Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story 27 Competitive Nicknames

Classmancers - A MOBA Esport Story 27 Competitive Nicknames

Soon after Yuel joined the Classmancers club, people pushed all sorts of menial tasks on him. Or, rather, he always somehow found himself volunteering after learning the circumstances. Watching others do things inefficiently or struggle with something that's so easy to resolve - it's aggravating, he couldn't stay put.

Thus, he methodically and thoroughly resolved every request to the best of his ability. He opened up the dysfunctional computers in the club and cleaned their fans, resolving the overheating issue. In addition, he edited the Classmancers config file on all computers, lowering the quality of graphics in favor of better performance, something these potato PCs really needed. On top of that, he installed a newer unofficial version of Classmancer Trainer, which worked on the older OS of these computers.

It came as no surprise everybody started treating him as the "technician". Whenever they faced a technical problem or question, no matter how small, they always turned to him first. Even when it had absolutely nothing to do Classmancers, they still turned to him. Ugh.

"Say, Yuyu." Ellen creeped up behind him. "How can you record videos on PC?"

"Videos? What kind of videos?"

"You know, game footage and stuff."

"Not sure, there are probably some programs for that. You should google it."

"My, you really don't know?" Ellen whimpered like an abused puppy. "Or, you just don't want to help lil' ol' me?"

"Ugh, alright I'll look into it."

"My, aren't you a doll~"

[And aren't you a snake.] Yuel sighed, but accepted the job anyway. With each passing day, the amount of random tasks thrown his way seemed to increase. It came to the point he helped others install, update and fix random smartphone apps. None of that had anything to do with him or Classmancers! It was a huge pain, but feeling useful wasn't all too bad.

When he wasn't providing technical support, he played practice matches with the other members, grinded rank points online in a party, theorycrafted, discussed the meta and basically participated in whatever the club felt like doing at the moment. The daily schedule Aron printed was very specific, but the atmosphere in the club was more laid back than expected. It wasn't uncommon for a large portion of the club to just do whatever they wanted and drag the rest into that activity, regardless of what was written in Aron's schedule. Naturally, Aron frowned upon that, but then just sighed and played along.

The training regime was a bit lacking too. They only played and discussed Classmancers for about three hours a day, they didn't even exercise to stay in shape. Compared to how intense was the entry exam, the club's regime was very casual.

Nevertheless, it contributed immensely to the members' growth as players. Everybody on the team were skilled players, so playing with them and against them was an efficient way to improve. There's no comparing that to playing Ranked with only Lars and Julia, which is how Yuel trained throughout the summer. Even with this casual regime, just by being around these high level players - he was going to improve immensely.

Still, not being given any specific challenges to overcome was a bit disappointing for a rookie. The greatest "challenge" freshmen faced early on was deciding on their competitive IGNs. They were going to carry these names all the way to the pro scene, so it's an important and difficult decision. At least, for some...

"I'mma go with Gunz." Lars said.

"Let's see if it's available." Howard typed "Gunz" into the textbox. "Seems good. You sure you don't want more time to think?"

"Yep, 200% sure." Lars gave a thumb up. So, why did he pick "Gunz"? Simple, he just loved playing first person shooters, there's no deeper meaning to it. He literally went with the first thing that crossed his mind, as expected of the goof.

"Alright. It's simple, but effective. Actually, I should give you all a little advice." Howard addressed the rest of the newbies. "It's best to keep your nick at one or two simple words. Just think about the poor commentators who'll have to pronounce your names in the middle of a team fight. You don't want them go 'And now, watch Mr.CoolShadowKnightTopPlayer go for the kill!'. Sounds silly, right? It should be obvious, but pick a name you won't be embarrassed to be called by."

That was valuable advice, Yuel didn't even take commentators into account during his brainstorming. Some of his ideas contained uncommon words that sounded intelligent, such as PerfunctoryAid, ScintillatingTactic and QuintessentialVictory. The image of a commentator going "And now, QuintessentialVictory goes for the kill!" was hilariously sad.

Reaffirming Howard's advice, the nicknames of senior members were indeed simple and concise. Howard was Aegis, Ellen was Athena, Aron was Frown and Trever was WildDragon. In that sense, "Gunz" was a decent name as well, even though zero thought was put into it.

"Okay, I decided on mine too!" Taison announced. "It's DaBestBro!"

"... did you even hear anything I just said about two to three words?" Howard frowned.

"Who cares about that crap, yo. This is da best nick, bro! They can just call me 'DaBest' for short, khaha!"

"Alright, it seems available. You sure about it?"


"Here, done. Just don't come crying to me later when commentators gonna make it sound silly." Howard shrugged. "You'll receive a notification inside the game in a few hours, so make sure to open it and confirm,."


"Got it."

"Now, that leaves the three of you." Howard turned to Yuel, Julia and Gregory. "You still have until tomorrow to think about it, but make up your minds already. If you don't, we gonna pick something silly for you. I heard that's how Aron got stuck with 'Frown'. You don't want that, do you? Especially since we got Ellen, the number one 'Terrible Name Generator' in the world."

"U-Understood." Yuel answered with a shaky voice, the Ellen threat was surprisingly terrifying. After Gregory was reduced to GG, there's no telling what else that girl could pull out of her deviant mind. Gulp.

Theoretically, they were given more than enough time to decide on something like a nickname for a video game. However, in truth, they didn't have any time at all! A week was too short!

Especially, for Yuel this was a huge decision. He wasn't just deciding on some arbitrary name he could change later, the IGN was going to stick with him all the way to the pro scene. Therefore, this decision was as critical as naming a newborn. His parents said they spent months brainstorming ideas for his name, yet now he had to decide something of the same importance in less than a week! Ugh!

"My, why not just go with Yuyu? A cute and simple name~" Ellen giggled.

"No thank you." Yuel retorted.

"And what about you, July?" Ellen asked. "If you need help, you can always consult your sis~"

"Sorry, but I'm a single child." Julia said.

"My, how cold~" Ellen wrapped herself around Julia and snuggled her. "Let's see, what name will suit a cute girl like you? Oh, I know! How about MaidenInLove?"

"W-Wah!?" Julia jumped out of Ellen's embrace and scanned the room. Phew, Lars already went to play. "W-Who would go with such a dumb name!? Idiot!"

"My, how adorable~" Ellen smiled fuzzily, as if watching a barking puppy. "Then, how about Aphrodite, the goddess of love? Or, maybe Venus?"

"Venus doesn't sound too bad, actually." Julia pondered.

"Okay, it's decided then: VenusInLove!"

"Go die in a hole!" Julia roared. "But well, I guess Venus is kinda dope. I was waiting for Lars to pick something first, but 'Gunz' is... like..."

"Oh, you wanted to match his name? How cute."

"M-Mind your own business, hmph." Julia crossed her arms and turned away.

"Then 'Venus' it is." Howard submitted the name application. "It always amazes me how these simple names aren't in-use already. Kinda makes you feel like the competitive scene hasn't spread around enough yet. Sad."

With Julia's name decided, only Yuel and Gregory were left. Perhaps they were overthinking this, but they just really wanted to come up with the right names. By the end of the day, Gregory finally decided on something. "I'll go with DaBestSupport, kek."

"You too with this nonsense?" Howard sighed. "You better consider this carefully, who knows if you keep playing Support your whole career."

"I'm sure I will. I'll prove that by beating you scrubs first, kek." Gregory touched his glasses as he challenged both Yuel and Howard.

"Well, whatever. As long as you're happy with it. Four down, you're the only one left."

"I... still need more time." Yuel mumbled. He already got a few solid idea in mind, such as 'Rook' and 'Bishop', but Gregory's nickname threw him off.

[DaBestBro and DaBestSupport, huh. ]Yuel had complicated feelings about that. It's like the two of them were announcing to the entire world: "We're going to be the best duo in the world!". Wasn't that what Yuel and Lars promised to become? And yet, Lars went ahead and picked a stupid nickname like 'Gunz' without waiting for Yuel.

How was he even supposed to find something that matched 'Gunz'? Should he call himself Sword? Shotgun? Sniper Rifle? Impulse Grenade? Ugh, so stupid! He now understood why Julia was so irritated about that name. To make things worse, Lars already confirmed the name in his account, so there's no going back. [Seriously, that brainless goof...]

On the way home, Yuel developed an unstoppable urge to lash at Lars about the topic.

"Did you hear what name Gregory picked?" Yuel asked.

"Yeah, DaBestSupport or something." Lars replied.

"So, now Taison is DaBestBro and Gregory is DaBestSupport."

"Haha, these dudes really think they're all that. Welp, we gonna show them who's ready 'da best' around here, yo."

"That's not my point." Yuel sighed. Being roundabout never worked with Lars, he was too dense to read between the lines. "They picked names that synergize with each other. It's like they're declaring they'll become the best duo in the world."

"Yeah, these dudes sure dream big, haha."

[Says the guy who made me pursue the exact same dream!!!] Yuel was at his wits' end. He had come out and say it straight, didn't he!? Goddammit, that dense goof! "We could've done something like that too, come up with names that work with each other."

"Heh, yeah that'd be cool." Lars nodded.

"Yes, it sure would've been. But, a certain goof came up with a stupid name nobody can follow up on."

"Hey, how was I supposed to guess? You didn't tell me you wanted to do that kind of stuff, dude. I just wanted to get it over with. "

"Well, that's true." Yuel mumbled. He was mad at Lars the whole time, but it's also his fault for thinking of this idea only now.

"Besides, Greg's name feels like he's just copying Tai." Lars shrugged. "You don't wanna use a name like 'Gunz' just because it sounds cool to me, right? I also don't wanna be named after some chess piece or some stupid complicated word like amgamsomething-something."

"It's 'amalgamation' and it's a cool word."

"Yeah, whatever." Lars waved his hand. "Anyway, Greg's name sounds like he's just stalking Tai and hoping Tai gonna carry him into becoming 'da best' duo. Is that what you want, dude? To be in the strongest duo just because I'm a sick player?"

"Of course not."

"Right? Before we become 'da best duo', I first gotta become da best Carry and you gotta become da best Support."

"You're right." Yuel realized he was too hasty. Lars was right, they first had to hone their individual skills before they could dream of becoming a powerful duo. Their experiences in the entry exam made that clear.

Right now, Yuel's tactics couldn't beat Howard and Lars's power couldn't win against Ellen. Therefore, even when banded together, they couldn't beat the duo of Howard and Ellen. First, each of them had to get as close as possible to beating their respective rival.

"Yeah!" Lars exclaimed. "Then, together, we gonna be da super ultimate bestest duo, yo!"

"Heh, didn't you just say Gregory is 'dreaming big'? Your dream is even crazier."

"Haha, I said he's dreaming big, but I never said that's bad! We just gotta dream even bigger to beat them, yo!" Lars grinned and stretched a fist. "Let's do it, dude! If they gonna be da best, then we gonna be da best of da best, yo!"

"I'm already sick of this 'da best' nonsense." Yuel sighed and bumped fists with Lars. Things were fine this way, there's no need to force himself into pickiing a matching name with Lars's. Yuel would first focus on bettering himself as an individual player, then he'll band with Lars to form the ultimate duo.

"I decided on a name." Yuel announced the next day. "I'll go with Rook."

"Short and classy, alright." Howard nodded and inputted the name.

『Error: The name is already in use.』

"Eh?" Yuel blinked. "Then, Bishop, maybe?"

"Worth a shot."

『Error: You can't use the name of a class from the game.』

"Excuse me?" Yuel couldn't process the nonsense happening right now. Bishop was indeed a class in the game, but that wasn't what Yuel tried to reference. Besides, what's with this discrimination? "They allow you to use Aegis, even though it's also Paladin's ult, but not Bishop? Seriously?"

"Go figure how these things work." Howard shrugged. "You should spice up the names a little. Say, how about DaBestRook?"

"I'd rather die."

"Haha, figured." Howard laughed. "What else do you have?"

"Err, I'll have to think about it all over again..."

"Hey now, I warned: you only got until today. Seems like I need come up with something myself."

"W-Wait, I-"

"What, you rather leave it to Ellen? Hey, Ell-"

"Please no! Anything but that!" Yuel begged. Any name was going to be better than whatever Ellen would pick!

"Alright, then how about Chessboy? Sounds professional."

"You're messing with me, aren't you?"

"Oh, you figured?" Howard chuckled. "Actually, I have a decent one. How about Chessmaster?"

"That sounds a bit... pretentious, I think" Yuel mumbled, unable to fully dismiss the suggestion. It indeed sounded cool, he had to admit. Not to mention, he already considered Chessmaster during brainstorming, Howard probably knew that.

However, despite all that, Yuel felt reluctant picking Chessmaster. It sounded so pretentious, as if claiming he's smarter than everybody else.

"Pretentious? Suits you perfectly then." Howard sneered. "You always act like some know-it-all, pulling ideas out of your ass while pretending they make perfect sense."

"Well, that's..." Yuel frowned. Pretentious? Was he? Really? He crafted his tactics based on data and the situation at hand, that's just the natural thing to do. But, for some reason, the tactics that came naturally to him were sometimes difficult for others to grasp.

Even so, it was never his intention to pretend he was smarter than his peers. He merely suggested the tactics he deemed best, regardless of others' opinions. Though, admittedly, he found some joy in making his plan work when nobody else believed in it. Ugh, was he a little pretentious after all?

"Look, the name's available too." Howard said. "We gonna go with Chessmaster then, like it or not. Unless you prefer Chessboy, haha."

"No chance." Yuel made a face. "I don't particularly hate Chessmaster, but it sounds so... bombastic."

"Heh, me and Elly went with mythological names and they sound fine, right? I'm the shield of gods and she's the goddess of war. Actually, putting it like that is kinda embarrassing, isn't it? Haha."

"It sure is." Yuel nodded, but he didn't feel like laughing at these names. Back during the entry exam, Howard was indeed the "shield of gods". No matter how many times Yuel tried piercing through Howard's defenses - it never worked out. The name Aegis might had sounded a bit cheesy, but Howard's skill lived up to the grand expectations set by that name.

The same applied to Ellen. According to Lars, she always came on top whenever they fought. No matter how close he got to killing her or how many fights he won against her - she ultimately won the war. Truly, the goddess of war in the flesh. In the few practice matches Yuel played with her over the week, he was deeply impressed by the craftiness of her tactics.

Then, what about Yuel himself? Wasn't he also capable of feats that could live up to a bombastic nickname? He had the ability to analyze his opponents, discover their weaknesses and prepare the worst possible situations for them. That's the skill which discouraged others from playing with him in grade school, but it's also the skill which allowed him to pass the club's entry exam.

"Do really think Chessmaster suits me?" Yuel asked with a serious expression, leaving no place for jokes.

"Nah, it's obviously too good for you. Chessboy suits you way better." Howard joked anyway.


"At least, for now." Howard smirked. "Last time we played seriously, I shut you down for good. But I'll be honest, it wasn't exactly a walk in the park. There were a few times, like really few, when I actually felt pressured by your pesky offense. If you improve even more, then who knows? Maybe one day I'll consider you worthy of a name like Chessmaster."

"Then I'll go with that." Yuel said. "Consider it my declaration: I'll become much better and find a way to break through your shield of gods."

"Heh, I'm amazed you can spout such nonsense with a straight face." Howard sneered, then his eyes turned cold. "Don't get carried away, kiddo. If you think you're the only one who gonna improve, you have another thing coming. It's not like I gonna sit on my ass do nothing. If you think you can catch up with me, think again."

"Even so, I'll definitely do it." Yuel insisted.

"Heh. Anyway, here you go." Howard finished submitting the nickname. "I hope you'll live up to your name, Chessmaster."

And so, the first week of club activity came to an end, with all freshmen obtaining competitive names. The next step was debuting in the competitive scene and spreading these names far and wide across the Classmancers community!

Yuel - Chessmaster

Lars - Gunz

Julia - Venus

Taison - DaBestBro

Gregory - DaBestSupport

Chapter end

180 Fangless Lineup
179 Safe Draf
178 The Seniors' Draf
177 Senior Visitors
176 Pulling up the Weak
175 The Plans for Nia
174 The Jungler's Help
173 Playing the Patience Game
172 Alone Against a Dark Knigh
171 Fighting for the Same Goal
170 Help the Team to Help Yourself
169 The One Who Delivers Surprises Hates Being Surprised
168 Hide-And-Seek in the Jungle
167 The Importance of Bullying the Lane Bully
166 Vol.8 Ch.4: Delayed Kill
165 Reckless Low Rank
164 Playing Ranked with Randoms
163 Ranked Solo Queue
161 Surpassing Tipmancer
160 Tipmancer is Law
159 Rampaging Orc
158 Uncooperative Jungler
157 The Monk vs. Orc Matchup
156 Hide-and-Seek Grandmaster
155 Coming Out of the Shell
154 Vanishing Phantom
153 Shadow Clone
152 The Second Tes
151 Vanishing Presence
150 Dealing with the Knight Matchup
149 Duel Exam
148 Tracking Down the Elusive Candidate
147 The Mysterious Candidate
146 No Female Candidates
145 Terrible Marketing
144 Romeo and Juliet, Again
143 The Reserved Spo
142 Troublesome Pair
141 Kuudere?
140 The Arbiter of Talents
139 The Ungankable
138 Problem Kids
137 The Human Shield
136 Self-Sufficient Carry
135 The Support's Role in Bottom Lane
134 Clunky Cooperation
133 Ben the "Delinquent"
132 Afterword
131 The One They Left Behind
130 The Road Ahead Is Still Long
129 The Challenge of Gauging Teammates' Skill
128 Cautious Duo
127 Educated Memeing
126 Warding Openings
125 Luke, the Meme Jedi
124 The First Step Toward the Competitive Scene
123 Slogging for Victory
122 Rhythm Reader
121 Lane Pressure Sparks Offense
120 200% Accuracy Without a Mouse Is 0% Accuracy
119 Restricting Defensive Options
118 Sizing Up the Opponents
117 New Captain, New Trouble
116 New Beginning
115 The Last Farewell
114 Passing the Baton
113 Confronting the Lioness
112 The Only One Who Made I
111 The Unexpected Announcemen
110 The Aftermath of Defea
109 Afterword
108 And the First String Goes To...!
107 Julia vs. Taison
106 Hyper Rotation
105 Bait Twis
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
100 Wavering Minds
99 Do I Have the Right to Win?
98 Gilbert's Hesitation
97 Fast Shot Mixups
96 Slipping Defense
94 Fatal Hesitation
93 Defensive Gears
92 Drafting the Late Game
91 Restroom Encounters
90 From Offense to Defense?
89 Unleash the Demonic Power!
88 Defense That Sets up the Offense
87 Lack of Early Game Advantage
86 The Lars Killer
85 Can't Go on the Offensive
84 Turtling Patience
83 His Second Strongest Class
82 Drafting Traps
Chapter 81
80 Joy and Concern
79 The Flawed 1v1 Prodigy
78 The Hungry Jungler
77 Coping with Defea
76 Dark Knight, the Early Game Bully
75 Thirst for Strength
74 Preparation and Wi
73 Preparation and Adaptation
72 The Trickshooter Gamble
71 Everybody's Stakes
70 Battle Preparations - Yuel's Side
69 Battle Preparations - Howard's Side
68 Battle for the First String
67 Stats over Skill
66 Counter Pick Checkmate
65 The 1v1 Grandmaster
64 1v1 Preparations
63 A Drunk Pro Appears!
62 Duties of the Vice-Captain
61 Everybody Help to Grind
60 Summer Break Begins
59 New Captain and Vice-Captain
58 The Regionals Without Me
Chapter 57
56 Facing One's Shortcomings
55 Outcast Seniors
54 The Gap Between Practice and Experience
53 Inherited Skills
52 Everybody's Alternatives
51 Failures, Regrets and Hope
50 The Right to Stand on This Stage
49 Smashed Mental Image
48 Combo Constraints
47 Out of Touch
46 The Beast That Transcends Common Sense
45 Shackles of the Larger Picture
44 Drafting a Counter
43 Seizing Leadership
42 Substitution Reques
41 A Powerless Shot-Caller
40 Trever's Frustration
39 Rift in the Team
38 Mixup Strategy
37 The Coach Factor
36 Strong, but Familiar
Chapter 35
34 Destroyer of Optimal Plays
33 The Sacrifice's True Meaning
32 Tactical Sacrifice
31 Combo Player
30 The Stage of Those Who Didn't Make I
29 Scrimmages
28 Parrying
27 Competitive Nicknames
26 Club Tour
25 Exam Results
24 Each Girl's Drive
23 Berserker Maiden
22 The Determination to Play
21 Immortal Goddess
20 Bipolar Player
19 The Cocky Rookie's Greeting
18 Romeo and Julie
Chapter 17
16 Team's Suppor
15 Impenetrable Shield
14 The Antithesis
13 Unexplained Tactics
12 The Search for Knowledge
11 The Star's Shadow
10 Junior High Entry Exam
9 Third Wheel's Feelings
8 Friends
7 Those Who Keep Playing
6 Team Carry
5 Hateful Suppor
4 God of Trick Shots
3 Playing Online
2 Learning the Basics
1 Searching for a Team Spor
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