This Game is Too Real Chapter 529

This Game is Too Real Chapter 529

  There is a kind of alien species called sandworm in Luoxia Province. That thing stands up straight and is as high as a building. It has a small child at a time, and its combat effectiveness is amazing.

   In front of that guy, let alone an Awakened, even a power armor can smash it.

A widely circulated statement on the forum at that time was that the ferocious destructive power of sandworms would destroy all infrastructure outside the river embankments. Also in vain.

It is precisely because of this that many players further speculate that in order to ensure the smooth progress of construction, the alliance will release the task of exterminating sandworms on a large scale in the form of limited-time activities. a series of tactics.

   However, to many people's surprise, the limited-time event did not appear.

   And the sandworms, which they were expected to have a major impact on the direction of the war, did not even appear in the field of vision of the front-line troops and logistics troops.

   Of course, this is not because the sandworms are afraid of the alliance. After all, it is too idealistic to expect animals to think so much. The real reason is that the alliance's transport route from the campsites of the frontline troops to the logistics troops perfectly avoids all the areas where the sandworms are active.

So here comes the problem. The areas where sandworms are active will not be written on the map by themselves. Even the most experienced businessmen dare not judge that they know the location of every sandworm nest in the desert, and how does the alliance headquarters do it? Where did you arrive?

   This is a long story.

   At that time, in order to ensure the smooth start of the road and railway to the Lion Kingdom, Chu Guang specially sent a regiment of guards to investigate the nearby villages and asked the traders who traveled the trade route in Luoxia Province all the year round.

   After some investigation, it was found that although the sandworm's combat power is strong, its reproductive ability is actually very weak.

   Later, the biological research institute of Refuge 79 conducted a further in-depth investigation of its project and found an amazing coincidence - the sandworm nest and the underground ocean current pipeline of the pre-war era highly overlapped!

   After an in-depth investigation of one of the sandworm nests, Alliance biologists discovered that the thing's nest grew on a broken ocean current pipe.

   The next question is easy to deal with.

   As long as the site selection of roads and railways and the location of frontline positions, is it not enough to bypass the areas where the underground ocean current pipelines are active?

   It's that simple.

   And this is also the most efficient and economical way to do it, in fact, this is what the Legion does when planning its marching routes and deploying its positions.

  After all, where there are sandworms, there are abundant groundwater resources. There are often not just sandworms, but also dangerous mutant arthropods such as radiant scorpions lurking there, and they are not suitable as stable traffic routes in themselves. It may be fine when there are a lot of people, but if there are fewer people, the alien species will start to move around.

   This is also one of the contests between the two sides in an invisible place. Although there is no gun smoke, it may not be as exciting as a place with gun smoke.

After all, if the managers of the alliance at that time blindly believed the opinions of one party because of rumors on the forum or a little bit of trouble, and fully launched the players to carry out the sandworm eradication campaign, the final result would most likely become a classic in strategic decision-making. Mistakes Cases - Treating the symptoms but not the root causes.

   After all, considering the situation on the wasteland, unless the broken ocean current pipeline is completely repaired or the water source is cut off, the mutant creatures in Luoxia Province will eventually gather towards the only water source.

In the short term, the road will pass through the corpse of the sandworm, the distance can be shorter, and the one-time construction cost of roads and railways will also be cheaper. Maybe the alliance can also obtain the title of "Sandworm Conqueror" for prestige + 10.

   But in the next few months, the alliance's logistics and front-line troops will have to fight against the legion with high-loss debuffs, weakening combat efficiency and increasing non-combat attrition.

   In the end, even if the war is won, the Alliance and its vassals enjoy a period of peace and tranquility. Due to the special conditions in the wasteland, the sandworms that once stood at the top of the food chain will eventually return in another form.

   For example, it evolves into a "digger" or something that can migrate at will in the great desert, or is replaced by more "less powerful, but equally deadly" aliens.

The consequences of    mean that the alliance has to allocate hundreds or even thousands of manpower to the task of "road patrol" for a long time, and railways and highways will also become a loss-making project due to the accumulated risk costs.

   Maybe the Alliance will be unbearable one day in the future, and then decide to fix one more.

  If the alliance has enough and cheap manpower, of course, it can ignore natural science, or even fight against it. But unfortunately, the sanctuary did not give Chu Guang more qualifications for packaging and testing.

   Sometimes Chu Guang couldn't help but wonder about conspiracy theories. Could it be that the first-generation managers guessed that they would be thinking of shortcuts, so they deliberately tightened the release of "gene sequences".

   After all, there are too many players, and game companies can really not treat players as human beings. This is not just a problem of one big company.

   "Sandworm Investigation Report" is just a small episode in the expedition.

  Chu Guang made a relatively reasonable judgment after listening to the reports of the logistics system, life professional players, and alliance researchers.

  Because the matter itself is not big, there are only a few players who participated in the investigation, so he did not repeat them in the update announcement.

   After all, compared to the war with the Legion, the investigation of the scientific research team and the experiments, discussions, and analysis of the researchers were just a trivial matter under the circumstances at the time.

  Similar situations happen almost every day.

   A more direct threat than Nago, Chu Guang can hear more than a hundred of them every day, and there are as many strange species and technological creations circulating in the wasteland.

  If the wastelanders have seen all kinds of weird things, and even the talking Deadpaw will not be surprised, then he must be the master of it. He has heard anecdotes from Xiao Qi or the players, and the amount of information he receives must account for at least half of the "total information output value" of the alliance.

Unless the alliance builds a huge wall like the Boulder City, it wants to form a top-down or bottom-up three-dimensional defense mechanism in a stable environment through the cooperation of billions of people in the real world. Complete isolation from all threats is almost impossible.

   Strange things that don't necessarily happen once in a hundred years on Earth happen almost every day in the Wasteland Era. Some players ran to the guards and hung up a post after gaining regional reputation. Every day they did nothing but call the police. They serialized the strange things and strange prisoners they encountered on the forum, and there were many audiences who ate melons.

   Therefore, compared to the random guesses made by players on the forum based on real common sense, Chu Guang will still listen more to the opinions of professionals when making specific decisions.

   In short, Nago did not affect the Triumph Celebration of the Alliance.

  The fruit that spreads filth, and the countless troubles that come with prosperity, are quietly cleaned up by the guards and the festival self-governing committee...

  Because of Chu Guang's urgency, Heya immediately put down her work, devoted herself to the study of Nago, and called him back before dusk.

"...Let's talk about the conclusion first, first of all, it can be ruled out that this thing is the product of slime mold, and secondly, according to my observation, not only ordinary crops, even slime mold can't reproduce on soil infected with this special mycelium. "

When    said this, Heya paused and continued.

   "In addition, it is indeed not a fruit bred by ordinary plants, but some kind of fungus associated with plants... Do you know the fungus?"

   "Of course I know...wait, that is, it doesn't grow from a tree? Instead, it needs to rely on other plants to attach to it?"


   "Isn't the soil that can be infected by mycelium unable to grow crops?"

   Looking at Chu Guang's confused expression in the hologram, Heya nodded approvingly.

   "Smart...just a little less flexible."

  Chu Guang coughed softly.

   "I'm very busy... you shouldn't go around in circles."

   put down her arms, Heya said patiently.

"The special thing about Nago is that it is difficult for normal plants, animals and even microorganisms to survive in its domain, but those infected by it assimilate are different...and even become stronger in its domain. For example, the cam tree that produces rubber and biomass oil will not wither after being parasitized by the mycelium of Naguo, but become a hotbed for cultivating Naguo, can you understand what I say?"

   "In other words... the way to grow Nago is not through seeds, just—"

"Just pour the feces of people and animals who have eaten Naguo on the roots of the Kam tree," interrupting Chu Guang's words, Heya said concisely, "Naguo didn't have a kernel at all, only honey brewed sweet and greasy. Fruit pulp, so many animals like to eat it. And the fibrous hyphae in the pulp are its 'seeds'. So in essence, it is a pure fungus, which is fundamentally different from the mutant slime mold, understand? ?"

  Variety slime molds exhibit fungal properties only at certain stages of life, and animal properties at other times.

   It is a predator in the ecosystem, a consumer in the food chain!

   is like tiger and lion, or monster and death claw.

  The fungus named "Naguo" is different. It is a very special existence. Its birth changes the rules of the food chain.

  The immune system of the organism itself no longer competes with viruses and microorganisms for living space, but achieves coexistence and prosperity under the action of the adhesive called Nago. The originally opposites in the food chain will also be united in the new natural law.

The emerald green mycelium, which symbolizes vitality, seeps into the soil, and the seeds of the old times cannot germinate in the soil it baptized. Only the creatures that embrace "Nago" can prosper in its realm and spread "Nago" to the greater world. far away.

   Good guy!

   What a fatherly love!

  Chu Guang was shocked.

   Where is Nago, it's clearly Nurgle, right? !

   Adam's apple moved slightly, Chu Guang asked immediately.

   "Is there any way to purify the land polluted by it?"

"...A strong acid disinfectant will do. It's not an anaerobic bacteria and won't penetrate deep into the soil, but I recommend burning it directly. Have you heard of flame weeding? I think your little players seem to use it instead. herbicide."

   After hearing what Heya said, Chu Guang was stunned.

"…It's that simple?"

   You can burn to death with fire…

   But having said that, it is also feasible to use fire to burn slime molds. The earliest he and his little players fought against the wave was to drop incendiary bombs on a large scale, and use flames to clean up fruiting bodies and spores.

   When dealing with fruiting entities other than evolutionary bodies, oil barrels are much more useful than high-explosive and armor-piercing rounds.

   Looking at Chu Guang, who obviously complicated the problem, Heya rolled her eyes.

"You, don't make biology too mysterious. Mutant slime mold is a special case. After all, it is the trouble left by the prosperous era. No matter how this Nago is born in the wasteland era... Of course, about Nago. I'm still working on other features, and some weird things make me pay attention."


"Repulsion with slime molds. It stands to reason that slime molds can devour all organisms, but they cannot devour the hyphae formed by nectarine. The gnaws we captured even felt a clear disgust for this fruit and refused to eat it. I am in I wonder if there is a possibility... This is actually a new problem created by a shelter or research institution to solve the problem of slime mold."

  When he heard this sentence, Chu Guang suddenly understood why the academy had to move to the swamp.

  The most dangerous thing in the wasteland is neither the fallout nor the slime mold, but the madmen with far more knowledge than ordinary people.

  Any brood is "self-limiting", but Nago is an almost unlimited expansion.

  Once the world is planted with this thing, the slime mold is 80% gone, but Nago will become the new slime mold and completely change the rules of the entire ecosystem.

   In a green hell, mutants will get stronger, and humans will presumably become...green-skinned goblins?

   At present, the alliance has not observed any symptoms of patients who have been taking Nago for a period of time. The "cases" in Dust Town only show the situation after withdrawal.

   The young man who secretly tasted the forbidden fruit was tortured to death by the germs that embraced the fruit and the immune system in his body that "wakes up". At present, the players there have distributed some antibiotics to the patients, but the effect is not obvious, and the follow-up situation is still under observation.

"In short, there is no need to panic too much and scare yourself, but this kind of immature research results is best managed... The immune system and the virus live in harmony, this is not a joke, small problems are no problem, no matter how small Problems can also become big problems. And if someone becomes a breeding ground for disease, even if other people don't eat that stuff, they'll get sick, right?"

   "Well," Chu Guang nodded, looking at Heya with a serious expression, "While you were researching, I had already activated the emergency plan to remove this thing from the market."

  Heya smiled slightly and was about to say something, but suddenly sighed softly and said in a teasing tone.

   "I wanted to blame you just now, don't always drag me out of what I'm doing, and I'm not the only researcher in the alliance... But I suddenly feel sorry for you."

   "Do you feel bad for me?" Chu Guang said with a smile, "I heard that right."

"You should also be meeting representatives of other survivors' settlements at the time, right?" Heya looked at him sympathetically, and muttered in a complicated mood, "If only those idiots could have more brain cells, at least Understand that not everyone is as idle as they are…”

When    said, a rare trace of resentment flashed in Heya's pupils.

  Chu Guang knew that the idiots she was talking about were not residents of the Alliance, but were complaining about their hometown - Vault 117.

   They originally lived a step-by-step life in the shelter, but due to some people's distrust and even hatred of the manager and the shelter's plan, the entire shelter was eventually destroyed.

   The original "torch" was born in Vault 117, and it became a religion over the next two decades.

  Chu Guang didn't know how to comfort the girl who had "crossed" from twenty years ago, but he still hoped that she could be freed from that dark memory.

"I'm not Seven, and the residents of Vault 404 are not the residents of Vault 117. Each Vault has a different mission. I don't dare to conclude that your manager doesn't know anything, maybe he has his ideas. And the hidden secrets that we don't know. But put yourself in the perspective of your residents. They can obviously return to the earth like the savior, but because of the administrator's order, they must have children in a narrow hole. Panic and despair are understandable."

   "You actually understand them!"

   Looking at Heya, whose eyes widened in disbelief, Chu Guang said patiently.

   "Understanding does not mean agreeing. The biggest inspiration your manager's log has given us is, 'Never give up communication because of communication difficulties', rather than 'the ignorant majority are not worth understanding'."

  Heya snorted softly.

   "Okay, at least we have a little consensus, we all think those guys are stupid enough... I'm off work, it's time for this girl to enjoy the celebration, I really sympathize with you!"

  Chu Guang smiled lightly.

   "Go ahead, I recommend putting a little berry jam on the liver, the sour taste can neutralize the bitterness, this is our latest unlocked recipe."

   "Slightly! I'm going to put cumin!"

  Hya hung up the phone.

   Looking at the particles of light scattered from the holographic screen, Chu Guang couldn't help but smile.

   He could feel her mood was a little better, and reconciled with her past memories.

  Although she and Yin Fang have completely different personalities, they both grew up in a similar environment and are essentially rational materialists.

   Then she must be able to understand what she wants to express.

   Same as last time.

  After nightfall, gorgeous fireworks were set off in the sky above Dawn City.

   Pedestrians on the street stopped and looked up to admire the beautiful fireworks. Even people in the distant megalithic city could see a bright light from the gaps in the concrete ruins.

   "...Mr. House guessed right again, they are indeed venting their ammunition incompetently and furiously." Standing on the edge of the industrial area, Kent, who had just finished a day's work, muttered.

   A few months ago he surrounded City Hall with cannery workers to throw Union merchandise out of Boulder, because Union factories were taking their jobs.

   That was definitely the highlight of his life.

  Dulong, who was always aloof, was sweating profusely. He not only got the job as he wished, but also got a bargaining chip from the security captain Alec. I heard that because of his earth-shattering act of righteousness, the alliance has fallen into a fiery inflation, and the wages of 1 silver coin a day have skyrocketed to double digits. I really dare not think about how they usually live.

   However, he would occasionally envy those people in the northern suburbs. The **** of the city hall dared to kick their ass, but he never dared to bully the poor ghosts of the alliance, and even the vassals of those poor ghosts dared not move.

   After all, those people are poor and only have guns, and they are wearing shoes, so they can't be irritated casually.

   Sperger, who was walking beside him, glanced at his patched jeans and muttered.

   "Hey, do you really believe Mr. House?"

"You do not believe?"

   Seeing that Kent raised his eyebrows and looked like he was going to beat him, Sberg didn't expect him to be so excited, and quickly changed his words.

   "I believe, of course I believe... We are undoubtedly victorious, but why don't we celebrate our victory?"

  Kent's eyes widened, his neck turning red with anger.

   "Are you crazy? This is wasteland, how can there be so many things for you to celebrate."

   Convinced he didn't mean to beat himself, Sperger continued cautiously.

"But I heard that yesterday was the day before yesterday, and someone saw Mr. Malvern going out of the city with great fanfare and taking his precious daughter with him. I also heard that many nobles in the inner city went to the Alliance to wait a few days ago. The celebration has begun, and almost all of the powerful mercenary groups have been included until next month..."

   Kent said impatiently.

   "They went to eat and drink."

  Sberg looked at him blankly.

   "Eat... eat and drink?"

"Yes, that's right!"

  Kent was arguing with something, maybe because he was dissatisfied with the coworker's confused expression, maybe because he had hyperthyroidism, and stared at him every step of the way.

   "What's wrong? We're their creditors, what's wrong with us eating their food? I hope they eat more tonight! Better come back!"

  Sberg raised his hand quickly.

   "No... not much, I think you're right, I hope they'll have a good appetite tonight and get Ben back for us."

   It would be great if you could spit out a mouthful of soup.

   Maybe he was very satisfied with his scared expression, Kent calmed down a little, his tone was much more patient, and he started to make sense.

"Liszt is the biggest factory owner in the alliance, and he is ours, this is the best proof! The residents of the alliance will come to us to get black cards when they make money, but the nobles in the inner city will never be theirs. Refuge residents, doesn't that tell a lot?"

   Looking at Kent who was babbling, Sperger suddenly felt distressed, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, because then he had to explain why he was distressed, which was absolutely impossible to say.

   He is a timid man.

   Only when I read the newspaper aloud will I be a little braver.

   He didn't know why Kent wanted to help those gentlemen with capital, but at least he didn't want to get punched at the moment.

   Looking at Kent who was looking forward to his feedback, Sberg nodded cautiously.

"Of course."

   "I have no doubt that Mr. House is right."

   "Haha, congratulations! Our friends! Boulder's best friend!"

   Alliance Ballroom.

  The well-dressed Sid excitedly raised his glass and looked at Chu Guang who appeared in the banquet hall. He was about to go up and clink a glass, but before he got close, he found that the person had gone elsewhere.

   "...Tsk, what are you showing off!"

   There was a flash of annoyance in his eyes, and Sid wanted to put the wine glass back on the long table with little interest to hide his embarrassment at the moment.

   But at this moment, a wine glass suddenly stretched out and touched him lightly.

   "Why do you drink alone?"

   Seeing Liszt appearing in front of him, Sid's eyes lit up, he laughed and drank the wine in the glass, pulling his shoulders and saying.

   "You still give face, my friend!"

  Liszt is the upstart of the inner city, of course he doesn't know it, and after all, he helped get that black card.

   was also in this banquet hall.

   This kid is pulling him to negotiate a deal. To be honest, Sid was not very interested in it. After all, it is not a decent thing to make money in person in Boulder City.

   But recently, he slowly realized the joy of soaring wealth.

   He doesn't need to figure out how to balance logistics surplus, how to adjust job functions, or even know what to produce to make money.

   As long as he moves his fingers and throws the chips like a dart, someone will naturally do the minutiae work for him and make him satisfied.

   "Of course," Liszt smiled slightly, put down the glass after a brief taste, and said politely, "After all, we are a group."

"Hey! How are you! To be honest, the hillbills in the northern suburbs are really not a suitable trading partner. They are vulgar and rude. They invited us over, but they threw me to Luka to entertain. I heard that the old man used to be a serf. , they must be crazy, let a mud leg be the city lord! But Malvin is right, we don't need to fight with chips, you should know that feeling, when doing business with predators." In order not to offend The others, Sid kept his voice so low that only two people could hear it.

  Liszt nodded with a friendly smile on his face.

   "It's true, **** doesn't taste good... The chips they hand over are always greasy, and it reminds me of bones and meat scraps floating in a hot oil pan."

"It's too vivid! I really want to hear you talk about your legendary stories. It's not ordinary to be able to do business with predators!" something, can we chat while we eat... can we talk about something less flavorful?"

   Liszt said with a smile.

   "Of course, I know a good deal, but I don't know if you're interested."

   As soon as he heard that there was an opportunity to make money, Sid's face suddenly showed a look of joy.

   Liszt is of course trustworthy, not only because he owes him a lot of favors, but also because he has become his own.

   "I'm so intrigued! My friend, I knew you'd live up to my expectations! Always bring us new fun!"

   Liszt said with a slight smile.

   "The Alliance recently issued a bond."

"what is that."

"Alternative debt," Liszt tried to process what Chu Guang described to make the corners sound less complicated, "you buy 100-chip bonds, and the alliance will automatically give you 3 each year. 100 pieces of principal will be paid off at a time after five years."

  Sid was stunned for a moment, pouting, dissatisfied.

   "Why so few?"

   Although he is rich, it does not mean he is stupid.

  The aid loan from Boulder City to the Alliance has a 5% interest rate!

  This not only has low interest, but it doesn't sound like compound interest, so ghosts will buy it!

   As expected by Sid's reaction, the smile on Liszt's face did not change, he picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip.

   "Then...what if I had a special channel to get a bond with a face value of 100 at the issue price of 90 chips?"

   The moment he heard this sentence, Sid was stunned for a moment, and then his breathing suddenly became rapid.

   "Doesn't that mean..."

"You get 10% on hand," Liszt said meaningfully. "Not only that, but also 3% interest per year. If you're interested in a 10-year bond, the interest is one point more, and the issue price is It's 85."

"The alliance does not recognize debt and allows bond trading. Now everyone has chips in their pockets, but the alliance cannot use chips to sign bills. It needs to be exchanged for silver coins first, and the exchange of silver coins is not free... So you understand, right? Buy Bonds can indirectly share their development dividends.”

   He would not tell Sid that, as a first-tier dealer, the issue price he got was actually cheaper.

   As for how to repay the money in the future?

   That's too easy!

  When the chips are gathered in the pocket of the alliance, how much the chips are worth is not up to the alliance to decide?

   If Chu Guang's plan is finally realized, then in the most extreme case, the excessive circulation of chips may become a pile of useless plastic pieces.

  The money is worthless, and you are afraid that you will not be able to pay it back?

   As for whether it can reach that step, it depends on the level of the manager. Speaking of which, Liszt was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the man who seemed to be upright and upright had so many hearts hidden, and he was so ruthless when he shot.

   Sid hugged Liszt by the shoulders, his eyes were full of enthusiasm, and his expression was like a real brother, afraid that he would eat alone.

   "Brother! You have to take me with you! I've made so many chips, I just don't know what to invest in!"

   "That's necessary," Liszt patted his shoulder with a smile, and said softly, "My friend, have you forgotten?"

   "We're a gang."

  Tonight's firework show, Chu Guang, was going to be missed, and he couldn't even take the time to stand on the bridge of the Heart of Steel to enjoy it.

   After all, there are too many guests to receive.

Whether it is a representative of a company or a representative of the surrounding survivor settlements, they all want to have a chat with him on behalf of their settlements. When they come to learn from the experience, they will also see if they can catch the speeding train of the Alliance and follow along. Get some light.

   As the focal point of the audience, Chu Guang also realized for the first time in his life what it would be like to be busy with his heels on the ground.

   Those who waited in line to see him could line up from the door of the auditorium to the back kitchen.

   And he needs to condense the huge information into three sentences, and remember as much as possible every representative and settlement he has spoken to.

   Fortunately, Xiaoqi helped.

It's just that, for some reason, just when he was going to meet the large group of nobles in the Stone City, Xiao Qi suddenly became self-willed, saying that the fireworks he finally designed were about to end, and he had to go outside anyway. have a look.

   Otherwise it won't work next time!

no way.

  Chu Guang originally wanted to go to the aristocrats of the giant stone city to make excuses, but he couldn't stand Xiao Qi's bombardment in his ears, so he could only aggrieve old Luca and go to the nobles in the inner city to be polite.

   As for the bond thing.

  Chu Guang believed that even without his cooperation, Liszt would do things beautifully for him.

   That guy is a smart guy.

   He knows what to do…

   Outside the auditorium.

  Chu Guang found a secluded place and looked up at the fireworks blooming in the night sky.

  It turned out that the fireworks from the steel heart's naval guns were so beautiful.

   No wonder so many people looked up at the sky that night, motionless.

  The neck is tired.

   After the last set of fireworks was finished, Chu Guang couldn't help but praise him.

   "It's pretty."

   Sitting on his shoulders and dangling his calves, Xiao Qi smiled happily and put his hands on his hips proudly.

   "Hey, right?"

  Chu Guang glanced at the little guy helplessly.

   "But it's still a while before the fireworks are over, right? Why can't I come out and watch after I finish meeting the representatives of Boulder City."

  Xiaoqi pouted.

   "Xiao Qi doesn't like them... The master is wasting time on them, why don't you come out and watch Xiao Qi's performance!"

   Does artificial intelligence also have standards of good and evil?

  Chu Guang couldn't help but feel a little magical.

   "Where did they mess with you?"

  Xiaoqi said confidently.

   "No! The owner doesn't like it, so Xiao Qi doesn't like it either!"

  Chu Guang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

   "You guy..."

   There are a lot of things he doesn't like.

  Strictly speaking, there are no absolute good or bad people in the wasteland. Pure evil and absolute goodness are not common here. The most common are unscrupulous chaos and barbarism.

  If you can't hold a grain of sand in your eyes, and you don't care about the means of doing things, the end result will be an extremely distorted thing of the Enlightenment.

  Those guys firmly believe that both the post-war reconstruction committee and the survivor settlements in the wasteland are degraded things compared to the great prosperous era, so they must be physically and resolutely destroyed!

  In their eyes, it is an alliance that is in sympathy with the wastelanders.

   It is precisely for this reason that it is even more difficult to reform the disciples of the Enlightenment who are firm in their beliefs than to reform the predators.

  As for Xiaoqi…

   Maybe it was because he cared too much about his own feelings and received a lot of mixed information, so that he was a little affected.

From its expression, Chu Guang could probably guess a little bit, it must be that the nobles in the inner city secretly arranged that they were "accidentally" heard by it, but they were restrained by themselves and could not do anything to them. way to express their dissatisfaction.

At the    Falcon City Palace, he had already scolded it once because of its cleverness, and believed that it would no longer use the authority at will.

   "...There are actually a lot of people in this wasteland that we don't like and disagree with. You should know that after being with me for so long."

   "Even the more familiar you are with them and the more you understand their inner thoughts, the more you feel that they are hopelessly depraved, and pulling them is both laborious and thankless."

   stretched out his index finger and lightly rubbed Xiaoqi's little head, looking at those dazed eyes, Chu Guang continued in a gentle voice.

   "But we allow them to live, give them enough time to change, give them a chance, and even pull them forward when necessary."

   "This is the Union."

   A survivor united, united—

   A place to huddle around the ruins to keep warm.

Chapter end

Chapter 766
Chapter 765
Chapter 764
Chapter 763
Chapter 762
Chapter 761
Chapter 760
Chapter 759
Chapter 758
Chapter 757
Chapter 756
Chapter 755
Chapter 754
Chapter 753
Chapter 752
Chapter 751
Chapter 750
Chapter 749
Chapter 748
Chapter 747
Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 732
Chapter 731
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723
Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 705
Chapter 704
Chapter 703
Chapter 702
Chapter 701
Chapter 700
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Chapter 51
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Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
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Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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