wanted to see how each of these guys was reasoning during drafting. So far, Luke was coming off as a Lars-level goof when it came to drafting. Maybe he was even worse...

"Oh, I know," Luke smirked. "I feel like playing Rogue today."

"Excuse me?" Yuel blurted before his brain even finished processing the information.

"Rogue, you know," Luke cracked a laugh. "That stealth class that kinda exists but nobody on Ranked remembers it, haha."

"Nobody 'remembers' it for a good reason," Yuel said. "It's a D tier class. It's a meme."

"Yeah, that's why it's cool!" Luke nodded. "Memeing it out against tryhards is the best!"

[This guy is giving me a headache.] Yuel rubbed his temples. Memeing with Rogue? Against high ranks? What kind of absurdity was that? Even though this was just a warmup match to test the waters with this team, there were things Yuel couldn't let stand.

"No need to worry," Vincent tuned in. "Luke pretty much always goes for memes but he does just fine. After all, he's the Meme Jedi!"

[Oh, this is so reassuring.] Yuel rolled his eyes. So, Luke was just a memer? Then, he was practically useless for competitive matches...

"Don't worry," Vincent insisted. "He's one of these guys who take memeing seriously. That's how he got promoted from being a Meme Jedi Knight to a Meme Jedi Master. His Rogue is actually pretty nasty."

"Is that so," Yuel lost the will to object. [On a scale of one to ten, how much do I trust Vincent's assessment? Somewhere around minus five thousand billion.]

"So, we're good?" Luke checked with everybody. "I'mma pick Rogue then."

"Wait," Yuel squeezed what little willpower he had left to prevent this match from becoming a total disaster. "At least, save the Rogue for the last pick. Rogue already struggles enough as it is, so we don't want to let our opponents counter pick it.."

"Oh, smart," Luke nodded. "If they pick something like Lumi it'd be total ass."

"Then," Vincent said. "I'll go with Vanguard."

After that, it was the enemy's turn to pick their last two classes. They went for Elf and Cryomancer.

Thankfully, they couldn't possibly guess that Luke was planning to go with Rogue, so they didn't pick any hard counters. A pick like Lumimancer could've countered Rogue pretty hard with its ability to reveal enemies and blind everybody around him. So, by picking Rogue last, the team dodged that bullet.

"Okay, done," Luke locked-in Rogue with zero hesitation. The enemy team must be laughing right now, thinking this was some trollish instlock.

Was there any chance this match won't be a disaster? Vincent claimed that Luke was the Meme Jedi, which apparently implied the guy was amazing when playing memes. But, Vincent's credibility was a flat zero, so...

It felt like the loading screen was counting down until an embarrassing show begins..

The lineups:

Yuel: Viking

Lars: Aeromancer

Luke: Rogue

Kai: Pirate

Vincent: Vanguard

Enemy Top: Knight

Enemy Mid: Electromancer

Enemy Jungle: Lancer

Enemy Carry: Elf

Enemy Support: Cryomancer

Chapter end

180 Fangless Lineup
179 Safe Draf
178 The Seniors' Draf
177 Senior Visitors
176 Pulling up the Weak
175 The Plans for Nia
174 The Jungler's Help
173 Playing the Patience Game
172 Alone Against a Dark Knigh
171 Fighting for the Same Goal
170 Help the Team to Help Yourself
169 The One Who Delivers Surprises Hates Being Surprised
168 Hide-And-Seek in the Jungle
167 The Importance of Bullying the Lane Bully
166 Vol.8 Ch.4: Delayed Kill
165 Reckless Low Rank
164 Playing Ranked with Randoms
163 Ranked Solo Queue
161 Surpassing Tipmancer
160 Tipmancer is Law
159 Rampaging Orc
158 Uncooperative Jungler
157 The Monk vs. Orc Matchup
156 Hide-and-Seek Grandmaster
155 Coming Out of the Shell
154 Vanishing Phantom
153 Shadow Clone
152 The Second Tes
151 Vanishing Presence
150 Dealing with the Knight Matchup
149 Duel Exam
148 Tracking Down the Elusive Candidate
147 The Mysterious Candidate
146 No Female Candidates
145 Terrible Marketing
144 Romeo and Juliet, Again
143 The Reserved Spo
142 Troublesome Pair
141 Kuudere?
140 The Arbiter of Talents
139 The Ungankable
138 Problem Kids
137 The Human Shield
136 Self-Sufficient Carry
135 The Support's Role in Bottom Lane
134 Clunky Cooperation
133 Ben the "Delinquent"
132 Afterword
131 The One They Left Behind
130 The Road Ahead Is Still Long
129 The Challenge of Gauging Teammates' Skill
128 Cautious Duo
127 Educated Memeing
126 Warding Openings
125 Luke, the Meme Jedi
124 The First Step Toward the Competitive Scene
123 Slogging for Victory
122 Rhythm Reader
121 Lane Pressure Sparks Offense
120 200% Accuracy Without a Mouse Is 0% Accuracy
119 Restricting Defensive Options
118 Sizing Up the Opponents
117 New Captain, New Trouble
116 New Beginning
115 The Last Farewell
114 Passing the Baton
113 Confronting the Lioness
112 The Only One Who Made I
111 The Unexpected Announcemen
110 The Aftermath of Defea
109 Afterword
108 And the First String Goes To...!
107 Julia vs. Taison
106 Hyper Rotation
105 Bait Twis
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
100 Wavering Minds
99 Do I Have the Right to Win?
98 Gilbert's Hesitation
97 Fast Shot Mixups
96 Slipping Defense
94 Fatal Hesitation
93 Defensive Gears
92 Drafting the Late Game
91 Restroom Encounters
90 From Offense to Defense?
89 Unleash the Demonic Power!
88 Defense That Sets up the Offense
87 Lack of Early Game Advantage
86 The Lars Killer
85 Can't Go on the Offensive
84 Turtling Patience
83 His Second Strongest Class
82 Drafting Traps
Chapter 81
80 Joy and Concern
79 The Flawed 1v1 Prodigy
78 The Hungry Jungler
77 Coping with Defea
76 Dark Knight, the Early Game Bully
75 Thirst for Strength
74 Preparation and Wi
73 Preparation and Adaptation
72 The Trickshooter Gamble
71 Everybody's Stakes
70 Battle Preparations - Yuel's Side
69 Battle Preparations - Howard's Side
68 Battle for the First String
67 Stats over Skill
66 Counter Pick Checkmate
65 The 1v1 Grandmaster
64 1v1 Preparations
63 A Drunk Pro Appears!
62 Duties of the Vice-Captain
61 Everybody Help to Grind
60 Summer Break Begins
59 New Captain and Vice-Captain
58 The Regionals Without Me
Chapter 57
56 Facing One's Shortcomings
55 Outcast Seniors
54 The Gap Between Practice and Experience
53 Inherited Skills
52 Everybody's Alternatives
51 Failures, Regrets and Hope
50 The Right to Stand on This Stage
49 Smashed Mental Image
48 Combo Constraints
47 Out of Touch
46 The Beast That Transcends Common Sense
45 Shackles of the Larger Picture
44 Drafting a Counter
43 Seizing Leadership
42 Substitution Reques
41 A Powerless Shot-Caller
40 Trever's Frustration
39 Rift in the Team
38 Mixup Strategy
37 The Coach Factor
36 Strong, but Familiar
Chapter 35
34 Destroyer of Optimal Plays
33 The Sacrifice's True Meaning
32 Tactical Sacrifice
31 Combo Player
30 The Stage of Those Who Didn't Make I
29 Scrimmages
28 Parrying
27 Competitive Nicknames
26 Club Tour
25 Exam Results
24 Each Girl's Drive
23 Berserker Maiden
22 The Determination to Play
21 Immortal Goddess
20 Bipolar Player
19 The Cocky Rookie's Greeting
18 Romeo and Julie
Chapter 17
16 Team's Suppor
15 Impenetrable Shield
14 The Antithesis
13 Unexplained Tactics
12 The Search for Knowledge
11 The Star's Shadow
10 Junior High Entry Exam
9 Third Wheel's Feelings
8 Friends
7 Those Who Keep Playing
6 Team Carry
5 Hateful Suppor
4 God of Trick Shots
3 Playing Online
2 Learning the Basics
1 Searching for a Team Spor
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