Love Dependency Disease Volume 4 Chapter 71

Love Dependency Disease Volume 4 Chapter 71

Volume 4, Chapter 71: Don't peek

TL: flarewk

Her house was located in a small district with a greenery that was made rather well-done, at the moment, the gradually setting western sun still had quite a couple of warmth shining. She was squatting at one of the large trees beneath her district entrance, with both of her hands supporting her head while looking at the passerbys walking to and fro into the district, and when she saw me she was a little surprised, with her expression instantly lighting up in delight; looks like she didn't expect that it was me who would come to deliver her keys.

"Next time be careful a little, don't be that negligent."

I looked at Ma Qing Xue who approached me, and after passing the keys to her, turned around, preparing to leave.

"Wait, thanks for the help, Zhang Jian, come up and sit for a while...."

"No need."

"You still have something on?"


"Since you have nothing on too, just come up and sit for awhile, I'll treat you dinner."

"Forget it, I don't want to trouble you."

"What's there to be troubled about, it's just a minor thing only, and also.....I plan to prepare steak tonight, the taste shouldn't be that different from the one at Prez's western restaurant......"

Steak.....so my favorite preferred food had really been thoroughly understood by her, purposely learning how to make steak just for me huh......

"Alright, then I'll just go along with my fate then, to be honest, compared to Prez's western restaurant, I loved eating your roasted pork as well, since that was my first time eating something from you."

Similarly, that was one of my most difficult phases as well....... during that period of time, I had been always eating hard buns and plain water.

"I'll also make them for you~!"

"Don't, I can't finish that much, it's better to just only make some steak."

"Mm, come to my house first then, after placing down our bags I'll go change my clothes and we'll go to the nearest supermarket to buy some ingredients."

Using the key to open the house thereafter, I followed behind Ma Qing Xue and entered her home, the decor and furnishings inside were all warm toned, giving a rather heartwarming feel, which wasn't bad at all.

"Um....uncle and auntie usually won't return home?"

"Mm.....since they're busy with their work, so there's no choice, but for this daughter of theirs to be more understanding....."

Ma Qing Xue gave me a chuckle, but that loneliness within it wasn't entirely disguised, with some bouts of it leaking out a little.

"Sigh, if only my meimei was even half of your sensibility, when we were young she always treat me as a maid, servant at home every day, and now when she's grown up she still was that stubborn......."

Recalling back to Xiao Yu who previously had just parted me not too long ago, indeed, if Xiao Yu was to be as sensible as Ma Qing Xue, I don't know how less frequent I would be able to worry about her, but thinking of Xiao Yu's past experiences and her age right now, actually it's still considered to be rather fine too.

"Your meimei huh......she's so lucky, sometimes I'm quite jealous of her for having such a gege like you, but then later I thought it through and gave it up, since a sibling's relationship wouldn't be as good as a husband and wife's......."

"Ahaha.....about this, it's best to leave it to one's perspective...."

I grudgingly laughed, and avoided this topic, as pursing about this topic of conversation would be completely meaningless.

"I'll go change my clothes first, you must absolutely not peek okay!"

"Am I that kind of person?"

"That's why, don't peek!"

"Rest assured.... I won't."

"You promised, don't peek, because once you peeked then I'm helpless to do anything against you too......since mom and dad aren't home right now, I'm afraid that you'll act impulsively or whatnot......"

I somehow felt that I heard a slight tone of different meaning from her voice, was she hinting something towards me......

"What happens if I was to act impulsively....."

"Think about it, I'm just a girl, so I definitely won't have the strength to retaliate against a boy like you....and I'm scared when that time comes, you'll.......commit a grave mistake, but even if it's like that, I'll also forgive you!"

"You....you think too much, I still consider myself to be a person with a lot of self-control......."

"Oh right, if you really want to commit a mistake.......you must be mindful of safety."

She lastly pointed towards a cabinet in the living room, and ownself ran off to her bedroom to change. I curiously opened up the cabinet to take a glance, and immediately thought of Prez.......

Prez always liked to think filthy, and had many times reminded me to always be mindful of safety.....this safety's definitely the safety from Prez, and how many people had she provided the safety with! Why are they such experts?

Returning once more to that sofa in the living room, I suddenly noticed, Ma Qing Xue actually didn't close the door when she was changing.....

This definitely is on purpose, why would that innocent her once before would turn into like that.....was it because of me after all.....

My heart really aches.....damn it!

I rearranged my current position, and sat towards the most corner of the sofa, in this position I won't be able to view the bedroom at all, now being extremely safe.

Right now, I had no idea why I'm a little heating up, even though just now I've merely accidentally seen what I shouldn't have been seeing, and even though I've already decided onto closing my eyes to change my position too.......

Currently within my mind, suddenly appeared three choices, the first would be to just prepare some safety and go ahead without restraining back, the second is to just take another peek, and the third is to chant Buddhist scriptures..........

Which one should I choose right now.......if it's the first, that exactly would be like the most perfect absolute opportunity ever, and if I missed it, I'll have some kind of regretful feeling after it's gone; the second would be the compromising decision, after passing through my old veteran's eye to swiftly record down the figure of Ma Qing Xue right now and saving it to my brain's hard disk drive, then taking it out at night to use it........the third choice was to be an upright and honorable person.

To do or not to do? Don't be wimp at such a crucial moment....who knows that today I'll be able to climb the ladder towards adulthood!

Take a peek, just only a peek...since Ma Qing Xue also won't be losing out in any way too.......

Lust is emptiness; emptiness is lust.........lust is emptiness; emptiness is lust............

"There's no choice then, I'll ask my comrades online!"

I took out my phone, and quickly posted a topic in a forum, a girl is hinting me to do her, what should I do?

However, all the replies I got were mates who all had the same mindset, it's late already, time for you to brush your teeth and go to bed.....

The only different reply was the one that were filled with explosives, like kill you....bomb you to death.....and so on.

"Hello.......Lao bà, right?"

I really can't take it anymore, I need to call and ask an adult's opinion!

"You this brat, what do you want.....if you're looking for money then there's none, go away and find your mom."

"Lao bà, want to hug your grandson?"


Lao bà on the other side of the phone didn't say a word, he became silent, and I only heard the sound of a lighter lighting up, my Lao bà who didn't smoke for a very long time had started to smoke right now.

"Let me calm down for a moment first, being your father, I originally wanted to sincerely explain about responsibility, but after Xiao Yu heard this, right now she's holding a knife towards my throat wanting money to buy air tickets......it's up to you now."

"Did Xiao Yu said anything....."

"She said it must be a lie, she wants to personally open it up and examine it....."

"Pass this along to Xiao Yu, I still haven't done anything yet.....let her calm down."

"Then your purpose onto calling is?"

"I just wanted to confirm the mindset of my family first, and since it's like that, then I'll hang up first."

Luckily I hadn't done anything yet; Xiao Yu actually was threatening Lao bà already........if I was to really do it, Xiao Yu would definitely fly over to start a large massacre....

I ran to the balcony, feeling the cooling breeze of the night wind; I must calm down, the damage Ma Qing Xue caused to me wouldn't be to like normal standards, unlike Xiao Yu and Xiao Ling, both whom I'm able to endure myself despite them crawling up onto my bed, since, it's wash boards......


My eyes suddenly seemed to stopped moving about, and I was in shock to discover that Ma Qing Xue's balcony could actually clearly see the bedroom, because there's a piece of mirror placed right beside the windows, and I could see completely through the mirrors.

"Old veteran's Secret Technique, Light Mast**bation!"

I had no choice, but to take out my collection that was always carried around with me and transforming into 'Saint' mode, just in case I really commit a grave mistake thereafter.

Half an hour later, she finally finished changing her clothes, and after changing out of her school uniform she was wearing a piece of open-chested shirt with hot pants, which extremely accentuated her body figure, but luckily I had already entered into 'Saint' mode, and I who's in that mode was practically godlike, nothing could ever seduce me!

"Let's go......and buy stuffs...."

Ma Qing Xue had unknowingly became a little depressed, probably because of me not taking any action at all, even though last time she was so pure and innocent....why....

"But Prez and Amelia said it would be different....."

She softly grumbled, so it was Prez and Amelia's idea after all, I had to say, why would Ma Qing Xue have Prez's safety precautions in the first place, so it's because of this?

At this moment I didn't know whether to thank them or to blame them already......

"Let's go."

Going to the nearby supermarket and buying the ingredients thereafter, we ate out dinner rather normally, and the flavor of her steak that she made was indeed way more delicious, and at my request afterwards, I washed the dishes, then conversed with her for a while before I voiced out my decision onto going home, but........

"Ai~ya~, I suddenly feel sick, my head's very giddy, I need someone to take care of me for a night in order to recover....."

"No need for that, I'll help you to apply leave from Prez, so just rest properly at home tomorrow."

"No way, if there's no one taking care of me tonight, I'll die!"

"I'll help you to call the ambulance, since it became too dangerous already, it's better if you go to the hospital."

"I suddenly felt better a little, and I probably won't die anymore.... but I still need someone to take care of me!"

"Umm.....what's your parent's number?"

"I forgot, plus I also can't locate my phone since just now, or maybe I accidentally dropped it outside earlier...."

She could even forget about her own parent's phone number......this ruse's a little too brilliant already.

"I can help to call Prez to help find out......"

"Prez had something on tonight, and your phone call won't be able to get to her!"


I suddenly remembered when I was buying stuffs with her, she was hiding from me, acting suspiciously while making a few phone calls, at that time I wasn't that mindful of her behavior; so she had already planned with Prez about this.......

"Call Amelia to come over then, she's very good at taking care of people, plus a boy like me taking care of you would have lots of inconveniences too, right?"

"Amelia, she've disappeared."


If tonight I really stayed at Ma Qing Xue's, there definitely would be catastrophic trouble; I must think of a way to reject this.

"Alright, I'll take care of you tonight, oh right, how about we go out for a stroll?"

"Mm, let's go, I know of a good location for strolling at night."

She's expectedly that simple, so easily falling for that bait, which made me start to worry about her future, what if she was being tricked by men with bad intentions.

"Didn't you need someone to take care of you in order to recover?"

"Zhang Jian......you actually!!.......just now I've only momentarily recovered."

"Ma Qing Xue, look into my eyes and tell me, what number is this!"

I faced her directly, and raised a finger.


"And what number is this?"


Of course I knew that she would purposely answer it wrong, but my motive wasn't for her to count my fingers.

"And this?"

"Three.....it's three....."

Ma Qing Xue started to become sleepy a little, being an old veteran, there's no excuse at all onto not having a few techniques to make females fall into sleep; that's right, this is one of my secret techniques, hypnosis, although it could only work on simple-minded people.

"Sleep now!"

'Pa ta' sound rang as I clicked my fingers, and Ma Qing Xue also fell asleep along with it. After carrying her to the bed, I immediately left her house, as I'm a good person with honest integrities, although I had no idea why my heart really felt like crying right  now.

-ch 71 end-

(3115 words to tl)


meimei = 'younger sister'

gege = 'elder brother'

Lao bà = close and informal way to call 'father'


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