Love Dependency Disease Vol 1 Chapter 19

Love Dependency Disease Vol 1 Chapter 19

Volume 1, Chapter 19: A date with her 1

TL: flarewk

"Um.... can you guys calm down....."

"Ma Qing Xue, look at just how young Xiao Ling is? Just let her go along with it, alright?"

"Xiao Ling, don't be naughty already, tonight when we head back I'll cook up something nice for you...."

I tried to soften their relations, but they didn't appreciate my gesture at all.

"You shut the hell up!"

"You shut the hell up!"

Both of them yelled out in unanimous unison; why do they have such a common understanding onto this?!

"Xiao meimei, I understood Zhang Jian very well, he clearly liked people with big breasts like me!"

Ma Qing Xue puffed up her chest whilst looking at Xiao Ling; indeed, I really do adore huge breasts, but at the same time I don't have any distaste towards small ones either.

There's no male guy around who would hate breasts, right?

"Hn hn~ That may not be the case~"

(TL: hn hn here is sound expressions of proudness)

Xiao Ling then took out her phone, and played a recording from it.

"I love lolis the most!"

"Flat chested is justice!"

"Small tongxues are the absolute best!"

It's my voice..... it's being played right in front of all the students of Experimental High and Su Hua.... I suddenly felt that my life had lost all meaning to live already...

I really want to die.....

"Although I have no idea what methods you used to make Zhang Jian say out these sort of words, but I'm able to discern that, his voice tone is not very willing, and even have a little sadness and shamefulness in it too, this is definitely not Zhang Jian's real intentions!"

Are you the worm crawling around in my belly? I didn't even know that I had such a variety of emotions back then....

"I think that small children should just quietly go back and study hard, next time when you've grown up then it's a better time to consider about these kinds of stuffs, alright~?"

"Nonono, jiejie you should be the one instead, since you're so beautiful why don't you just find a rich husband from a wealthy family, is it that enjoyable to be a mistress~?"

"A pity, you kept saying that Zhang Jian is your husband, but just from the age alone it's impossible for you to get a marriage certificate, but as for me, I'll just need to wait a couple more years before I can do so~ by that time let's just see who's the mistress around here~?"

"Humph, you talked as if it sounded so wonderful~ big breasted mistress jiejie~"

Xiao Ling whipped out a stun baton, as she gave a warm smile towards Ma Qing Xue.

"You're not bad too, flat chested foxy meimei."

Ma Qing Xue drew out a sharp knife hidden behind her, and equally returned a warm smile towards Xiao Ling.

Feeling the atmosphere becoming more and more explosive by the minute, I decided to leave first.....

"Hubby, where are you going? Stay here and watch me take care of this mistress."

"Zhang Jian, don't you dare run elsewhere, alright~? Stay here and watch me educate this naughty child!"

"Oi... you guys can't be serious onto fighting right now....."

""What do you think?""

Both of them glared at each o

ther again, it looked like they wasn't joking around.

I must stop this situation from happening somehow.


I loudly yelled, and hugged Wang Yi tightly.

"He! Is my true love! You guys can stop fighting already!"

Ma Qing Xue, Xiao Ling, and even Wang Yi froze up, dumbfounded. I patted Wang Yi's shoulders, and quickly seized the opportunity to flee.

"Looks like the real mistress is over here~"

"Looks like the real naughty child is over here~"

Both of them, at the same time, turned towards Wang Yi while smiling duplicitously.

"Librarian Keeper, you'd better watch out!"

Wang Yi immediately dashed off without saying any further, as if he was in an impatient mood to quickly reincarnate; while Xia Ling and Ma Qing Xue chased after him. Looks like for the moment I'm out of danger.


I gave off a sigh of relief as I felt my entire body becoming weak from all the commotion earlier. After a short period of resting, I was detained by the police while on the way home.

"Zhang Jian...... right? We've received a police call, and according to evidence given from numerous eyewitnesses, we've confirmed your criminal acts, so please come along with us."

"No! I'm innocent, I didn't do anything!"

"Let's talk more back at the station, we will slowly hear out your explanation."

For the first time in my life, I was being arrested to the police station.....

Around 10.30 PM plus, I've finally walked out of the police station. I've been interrogated for nearly 5 straight hours before being let go, even though I didn't do any bad things at all, why must heaven do this to me......

Fatigued, I slowly trudged home, and as expected Xiao Ling was standing in front of my door blocking me from entering. Don't tell me I still have to go through an unofficial punishment as well?

"Jian ge~ you're hungry already right, come eat some dinner~"

"Xiao Ling.... you didn't do anything to Ma Qing Xue, right?"

"Oh, you mean Ma jiejie huh, Ma jiejie is such a kindhearted person, why would I do anything to her? But Jian ge you must not anyhow think about her in the wrong way, alright~!"

Xiao Ling's reply, had way way exceeded my imaginations.

Why their relationship had suddenly became so close already, what happened during the time when I wasn't around?

Still riddled with questions, I proceeded to settle my dinner at Xiao Ling's house before returning home early to get some well needed sleep.

7 o'clock in the morning, under the explosive sounds of the alarm clock, I crawled up from bed.

I changed into the most handsome attire that I possessed and confidently walked out of the door.

Meet up in Su Ren Plaza at 9 o'clock, this was what I've sent to Ma Qing Xue yesterday night.

After I reached Su Ren Plaza, I looked at my phone, the time right now is just only 8 o'clock in the morning.

I purposely arrived early, for a guy must never be later than a girl, this is known common sense when dating!

Only that, when I looked below the Plaza's clocktower, Ma Qing Xue is currently standing there while combing her hair as she glanced at her pocket mirror.

She was wearing a light blue blouse with white long stockings, and her hands carried a yellowish small handbag; she had slight makeup on, the pinkish dimples on her cheeks along with her lips together made her looking extremely cute.

"How come you're here so early....."

"Umm...... whenever I thought that I'm about to go in a date with you, I've became too excited till I'm unable to sleep, so I ate some sleeping pills and suppressant medications before being able to sleep, but after I've woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning I can't sleep back again, so....."

This must have been hard for you...... but is it necessary to eat those medicines?

"The clothes really suit you~ you looked extremely cute!"

I praised her sincerely with the bottom of my heart.

"Is....is it.....hehehe, you're extremely handsome too!"

She chuckled quietly while lowering her head, and praised me at the same time too.

Ma Qing Xue is too cute already!

"L...let's go, first let's go to the movies, after we've eaten lunch then we'll head on to the theme park~"

"Mm, I'll listen to anything you say!"

She suddenly grabbed my hand, this sudden movement caused me to slightly panic in surprise.

"What's wrong...... you don't want....?"

She pitifully let go of her hand, and had an expression of sorrow on her face, as if she's like a little puppy whose owner had just thrown away it's meal.

"Of course not, but if it's holding hands then I must be the one who initiates it!"

Just like that, I pulled her towards the direction of the movie theater.

"Umm, do you think that we looked like a couple like this?"

This is a rather serious question, but in any case I'll just anyhow answer it first.

"Mm.....probably looks like it...."

"But I think that us right now is more like a couple who've just married each other~"

She suddenly snuggled close to me and tightly hugged my arms, and as a result my arm immediately felt an extremely soft sensation pushing against it.

"Let go of me a little..... it's kind of hard to walk......"

"Whaat does it matter~ we've arrived early today too, oh right, have you eaten breakfast already?"

"Not yet....."

"I have some cake here, let's eat it together!"

She suddenly took out a piece of extremely delicious looking cake from her handbag and passed it to me, there's even a few strawberries decorated on top.

"Thanks.... it's delicious...."

"Umm~ my shoelace seemed to be a little loose, can you help me to tie it for awhile?"

Still holding on the cake in my mouth, I bent over to help her tie her shoelaces when I realized that she's actually wearing high heels, is she trying to play a joke on me?

"For high heels, how do you....."

She suddenly opened her mouth and bit a large exposed part of the cake from my mouth, nearly kissing my lips in the process......

"Hehe, I'm a little hungry, so I ate a little~"

She cutely stuck out her tongue and playfully chuckled.

I had a distinct feeling that Ma Qing Xue was somewhat extremely assertive today....

"There's a little cream stuck on here~"

She stretched out her fingers, preparing to wipe the cream on the edge of my mouth. I wasn't really against this sort of behavior, but she actually seized the chance when I wasn't paying enough attention to quickly tiptoe and use her tongue to lick off the cream at the edge of my mouth.

Her tongue, had just slightly licked onto my lips.....

"So sweet~ looks like next time I'll need to buy a slightly blander cream then~"

The problem wasn't about that!

My heart kept jumping around wildly as if I had just undergone a chicken blood injection*, unabling to calm down at all, and I suddenly felt it being a little hard to breathe...

"Don't just suddenly lick me like that!!!"

I realized that I couldn't just directly look at her face already.

"But, my hands are a little dirty....."

"Even if it's like that you could have just told me, I'll be able to use something to wipe it off myself!"

"There's a bug on your shoes!"

"Where? There isn't anything at all!"

She licked me again the moment I lowered my head to take a look....

"Hehee, there's still some cream that wasn't wiped off~"

That pure and innocent smile of hers really made me unable to feel any trace of maliciousness in it.

I subconsciously licked my lips, as I wanted to lick clean the remainder of the cream left on my lips. At the area which Ma Qing Xue had licked just now, I'm not sure why but it seemed to be extremely sweet......

Finally reaching the movie theater, I initially planned to bring her to watch a movie called "Love Dependency Disease", but she insisted on watching a horror movie, so being a male, I had no choice but to oblige to her request.

"Ahh~ I'm so scared~"

This is merely a third rate horror movie only, I've nearly fallen asleep by watching the extremely fake-ish CGI graphics, but she watched it with such passion, and even hugged over to my side from time to time.

Ma Qing Xue in my heart had already begun to seem even cuter and cuter already.....

Chapter end

Volume 4 Chapter 78 part2
Volume 4 Chapter 78 part1
Volume 4 Chapter 77 part5
Volume 4 Chapter 77 part4
Volume 4 Chapter 77 part3
Volume 4 Chapter 77 part2
Volume 4 Chapter 76
Volume 4 Chapter 75
Volume 4 Chapter 74
Volume 4 Chapter 73
Volume 4 Chapter 72
Volume 4 Chapter 71
Volume 4 Chapter 70
Volume 4 Chapter 69
Volume 3 Chapter 68
Volume 3 Chapter 67
Volume 3 Chapter 66
Volume 3 Chapter 65
Volume 3 Chapter 64
Volume 3 Chapter 63
Volume 3 Chapter 62
Volume 3 Chapter 61
Volume 3 Chapter 60
Volume 3 Chapter 59
Volume 3 Chapter 58
Volume 3 Chapter 57
Volume 3 Chapter 56
Volume 3 Chapter 55
Volume 3 Chapter 54
Volume 3 Chapter 53
Volume 3 Chapter 52
Volume 3 Chapter 51
Volume 3 Chapter 50
Vol 2 Chapter 51
Vol 2 Chapter 50
Volume 2 Chapter 49
Volume 2 Chapter 48
Volume 2 Chapter 47
Volume 2 Chapter 46
Volume 2 Chapter 45
Volume 2 Chapter 44
Volume 2 Chapter 43
Volume 2 Chapter 42
Volume 2 Chapter 41
Volume 2 Chapter 40
Volume 2 Chapter 39
Volume 2 Chapter 38
Volume 2 Chapter 37
Vol 1 Chapter 36
Vol 1 Chapter 35
Vol 1 Chapter 34
Vol 1 Chapter 33
Vol 1 Chapter 32
Vol 1 Chapter 31
Vol 1 Chapter 30
Vol 1 Chapter 29
Vol 1 Chapter 28
Vol 1 Chapter 27
Vol 1 Chapter 26
Vol 1 Chapter 25
Vol 1 Chapter 24
Vol 1 Chapter 23
Vol 1 Chapter 22
Vol 1 Chapter 21
Vol 1 Chapter 20
Vol 1 Chapter 19
Vol 1 Chapter 18
Vol 1 Chapter 17
Vol 1 Chapter 16
Vol 1 Chapter 15
Vol 1 Chapter 14
Vol 1 Chapter 13
Vol 1 Chapter 12
Vol 1 Chapter 11
Vol 1 Chapter 10
Vol 1 Chapter 9
Vol 1 Chapter 8
Vol 1 Chapter 7
Vol 1 Chapter 6
Vol 1 Chapter 5
Vol 1 Chapter 4
Vol 1 Chapter 3
Vol 1 Chapter 2
Vol 1 Chapter 1
Volume 1 Chapter 36
Volume 1 Chapter 35
Volume 1 Chapter 34
Volume 1 Chapter 33
Volume 1 Chapter 32
Volume 1 Chapter 31
Volume 1 Chapter 29
Volume 1 Chapter 27
Volume 1 Chapter 26
Volume 1 Chapter 24
Volume 1 Chapter 23
Volume 1 Chapter 22
Volume 1 Chapter 21
Volume 1 Chapter 19
Volume 1 Chapter 18
Volume 1 Chapter 17
Volume 1 Chapter 16
Volume 1 Chapter 15
Volume 1 Chapter 14
Volume 1 Chapter 13
Volume 1 Chapter 12
Volume 1 Chapter 11
Volume 1 Chapter 10
Volume 1 Chapter 9
Volume 1 Chapter 8
Volume 1 Chapter 7
Volume 1 Chapter 6
Volume 1 Chapter 5
Volume 1 Chapter 4
Volume 1 Chapter 3
Volume 1 Chapter 2
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