Upside Down Chapter 95: Chapter 93: PFSB

Upside Down Chapter 95: Chapter 93: PFSB

After dressing in our panties, bra and nightgown, I send Chinatsu to wake everyone so they can bathe while I make breakfast. Parting my hair on the side, I feather it back and pin it in place to keep my bangs out of my face. Looking myself over in the mirror, I nod, satisfied with the results.

Leaving the dressing room, I head into the kitchen and open the refrigerator to come up with something for breakfast. I notice we're going to have to go shopping again soon because we're getting low on quite a few things.

Removing the biscuit dough, I set it on the counter, and turn on the oven to preheat. Moving over to the other counter I make some mocha coffee.

Reaching under the edge of the center island cabinet, I pull out and tear off a large sheet of wax paper. Dumping the dough on top of it, I reach into a drawer, pull out a rolling pin, roll it out to three centimeters thickness, and leave it to let it rest.

While it rests, I get a cup down, pour some coffee, add some cream and milk, and stir it. Picking up the cup, I inhale the aroma and sigh contentedly, before taking a sip.

If you can't tell, I'm in a very good mood this morning. How could I not be? I woke up in the arms of the person I love most in this world, we made love, and took a nice hot bath together. To me, that's simply heaven. I know, I'm easily satisfied, but as I've said before, it's the simple things in life which people so often overlook that make life worth living. In my case, Chinatsu is my raison d'être. She's my everything and there is literally nothing I wouldn't do for her.

That's not to say I don't love Ryu because we all know that I do. Otherwise, there's no way on Earth that I'd have done what I did Sunday. I'd happily do just about anything he asks of me. He would do the same for me and he proves it constantly. Having two people love me like they do, I don't see how I could possibly be any happier. Well, I do look forward to having children with both of them. I definitely want a large family. I can only hope I'm as good of a Mother to my children as Mama is to us. I damn sure have the best role model a girl could ask for.

Taking another sip of my coffee, I set it to the side. Opening the cabinet beside the oven, I pull out a couple of baking sheets and lightly oil them. Moving over to the center island, I open the tool drawer, take out the biscuit cutter, and cut out 24 biscuits. After that I place them on the baking sheets and set them in the oven. I set the timer, roll up the unused dough, cover it, and place it back in the refrigerator. While I'm there, I take out the link sausage along with a carton of eggs and set them on the counter. Grabbing the step stool - what can I say, I'm small - I get into an upper cabinet and take down a mixing bowl.

Chiaki comes into the kitchen to make herself some coffee. As she does so, she says, "Good morning Sora."

I smile at her and reply, "Good morning Chiaki."

After taking a sip of her coffee, she asks, "Would you like some help?"

"That would be nice. Thank you. If you could crack a dozen eggs, scramble them for me, and dice up half of a block of the pepper jack cheese, it'd be a huge help."

As Chinaki does that, Chinatsu comes into the dining room. "Is there something I can do to help?"

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"Sure, you can set the table if you don't mind. Butter and jam too, please."

"Of course, I don't mind at all."

She comes up behind me, and slips her arms around my waist to pull me back against her. Smiling, I pat her hands and she whispers, "This morning was amazing."

I look over my shoulder at her to whisper, "For me as well. I thought I was going to pass out." I kiss her cheek. "Let me go, I'm a little busy here."

Letting me go, she goes over to begin setting the table. That does bring up a thought. When I begin research on our nanites, I need to see if they are somehow programmed to heighten our sensitivity. I'd always heard it's hard for girls to achieve orgasms, but for Chinatsu and me it takes very little effort. Neither of us are complaining mind you, I'm simply curious. Mother and Father, if you programmed them to do that, thank you very much.

Everyone starts filtering into the dining room as I put the eggs on. Looking over my shoulder, I don't see Mayumi, Mama or Dad. "Would someone please go make sure Mama and Dad are up? Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Where's Mayumi?"

Honoka says, "I'll wake them," and heads off to their room.

Sofi tells me, "Mayumi went home last night. She said she had to go to work early this morning."

"Oh, okay." I wish she had at least told me goodbye, but I know that wasn't possible since I was out.

As I'm putting everything on platters, she comes back in with them. Everyone greets them, "Good morning," and they reply, "Good morning."

After Chiaki and I set everything on the table, I take my seat between Sofi and Chinatsu. We serve ourselves and begin eating. After taking several bites, Mama clears her throat and I look over at her. "Sora, I meant to tell you yesterday, but it slipped my mind. The principal called and he said that since you never finished the term at your last school, to be admitted here you have to take the finals and pass them. Honoka and Sofi have to take them as well."

I shrug. "Okay, it's not as if I could possibly fail them."

Honoka says, "I already expected to have to when you said Sora would. It shouldn't be a problem. After all, I've been sitting in on their study sessions."

Sofi follows up with, "It wasn't long ago that I graduated, so I don't think there will be an issue."

Dad chuckles. "Good. I didn't think there would be, you're both smart girls." He looks back at me. "Sweetheart, we know that, but he doesn't know how smart you are. I'm curious, when was the last time your IQ was tested?"

"Sixth year in primary. They said I scored a 231."

"Alright, I'd like for you to take the test again when you go back to school."

"Okay, if that's what you want, I'll do it."

"We all know you're smart, but I'd like to have some idea of where you currently are."

Chinatsu sits bolt upright in her seat with a worried expression when I say, "I think we all know I could test out of High School today if I really wanted to, and move on to college." I reach over, take Chinatsu's hand, and smile reassuringly.

Dad nods. "I'm sure you could, but there's more to it than that, isn't there?"

It's my turn to nod. "I need the socialization. I'm much better than I was, but I still have some issues dealing with people I don't know, especially boys."

"Don't worry sweetheart, neither of us will try to force you to skip grades if you don't want to."

"Thank you. I can't even begin to know how stressful it would be for a thirteen year old in college. Especially the one I want to go to."

Mama asks, "Which one is that?"

I don't even get a chance to answer as Dad says, "Tokyo University, right?"

"How did you know?"

"It's simple really, they have the best Biotechnology program in the country."

"That they do. The only places that have a better program are outside of Japan. MIT in the United States and Cambridge in the United Kingdom. There's no way I'll even consider leaving the country to go to school."

"Sweetheart, even if you wanted to I wouldn't let you anyway. We couldn't protect you there."

"I know. That's why I said I wouldn't even consider it."

He smiles and shakes his head. I know Dad, you don't have to say it. I'm too smart for my own good. You and Mama have told me many times. I can't change how I am, so what do you want me to do about it?

Something in my expression must have given away my thoughts because a moment later Dad says, "Sweetheart, I don't think your being smart is a bad thing. Actually, far from it, your mother and I are extremely proud that you're our daughter. Believe it or not, we really look forward to seeing all you will accomplish in your life. Personally, I think you're going to end up turning the world upside down. It could use a good shake up."

I'm extremely happy, but that doesn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks even as I smile at him. I really hate this overly emotional part of myself, but there's little I can do about it. I blow out my breath as I reach up and wipe away my tears.

"Sorry, please, don't think I'm upset because I'm not. It's simply my overly emotional side showing itself again."

Mama says, "We know sweetheart."

Dad says, "To finish off the original subject, I'll talk to your principal about getting you tested."

"Alright. By the way, Dad, I'd like to talk to you before you go to work. It won't take long."


After we eat and clean up. I take Sofi and go to Mama and Dad's room. I knock on the door, he says, "Come in." Leading Sofi over to the bed we sit down and look at Dad as he's tying his tie.

"What did you need to talk about?"

"You told me to ask before I did anything else like I did with Honoka and Mayumi, so I'm asking if I can provide the treatment for Sofi."

He sighs and turns around to look at me. "Sora… Sweetheart, I'll tell you what, you can do it since Sofi's family, but listen to me, no more. No one else. Period. Not until we get government approval for public release."

"Alright. I promise, Dad."

"Good. I know you always keep your word."

"Umm, Dad, did you look at the information Hestia sent you?"

"No, I haven't had time. Why?"

"We ran across some information in the drive that may indicate that the treatment can be used more than once on the same person."

His eyes widen in surprise as I continue, "I ordered Kotomi to find out if that was true or not and whether there would be any side effects from multiple uses. I know the research notes never said anything about it and Akiyama could very well have been scamming people. If it's true, it makes these nanites much more valuable."

"You're right, it does. Let me know what she finds out. Once we know either way, we need to apply to the Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau (PFSB) for permission to start human testing. I don't know how many test subjects they will require before they approve it. We'll just have to wait and see."

"That's why I haven't asked Mirai to submit the paperwork. I didn't want to start testing to have to start back over if we found out it could be used several times. It would be a waste of time, money, and resources."

"Do you wonder why your Mother and I are so proud that you're our daughter?"


"It's because you don't just think a step ahead, among other reasons. If you had simply rushed to get them into testing you could have very well cost your corporation millions of yen."

"I want to help women to be able to have children, but trying to rush things won't help anyone."

"You're right. Sorry sweetheart, but if that's all I need to get ready for work."

"Okay." We stand up, I walk over to Dad, and hold my arms up for him to pick me up. Bending down he picks me up, I hug his neck for a few moments, and then kiss his cheek. "Thank you Daddy. I love you."

"I love you too."

He sets me down, I hold my hand out to Sofi, and we head back into the living room where I sit down with her on the couch.

"Alright, you heard him. I'll have to call Kotomi and have her people start on another batch. It'll take a couple of weeks before they are ready."

"Thank you Sora. I never even thought I might ever be able to have children of my own."

"Sofi, this isn't guaranteed to work. It only has a 30% success ratio, but if I get the news I want and it fails we can try again. We'll just have to see how it goes."

"I remember you telling me."

"Okay. On that note, I'm going to go lay down and relax for a while before I have to start cleaning the house and do the laundry."

"Sora, why don't you let Nee-chan, Chiaki, and I worry about that. You had us all really worried yesterday, so just take it easy today. Take a nap, snuggle with Chinatsu, or do whatever, but let us help."

I pull her into a hug and quietly tell her, "Thank you Sofi. You're a very good sister."

"Thank you. Go on now. I'm sure Chinatsu is waiting for you."

I let her go and tell her, "See you at lunch," and head upstairs to our room.

It's been quite a while since I had nothing else to do. Of course, that also means that Chinatsu and I haven't had a huge amount of alone time as well. Today I can make up for a little of that at least. When I open the door to our room, Chinatsu is sitting on the bed waiting. She looks up at me and smiles.

"What did Dad say?"

"He said okay, but not to ask again until we get approval for public release."

She stands up, pulls her nightgown over her head and drops it. Walking over to me, she reaches behind me and locks the door.

"Good. I hope it works for Sofi too. Get undressed my love. I want to make love to you. Afterwards we can snuggle and take a nap."

"Sounds good to me."

After we both undress, she leads me to the bed and we spend the next couple of hours oblivious to anything except the two of us. Satiated for the moment, she crawls up next to me, snuggles up close, and we take a well deserved nap.

A knock on the door wakes us and Sofi says, "Lunch will be ready in a few minutes."

"Okay. We'll be down soon."

Throwing on our bra and nightgown, we go to the bathroom, clean up, slip on our panties and head to the dining room.

Everyone's waiting on us when we arrive and we take our seats. Lunch is hamburger steak, fried potatoes and salad.

As everyone is serving themselves, I ask, "Who made lunch?"

Mama says, "Chiaki and Honoka did. I was going to, but I was overruled."

"I would have made it had someone woke me."

Mama shakes her head. "Not today Sora. You already do far too much. Today you're going to act like a normal thirteen year old. Dinner will be taken care of as well. You need to just relax for once."

"Alright. If you say so Mama."

"I do say so. Sora, from now on you will be allowing everyone to help you more. You have this huge sense of responsibility and that isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is when you think you have to do everything yourself. We're not going to have a repeat of yesterday, is that understood?"

"Yes Mama, I understand."

"Unless there is an emergency at work, you will not be going in on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You will take those days and relax. I don't care if you girls go have fun, watch a movie or go shopping, but don't do anything stressful on those days, alright?"

"Of course. Chinatsu and I already had a talk about it this morning. I apologize for worrying everyone."

"It's alright, but try not to do it again. Let's eat while it's still hot."

Chapter end

Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105: Chapter 103: R & R Part 2
Chapter 105
Chapter 104: Chapter 102: R & R Part 1
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102: Chapter 100: Plans Part 3
Chapter 102
Chapter 101: Chapter 099: Plans Part 2
Chapter 101
Chapter 100: Chapter 098: Plans Part 1
Chapter 100
Chapter 99: Chapter 97: Preparations
Chapter 98: Chapter 96: Session
Chapter 97: Chapter 95: I Do and I Don'
Chapter 96: Chapter 094: I Want...
Chapter 95: Chapter 93: PFSB
Chapter 94: Chapter 92: Some Things...Simply Are
Chapter 93: Chapter 91: Follow Up Part 2
93 Chapter 91: Follow Up Part 2
Chapter 92: Chapter 90: Follow Up Part 1
92 Chapter 90: Follow Up Part 1
91 Chapter 89: First…
Chapter 90: Chapter 88: The Dance Part 3
90 Chapter 88: The Dance Part 3
Chapter 89: Chapter 87: The Dance Part 2
89 Chapter 87: The Dance Part 2
Chapter 88: Chapter 86: The Dance Part 1
88 Chapter 86: The Dance Part 1
87 Chapter 85: I'm Done
86 Chapter 84: Crisis of Conscience
85 Chapter 83: Sora + Ryu = ?
Chapter 84: Shopping for… Part 2
84 Shopping for… Part 2
Chapter 83: Chapter 81: Shopping for… Part 1
83 Chapter 81: Shopping for… Part 1
Chapter 82: Chapter 80: Assets Part 2
82 Chapter 80: Assets Part 2
Chapter 81: Chapter 79: Assets Part 1
81 Chapter 79: Assets Part 1
Chapter 80: Chapter 78: The List Part 2
80 Chapter 78: The List Part 2
79 Chapter 77: Sora-ni
Chapter 78: Chapter 76: The List Part 1
78 Chapter 76: The List Part 1
77 Chapter 75: The New One
76 Chapter 74: Sofi
75 Chapter 73: Treatmen
74 Chapter 72: Tachikawa Festival
73 Chapter 71: Chiaki
72 Chapter 70: Sleepover
71 Chapter 69: Keiko
Chapter 70: Chapter 68: Comfort Zone Part 2
70 Chapter 68: Comfort Zone Part 2
Chapter 69: Chapter 67: Comfort Zone (Part 1)
69 Chapter 67: Comfort Zone Part 1
68 Chapter 66: Points of View
67 Chapter 65: Moles & Misdeeds
66 Chapter 64: Normal Day?
65 Chapter 63: Doppelganger
64 Chapter 62: Security
63 Chapter 61: The Board
62 Chapter 60: Perver
61 Chapter 59: First Date Chinatsu
60 Chapter 58: First Date Sora
59 Chapter 57: Ryu
58 Chapter 56: Trial
57 Chapter 55: Mirai
56 Chapter 54: Trials and Tribulations
55 Chapter 53: CEO
54 Chapter 52: Ryuichi
53 Chapter 51: Party Time
52 Chapter 50: Mayumi
51 Chapter 49: Friends
Chapter 50: Chapter 48: Nee-chan (Part 2)
50 Chapter 48: Nee-chan Part 2
Chapter 49: Chapter 47: Nee-chan Part 1
49 Chapter 47: Nee-chan Part 1
48 Chapter 46: Going Back
Chapter 47: Chapter 45: Airi & PT (Part 2)
47 Chapter 45: Airi & PT Part 2
Chapter 46: Chapter 44: Airi & PT Part 1
46 Chapter 44: Airi & PT Part 1
45 Chapter 43: Honoka
44 Chapter 42: Me v3.0
43 Chapter 41: Hello Me, I'm You
Chapter 42: Chapter 40: Findings (Part 2)
42 Chapter 40: Findings Part 2
Chapter 41: Chapter 39: Findings Part 1
41 Chapter 39: Findings Part 1
40 Chapter 38: Make Up
39 Chapter 37: Teach Me
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: Basement (Part 3)
38 Chapter 36: Basement Part 3
Chapter 37: Chapter 35: Basement (Part 2)
37 Chapter 35: Basement Part 2
Chapter 36: Chapter 34: Basement (Part 1)
36 Chapter 34: Basement Part 1
35 Chapter 33: Mama Knows Bes
34 Chapter 32: Decision
33 Chapter 31: Sisters
32 Chapter 30: Who Am I?
31 Chapter 29: Instigation
30 Chapter 28: Trus
29 Chapter 27: Infected
28 Chapter 26: Celebration
27 Chapter 25: Moving In
26 Chapter 24: Interrogation
25 Chapter 23: Interview
24 Chapter 22: Sekihan
Chapter 23: Chapter 21: Playland (Part 3)
23 Chapter 21: Playland Part 3
Chapter 22: Chapter 20: Playland (Part 2)
22 Chapter 20: Playland Part 2
Chapter 21: Chapter 19: Playland (Part 1)
21 Chapter 19: Playland Part 1
Chapter 20: Chapter 18: Revelation Part 2
20 Chapter 18: Revelation Part 2
Chapter 19: Chapter 17: Revelation (Part 1)
19 Chapter 17: Revelation Part 1
18 Chapter 16:Resolution
Chapter 17: Chapter 15: Fallout (Part 2)
17 Chapter 15: Fallout Part 2
Chapter 16: Chapter 14: Fallout Part 1
16 Chapter 14: Fallout Part 1
15 Chapter 13: TGR
14 Chapter 12: Checkup
Chapter 13: Chapter 11: My First (Part 2)
13 Chapter 11: My First Part 2
Chapter 12: Chapter 10: My First (Part 1)
12 Chapter 10: My First Part 1
11 Chapter 9: Cover Story
10 Chapter 8: Breaking Away
9 Chapter 07: Realization
8 Chapter 06: Active
7 Chapter 05: Where Am I?
6 Chapter 04: Shopping
5 Chapter 03: We're Doing What?
4 Chapter 02: Going Home?
3 Chapter 01: Who's That?
2 Chapter 00: Prologue
Chapter 1
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