Warlord of Chaos Warlord of Chaos Chapter 243

Warlord of Chaos Warlord of Chaos Chapter 243

Chapter 243: Conspiracy

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Han Jin quietly stared at the corpse in front of him. In fact, it was now no longer a corpse as he had already started breathing, but the wound on his forehead had not completely healed yet, making him look horrifying.

 After a moment, the man slowly opened his eyes and noticed Han Jin. As he turned his head to look at Han Jin, he accidentally touched one of his wounds, making him frown in pain.

 “Painful?” Han Jin softly asked.

 If it were any ordinary person who had seen an archbishop lying like that, they would have offered some sort of comfort, but Han Jin was a peculiar person; he even sounded a little rude. However, the man in front of him was even more peculiar. He closed his eyes and replied, “My heart hurts.”

 “He was a friend of yours?” Han Jin raised his eyebrows. His question was speculated from the man's answer.

 “Friend? Haha… you're not wrong.” The man started laughing.

 Han Jin paused for a moment. “Is there anything I can help you with ?” In fact, if he were to release the Charm of Spirit Refreshment, it would greatly help this man, but he couldn't; there are too many ungrateful people in this world. Plus, he doesn't owe this man anything. The man in front of him had been helping himself, and all Han Jin could do was to not add salt to the wound. If he had exposed himself and created any illusions of himself, the consequences would be unbearable. Han Jin did not have the guts to be careless in front of someone who was as powerful as Guevara.

 “If possible, could you help me sit up and find me a cane?” The man's voice was a little hoarse. “It is comfortable lying on the floor, but it's a little embarrassing.”

 The surrounding area had been completely destroyed by the curse, and Han Jin had to find a strong branch somewhere further away. When he returned to the pit, he helped the man sit up and realized that the man's body was as soft as a dough. “Are you very weak now?” Han Jin asked.

 “My magic power has been badly damaged.” The man laughed. “The Salvation of the Angel of Light was able to save my life, but it wasn't able to replenish the magic and physical strength that I had used. I'm just a piece of rubbish now that could be easily killed by a mere child.”

 “You shouldn't tell me this,” Han Jin softly said.

 “It doesn't matter. If the Almighty God wants me dead, I might as well be,” the man said while trying to stand with the help of the branch. Han Jin reached out to help but was stopped by the man when he shook his head.

 Han Jin decided to move aside. For the man, the action of just standing had already exceeded his capability. His chest was heavily moving up and down while his body trembled like a patient having a high fever. The branch that he was using as a cane was also shaking.

 “Hmph… Don't I look like a child who's learning how to walk…” The man laughed, but before he could finish his sentence, the branch slipped and the man stumbled.

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 Han Jin couldn't help but shake his head as he walked toward the old man. He helped the man stand up, and this time, the man did not reject his offer and allowed Han Jin to hold his arm.

 The Salvation of the Angel of Light could only cure the current injuries sustained. His face had multiple scratch wounds – about a dozen of them with blood slowly oozing down from his forehead to his chin – but he didn't seem to be bothered by it. Han Jin couldn't understand the man in front of him and stared at the man.

 “Why are you looking at me?” The man noticed Han Jin's stare.

 “You were attacked by your friend…”

 “I know.”

 “He even inserted several arrows into your body as if he were trying to frame someone.”

 “I know. I even know that he stabbed himself with an arrow as well. What's wrong?”

 “It's just… you don't look mad at all, so I was just curious.” If he were to put himself in the other man's shoes – if he were to be attacked by his own friend – the first thing he would do was to cultivate and take revenge on the murderer! The man's reaction definitely wasn't a common man's reaction. At least for Han Jin, he would not be able to laugh about it.

 The man paused for a moment and said, “I… I have always been living in his shadow.”

 “As in your friend? The murderer?” Han Jin interjected.

 “Yes.” The man nodded his head. “For now, at least I don't live in his shadow anymore. You wouldn't understand. I have never been this happy. This piece of land, this forest, and the beautiful night sky, along with you, a stranger, gives comfort. In the past, I had always been so busy that I had never had the chance to fully enjoy myself.”

 “You don't hate your… friend?” Han Jin couldn't hold it anymore and asked directly.

 “Why should I? Everyone has been saying that we are very similar people, but… I have never had such wild ambitions like him. The man laughed. “Plus, he had reason to kill me. I indeed wanted to surpass him.”

 “Surpass him? This shouldn't be a reason to kill someone.”

 The man looked at Han Jin. “If your friend's powers were beyond yours, what would you do?”

 Han Jin thought about Moxinke, Sunier, and even Cessacioun, Reg, and the rest of them. After a while, he smiled and said, “I would be happy for them.” Han Jin was telling the truth. He was a cultivator, and his target was to be immortal. He had never considered his friends as a target for him to surpass or defeat. If Moxinke and the rest were powerful enough, he would rather be the person hidden behind the scene. The leader that he was in the past was because he had to support Moxinke and the rest. As for being indifferent about Guevara and Ronning's decision, it nothing to do with being greedy for power. It was also because Reg was not the most suited person, and Han Jin agreed with Guevara and Ronning's decision; the Riptide Regiment would be annihilated by others if Reg were to be in charge.

 The man stared at Han Jin as if he were trying to judge if Han Jin was telling the truth. After a while, he sighed and said, “Maybe you would sincerely be happy for your friend, but he couldn't. The great King Nicholas would never allow anyone, any living creature, to surpass him. If he was strong enough, he would even challenge God.”

 “Your friend is called Nicholas? He's… a king??” Han Jin asked out of shock. No one would simply be proclaimed as king unless he was in control of at least seven or eight provinces. Back in Isolated Cliff City, if they added all the lord's territories together, along with the Grand Duke Solomen and Lord Fossa's Fatto city, it would only add up to nine provinces.

 “Yes.” The man softly said, “My name is Jeddes, the Archbishop of the Iron Fist Diocese, and Supreme Arbiter of the tribunal. Friendly stranger, what's your name?”

 “I'm Raphael.”

 The man was stunned. “That's all?”

 “How complicated should it be?”

 “You should at least tell me which city you're from?”

 “Black Raven City.”

 “It does ring a bell.” Jeddes thought for a moment but then shook his head. “I can't remember, but… it's just an ugly name.”

 “True.” Han Jin agreed with the man while nodding his head. “I should tell them to change the name of the city to avoid any misunderstandings. They might think that I'm one of Zaganide's men.”

 “You're a… new lord?”

 “Not yet. ” Han Jin paused for a while. “How did you know? ”

 “No one can just randomly change the name of a city other than the lord himself.” Jeddes slowly said, “Why didn't you tell me that you're a lord?”

 “Positions are a thing that may change any time, whereas my name will always stay the same, so there's no need to mention it.”

 “A thing? You really don't care much about your position.” Jeddes laughed.

 Han Jin shrugged but didn't say anything.

 “I thought that you were just a powerful mercenary; never thought that you would be a lord.”

 “As I said, I'm still not a lord.” Han Jin suddenly stopped. “Powerful? How did you…”

 “There are so many footprints here, which means that you didn't come alone. They are your companions?” Jeddes laughed. “You asked them to leave because you were worried that an accident may occur, and your companions agreed with you, which shows that they really trust you.”

 Han Jin's face turned red. It wasn't difficult for him ti be able to figure these our as there were clues lying around but the man's reaction was too peculiar. There was no crying, no anger, nor sorrow seen. From his appearance, he didn't look like a deceased, so Han Jin had concentrated on guessing the story behind the scene and had forgotten all the superficial matters.

 Han Jin bent down, picked up an arrow, and passed it to Jeddes. “The method that your friend used is a little naive. Look, the names are written on it; who can he deceive?”

 “He even pierced himself with one of these arrows.” Jeddes didn't continue the topic. “There are three types of people in the world. The first types are fools. As soon as they find out that their king was ambushed, they would be extremely furious. Whether or not it was a naive method or not, they don't care. The other type would be ordinary smart people. They know how to analyze and won't simply believe anything. When they see these kinds of naive things, they will definitely suspect. The last kind are extremely smart people. They know how to plot things for the far future and are more meticulous than ordinary people. They would never believe that the extremely smart King Nicholas would use such a naive method to deceive everyone. Do you understand?”

 Han Jin felt a little awkward and said, “So I am an ordinary smart person?”

 Jeddes laughed. “I can guarantee that when Nicholas returns with those injuries, he will insist that Lola was innocent and that both of them were framed by others.”

 “Then, why don't you return to expose his conspiracy?”

 “It's too late.” Jeddes eyes were filled with sorrow. “He brought me wandering around this forest for four months before killing me. Within these four months, he would have made preparations! If I were able to notice his conspiracy four months ago, I could still stop him but… it's too late. I have never been his opponent, and plus, he had an extra four months to prepare for this… Look at me now, I'm so useless. How will I be able to walk out of this forest?”

 “You… can hire us to send you back.”

 “You would? If I am able to satisfy one of your requirements, would you?” Jeddes said while smiling.

 “No!” Han Jin rejected the offer as he didn't want to be involved in this matter. “But… you actually didn't have to tell me so much. You could have lied to us and just gotten us to send you back!” Han Jin also started acting weird as he started to help the man think of an excuse.

 “I never lie.” Jeddes lightly said, “I have never lied and will never lie.”

 Han Jin was dumbfounded. The phase 'I never lie' was already a lie. He doesn't believe that there could be anyone in this world that has never lied, but Jeddes's eyes were extremely firm and persistent. He really couldn't understand what Jeddes's mental support was as he said such ridiculous things.

 “The person named Lola whom Nicholas is trying to frame… his plans should involve a lot of people right? At least your friends and families will be involved. If you were to lie to us, you would still have a chance to save their lives! You wouldn't lie for this reason?!”

 Jeddes's face became a little twisted as his chest heavily moved up and down. His eyes were filled with sorrow, anger, hesitance, and even a trace of pleading, but after a while, he turned calm. Jeddes slightly coughed and said, ” Reason… is something that we will never run out of, just like losers. They will always be able to find all sorts of excuses for their failures and can even blame the gods, but there will always be failure. No matter what the reason is, you still can't hide the facts! And lies… are just the same. There have been chances where I could have lied, and I have faced a lot of encounters where I have been tempted to lie, but even till now, I'm a believer and not a politician.”

 “You…” Han Jin felt that the person standing in front of him was unbelievable.

 “There's no point going back now. Even if I'm in Iron Fist City, I will only hasten my friend's death. No matter what Nicholas has plotted, he has made enough preparations, including failures.” Jeddes softly said, “My mission was to restrict Nicholas's ambitions. To put it bluntly, my existence is only to force Nicholas from doing what he wants to. Since he is determined to do so, no one can stop him.”

“It's not as if you don't have a chance!” Han Jin tried to convince the man. “Maybe Nicholas's power is great and your return will bring disasters to your friend, but… you could let someone else return for you. For instance, you can pass something that proves your identity to someone that you trust. At least, you shouldn't allow Nicholas to just simply frame someone else right?”

 Jeddes stared at Han Jin and smiled. “Can you help me?”

 “No…” Han Jin blinked and didn't know what to say.

 “This is the only way, although the possibility of success is very slim.” Jeddes softly said, “Maybe from the moment that you expose Nicholas, you will be attacked by the Knight of Light, and even the Cardinalate. No one will believe you at all, but… this is the only way for now.”

 “Wait, I didn't promise you anything!” Han Jin anxiously replied. “I was just giving an example!”

 “I know, you can refuse.” Jeddes said, “No one, not even God is obligated to sacrifice themselves for others. I don't blame you.”

Chapter end

Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
268 The Storm
267 The Temptation
266 Refinemen
265 The Boa
264 The Notes
263 Characters
262 The Nest of Abyss
261 Jeddes' Interes
260 Counterattack
259 Metropolis
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237 – Comrade–in
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201 – One
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153: Self-created Suspicion
Chapter 152: Roaring Lightning
Chapter 151: A Real Partner
Chapter 150
Chapter 149: The Wisdom of Holy Animals
Chapter 148: The Truth of Forest
Chapter 147: Superior-Grade
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144: Value
Chapter 143: The Blood of Black Raven City
Chapter 142
Chapter 141: Clash of Strength
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138: Prologue
Chapter 137: Exclusion
Chapter 136: Asking for a Battle Assignment
Chapter 135
Chapter 134: Conspiracy
Chapter 133: A World of Sensual Pleasures
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128: The Legend
Chapter 127: The Bet
Chapter 126: Heart-to-heart Talk
Chapter 125: Explanation
Chapter 124: Impotence
Chapter 123: Pain
Chapter 122: Prisoner
Chapter 121: Going for A Battle
Chapter 120: Teaching
Chapter 119: Curiosity And Favorable Impression
Chapter 118: Ambush
Chapter 117: Subconsciousness
Chapter 116: Monitor
Chapter 115: Profound Conspiracy
Chapter 114: Round Up
Chapter 113: A Boorish Fellow
Chapter 112: An Extraordinary Person
Chapter 111: Meet Strength with Strength
Chapter 110: The Abyss
Chapter 109: Man and Boy
Chapter 108: Surprising Discovery
Chapter 107: Who's The Real Fool?
Chapter 106: Carefree Man
Chapter 105: Execution Ground
Chapter 104: Mutiny
Chapter 103: Real Legacy
Chapter 102: A Blow to Reg
Chapter 101: Women
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98: The Truly Powerful
Chapter 97: Bloody Knight
Chapter 96
Chapter 95: Sobriety
Chapter 94: Sudden Change
Chapter 93: Man
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90: Loneliness
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85: The Great Prophet
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82: Departure
Chapter 81: Virtues And Shortcomings
Chapter 80: Sworn Enemy
Chapter 79: Allies
Chapter 78: Guards of Vampires
Chapter 77: Norms
Chapter 76: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 75: Spirit Possession Operation
Chapter 74: Fish in Troubled Waters
Chapter 73: The Strong
Chapter 72: Reunion
Chapter 71: Responsibility
Chapter 70: Assassination
Chapter 69: Destroy the Bridge
Chapter 68: Merchant
Chapter 67: Robbery
Chapter 66: Tunnel
Chapter 65: Gift
Chapter 64: Impasse
Chapter 63: Hostage
Chapter 62: Contact
Chapter 61: Background
Chapter 60: Task
Chapter 59: Inauspicious Feeling
Chapter 58: Overall Renewal
Chapter 57: Doing Business
Chapter 56: Information
Chapter 55: Massacre
Chapter 54: Separate Action
Chapter 53: A Hot Woman
Chapter 52: Trump Card
Chapter 51: The Association of Mercenaries
Chapter 50: Big City
Chapter 49: Hometown
Chapter 48: Move
Chapter 47: Self-admiration
Chapter 46: Instinct
Chapter 45: Cowardly Commander
Chapter 44: An Interesting Game
Chapter 43: Surprise
Chapter 42: Good Neighbor
Chapter 41: Throwing Knife
Chapter 40: A Minor Accident
Chapter 39: The Internal Secret
Chapter 38: Position
Chapter 37: The Shades of Night
Chapter 36: Murderer
Chapter 35: Sneaking In
Chapter 34: Promising Future
Chapter 33: Miscellaneous Knowledge
Chapter 32: Proof
Chapter 31: Revenge
Chapter 30: Share Woe
Chapter 29: Unexpected Treasure
Chapter 28: Breaking Through
Chapter 27: Honest Man
Chapter 26: Friends Coming From Afar
Chapter 25: Army Calling Charm
Chapter 24: Capital
Chapter 23: Challenge
Chapter 22: Burden
Chapter 21: Talent
Chapter 20: Adventure
Chapter 19: Distribution
Chapter 18
Chapter 17: The Traitor
Chapter 16: The Bane
Chapter 15: Malice
Chapter 14: Stupid Lady
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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