

Where to begin? There are so many people who helped my dream for Destined become a reality.

My loving husband, Holt, who never once complainedwhen I used my evenings to write instead of hangout with him, and who has helped me make my guy voices more authentic. Holt, your quiet yet unwavering support has meant everything to me.

My daughters, who “graciously” went to sleep every night at 8 pm so I could have at least 2 hours of writingtime in the evenings.

The crit partners who loved Psyche (originally Sadie) and encouraged me to tell her story – even when theearly versions were less-than-stellar. Nikki Katz, Lynne Matson, Georgia McBride (also my awesome editor),,Kimberly Sabatini, Professor Hinkley, and Heather Howland – you have all been instrumental in making mea better writer. I thank you for each and every readthrough and revision you’ve taken the time to give me.

The support I received from #yalitchat has beenunmatched. I never would have had the knowledge or the guts to attempt self-publishing without the team over there. For all of you on the MOD squad – LM Prestonand Lauren Hammond, in particular – you have my unending thanks.

My young beta readers were also an early source of encouragement. The Richburg girls – Abby, Morgan and Caroline – who told their dad my story wasn’t quite Harry Potter, but just as good as Twilight, will probably never have any idea how much that meant to me. I thank youfor your comments and detailed feedback. And SkyeMartin, who liked the book so much she got her teacher to approve a draft of Destined for reading credit, you areawesome!

Along the way, so many other people have taken the time to read Destined and give me their thoughts andsuggestions for making the story even better. While there are too many of you to list, I know who you are, and I thank you.

Readers – this book would be for nothing if youweren’t reading it. Thank you for having the interest andtrust in my writing to pick up this title.

I couldn’t conclude without thanking Josh Longiaru, who lent his talents to the book cover, book tour banner, promo materials and so much more. I feel lucky to havefound you. And Damaris Cardinali at Good ChoiceReading, a huge outpouring of thanks for organizing my blog tour!

Last but not least – thanks to my mom and dad for never thinking there was anything I couldn’t do. Mom, you’ve listened to me ramble, gush, fret and cyclethrough every other emotion out there and always beenjust as excited for me as I am. And Dad, I’ll never forget how you read that really early version of Destined eventhough reading, let alone reading literature set in ancient Greece and written for teen girls, couldn’t have been your idea of a good time. I love you!

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