Love Dependency Disease Vol 1 Chapter 33

Love Dependency Disease Vol 1 Chapter 33

Volume 1, Chapter 33: The start of a storm

TL: flarewk

"It's morning already, huh......."

Amelia rubbed her eyes blearily as she gave off a large sigh.

"Let's go discuss about this with the Prez, we can't stay in Nightcrow island any longer."

"Mm......oh right....can you turn around? I want to change....."

"Ah, sorry, I didn't notice that."

Me and Amelia went downstairs after changing our attires, while Ma Qing Xue and Xiao Ling upon noticing us gave us glares that could kill.

"Prez, can we just go back today?"


""Ye Zi" is real, although I have no idea what's "Ye Zi" exactly, but both me and Amelia feel that "Ye Zi" is something that's extremely dangerous."

"Zhang Jian.....all of us came here together, so if it's about this, you must get everyone's agreement, and of course, if you have something on you can return first."

"Prez! My meaning is that "Ye Zi" is very dangerous, I'm just worried about everyone that's why......."

The Prez waved her hand, interrupting my words.

"I know that you have no reason to lie to us, but I still am a little suspicious about the "Ye Zi" that you're talking about.

The Prez looked towards the rest; they all shook their heads, with only the exception of Liu Xiong.

"Zhang Jian, the mark on the both of you........it's gone."

The mark's gone? What did "Ye Zi" do to us exactly when the both of us fell asleep last night......

"Liu Xiong, you know something about this?"

The Prez looked at Liu Xiong curiously.

"Yesterday when we arrived at this island in the morning, a mark appeared on Zhang Jian, and one appeared on Amelia as well in the afternoon, and today, which is right now, the marks on the both of them had disappeared."

The Prez doubtfully squeezed her chin a little as she considered, and she went to ask Liu Xiong again.

"Are you able to tell if it's done by humans?"

"No......right now other than being able to confirm if there are marks on the both of them, I don't know about anything else."

"If that's the case, let's return back by tonight, how does everyone feel about this?"

Prez gave me enough face onto this, for no one really believed about "Ye Zi", something that which can't really be explained about.

Unless they were to experience the presence of "Ye Zi" themselves.

"I believe that Zhang Jian wasn't lying, so, let's just have a fun time during the day!"

"I believe Jian ge too, Jian ge normally won't lie about this kind of important things too~"

"Zhang Jian, when we return you must put on some female attire to compensate me!"

"I just want your flower only~"

Looks like they were willing to believe me, it's really great in this retrospect.

"Amelia, let's just have a fun time today, since our original motives are to have fun here, let's not ruin the atmosphere!"

What made me relieved the most of all is that the mark on me and Amelia had been gone, this is adequate proof enough to believe that "Ye Zi" is no longer targeting us already, right?

After we've finished eating breakfast, all of us proceeded to play volleyball at the beach, and subsequently we waited for a little while for the sweltering noon heat to go down before going to the sea to have some fun.

The crowd played around in the sea, using water guns to shoot each other, then afterwards splashing around one another with the cool waves, as laughter and joy kept reverberating throughout the beach.

If there only weren't "Ye Zi" around, then this vacation would be perfect.......

"Zhang Jian, let's go make some sand sculptures, let's compete to see who built the better one!"

"Come on then, compete then compete, who's scared of who!"

(TL: it is spoken very informally)

I stretched my body as I prepared to show off my skills.

"Wang Yi, I agree with this suggestion, plus I've decided for all of us to participate, the reward will be the same as yesterday's!"

The Prez called everyone over to build sand sculptures....she's really a restless person, huh.

"The very first Li Hua Sand Sculpturing Competition, begins right now!"

Still using your name as the title for the competition, are you the organizer of this competition, oi!

Thinking back carefully, it seemed that the Prez was really the organizer........

After roughly two plus hours, everyone were almost completed with their sand sculptures. There's various shapes and sizes around, and some sculptures even had no meaning behind it at all.

"Begin the selection."

Ma Qing Xue, she made a human-shaped sand sculpture, and that person was........me.

Xiao Ling, she also made a human-shaped sand sculpture, and that person was also...........me.

Wang Yi, he did a human-shaped sand sculpture as well, and that person...............why was it still me!!!

And it's even the me who was crossdressing, which really gave me the irresistible urge to just dash forward and stamp onto him with my feet.

Afterwards, it's Jian Tian.....that's right, he did a human-shaped sculpture as well, and that person.....was still me.

It's only that the me being sculptured is lying on the ground, and I had my flower pointed towards the sky; this kind of posture is really......

I suddenly really missed the weights that Xiao Ling previously had!

(TL: to be able to see this joke, you must recall back to previous chapters just starting of the island arc)

"This sculpture name is called "

Jiang Tian even gave it a name in front of everybody as well, what kind of name is that!!

(TL: it's a really snarky pun... originally the famous saying was: ; it expresses lingering affection for someone, but Jiang Tian changed it's context to a rather perverted piece of sh*t now)

Next up is Liu Xiong's sand sculpture, he did a rather simple and intuitionistic something that needed to be straightaway censored off......I won't say much about it, but if you really wanted me to describe it, it's a sculpture of an armstrong cannon.

Mm, that's about it.


It's the Vice Prez sand sculpture's turn, and what she did is a human-shaped sand sculpture too....the contents were me and Jiang Tian....................

As for what exactly me and Jiang Tian were doing, I don't feel like talking about it.

I really missed Xiao Ling's electromagnetic beam gun target indicator.......

Amelia's sand sculpture is her own self, and it looked really alike as well.....finally there's a normal-looking sculpture around.

The Secretary and the Misc Task Manager didn't had any products at all, they were being heartlessly ordered around by the Prez to help complete her own sculpture.

The Prez's sand sculpture is an extremely realistic-looking car; I began to suspect that after I've sat on it, this car might even be able to start up too...

The Prez's skill is not that bad too huh.

Lastly, it's my product already, what I did was naturally long stockings, to me, this sand sculpture is simply too perfect already! As expected of me, I'm afraid that there's simply no one else in the world who have a better art product than this already.

"After's everyone's votes, the best sand sculpture is Wang Yi's product !"

They actually let Wang Yi be first place..........this kind of scenario will definitely be me forced to crossdress once again...........

"Wang Yi, speak your request then."

"Heh heh, I'll wait for next time to speak about this request."

The corner of Wang Yi's lips curled up in a evil smile, I somehow had a bad feeling about this....

After the end of the sand sculpturing competitions, it's already 5 o'clock in the evening, and according to what Prez intended for us, after finishing our dinner we would be heading back already; so we finally could leave Nightcrow Island already? That's awesome!

"This abalone's taste isn't that bad~"

"Eating this King Crab will become an addiction!"

"Uwaa......the sea cucumber's taste is so strange........"

"As expected, grilled squid is the best!"

Just like that, me and everyone gathered by the beach, eating seafood as we watched the slowly setting sunset. As the comfortable sea breeze blew onto us, my heart felt exhilaratingly joyful.....to be honest, if there wasn't any "Ye Zi" around, I would really want to stay here longer to play. 

After we've tidied the mess, the sea breeze suddenly became rather chilly.

The sky darkened rapidly; the duration of the sun setting shouldn't be that quick though..

I looked towards the sky, the evening sun had already been fiercely covered by layers of clouds; and that clouds looked to be extremely black and thick, some of them even had flashes of lightning in it, even the serene blue sea had already became pitch black, and was now like a ferocious beast, angrily splashing about in rage.

(TL: cleaned this paragraph to make it better!)

Strong gusts of wind assaulted us, which blew about the sand on the beach, which made us unable to open our eyes.

Kerraak boom!

A lightning flashed down from above, and a sound of explosion ensued thereafter.

"Hurry up back to the villa, it's a storm!"

The Prez yelled out loudly, and by this time, pellets of rain were already falling, and it even felt slightly painful when it hit onto our faces.

"Prez, can the plane.........still be operated?"

We returned to the villa, but right now that's the question that I'm most worried about.

"No, flying in this sort of weather would definitely be disastrous!"

"Then....that means......."

"That's right, we would have to stay till tomorrow morning before we will be able to go back."

Staying overnight at Nightcrow Island again huh.......

"Prez, I suggest it's better for everyone to sleep together......"

"This is acceptable, but it's best that men and ladies sleep separately."

"Sure, also, no matter what happens tonight, everyone don't act recklessly!"

This way, it should be slightly safer a little, will "Ye Zi"........come again tonight too?

Finished closing all the windows of the villa, me and everyone sat in the living room, and the Prez's expression became extremely serious after she made a phone call, and started to become hesitant in her words......

"Prez, if there's anything to let us know just say it out."

"Mm......just now I went on to confirm with the Sun Group for a moment, "Ye Zi" wasn't something that was falsely made up by our group, but was a legend from this island."

"Do you know anything about the legend?"

"I don't know, it had been lost already....."

The Prez had a bitter look on her face, she can't be thinking that this was her fault, huh?

"We don't need to be too worried over it too, at the very worst, all of us will just stay awake the entire night, all the way till tomorrow morning!"

"But, everyone's a little worn out from playing the entire day today, staying awake the entire night would be a little unrealistic........."

It's indeed a little unrealistic, even I'm feeling a little tired right now.

"In any case everyone just be careful, the most important point to remember is that if anything strange happens don't ever panic! Just close your eyes shut will do. If you feel anything strange behind you, don't ever turn your head around, I've met this "Ye Zi" twice already, and had always survived like that."

What I understood about "Ye Zi" is really quite less, and after the previous two encounters of it, these are the only methods I can think of to slightly make us safer.

The storm outside the windows became even bigger as time goes by, and ferocious gusts of wind kept blowing till the windows made "ga zhi ga zhi" sounds.

Suddenly, the entire villa turned pitch-black......it should be a power outage.......


-ch 33 end-


flower = termed as such as the anus looked like a chrysanthemum flower. Yep, that dude is g*y.

Chapter end

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Volume 4 Chapter 77 part2
Volume 4 Chapter 76
Volume 4 Chapter 75
Volume 4 Chapter 74
Volume 4 Chapter 73
Volume 4 Chapter 72
Volume 4 Chapter 71
Volume 4 Chapter 70
Volume 4 Chapter 69
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Volume 3 Chapter 67
Volume 3 Chapter 66
Volume 3 Chapter 65
Volume 3 Chapter 64
Volume 3 Chapter 63
Volume 3 Chapter 62
Volume 3 Chapter 61
Volume 3 Chapter 60
Volume 3 Chapter 59
Volume 3 Chapter 58
Volume 3 Chapter 57
Volume 3 Chapter 56
Volume 3 Chapter 55
Volume 3 Chapter 54
Volume 3 Chapter 53
Volume 3 Chapter 52
Volume 3 Chapter 51
Volume 3 Chapter 50
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Vol 2 Chapter 50
Volume 2 Chapter 49
Volume 2 Chapter 48
Volume 2 Chapter 47
Volume 2 Chapter 46
Volume 2 Chapter 45
Volume 2 Chapter 44
Volume 2 Chapter 43
Volume 2 Chapter 42
Volume 2 Chapter 41
Volume 2 Chapter 40
Volume 2 Chapter 39
Volume 2 Chapter 38
Volume 2 Chapter 37
Vol 1 Chapter 36
Vol 1 Chapter 35
Vol 1 Chapter 34
Vol 1 Chapter 33
Vol 1 Chapter 32
Vol 1 Chapter 31
Vol 1 Chapter 30
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Vol 1 Chapter 26
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Vol 1 Chapter 23
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Vol 1 Chapter 21
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Vol 1 Chapter 19
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Vol 1 Chapter 16
Vol 1 Chapter 15
Vol 1 Chapter 14
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Vol 1 Chapter 11
Vol 1 Chapter 10
Vol 1 Chapter 9
Vol 1 Chapter 8
Vol 1 Chapter 7
Vol 1 Chapter 6
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 1 Chapter 4
Vol 1 Chapter 3
Vol 1 Chapter 2
Vol 1 Chapter 1
Volume 1 Chapter 36
Volume 1 Chapter 35
Volume 1 Chapter 34
Volume 1 Chapter 33
Volume 1 Chapter 32
Volume 1 Chapter 31
Volume 1 Chapter 29
Volume 1 Chapter 27
Volume 1 Chapter 26
Volume 1 Chapter 24
Volume 1 Chapter 23
Volume 1 Chapter 22
Volume 1 Chapter 21
Volume 1 Chapter 19
Volume 1 Chapter 18
Volume 1 Chapter 17
Volume 1 Chapter 16
Volume 1 Chapter 15
Volume 1 Chapter 14
Volume 1 Chapter 13
Volume 1 Chapter 12
Volume 1 Chapter 11
Volume 1 Chapter 10
Volume 1 Chapter 9
Volume 1 Chapter 8
Volume 1 Chapter 7
Volume 1 Chapter 6
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Volume 1 Chapter 2
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