Love Dependency Disease Volume 4 Chapter 72

Love Dependency Disease Volume 4 Chapter 72

TL: If there's any grammar mistakes I've made, feel free to point it out! Thanks~

Volume 4, Chapter 72: Meeting Xiao Ling's lao bà

TL: flarewk

Today, is the last day of the school's semester, and also the date of the final examinations, this is the day that will decide the entire school of student's fate onto their holidays, whether they will happily enjoy it, or to do their assignments till their endly demise, it's all onto this gamble already.

Prez strongly emphasized a point before the start of the exams, don't ever, ever cheat at all, because.....if the cheating was to be discovered, during next semester, all the homework would be multiplied by ten times; what kind of cruel torture is that......

Currently I'm sitting in a exam hall, in a group with a total of 12 people, the exam hall arrangements this time were almost all randomly selected, with different grades of students separated from their exams in dissimilar dates, which was why there's so many exam halls in the first place. Those 12 people then were split rather spaciously in a classroom that normally felt rather small and compact, which made the possibility of helping people to cheat even more minuscule.

Today is a rather gloomy depressing day, as the sweltering summer heat and dazzlingly bright sunlight didn't bring any vigor towards the school at all, and at lunch time, there's many within the ongoing crowd who carried their afternoon's exam paper's materials revising once again, and their thick panda eyes clearly told me, that they must have been revising till very, very late yesterday.

"Yè Zǐ, the afternoon's papers are all english and maths types, can I get through them?"

"Rest assured, at the very least there won't be any problems to reach the level of 'passing' that you've mentioned.

"Much thanks to Yè talented lady, when I return I'll serve you joss-sticks with utmost respect!"

Finishing my meal in the canteen, Ma Qing Xue unexpectedly didn't come look for me to have lunch together, as expected, for a student, their final exams were the real biggest enemy, in front of it, everything would always be defeated.

Afternoon, at 6.30 PM, after the final paper collection in the last exam hall, the finals ultimately had ended, and I sat onto the chair and gave off a long sigh of breath, while the other classmates in the same classroom were also like me, feeling delighted from being free from the torment this time.

The results would be announced three days later, and that time, would be the moment that really decided our life or death, but I already wasn't worried anymore, as with Yè Zǐ's help, I'll definitely pass this time!

"Yosh, Ma Qing Xue, how do you feel about your results this time."

On the corridor, I coincidentally met Ma Qing Xue, and so went on to casually ask her.

"Mm.....probably will pass everything, how about you?"

"Same like you, don't worry, when that time comes for you to really do ten times the assignment, I'll help you do them too."


Ma Qing Xue looked to be a little worried on her results, so I slightly pacified her, and on that face looming with gloominess finally gave off a smile.

"Oh right, that fella Wang Yi, he still hadn't returned today?"

"I'm not sure, but I saw his name on the make-up exams list."

"Such a piy, a person alone challenging the finals; he'll definitely go crazy, this......"

"I'm afraid that Wang Yi won't be escaping from the ten times assignments already, so let's just as well help him out on it......."

"If he puts on a female dress and begs me, I might consider to help him out a bit."

This is rather a good chance upon seizing his misfortune, didn't he keep nagging me every now and then to crossdress, so this time it's time for me to make him do it!

"Phew......Zhang Jian, I'm a little worn out today, I'll head on back first, let's go out and play together tomorrow."

"Tomorrow huh, I have something on tomorrow, how about another day?"

I promised Xiao Ling onto accompanying her to visit her Lao bà, and although I personally wanted to renege on what I've said, but the moment I thought about what would happen to me.......

Sigh, who knows that I still might have a living route when I go there, but if I don't go, there's only a death route, and so I can only choose such a choice already.

"What a pity.....but another day is fine too, since the holidays had just only started."

"Well then I'll contact you again next time, I'll go back first then, it's really tiring today."

Flying back home, the first thing I did after opening the door is to go into my bedroom, and after switching on the air-conditioning in my bedroom I immediately pounced onto my bed. The bed was very comfortable as expected, and the me who was being completely worn out by exams shut my eyes to rest for just a while.

When I've woken up once more, I was hugging my warm bolster as I still was a little dazed, and since it's already the holidays, there's nothing else to do too, so I'll just lay like this till tomorrow then....I don't even want to eat dinner any more.

Eh? Wait-wait......why does something seem quite off, my bolster.... did I have a bolster in the first place? And why was this bolster rather warm, and felt rather smooth and supple to the touch, just like a human's skin......

I opened my eyes to look; Xiao Ling had climbed onto my bed once again, looks like I'll need to hurry up and change my door lock as a priority after all.....


"Awakened......Xiao Ling, why did you keep coming onto my bed."

"I'm poor; can't afford to open the air-conditioning; can't I come in to feel the cold air?"

"It's not not possible, but you mustn't just anyhow run onto a healthy's young male's bed, you must know that, not all males were as upright as me!"

"I'm not afraid, I have weights and tasers, plus Sun jie also said before, as long safety precautions are done everything would be alright."

Safety precautions again.....how many people must the Prez poison before she could let it go!

"Jian ge, you'll go ahead and sleep first, let's head off tomorrow morning!"

"Xiao Ling..., my life will be depending on you already....."

A night thus frightfully went by, and the next day, Xiao Ling changed into a set of rather normal-looking clothes, not like her usual wearing of just a singlet and running around; looks like her father is the only person who could hold her down.

Walking with Xiao Ling out of the house door and the small district entrance, a few extremely intimidating looking bald uncles were waiting not far from there, and behind their backs was a black colored limousine.

"Yang shu, that thing that Lao bà was saying, were they true or false....."

Me and Xiao Ling sat into the limo at the back row seats, and suddenly Xiao Ling asked a question to a rather handsome looking middle-aged uncle sitting at the front passenger seat.

"That's right, Xiao Ling, it's best that you stay with Xia laodà together for your safety, as they were planning onto you; they probably wants to kidnap you in order to threaten Xia laodà, since you're Xia laodà's only weak point."

"Tch.....so annoying, how did they find me in this place."

"I'm not clear, but luckily we discovered it quickly, if not by that time it'll be too late for regrets."

"Huu......how long do I need to stay there?"

Xiao Ling sadly gave off a sigh, looked like she had accepted that reality.

"Around one week roughly, when your dad has finished settling them then it'll be alright already."

"Start driving then."

"Understood, oh yeah, Xiao Ling, how do I address this friend?"

That handsome uncle stared at me for a little moment, with quite a considerable amount of wariness within his eyes.

"He huh, he's Zhang Jian."

"So it's Shào ye, my apologies, my apologies."

Young master huh......when did I turn out to have such a status already......

"Well then this time it's good to Shào ye along as well, he can familiarize himself with our organization."

"That's what I'm thinking too, hopefully he'll be able to get through Lao bà's test."

"Xia laodà is a very gentle person, so he shouldn't trouble Shào ye at all."

The handsome uncle and Xiao Ling traded conversations with each other, and I heard them talking until I became extremely blurred, in any case, under some unknown circumstances, I seemed to have become a rather important person of a certain organization......

Conversing with this handsome uncle on the car, I came to know about a few bits of information, actually Xiao Ling's father wanting to see me is just secondary, the main crux was that there's a clash between an underground mafia from overseas with Xia Ling's family, and both sides planned to use dirty-underhanded tricks towards each other; and so for precaution's sake, Xiao Ling was being brought over to the neighboring city, which was Xiao Ling's family's base camp.

"Yang dàshu.....what do you guys exactly do.....I had the feeling that your jobs seemed to be quite dangerous....."

"That was in the past, right now we've basically moved onto commercial business and charitable works, we won't do any kind of things that will harm the country's safety; right now only small organizations would do those kinds of stuffs."

"Oh........so it's like that?"

"That's right, right now our main business, is to help the country settle those stuffs that weren't convenient on the surface."

Stuffs that weren't convenient on the surface.......it sounds like it has a rather dangerous taste to it.....

A few hours later, we've reached our destination, and that's a massive building which similar to Prez's, but it looked to be much more normal, and it wasn't as obvious as her's as well.

"Xiao Ling..., Xia laodà is waiting at the topmost floor for the both of you, and I won't be able to accompany any further already as there're still stuffs for me to do."

Yang dàshu sent us to the lifts, and after Xiao Ling pressed the button of the highest floor I started to feel a little nervous unconsciously....it's my first time seeing such an important figure, what should I say at all, should I present myself more casually or to be more sternly.....

"Xiao jie, this way please."

After the lift had reached the topmost floor, me and Xiao Ling had just only stepped out when a person came to lead us towards its deepest regions. The large building's topmost floor looked just like a villa, evidently, this place was being used as residential usage, and anyone who could live in this place wouldn't be that simple......

The person who led us pulled open the big doors of a room, indicating us to go inside, and this room looked to be like a living room, with the back of the room being made out of glass; a person would be able to have a bird's eye view of a very wide portion of the city.

There's a lot of people in the room, and in the very middle of the room there's a single-seater sofa with a tall and ferocious-looking middle aged man sitting on it, as his eye gaze filled with intimidation swept over me and Xiao Ling.

Gulp.....I gulped in my saliva, the nervous feeling started to be more and more serious already, as he stood up slowly, he's probably about to begin speaking.

"Xiao Ling Ling, come over to let daddy hug-hug!"

"No way, there's a really smelly smell on Lao bà."

"Xiao Ling Ling, how could you talk like this to your Lao bà, was it because of that disobedient brat who taught you this way, Lái rén! Throw him out of this place, and tie him up, when it's nightfall just drown him into the ocean."

(TL: Lái rén basically means: "Come forward, anyone of my men!", and as you can see why I chose to keep the pinyin of it)

"Tch! Bà, you only know how to threaten people huh? Sure then, go ahead and throw, be careful that your future son wouldn't have a father at all!"

"What did you say!"

At this moment, I felt a bone-chilling icy cold onto me; these must be killing auras......I'm finished, and I haven't even begun to say anything at all too.

"You, go tie him up tightly; you, come here, bring my ka boom! here."

Xiao Ling's Lao bà commanded two of his underlings, I didn't expect that my ending would actually to be ka boomed! to death, and if I knew about this then that day I should have just did Ma Qing Xue at her house, but who knew that I was to die that horrifyingly today.

The me right now, had my entire body trembling viciously, not even daring to speak a word at all.

"So you're simply too tired of living already eh, having such audacity to touch my, Xia Qin's daughter, she's still so young, and you dared to lay your hands on her? No, kaboom!ing you is simply letting it too easy for you already, must light the lantern.......No, shredded into a million pieces!"

Can't you just give me a straightforward death!

"Lao bà, that's enough! We did safety precautions properly, so nothing would go wrong."

That's right, there's safety precautions indeed, but.....we didn't do anything that needed safety precautions at all, and in any case, even if I was to jump into the Yellow River right now, I won't be able to cleanse myself of these accusations already.

"If you still have any last words, say it out now."

Xiao Ling's Lao bà furiously looked at me, and rather graciously gave me a chance to pen down my death will.

"Um....I didn't do anything at all!!!"

"Bullshit, I've even heard the recordings already, and you still dared to say that you haven't done anything before; death, you definitely must die!"

What was Xiao Ling thinking exactly, actually sending those recordings from last time to her dad to hear, that's intentionally wanting me to be dead.......

"Eh heh~"

I mournfully looked at Xiao Ling, she didn't say anything, but only stood at her current spot and gave off a foolish laugh.

-ch 72 end-

(3143 words to tl)

not not = It's a pattern you'll see in CN/JP novels, double not's cancel each other out to become yes!

Xiao Ling Ling = Her name was being pronounced like that by her father as he treated her extremely dotingly, and it's meant to signify extreme, extreme, extreme affection towards his daughter.

Lái rén = usually a rather important person would say this, as he would have men surrounding him listening to his every beck and calls. Literally translates to "Come, people".
There wasn't any suitable short intimidating speech for it in english equivalent, so I kept it.

killing aura = malevolent intent onto really wanting to murder someone; a blood thirsty fighting spirit directed onto a person.

ka boom! = subtle reference (sound effects) to a rocket launcher

light the lantern = cruxification + immolation combined together; which resembled lighting up a lantern.

-jie = a suffix, this meant 'elder sister' shortcutted to show affection

-ge = a suffix, this meant 'elder brother' shortcutted to show affection

-shu = a suffix, this meant 'uncle' shortcutted to show affection

-dàshu = a suffix similar to the above, this meant 'big uncle', and is respectfully addressed to someone else older than yer (uncle age)

-laodà = a suffix, this meant 'boss' , placed behind a name to ackl the person of being one

Shào ye = 'young master'. I didn't sub in the real word as this word is very likely to be suffixed throughout the novel, so it's good for you to get used to this word.

Xiao jie = 'young mistress'. I didn't sub in the real word as this word is very likely to be suffixed throughout the novel, so it's good for you to get used to this word.

Lao bà/ bà = close and informal way to say 'father'. Translates to 'old man' and 'dad' respectively.
I kept it in it's HYPY form here as it's used often suffixed or not, and it's a good idea to get used to the term.


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Volume 4 Chapter 77 part5
Volume 4 Chapter 77 part4
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Volume 4 Chapter 77 part2
Volume 4 Chapter 76
Volume 4 Chapter 75
Volume 4 Chapter 74
Volume 4 Chapter 73
Volume 4 Chapter 72
Volume 4 Chapter 71
Volume 4 Chapter 70
Volume 4 Chapter 69
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Volume 3 Chapter 67
Volume 3 Chapter 66
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Volume 3 Chapter 57
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Volume 2 Chapter 49
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Volume 2 Chapter 40
Volume 2 Chapter 39
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Volume 1 Chapter 36
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Volume 1 Chapter 33
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Volume 1 Chapter 21
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Volume 1 Chapter 14
Volume 1 Chapter 13
Volume 1 Chapter 12
Volume 1 Chapter 11
Volume 1 Chapter 10
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