Slave to the Darkness 122 122 The Blood is Swee

Slave to the Darkness 122 122 The Blood is Swee

Yuki looked at Sephira and sighed, "I am upset that you did not take better care of your girl. She rushed to follow you here and you are more concerned about me than her."

Sephira sat on the other couch and looked at Yuki, "you should know that you are more important for the night world. I am a necromancer werewolf hybrid. Yuki, you are about to become the queen of the night world. Compared to you my life is not as worthy. Not that Claude would agree to that." She had one hand on her belly and she yawned a little bit.

"I'm sorry, Sephira. I didn't mean to leave you behind. Yuki is right I should be paying more attention to you. Cedric, I want you to be more careful as you don't know what could happen. I will take Sephira to settle in for the evening and then we can deal with the live ones." Claude got up and picked Sephira and he walked to a different wing of the house.

"Sir, I have returned with the goodies that you asked me to pick up. I must say that you got a wonderful variety. I also gave the girl Becca the note and she wrote a reply to you, Miss Yuki. I hope that you did not mind that I gave her a ride home. The amusement park opened for the night world creatures and I did not want her to get caught up on that world." Royce pulled out the reply note and handed it to Yuki.

"Thank you for your hard word Royce. Move everything into the Sakura room and don't mind the mess that is in there. I made a slight error but that is alright. It will be fixed soon enough. Oh, and the live one are they still in Claude's vehicle?" Cedric took the note and handed it to Yuki.

Yuki took the note but did not open it yet. "Thank you for giving her a ride home. I appreciate that you took the time to do that."

"The live ones are still in Claude's vehicle as he took off on me before I could ask for them. Miss Yuki, it is not a problem taking a young lady home. She was very polite and helped me load all the cotton candy into the limousine. I must have startled her as when I offered her a ride she looked freaked out and shocked. I mentioned that the two of you would not want her walking home alone." Royce stood up from his bow and pulled his gloves up. "I will finish the tasks you have given me." With that, he left the room.

Cedric bit her neck where the mark was and tasted her blood. "I can not get over how sweet your blood is. I thought about it every time I drank your blood. Why is it so sweet?"

Yuki felt her blood being drawn out and she shivered, "I do not know. Cedric, I want your blood. You gave me the vail and blood earlier but I feel like that I need more."

Cedric stopped nipping at her neck. "Okay, take what you need from me." He exposed his neck to her and waited for her to bite him.

Yuki opened her mouth and placed her lips on his neck. She felt her fangs come out and they slowly pieced his skin. As her fangs when into the demon skin she could feel the difference. When she started drinking the blood she let out a sigh and a then a slight moan. She drank his blood lightly as the flavour was rich and more potent than before. Yuki, ran her hand down his chest as she drank. Before she stopped drinking his blood she backed away and looked Cedric in the eyes. She was in a daze but not from their past memories.

Cedric touched her cheek. "Is it that much better? Being able to drink the demon's blood that is taking over my body right now."

"It is incredible. I was not expecting it to taste this amazing but here we are. I knew that your blood was good because of the demon's blood but I was not expecting the flavour to have changed." She finally came out of the daze and looked into his eyes smiling.

Cedric watched as her nails grew longer and her fangs became elongated. "How do you feel?"

"I feel energized. It is strange as I do not know what it's going on with my body right now." Yuki looked down at her hands and saw that her nails had grown out a lot. She holds her hand up and admires the nails as they grow out a little longer.

"This is just a guess but I think that my demon blood has activated your transformation further. I was not expecting this to happen but here we are. I am glad that we now have a way to get you to transform at least a little further." Cedric touched her cheek.

"So this is getting closer to what I look like for real. Although my half transformed state it is rather beautiful." Yuki stopped looking at his hands and touched Cedric's cheek. "What is it like to see me slowly come into my natural state?"

Cedric flipped her on the couch. "There is nothing to describe how I feel right now. I know for a fact that you are suffering from all sorts of odd things. Memory loss, loss of loved ones, not knowing who you really are... it would not be easy to be told that you are going to be the queen of an entire race." Cedric looked around but did not see any green runes show up on her skin. 'I think it should hold at least until she gets the memory for it.'

"What are you thinking about? I can see that you are focussing on something but I can not tell what it is." Yuki reached her hand up and touched his cheek.

"Sorry, I can't tell you yet. It is something to do with your memories. If I was to tell you, I know that it would cause some issues. I want you to know that I would not keep something from you if it was not in your best interest." Cedric leaned over top of her and kissed her lips. He laid down behind her and pulled her in close. He used his magic and movie set up. "I will just rest my eyes." He closed his eyes as the movie began to play.

Yuki laid there on the couch and smiled as she rested in his arms. She saw the movie on the scene but after the first ten minutes of the movie, she fell asleep in Cedric's arms.

Cedric opened her eyes and looked down at her resting. "It seems like my blood made you drowsy. HE stopped the movie and got up. He bent down and picked Yuki up and carried her back to their bedroom. He laid her upon the bed and walked to the table and wrote her a note before leaving the room.

Claude came down and looked at Cedric finally. "I have always loved your demon form but at the same time, I hated it. Your demon blood is now running through her veins. Do you think that it will take over?"

"It shouldn't but I can not say. I am a freak in the cases of supernaturals. A demon's heart, a warlock, and a demon that resides in my body. You can freak out at me more outside. I didn't mean to mark her but she kept tempting me." Cedric pulled out a cigar and lit it up.

Claude sighs, "whatever. What is done is done and in your case, it can not be undone or more like you will refuse to do it. My baby sister is safe and you will do everything in your power to keep her safe." He walked to the car and opened the trunk. "You still alive in there?"

The cough opened his eyes, "look I am sorry and I will still tell you everything that you want to know. Just remember that I am a lowly grunt." The guy sat up and looked at his partner.

"Good you will come with us and I will bring this one." Cedric picked up the second guy like he was a sack of potatoes. "Royce, please grab the items from the back seat and bring them down to the room."

"Very well, Sir." Royce opened the back seat and picked up the two bags and the gun.

Claude lifted the awake one out and blindfolded him. He then added a collar around his neck. "You will follow my lead." He gave the human a sinister look that he would not be able to see.

The collared one shivered from the words that the man had said but he did not protest. "I will follow." He hung his head and waited to see what would happen.

Chapter end

222 222
221 221
220 220
219 219
218 218
217 217
216 216 Death to All
215 215 It Doesn't Matter
214 214 Announcemen
213 213 Reuniting Family
212 212 Playing a Part 2
211 211 Playing a Part 1
210 210 Spring of Forget Me Not Valley
209 209 Mount Denali
208 208 Do You Regret Us?
207 207 The Letters Burned
206 206 Death to You
205 205 Feeling Guilty
204 204 Setting the Stage
203 203 Letter From Ryan
202 202 Letter From Luna
201 201 Valuable Information
200 200 Who is After Me?
199 199 The Players Are Se
198 198
197 197
196 196
195 195
194 194 None Shall Survive
193 193 The Dark Memory
192 192 A Feisty Pe
191 191 Doing Something She Shouldn'
190 190 Stolen Humanity
189 189 Who is the Mastermind?
188 188 The Struggle Begins
187 187 Let Her Res
186 186 Death to You
185 185 The Hunt Becomes the Hunted
184 184 Playing a Par
183 183 Phone Case
182 182
181 181
180 180 unedited Will fix all chapters today
179 179
178 178
177 177 Blood Wine
176 176 This Will Drive You Wild
175 175 Wedding Talk
174 174 Cooking Time
173 173 Girl Chatter
172 172 More Evidence for the Case
171 171 Cage Fishing
170 170 Sorry to Bother You
169 169 Permission Granted
168 168
167 167 Private Getaway for Four
166 166 Memory
165 165 Cuddles
164 164 Pool Time
162 162 Got More Evidence Against Them Now
161 161 Justice for my Poor Fiance
160 160 Who is the Poacher? 3
159 159 Who is the Poacher? 2
158 158 Who is the Poacher? 1
157 157 Mussels, Clams, and Oysters
156 156 Romantic Evening
155 155 Dinner for Two
154 154 unedited
153 153 Unedited
152 152 Finally on the Boat Unedited
151 151 Karen's End Unedited
150 150 The Queen is...
149 149 Waiting is Lame
148 148 How Would You Clean Up Our Beach?
147 147 Bathing Suits
146 146 The Wedding Waltz
145 145 Beauty Contes
144 144 Challenged to a Beauty Contes
143 143 These Are Meant to be Yours
142 142 At the Market 3
141 141 At the Market 2
140 140 At the Market 1
139 139 To the Ocean!
138 138 What Should We Do For The Day?
137 137 Cedric's Guardian
136 136 Memories Without the Vial 2
135 135 Memories Without the Vial 1
134 134 Drink Mine, Cedric's or Touble Your Guardian
133 133 At the Lunch Table
132 132 Patricia the Pes
131 131 Regal Majestic Beas
130 130 You Look Like a Succubus
129 129 Baking in the Kitchen 2
128 128 Baking in the Kitchen 1
127 127 My Ex-wife Might Show up
126 126 Choose to Serve or Die
125 125 Claude Clearing His Thoughts
124 124 The Truth of the King and Queen's Passing Memory 2
123 123 The Truth of the King and Queen's Passing Memory 1
122 122 The Blood is Swee
121 121 True Forms
120 120 Another Demon or Not?
119 119 Who Are you?
118 118 We Did This Together
117 117 No Baby
116 116 When Yuki was a Slave
115 115 Claude Has Two Live Ones
114 114 Girl Time!
113 113 A Smoke is Needed
112 112 Asmoday Appears Once Again
111 111 Becca Learns a Secre
110 110 New Cotton Candy Flavours
109 109 What is the Status?
108 108 Memory of Questions Answered 2
107 107 Memory of Questions Answered 1
106 106 An Unforgettable Gif
105 105 In the Ferris Wheel
104 104 Last Ride of the Evening
103 103 Tricking Claude
102 102 Picking Ducks
101 101 Winning Prizes
100 100 First Sunse
99 99 Double Date 3
98 98 Double Date 2
97 97 Double Date 1
96 96 To the Surprise
95 95 In the Elevator
94 94 Saving the One That Doesn't Need Saving
93 93 Meeting Claudia
92 92 So That I Can Contact You Always
91 91 More Sweets
90 90 Crepes
89 89 Picture Booth
88 88 The Prizes are all Picked
87 87 Prizes to Decide Upon
86 86 In An Arcade 3
85 85 In An Arcade 2
84 84 In An Arcade 1
83 83 Snow Cone
82 82 The Memory Continues 2
81 81 The Memory Continues 1
80 80 Cedric the Two Timer?
79 79 Dressed for the Date
78 78 Bathing Suits?
77 77 Cedric is Like a Male Model
76 76 A New Colored Dress
75 75 Cedric Can Only Imagine
74 74 Beginning the Daywalker Process... Maybe?
73 73 First Attack
72 72 The Missing Dress
71 71 The Change
70 70 Ghosts and Gratitude
69 69 Summoning the Dead
68 68 The Choice Will be Yours
67 67 Fake Emotions
66 66 I Don't Mind
65 65 You Are Now of My Clan
64 64 Plead my Allegiance to You
63 63 Tell Me What You Wan
62 62 Yuki, You Are My Everything
61 61 Someone Else's Dress
60 60 I Want to See You in...
59 59 To Take You Here or Not?
58 58 His Confession
57 57 Confessions
56 56 The Village 2
55 55 The Village 1
54 54 First Date 4
53 53 First Date 3
52 52 First Date 2
51 51 First Date 1
50 50 Preparing for the First Date
49 49 Third Memory Ends
48 48 Third Memory 2
47 47 Third Memory 1
46 46 Punishmen
45 46 Second Memory
44 44 You Can't Stop Me Claude
43 43 Cedric Working Hard
42 42 I Accept This Mission
41 41Claude is a....
40 40 Too Much Stimulation
39 39 Plans to Deceive Claudia
38 38 She's Still my Slave
37 37 My Queen
36 36 The Demon Within
35 35 Slave Master Bond
34 34 The Assassin
33 33 First Memory Unlocked
32 32 Cedric's Gift to Yuki
31 31 Yuki's First Meeting With Claude
30 30 Meeting With Aunt Claudia
29 29 Claude
28 28 Unexpected Company
27 27 A Letter From Someone Unexpected
26 26 The Night of Passion
25 25 Unimaginable Pleasure
24 24 Completed Bond
23 23 How Yuki Became a Slave
22 22 Tell Me Why I Found You at the Slave Marke
21 21 Ease Off the Work Load
20 20 Her Mother's Blood
19 19 The Truth Revealed to Him
18 18 Their First Meeting
17 17 A Past Memory From the Room
16 16 Behind the Bookcase
15 15 Come to See Where I Found i
14 14 Yuki's Unique Powers
13 13 What Cedric Really is
12 12 The Blood Tells No Lies
11 11 Do Not Enter My Room
10 10 Bath Time
9 9 Half Bonded
8 8 The Side Effect of the Chocolates
7 7 Losing Control
6 6 Will My Magic be Able to Hold Her?
5 5 Blood Bond Pac
4 4 The Morning After
3 3 First Nigh
2 2 You are Not Human
1 1 Sold and Fed
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