Upside Down Chapter 83: Chapter 81: Shopping for… Part 1

Upside Down Chapter 83: Chapter 81: Shopping for… Part 1

[Thursday, July 11th]

We talk about it and decide to go to Nodaiwa's for lunch. For those of you who've never been there, they have an a la carte menu, which features Eel. Now, they have two different versions. One, Unaju, eel fillets broiled to a golden-brown that's served on a bed of white rice and two, Shirayaki, eel that's lightly steamed and grilled, then topped with caviar. I don't think I need to say, but none of us really have a taste for caviar.

This place is expensive, but everything is absolutely delicious. So, the ¥50,350 I pay for all of us, including tip, is so worth the expense.

After eating, we head out to the car to go to Tokyo Solamachi. On the way, I call Mama.

"Hey Sora, what's up?"

"Hi Mama. Umm… How about we eat out tonight?"

"I don't have a problem with it. Do you know where you want to eat?"

"I'm thinking Kunimi's in Tokyo Solamachi since they have a rather large dinner menu."

"Alright, sounds good to me. I'll tell your father to call and make a reservation for 7:00. Is that okay with you girls?"

"Works for us. That will give us plenty of time to finish shopping."

"Okay, we'll meet you there then. Have fun today and be safe. Bye sweetheart, I love you."

"Thank you Mama, we will be. I love you too. Bye bye."

I end the call and pocket my phone. In another 20 minutes, we finally arrive at Tokyo Solamachi. If you don't remember, this is the largest mall in Tokyo with over 300 shops.

Inside we meander through several shops where the three of them try on various dresses, none of which really hits us as the one. Until in the fifth shop we run across a red off the shoulder, cap sleeve, lace dress that Sofi has tried on and I'm simply awed by how good she looks in it. It's cut low enough that she has a fair amount of cleavage showing. Form fitting upper with a flared skirt that reaches mid-thigh. Yep, she'll be getting this one.

"That's the one." I tell her which makes her smile. "Now, we need to find some stockings and shoes to go with it."

"Alright." She says agreeably.

We head over to hosiery and look through them until Chinatsu sees a pair of sheer black spiral dot patterned stockings. Picking it up she shows us and I nod in agreement, as does Sofi. Off to shoes, my idea is to pair her dress with some silver pumps for contrast. We have her try on several, until she sees a pair of 10 centimeter stiletto heel, silver pumps, which she tries on and comes back to show us.

"What do you think?"

"I think they'll go well with everything. Let's get them." I say and everyone nods in agreement.

Heading over to the register, the clerk totals up the dress, shoes and stockings.

"That will be ¥159,696, please."

I hand over my card thinking, 'Today is definitely going to be rather expensive.'

After running my card and me signing, she bags up the items and Sofi takes them.

Heading to the next shop Honoka and Mayumi try on several dresses, until Mayumi comes out in a navy blue tulle, strapless dress, which really accentuates her fair skin and large breasts. I love it on her, so I smile and clap softly.

"Alright this one then." She says when she sees my reaction. She really is gorgeous in it. We head over to pick out some hose and shoes to go with it. She picks on some glossy, ultra sheer nude stockings. Then heads over to shoes. Looking at and trying on several different pair, she finally sees a pair that makes her smile. Ivory, 7.5 centimeter pumps. My smile tells her all she wants to know and we gather everything up to go to the cashier to pay for it.

Handing everything to the clerk she rings them up and says, "That comes to ¥136,084. How would you like to pay for this?"

I hand over my card. She runs my card, has me sign, and then she bags up the items. Mayumi takes them from her.

Turning to Honoka, I say, "Your turn now."

"I've been trying to find something, nothing was right so far."

"We know, we'll find it though." I say with a smile.

Honoka's and Mayumi's big boobs make it so hard to find outfits for them in a country where the average bust size is 80B. Hell, Chinatsu and I are almost that big now, I am a C cup though, but we still have a lot of growing to do. See why I say I don't want big boobs?

We go through two more shops were she tries on several more dresses, none of which are right, so we head into the next one. Where she tries on two more for the same result until the third one, a gold v-neck, ruffled wrap dress. She looks absolutely stunning in it. Her face lights up when she sees our smiles.

"Alright, this one it is."

She changes clothes and we head over to hosiery. Where she picks out some glossy, sheer black stockings and we go to the shoe department. Looking over everything, she finally smiles when she sees and picks up a pair of gold, open toe, cross strap 7.5 centimeter heeled sandals.

"I think they'll work well with your outfit." I tell her, which makes her smile.

"Let's get these then."

We gather everything up and head over to the cashier to pay for them.

Handing everything to the clerk she rings them up and says, "That comes to ¥164,361. How will you be paying for this?"

I hand over my card. She runs my card, has me sign, and then she bags up the items. Honoka takes them from her. Thankfully, that's the worst of it today, since even if we run out of time we can go shopping for Sofi at another time. Doesn't mean we won't be shopping for her today as well though.

I look at Sofi. "Okay, little sister, you get to pick whichever shop you want to start in, but I suggest we start in a lingerie shop to make sure of your measurements."

"Sounds like a good idea to me since it has been a while since I was measured." She leads the way as she looks for a lingerie shop. Then she spots a Sakura Lingerie shop a little way down from us and heads toward it. I didn't know they had one here, I must have missed it last time.

A clerk greets us at the door. "Welcome to Sakura Lingerie. Please let me know if I can be of assistance."

"Thank you. I need to be measured."

It ends up where I'm glad I suggested it because her measurements have changed since then. She's now B 79, W 54, H 85, but she's still a B cup.

I won't bore you with the full details of our shopping for Sofi, I'll just give you the general gist of what we chose for her. Here we got her 7 normal bra and panty sets; 4 strapless bra and panty sets; 4 adhesive bras in nude, white, black and red; and a wide variety of stockings in nude, white, black and several other colors some patterned, some not. Everything is in silk or satin, of course. I loved her expression the first time she tried on some silk panties because her smile lit up the whole place.

It takes us going through 11 more shops before I'm finally satisfied with the amount of outfits she has. She ends up with 9 going out dresses with heels to match. 15 casual mini dresses and some heels to go with them. 12 more dressy ones and several different styles of heels with them. An even 20 mini skirts of varying styles and finally, around 3 dozen blouses of varying styles. I asked her if she wanted some hot pants and she said, "No. If I really want to wear them you'll let me borrow yours, right?" I told her, "Of course, along with the blouses to go with them."

For shoes, we bought her several styles of sandals, pumps, some boots, her shoes for school, and a couple of pair of sports shoes as well. I'll ask Mama to order hers and Honoka's school uniforms.

Between the party dresses and Sofi's wardrobe, this comes to a bit over ¥1.1 million. I knew today would be expensive, but that's still nowhere near what Mama, Daddy and I have spent on my wardrobe. If you can't tell I have a lot of clothes and shoes. Mama is still adding to them too.

Ryu called about half an hour ago, so they should be here soon. We told them we would meet them at the McKing's on the first floor.

Some might think this is the wrong way to use them, but Honoka calls our backup and has them send one team to us. She then asks them to take our bags out to the car for us. We all smile and thank them profusely as there are a very large amount of bags. Plus, them doing this will also help curtail boys approaching us offering to help.

As we ride down in the elevator, I check my phone for tuxedo and suit shops in the mall. I find there are several, but only two that deal in the better quality ones, which makes it a little easier. When we reach the ground floor, we head over to McKing's and look around to find the boys aren't here yet, so we order drinks and sit down to wait.

No sooner do we sit down and take a few sips of our drinks than I see Ryu and Ryo walk in.

Chinatsu moves over one seat, so Ryu can sit down next to me.

After he does and Ryo sits next to Chinatsu, he says, "Hi babe."

Which makes me grin as I slip my small hand into his and he lightly squeezes my hand. I think, 'Yep, I definitely love him.'

"Ryu, call your parents and see if it'll be alright for you to eat dinner with us. We'll make sure you two get home."

I know dinner should be over by 8:30, but I want them to come to our house and spend some time with us too.

He takes out his phone and makes the call, after talking for a few minutes, he says, "Okay, bye, see you later tonight."

"Mom said it's fine as long as we aren't any later than 11:00."

Which makes it easier, I pull out my phone, unlock it and send a text to Mama. "Is it alright if Ryu and Ryo come home with us after dinner. We'd like to spend some time with them."

Setting my phone down on the table, I ask Ryu, "How was your day?"

"Same as usual. Lectures, tests, and whatnot. It's much, much better now though."

A huge smile lights up my face. "Same here, much better now that you're here." I lean close to his ear and whisper, "I love you."

He smiles and whispers back, "I love you too."

I want nothing more than to be someplace private so I can make out with him for a while, but that's just going to have to wait.

My message alert chimes. Opening the app, I see it's from Mama. "That's fine, we can have the driver take them home. Make sure they leave in time so they aren't late though and have him message their parents."

I send back, "Ryu already asked if it was alright. They said be home by 11:00."

Almost immediately my phone chimes again. "That's my good girl. See you at dinner."

I show Ryu the message thread, which makes him smile. It's nice to have parents like ours that trust us. Of course, they know we won't break our promises to them, so why wouldn't they? As much as I might want to have sex with Ryu, I won't because of that promise and Mama knows it. At least, not without me talking to her about it. Even so, as I told Mama, I have no idea if condoms will even work as protection for us and I'm not willing to experiment to find out. I'm far too young to be having a baby. I know me all too well, if I somehow got pregnant, even if abortion pills were still available, I'd never take it. Life is too precious. Anyway, like I told Mama, I want to wait until I'm sure he's the right one and we're married or at the very minimum, solidly engaged.

"Sora, where are you?" Ryu asks me.

Smiling sheepishly, I reply, "Sorry, I got lost in thought."

"It's alright."

I glance at my watch. 5:15 already? Time sure does fly. I take a sip of my drink and hand it to Ryu.

"Finish that for me. Alright folks, we need to get a move on or we'll be late for dinner."

Everyone says, "Okay," or nods.

Chapter end

Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105: Chapter 103: R & R Part 2
Chapter 105
Chapter 104: Chapter 102: R & R Part 1
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102: Chapter 100: Plans Part 3
Chapter 102
Chapter 101: Chapter 099: Plans Part 2
Chapter 101
Chapter 100: Chapter 098: Plans Part 1
Chapter 100
Chapter 99: Chapter 97: Preparations
Chapter 98: Chapter 96: Session
Chapter 97: Chapter 95: I Do and I Don'
Chapter 96: Chapter 094: I Want...
Chapter 95: Chapter 93: PFSB
Chapter 94: Chapter 92: Some Things...Simply Are
Chapter 93: Chapter 91: Follow Up Part 2
93 Chapter 91: Follow Up Part 2
Chapter 92: Chapter 90: Follow Up Part 1
92 Chapter 90: Follow Up Part 1
91 Chapter 89: First…
Chapter 90: Chapter 88: The Dance Part 3
90 Chapter 88: The Dance Part 3
Chapter 89: Chapter 87: The Dance Part 2
89 Chapter 87: The Dance Part 2
Chapter 88: Chapter 86: The Dance Part 1
88 Chapter 86: The Dance Part 1
87 Chapter 85: I'm Done
86 Chapter 84: Crisis of Conscience
85 Chapter 83: Sora + Ryu = ?
Chapter 84: Shopping for… Part 2
84 Shopping for… Part 2
Chapter 83: Chapter 81: Shopping for… Part 1
83 Chapter 81: Shopping for… Part 1
Chapter 82: Chapter 80: Assets Part 2
82 Chapter 80: Assets Part 2
Chapter 81: Chapter 79: Assets Part 1
81 Chapter 79: Assets Part 1
Chapter 80: Chapter 78: The List Part 2
80 Chapter 78: The List Part 2
79 Chapter 77: Sora-ni
Chapter 78: Chapter 76: The List Part 1
78 Chapter 76: The List Part 1
77 Chapter 75: The New One
76 Chapter 74: Sofi
75 Chapter 73: Treatmen
74 Chapter 72: Tachikawa Festival
73 Chapter 71: Chiaki
72 Chapter 70: Sleepover
71 Chapter 69: Keiko
Chapter 70: Chapter 68: Comfort Zone Part 2
70 Chapter 68: Comfort Zone Part 2
Chapter 69: Chapter 67: Comfort Zone (Part 1)
69 Chapter 67: Comfort Zone Part 1
68 Chapter 66: Points of View
67 Chapter 65: Moles & Misdeeds
66 Chapter 64: Normal Day?
65 Chapter 63: Doppelganger
64 Chapter 62: Security
63 Chapter 61: The Board
62 Chapter 60: Perver
61 Chapter 59: First Date Chinatsu
60 Chapter 58: First Date Sora
59 Chapter 57: Ryu
58 Chapter 56: Trial
57 Chapter 55: Mirai
56 Chapter 54: Trials and Tribulations
55 Chapter 53: CEO
54 Chapter 52: Ryuichi
53 Chapter 51: Party Time
52 Chapter 50: Mayumi
51 Chapter 49: Friends
Chapter 50: Chapter 48: Nee-chan (Part 2)
50 Chapter 48: Nee-chan Part 2
Chapter 49: Chapter 47: Nee-chan Part 1
49 Chapter 47: Nee-chan Part 1
48 Chapter 46: Going Back
Chapter 47: Chapter 45: Airi & PT (Part 2)
47 Chapter 45: Airi & PT Part 2
Chapter 46: Chapter 44: Airi & PT Part 1
46 Chapter 44: Airi & PT Part 1
45 Chapter 43: Honoka
44 Chapter 42: Me v3.0
43 Chapter 41: Hello Me, I'm You
Chapter 42: Chapter 40: Findings (Part 2)
42 Chapter 40: Findings Part 2
Chapter 41: Chapter 39: Findings Part 1
41 Chapter 39: Findings Part 1
40 Chapter 38: Make Up
39 Chapter 37: Teach Me
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: Basement (Part 3)
38 Chapter 36: Basement Part 3
Chapter 37: Chapter 35: Basement (Part 2)
37 Chapter 35: Basement Part 2
Chapter 36: Chapter 34: Basement (Part 1)
36 Chapter 34: Basement Part 1
35 Chapter 33: Mama Knows Bes
34 Chapter 32: Decision
33 Chapter 31: Sisters
32 Chapter 30: Who Am I?
31 Chapter 29: Instigation
30 Chapter 28: Trus
29 Chapter 27: Infected
28 Chapter 26: Celebration
27 Chapter 25: Moving In
26 Chapter 24: Interrogation
25 Chapter 23: Interview
24 Chapter 22: Sekihan
Chapter 23: Chapter 21: Playland (Part 3)
23 Chapter 21: Playland Part 3
Chapter 22: Chapter 20: Playland (Part 2)
22 Chapter 20: Playland Part 2
Chapter 21: Chapter 19: Playland (Part 1)
21 Chapter 19: Playland Part 1
Chapter 20: Chapter 18: Revelation Part 2
20 Chapter 18: Revelation Part 2
Chapter 19: Chapter 17: Revelation (Part 1)
19 Chapter 17: Revelation Part 1
18 Chapter 16:Resolution
Chapter 17: Chapter 15: Fallout (Part 2)
17 Chapter 15: Fallout Part 2
Chapter 16: Chapter 14: Fallout Part 1
16 Chapter 14: Fallout Part 1
15 Chapter 13: TGR
14 Chapter 12: Checkup
Chapter 13: Chapter 11: My First (Part 2)
13 Chapter 11: My First Part 2
Chapter 12: Chapter 10: My First (Part 1)
12 Chapter 10: My First Part 1
11 Chapter 9: Cover Story
10 Chapter 8: Breaking Away
9 Chapter 07: Realization
8 Chapter 06: Active
7 Chapter 05: Where Am I?
6 Chapter 04: Shopping
5 Chapter 03: We're Doing What?
4 Chapter 02: Going Home?
3 Chapter 01: Who's That?
2 Chapter 00: Prologue
Chapter 1
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