Upside Down 71 Chapter 69: Keiko

Upside Down 71 Chapter 69: Keiko

After we get back home, we tell Mama and Dad how our night went, skipping over the men who followed us incident. You might be wondering why I didn't bring them up with Dad. Simply put, because I doubt seriously he knows much, if anything yet, and we are safe. Yes, I'm going to ask him about it at some point, but not right now.

Chinatsu and I say goodnight to everyone and head upstairs. Chinatsu hadn't even locked the door yet, when I hear my phone chime, quickly followed by Chinatsu's.

Pulling out my phone, I look at the text, which is from Ryu. 'Thank you for today, I had a lot of fun, but mostly for agreeing to be my girlfriend. I'll be sure to follow through on my promise and at least text you everyday. I can't wait to see you again. Goodnight Sora.' It says, which makes me smile.

Honestly, I didn't expect him to message me tonight, but I'm happy he did, and that he's taking what we talked about seriously. Replying to him, 'I had a lot of fun today as well. Thank you. I'm happy to be your girlfriend. I'm even happier that you kept your promise to me. Let's do something soon, okay? Miss you already. Goodnight.' I add a kiss and a hug emoji and send it.

I set the alarm for tomorrow, not that I'll probably need it, since I normally wake up early on my own, but tomorrow is our usual check up, so I need to be sure. When I look over my shoulder at Chinatsu, I can tell it's going to be a long night.

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[Saturday, June 13th]

Chinatsu's groan wakes me up a little after 5:00.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You already know. My period started and I'm having cramps." She replies.

The good thing for me is no cramps, pain, soreness, or headaches. Most probably, mine is over, but I feel bad for Chinatsu.

Rolling over, I pull her to me for a kiss, which she happily returns. Thankfully, I know something that will help her feel much better.

Slowly kissing, nibbling and licking my way down to her boobs, I continue once I reach them and softly trace my fingers along her, so I can gently massage her jewel.

Her hot sigh when I first suck her nipple quickly turns into pants and soft moans. She then begins gasping as I nibble and pulls me tighter against her boob asking for more of the same.

A little later, she calls out my name, telling me she's extremely close to cumming. Moments later, she clings to me tightly as she climaxes, and I bite her nipple, throwing her over the edge into a massive orgasm.

Once she loosens her hold on me, I move back up for a long, soft, deep kiss and she melts against me.

After I break our kiss, I ask, "Feel better?"

"Much, thank you."

"Since it's close to time for us to get up anyway, let's go ahead and get up, get you something for your cramps, and take a long, hot bath."

"Sounds great to me. Do you have any idea what you plan to wear today?"

"Hmm… I don't know, give me a minute."

Getting up, I head to my closet to look through my outfits. Looking at this again reminds me, I definitely need more closet space. I need to remember to ask about another wardrobe closet. Hey, this will do.

A casual maroon spaghetti strap, sleeveless mini dress, a black belt to go with it, sheer nude stockings, and my black strappy sandals. Yes, that will do fine.

Taking it out of the closet, I hold it up to show Chinatsu. "This with my black strappy sandals."

"Cute. Okay, I'll find something to match and meet you down there." She tells me, then heads to her room.

Alright, let's go collect Honoka.

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After showering and soaking for a half an hour, the three of us dress and head to the kitchen to start breakfast for everyone.

As you already know today is our checkup. Afterward, we're going to get our ears pierced and this afternoon, our friends are coming over for our weekly study session. Chinatsu and I need to discuss doing something other than study with them. Even if it's nothing more than a girls' day out shopping and going to a cafe, as long as it's fun.

While I busy myself making a more traditional Japanese breakfast, Honoka hugs me from behind.

"Sora, we'll start your self-defense training Monday. You've gotten strong enough to start."


"Yes, really. That's assuming you still want to learn."

"Of course I do!"

"Okay, then we have a plan."

Not a whole lot of interest happens, so I'll try to give you a highlights version of it.

While we're eating, I bring up the subject of buying me another wardrobe closet and shoe rack. Thankfully, Mama's already ordered both of them and they're supposed to be delivered Monday or Tuesday.

At our checkup, imagine our surprise, when we turn out to be healthy. While Dr. Kato takes Mama to do a 3D Ultrasound, I talk to Dr. Sato about my very bad periods. It's embarrassing as hell, to say the least, but he writes me a prescription to help relieve the worst of my symptoms and shouldn't make me sleepy.

After Mama returns, picture in hand with a dazzling smile to show us, we head back home to drop off Mama and continue on to the mall.

Daddy gave us ¥300,000 to buy earrings with this morning. I tried to protest, but I'll leave it as I was overruled. Doting fathers are so cute.

We asked Honoka if she wanted to have hers done too, which she did. Mama said diamonds, sapphires, or emeralds would work well for her.

The mall we chose is one of the smaller, less popular ones, but it still has several jewlers in it. I didn't really feel like fighting my way through huge crowds is one of the main reasons. Another is the shops in this mall tend to sell a lot higher quality items.

It takes us going through three shops to find what we wanted for the three of us, but one thing we bought at the first shop were matching very cute one-third carat, diamond earrings in a platinum setting for all of us. In the second shop, we found some lovely sapphire earrings in a rose gold setting for Honoka. We take a break for lunch afterward, while fending off a couple groups of boys, who try to pick us up. In the third shop, I find some gorgeous half carat, emerald earrings in a platinum setting for me, and Chinatsu finds some beautiful half carat, ruby in a gold setting for herself. That done, we have them pierce our ears with the diamond sets. On our way home, I had the driver stop, and I pick up some snacks for this evening.

After we made it back home and show what we bought to Mama, we then head upstairs to take a short nap.

It's taking a while, but my need for naps isn't as urgent as it was after I first woke up from my coma. Of course, I still get tired and need them, but now, an hour or two suffices instead of six hours or more. It shouldn't be too much longer, and I won't have to take them unless I simply want to take them.

Honoka knocks on the door at 4:00 to wake us, so we can get ready.

Aoi, Ami, Mayu, and Keiko arrive at 4:30 and we study until 6:30, when Mama calls everyone down for dinner. Honoka helps Mama clean up, while the rest of us head back upstairs to finish their homework for the week.

I take that moment to ask if everyone would like to get together tomorrow to do something fun. Everyone choruses a version of yes, except for Keiko, who sits there staring at me. Honestly, I thought she would be over this by now, but I can see I'll have to do something about it.

"Keiko, may I borrow you for a minute?"

"Eh? Why?"

"Please, it's important."

She nods hesitantly, stands, and follows me to my room. I look at her after closing the door.

"Okay, care to explain why you're staring daggers at me?"

"I'm not."

Sighing loudly, I slightly shake my head. "Keiko, I'd like us to be friends or failing that, at least friendly acquaintances. I'm neither blind, nor am I stupid, so explain."

"You two are always together. I never get to see or hang out with Chinatsu anymore. That's what my problem is!"

"We are. She's my sister and my friend, so yes, we're together a lot of the time. Have I stopped you from calling or texting her? Have you dropped by just to hang out? Or invited her to go somewhere with you? Have you done anything at all to be around her, other than our study sessions?"

She stands there looking at me open mouthed, seeming to be a little shocked by my questions.

"It's not me. This is all on you Keiko. I've never asked you to back off, you've done that on your own. The only thing I ever asked was for a chance to become friends with all of you. Aoi, Ami, and Mayu all have given me that chance. You look at me as if I'm the Demon Queen and I've done nothing to deserve that."

"You're right Sora. I hate to admit it, but you are. I'm afraid to ask and her say no. She doesn't need me anymore."

"Keiko, she never needed you in the first place. She wants, not needs, you as a friend. Get it right. I don't need you as a friend either, but I think we'd get along really well if you give it a chance. Listen Keiko, Chinatsu isn't trying to get rid of you four. Neither am I for that matter."

She looks down, but I can see tears trickling down her cheeks. "I don't want to be alone again."

Stepping over to her, I take her in my arms, and hold her. She tenses up for a moment, but soon relaxes. "Don't worry, you won't be. Calm down. No one's going to abandon you. Although, you will have to fight with her boyfriend for her time now."

"Huh? Chinatsu has a boyfriend? Since when?"

"I think those are questions you should ask her, not me. Are we good now? No more staring daggers at me? Can we become friends?"

She nods. "You really are nice, aren't you? I thought it was all an act. Yes, we're good, and I'd really like to be your friend."

"Okay, now that that's settled. How about we go back and help figure out what we're going to do tomorrow?"

She gives me a small smile and nods.

Needless to say, the discussion didn't wait for us, as one after the other they were throwing out their ideas of what we could do. Keiko sits down and listens for a while, then speaks up. "How about we go shopping and have a sleepover?"

Everyone stops and discusses it, while I say nothing either for or against it. It takes another half hour of talking and several votes, but it seems that's what we'll be doing.

Chapter end

Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105: Chapter 103: R & R Part 2
Chapter 105
Chapter 104: Chapter 102: R & R Part 1
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102: Chapter 100: Plans Part 3
Chapter 102
Chapter 101: Chapter 099: Plans Part 2
Chapter 101
Chapter 100: Chapter 098: Plans Part 1
Chapter 100
Chapter 99: Chapter 97: Preparations
Chapter 98: Chapter 96: Session
Chapter 97: Chapter 95: I Do and I Don'
Chapter 96: Chapter 094: I Want...
Chapter 95: Chapter 93: PFSB
Chapter 94: Chapter 92: Some Things...Simply Are
Chapter 93: Chapter 91: Follow Up Part 2
93 Chapter 91: Follow Up Part 2
Chapter 92: Chapter 90: Follow Up Part 1
92 Chapter 90: Follow Up Part 1
91 Chapter 89: First…
Chapter 90: Chapter 88: The Dance Part 3
90 Chapter 88: The Dance Part 3
Chapter 89: Chapter 87: The Dance Part 2
89 Chapter 87: The Dance Part 2
Chapter 88: Chapter 86: The Dance Part 1
88 Chapter 86: The Dance Part 1
87 Chapter 85: I'm Done
86 Chapter 84: Crisis of Conscience
85 Chapter 83: Sora + Ryu = ?
Chapter 84: Shopping for… Part 2
84 Shopping for… Part 2
Chapter 83: Chapter 81: Shopping for… Part 1
83 Chapter 81: Shopping for… Part 1
Chapter 82: Chapter 80: Assets Part 2
82 Chapter 80: Assets Part 2
Chapter 81: Chapter 79: Assets Part 1
81 Chapter 79: Assets Part 1
Chapter 80: Chapter 78: The List Part 2
80 Chapter 78: The List Part 2
79 Chapter 77: Sora-ni
Chapter 78: Chapter 76: The List Part 1
78 Chapter 76: The List Part 1
77 Chapter 75: The New One
76 Chapter 74: Sofi
75 Chapter 73: Treatmen
74 Chapter 72: Tachikawa Festival
73 Chapter 71: Chiaki
72 Chapter 70: Sleepover
71 Chapter 69: Keiko
Chapter 70: Chapter 68: Comfort Zone Part 2
70 Chapter 68: Comfort Zone Part 2
Chapter 69: Chapter 67: Comfort Zone (Part 1)
69 Chapter 67: Comfort Zone Part 1
68 Chapter 66: Points of View
67 Chapter 65: Moles & Misdeeds
66 Chapter 64: Normal Day?
65 Chapter 63: Doppelganger
64 Chapter 62: Security
63 Chapter 61: The Board
62 Chapter 60: Perver
61 Chapter 59: First Date Chinatsu
60 Chapter 58: First Date Sora
59 Chapter 57: Ryu
58 Chapter 56: Trial
57 Chapter 55: Mirai
56 Chapter 54: Trials and Tribulations
55 Chapter 53: CEO
54 Chapter 52: Ryuichi
53 Chapter 51: Party Time
52 Chapter 50: Mayumi
51 Chapter 49: Friends
Chapter 50: Chapter 48: Nee-chan (Part 2)
50 Chapter 48: Nee-chan Part 2
Chapter 49: Chapter 47: Nee-chan Part 1
49 Chapter 47: Nee-chan Part 1
48 Chapter 46: Going Back
Chapter 47: Chapter 45: Airi & PT (Part 2)
47 Chapter 45: Airi & PT Part 2
Chapter 46: Chapter 44: Airi & PT Part 1
46 Chapter 44: Airi & PT Part 1
45 Chapter 43: Honoka
44 Chapter 42: Me v3.0
43 Chapter 41: Hello Me, I'm You
Chapter 42: Chapter 40: Findings (Part 2)
42 Chapter 40: Findings Part 2
Chapter 41: Chapter 39: Findings Part 1
41 Chapter 39: Findings Part 1
40 Chapter 38: Make Up
39 Chapter 37: Teach Me
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: Basement (Part 3)
38 Chapter 36: Basement Part 3
Chapter 37: Chapter 35: Basement (Part 2)
37 Chapter 35: Basement Part 2
Chapter 36: Chapter 34: Basement (Part 1)
36 Chapter 34: Basement Part 1
35 Chapter 33: Mama Knows Bes
34 Chapter 32: Decision
33 Chapter 31: Sisters
32 Chapter 30: Who Am I?
31 Chapter 29: Instigation
30 Chapter 28: Trus
29 Chapter 27: Infected
28 Chapter 26: Celebration
27 Chapter 25: Moving In
26 Chapter 24: Interrogation
25 Chapter 23: Interview
24 Chapter 22: Sekihan
Chapter 23: Chapter 21: Playland (Part 3)
23 Chapter 21: Playland Part 3
Chapter 22: Chapter 20: Playland (Part 2)
22 Chapter 20: Playland Part 2
Chapter 21: Chapter 19: Playland (Part 1)
21 Chapter 19: Playland Part 1
Chapter 20: Chapter 18: Revelation Part 2
20 Chapter 18: Revelation Part 2
Chapter 19: Chapter 17: Revelation (Part 1)
19 Chapter 17: Revelation Part 1
18 Chapter 16:Resolution
Chapter 17: Chapter 15: Fallout (Part 2)
17 Chapter 15: Fallout Part 2
Chapter 16: Chapter 14: Fallout Part 1
16 Chapter 14: Fallout Part 1
15 Chapter 13: TGR
14 Chapter 12: Checkup
Chapter 13: Chapter 11: My First (Part 2)
13 Chapter 11: My First Part 2
Chapter 12: Chapter 10: My First (Part 1)
12 Chapter 10: My First Part 1
11 Chapter 9: Cover Story
10 Chapter 8: Breaking Away
9 Chapter 07: Realization
8 Chapter 06: Active
7 Chapter 05: Where Am I?
6 Chapter 04: Shopping
5 Chapter 03: We're Doing What?
4 Chapter 02: Going Home?
3 Chapter 01: Who's That?
2 Chapter 00: Prologue
Chapter 1
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