Warlord of Chaos Chapter 14: Stupid Lady

Warlord of Chaos Chapter 14: Stupid Lady

Traveling in the forest in darkness was by no means an easy errand. Warcrafts came out at any time, and traps made of rotten leaves, poison mosquitoes and thistles and thorns were everywhere. All made the travelers annoyed. Especially for Steelberg, he was too exhausted to even straighten his back. But he didn't moan or groan. He just followed Han Jin closely. This willpower astonished the others. Although they walked the same road, their effort spent was totally different, for that except Steelberg, all were professionals to some extent.

Thanks to Sunier, who had very distinctive eyesight at night and walked in the front to guide the others, the group could avoid many sufferings. Moxinke brought up the rear with his giant sword on his shoulder, in the middle were Han Jin, Stellberg and Cessacioun. They marched around tens of miles with near misses before they decided to have a rest in a tree hole.

Hearing the word "rest", Steelberg thudded down on the ground immediately without thinking and fell into asleep in a minute. Sound of snoring disseminated from the hole.

"You rest first. I'm not sleepy." Sunier pointed to the hole and said. The fact was, there was only one hole, how could she sleep side by side with the men?

Cessacioun yawned while getting into the hole. He was also tired and fell asleep immediately. Outside the hole, Han Jin patted Moxinke on the shoulder lightly and moved to the other side with Moxinke followed in slow paces.

After they've walked more than thirty meters, Han Jin opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he immediately stopped and moved another forty meters. He realized that Sunier had not only astonishing eyesight, but also good ears. When assured they've got the safe distance from the hole, Han Jin asked: "Why did you lie, Moxinke?"

"When did I lie?" Moxinke was confused.

"You told them I am a prophet."

"Oh... You mean this." Moxinke laughed: "If I didn't say you are a prophet, then what's your position? A magician? You can't even make a fire ball; A soldier? You don't have any weapon, let alone fighting strength; A hunter? A robber? None of them fits you, except prophet."

Han Jin frowned: "you can tell them I'm just a very ordinary declined nobleman."

"Hump, if so, no one would look up to you! To tell you the truth, I recognized you when we were at Miss Keeley's store. That's why I am interested in you. I am wondering what power could change a person so tremendously within such a short time." Moxinke lowered his voice: "Raphael, do you wish to be disdained by others as you were in Radon Town? I have learned when I was only a little kid that it's a very realistic world. If you don't have some special ability, then you can do nothing but just be despised. Ho ho....."

Han Jin let out a sigh. He knew clearly what did Moxinke mean.

"Did you notice that Cessacioun used his magic a few times to speed up Steelberg when he was too exhausted to walk? If you are just an ordinary noble good-for-nothing in his eyes, do you still think he will waste his magic power for you?"

"I know." Han Jin nodded.

"A prophet is the far seer that can lead some of us out of the dilemma, but not all of us." Moxinke cracked an uncanny smile: "Do you realize what a nice position it is?"

"If what I said is right, that verifies I am a real far seer. If not, that's the fate. No one can resist fate, is that what you mean?" Han Jin smiled.

"Ha, you are such a clever person. Seems that you indeed have the potential to be a prophet. Ho ho..."

"But you have the badge to prove your identity. What shall I have to prove that I am a prophet?"

"Nothing." Moxinke said with smile: "In Elvish language, a prophet is a wise man that can see the future. In fact, every one could be a prophet. The key is: is there anyone believe you. But be assured, I will help you."

"If so, I only have one question left."

"What's it?"

"Why will you help me?" Han Jin asked lightly.

"This question... is a little complicated." Moxinke scratched his head: "My teacher once told me that I only had some petty tricks, not enough to do great things. But you are different. You have such brilliant mind. Your wisdom, my sword, we can make up the best team! So..."

"That's different from what you said last time."


"Last time you told me your teacher had said that your brain was not so good and you should make more clever friends to learn from them." Han Jin smiled: "There is great difference between 'not so good' and 'petty tricks'."

"Are you kidding me? That's many days ago, you still remember?"

"Of course!" Han Jin's feelings was somewhat mixed.

"I am now more convinced in your wisdom now!" Moxinke patted Han Jin on his shoulder and said with solemn face: "I am sure we can create a brilliant future together!"

"Before we create the our brilliant future, can you answer my question earnestly?"

"Ho ho..." Moxinke gave a meaningful smile: "You have such an amazing appetite. That's impossible for an ordinary person! So I am sure you are miscegenation of dragon and human! Though you are sorehead at present, but with your blood, you will...What? Don't you believe me??" Moxinke saw the strange expression on Han Jin's face before he finished his harangue.

"I see, seems that your petty tricks are also limited." Han Jin shook his head helplessly: "Won't Miss Keeley investigate me if she hired me to deal with the dwarf for her? And you? Didn't you ask her about me? I was born and grew up in Radon Town, both my parents are ordinary noble from Radon Town, don't you know this? A miscegenation of dragon and human..."

"It's really hard to win the trust from a prophet." Moxinke smiled bitterly: "I know you want to know my purpose, right? Okay...In fact I have no purpose at all. I just want to make friend with you."

"Then why don't you say this at the very beginning instead of bullshitting the story." Han Jin's face was full of contempt: "And, you are really a poor story teller. I suggest you to practice more with some kids when we get to Beitman."

"You...believe me this?" Moxinke was puzzled.

"Why don't I?" Han Jin asked back. Though he had to admit that people usually get to know and cooperate with each other for some interest, but sometimes they may desire to have one or several pure friends. Friends that even when they have totally different positions or fortunes or religions, they will still be good friends.

Moxinke's expression depressed. He didn't think such a nitpicking guy like Han Jin would believe the least reasonable reason. Totally waste of minds.

"We should go back, otherwise they will be suspicious."

"I'm going to find something to eat, you go back first." Moxinke said dully.

"Then get more."

"You've eaten half a boar yesterday, that's still not enough for you?" Moxinke was almost driven crazy.

"Don't you see I have run a long way the whole night?" Han Jin retorted eloquently.

"You really astonished me!" Moxinke let out a long breath and walked into the deep of the woods.

When Han Jin came back to the hole, Sunier was sitting on top of a tree branch and humming a nameless tune. Her voice was clear and melodious when talking, but soft and gentle while singing, like a sleep song. Han Jin sat by the tree and gradually fell into asleep.

An unknown time passed. The voice of Moxinke waked Han Jin up: "Get up! Get up!"

"Leave me alone!" Cessacioun's voice impatient. He was annoyed of being disrupted from his dream.

"Use your magic and make the firewood burning." Moxinke said audaciously with logical reason.

"..." Cessacioun sighed with a frustrated expression on his face. He then stood up and staggered out of the hole. But when he saw the prey on the ground, his sleepy eyes suddenly lit up:" Back-feathered lizards? What a good thing! How did you catch it?"

"I robbed it from two human-faced eagles. He he, good luck today." Moxinke said proudly: "You can go on your sleep after setting the fire."

"Dare to provoke two fifth grade holy animals at the same time? You are really bold!" Cessacioun ignored automatically the second half of Moxinke's words. He sat down firmly and released a small fireball to ignite the prepared branches.

A moment later, Sunier came back with a bundle of twigs in her arms. When she saw the burning branches and the two cleaned back-feathered lizards on the bonfire, she couldn't help shaking her head and sighed: "What a pity..."

Back-feathered lizard was delicacy famous for its fresh and tender meat. Its fighting capacity was poor, thus it's ranked at the bottom of the food chain of warcrafts. What's worse, its reaction was slow and dull, making it easy to be hunted. Wild back-feathered lizards were near extinction, those sold in market were mostly domesticated. Therefore, if they brought these two back-feathered lizards to the market, they could get a large fortune in exchange.

Han Jin was not aware of the preciousness of the back-feathered lizards, otherwise he would definitely tried to keep them both.

"Pity for what? You should be grateful to have this delicacy." Cessacioun laughed, but as soon he finished his words he looked up at Han Jin, and sighed: "What a pity."

Raphael, no, prophet, please go on your sleep." Moxinke nearly pleaded.

"I'm not sleepy now. Even if I am sleepy, I will be wide awake if I see food in front of me." Said Han Jin honestly. He was now having a double desire for food, one for physical need, the other, mental need.

"Sunier, why not have a walk with our prophet?" Moxinke shot Sunier a warning glance. Unfortunately, the girl was totally confused by such an abrupt suggestion.

"Why?" She didn't get angry but asked curiously.

"You will know soon."

"Tell me first." Sunier insisted.

"You ... ... You' will be regret." Moxinke said in a sad tone.

Sunier looked at them. Her face was filled with confusion.

"Steelberg, get out to eat, if you still want to." Moxinke thundered.

The snoring sound in the hole halted suddenly, the next moment saw Steelberg rushed out with his half opened eyes. As long as one get along with Han Jin for one day, he would learn the lesson concerning eating. No matter how much food was there in front of them, he must eat it as quickly as he can, otherwise, this awful prophet would eat them all, leaving others' stomachs empty.

Sunier sat by the bonfire, her fingers twisted slightly, then a sparkling dish appeared out of nowhere in her hand.

Moxinke and Cessacioun gazed at each other at an extremely fast rate, they both knew what Sunier had used, the space ring!

Then the dinner knife, the fork and other tableware appeared one by one. At last Sunier took out a very delicate knife and wiped it with a pure white handkerchief. Her movements were elegant and natural, giving others a feeling beyond description. If it was not her ugly face, she would undoubtedly be a beautiful picture in this dark woods.

Moxinke and Cessacioun forced themselves to divert their attention to the back-feathered lizards. It was impolite to stare at a girl like this.

"Smells delicious." Steelberg wrinkled his nose exaggeratedly.

Moxinke grabbed his sword and pierced the skin of the back-feathered lizards lightly with the sharp end, strips of white and fresh meat were displayed: "Nearly done."

Sunier raised her knife, but the moment she turned around her body was stiffed. In front of her, six hands were scrambling to tear the back-feathered lizards. In the blink of an eye one side of the lizard had been out of all recognition.

Sunier stood there in a daze. She had never seen such bad manners. A moment later she shook her head and turned to Han Jin.

By contrast, Han Jin was the gentlest one. He waved his hand, indicating Sunier to cut the meat first, who then cut off a piece of meat from the prey carefully and went to the other side of the tree, sat down and enjoyed her food.

She was not used to eat together with those men like savages.

In fact, she had made the right decision, otherwise she would surely choke herself if she saw the way Han Jin eliminating his food. When she finished nibbling the meat in her dish and planned to get some more, she was flabbergasted, nothing left, except the bones on the ground. Moxinke and the other two guys were lying on the ground, humming and stroking their bellies with sense of satisfaction, while beside the bonfire Han Jin was still looking for something.

Sunier bit her lips, put away her tableware into her space ring and went into the deep of the woods.

"Where are you going, Sunier?" Han Jin asked in a loud voice.

"Have a walk."

"Don't go too far." Moxinke sat up in a hurry.

"I know."

"Moxinke, the back-feathered lizards... ... are they holy animals?" Han Jin asked slowly.

"Yes, they are second grade holy animals."

"What about wild boar?"

"It depends on which kind of wild boar you refer to."

"The one you catch yesterday."

"That's not a holy animal."

"I see." Han Jin nodded his head. He had sensed that the energy brought by the back-feathered lizards was more than that he absorbed from the boar, but specifically how much more he was not sure, unless he had the same weight of the two in front of him and made a comparison.

"Cessacioun, it's your turn to lead us tomorrow." Moxinke said in a muffled voice.


"Over the hills is the Pill Town of Beitman, no mishaps before we get there." Moxinke looked helplessly: "We could not afford to bear the responsibility!"

"Do you mean Sunier?" Han Jin smiled.

"Mmm, I thought she was an experienced huntress yesterday, who knows she..." Cessacioun's head shook.

"Cessacioun, are you familiar with Beitman?" Moxinke asked.

"Mmm, quite familiar, what's wrong?"

"Guess, which large family is she from?"

"How would I know that!" Cessacioun hesitated for a moment: "I have no impression on a lady found of outing and doing boring things like her."

"Not only boring, but also stupid." Moxinke puffed out his chest: "Fortunately, we are all good people, otherwise ... ... Ho ho!"

"I think she is wearing a mask, have you ever seen such a strangely ugly woman?"

"Since you mentioned... I also have such thought!"

In the distance out of the men's sight, Sunier was standing quietly behind a tree, as if she was listening to something, then she continued to go deep into the woods.

Chapter end

Chapter 282
Chapter 281
Chapter 280
Chapter 279
Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
268 The Storm
267 The Temptation
266 Refinemen
265 The Boa
264 The Notes
263 Characters
262 The Nest of Abyss
261 Jeddes' Interes
260 Counterattack
259 Metropolis
Chapter 258
Chapter 257
Chapter 256
Chapter 255
Chapter 254
Chapter 253
Chapter 252
Chapter 251
Chapter 250
Chapter 249
Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
Chapter 244
Chapter 243
Chapter 242
Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
Chapter 238
Chapter 237 – Comrade–in
Chapter 236
Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
Chapter 232
Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
Chapter 228
Chapter 227
Chapter 226
Chapter 225
Chapter 224
Chapter 223
Chapter 222
Chapter 221
Chapter 220
Chapter 219
Chapter 218
Chapter 217
Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
Chapter 208
Chapter 207
Chapter 206
Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201 – One
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153: Self-created Suspicion
Chapter 152: Roaring Lightning
Chapter 151: A Real Partner
Chapter 150
Chapter 149: The Wisdom of Holy Animals
Chapter 148: The Truth of Forest
Chapter 147: Superior-Grade
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144: Value
Chapter 143: The Blood of Black Raven City
Chapter 142
Chapter 141: Clash of Strength
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138: Prologue
Chapter 137: Exclusion
Chapter 136: Asking for a Battle Assignment
Chapter 135
Chapter 134: Conspiracy
Chapter 133: A World of Sensual Pleasures
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128: The Legend
Chapter 127: The Bet
Chapter 126: Heart-to-heart Talk
Chapter 125: Explanation
Chapter 124: Impotence
Chapter 123: Pain
Chapter 122: Prisoner
Chapter 121: Going for A Battle
Chapter 120: Teaching
Chapter 119: Curiosity And Favorable Impression
Chapter 118: Ambush
Chapter 117: Subconsciousness
Chapter 116: Monitor
Chapter 115: Profound Conspiracy
Chapter 114: Round Up
Chapter 113: A Boorish Fellow
Chapter 112: An Extraordinary Person
Chapter 111: Meet Strength with Strength
Chapter 110: The Abyss
Chapter 109: Man and Boy
Chapter 108: Surprising Discovery
Chapter 107: Who's The Real Fool?
Chapter 106: Carefree Man
Chapter 105: Execution Ground
Chapter 104: Mutiny
Chapter 103: Real Legacy
Chapter 102: A Blow to Reg
Chapter 101: Women
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98: The Truly Powerful
Chapter 97: Bloody Knight
Chapter 96
Chapter 95: Sobriety
Chapter 94: Sudden Change
Chapter 93: Man
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90: Loneliness
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85: The Great Prophet
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82: Departure
Chapter 81: Virtues And Shortcomings
Chapter 80: Sworn Enemy
Chapter 79: Allies
Chapter 78: Guards of Vampires
Chapter 77: Norms
Chapter 76: Uninvited Guest
Chapter 75: Spirit Possession Operation
Chapter 74: Fish in Troubled Waters
Chapter 73: The Strong
Chapter 72: Reunion
Chapter 71: Responsibility
Chapter 70: Assassination
Chapter 69: Destroy the Bridge
Chapter 68: Merchant
Chapter 67: Robbery
Chapter 66: Tunnel
Chapter 65: Gift
Chapter 64: Impasse
Chapter 63: Hostage
Chapter 62: Contact
Chapter 61: Background
Chapter 60: Task
Chapter 59: Inauspicious Feeling
Chapter 58: Overall Renewal
Chapter 57: Doing Business
Chapter 56: Information
Chapter 55: Massacre
Chapter 54: Separate Action
Chapter 53: A Hot Woman
Chapter 52: Trump Card
Chapter 51: The Association of Mercenaries
Chapter 50: Big City
Chapter 49: Hometown
Chapter 48: Move
Chapter 47: Self-admiration
Chapter 46: Instinct
Chapter 45: Cowardly Commander
Chapter 44: An Interesting Game
Chapter 43: Surprise
Chapter 42: Good Neighbor
Chapter 41: Throwing Knife
Chapter 40: A Minor Accident
Chapter 39: The Internal Secret
Chapter 38: Position
Chapter 37: The Shades of Night
Chapter 36: Murderer
Chapter 35: Sneaking In
Chapter 34: Promising Future
Chapter 33: Miscellaneous Knowledge
Chapter 32: Proof
Chapter 31: Revenge
Chapter 30: Share Woe
Chapter 29: Unexpected Treasure
Chapter 28: Breaking Through
Chapter 27: Honest Man
Chapter 26: Friends Coming From Afar
Chapter 25: Army Calling Charm
Chapter 24: Capital
Chapter 23: Challenge
Chapter 22: Burden
Chapter 21: Talent
Chapter 20: Adventure
Chapter 19: Distribution
Chapter 18
Chapter 17: The Traitor
Chapter 16: The Bane
Chapter 15: Malice
Chapter 14: Stupid Lady
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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