Chapter 48 - Eros

Chapter 48 - Eros

Eros raced back to Olympus, wishing for somethingmore powerful in his quiver. If Aphrodite had so much as scratched Psyche’s perfectly tender skin, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold himself back. A week ago he’dcowered at his mother’s vengeance, but that was before he owed Psyche an apology. Before she became his everything again. Now, he wasn’t prepared to let anything stand in his way. Even his mother.

As he flew, Eros spotted a brilliant burst of color descending on him.

Iris. What was she doing here? He didn’t have timefor her now. Still, he slowed his flight, flapping his wings only enough to keep him airborne.

“There you are, Eros. ” Iris stopped herself on Eros’s chest. “I’ve been looking all over for you. I was thinking, maybe today we can find prayers to answer in a townwhere it’s already raining. That’ll make things easier.”

Eros put his hands on her shoulders and gently turned her out of his way. “I can’t today. I’ve got to get back to Olympus.”

Iris’s lips pursed as she set her jaw. “I suppose this has to do with Psyche?”

“I’m sorry, Iris. She might be in danger. I have to go.”

Eros flapped his wings to continue his flight to Olympus, but Iris reached out and caught his wrist. “Wait.”

Eros glared at her and she released his hand.

“I mean, let me help you,” Iris offered. “You think she’s with your mother, right? Why don’t you let me go to Aphrodite? You can wait in my palace, and I’ll figure out a way to borrow Psyche so you can see her.”

“You’d do that for us?” Eros’s lip curled up in a soft smile. “You’d really help us?”

Iris shrugged. “No, but I’ll help you. This isn’t for Psyche. I’m just trying to help my friend.”

Eros crushed Iris into his chest. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

Iris clutched Eros’s hand and launched into a flying sprint toward her palace, moving so quickly she almost dragged Eros behind. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll think of something,” she called over her shoulder.

Chapter end

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