This Game is Too Real Chapter 452

This Game is Too Real Chapter 452

                   The capital of the Lion Kingdom, the Lion City,

   Among the square and neat houses, there are scattered several collapsed houses, and there are still traces of scorched fire on the street.

  Although the Legion and the Hunting Sense Kingdom did not reach here, they still saw the scars left by the war from the untreated Cannes.

   On both sides of the main road leading from the north gate of the river embankment to the palace, there are crowds of people, looking around in darkness,

  Whether men, women, old people or children, farmers, craftsmen or fruit vendors, all of them stood up and stretched their necks to look towards the city gate.

   In just a few days, the day has improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The roaring bomber disappeared, and the piercing air defense sirens kept away from the lives of the residents of the city.

  People no longer have to wake up from their sleep by the sound of air raid sirens, no longer have to hide under the bed with their families shivering, praying that they are not on the list of victims.

   This is certainly not because the enemy's conscience finds out.

   Instead, the Alliance came.

   I heard that the Storm Corps, which was scattered from the front to the rear, would pass by here. Many people rushed over early in the morning just to see the demeanor of the friendly troops who saved them from the fire.

The elite "Scarab" 10,000 team of the kingdom of    entered the city first under the leadership of Prince Winter, followed by reinforcements from the alliance.

   did not live up to the expectations of the residents of the Lion City.

  I saw a group of valiant soldiers walking towards us with neat steps.

   They carry rifles on their backs, wear uniform exoskeletons on their bodies, and on their shiny alloy breastplates are printed the flag of the Alliance and the micro-signature of the Stormtroopers.

  The great manager specially instructed that this review ceremony will be included in the game cg. If you don't want to be reduced by the main film, please at least dress like a person.

  Although Chu Guang only asked to dress properly and properly, when he learned that his corps would be on the CG of the game, Commander Quan Shui shouted to his friends as if he had been beaten with blood.


   "This is a good opportunity to pretend on the forum! Give me a hundred and twenty percent of the spirit! Carry the rifle on my shoulder, lift my chest, kick it up, and twist my neck to the right!"

   "For the Alliance!"

   And the response of the players was also quite powerful. One or two really took out 150 points of spirit and burst into an amazing momentum.

   "Long Live the Alliance!!!"


   "Ooh! Ooh!"

  Most players actually just want to pretend, or perform art.

   But Commander Quan Shui is playing a big game, and has taken this opportunity to show off on the official game cg as a free conscription advertisement.

  Want to be the Shield of the Alliance?

  Want to show loyalty to the manager?

  Want to spread the light of order all over this wasteland?

   Then join the Stormtroopers!

   They will sweep up all the chaos like a storm and bring justice to the savage! Triumph to the cheers of the people!

   In just a few seconds, he even thought about the ad!

   Just as Commander Springs thought about it, the residents of the Lion City on both sides of the road had their eyes firmly focused on these players.

  People waved their arms and cheered, or whispered to each other, or cast envious glances. …

  "Is that the Union army?"

   "I heard it's called the Stormtroopers!"

  "Why so much?"

   "Is this a thousand-man team?"

   "Small? Are you kidding me? What else is a thousand-man team? Those thousand young men are all Awakened!

   "1000 Awakened?! How is that possible! Are you drinking too much?"

  "That's not what I said! The blacksmith next door to me has two sons who are serving on the front line. I heard from him that those people's combat effectiveness is incredible. One thousand people run after ten thousand people!"


  The bare-armed man and a few neighbors were bragging about anecdotes about the Alliance that they had heard from somewhere.

   I heard that this Stormtrooper is not the strongest in the Alliance

  At the time, there was a looter tribe called Chewbone, with nearly 30,000 members, and they were bruised and bruised by a group of less than 500 airborne soldiers.

   It's not just the neighbors and hawkers who are interested, some young girls also cast their longing eyes towards the team

   "The armor on them is so handsome..."

   "So do people."

  Whether it was the sophisticated equipment, the high morale, or the handsome face, they all left a deep impression on the residents of the Lion City onlookers.

   Even the most elite troops in the kingdom, the "Scarab" 10,000 troops led by Prince Winter, were compared by this only 1,000 troops.

   The girl holding the flower basket threw the flower into the air

   Bathed in the cheers and applause of the crowd, Commander Spring Water, who was walking in the crowd, unconsciously put a smile on his face.

   For a moment, he finally felt the joy of being a manager.

   "Why do I feel like I'll be a hero with soy sauce."

   Walking next to the spring, I touched the back of my head the darkest, with a confused expression on my face.

  The spring water rolled his eyes at him

   "What soy sauce! We also played two games, okay?"

  Ten Punch Superman said helplessly: "That's what I said, but without a nuclear explosion, I always feel something is missing."

   Tomb Head and Ghost Hunter nodded in agreement.

   "And the Battlefield guy isn't here either, so I can't see this guy pretending to be forceful."

  Broken Leg Kevin: "+1"

Commander    Spring Water: "..."

  These people are really hard to serve!

   Three days ago.

   Just when the Skeleton Corps completely took over the airport near the Lost Valley, the combined army formed by the Alliance and the Lion Kingdom also sounded the horn of a counterattack.

   The 10,000-thousand team of the Hunting Tang Kingdom set up a defense line near Idles Mountain, trying to prevent the "Scarab" 10,000-strong team of the Lion Kingdom from breaking through to the west.

In order to support the friendly forces to quickly regain lost ground and preserve their vitality for the next stage of the campaign, the Stormtroopers, under the order of the Army Headquarters, were airborne and deployed 30 kilometers behind the enemy's defense line, and under the cover of the Heart of Steel, they marched towards the 10,000th The artillery positions in the rear of the corps launched a surprise attack.

   At that time, the 20,000th Lie Li team was stationed near the artillery position. Once the two sides met, a fierce exchange of fire broke out on the wheat field!

Under the command of Brother Quan Shui, the Storm Corps broke into pieces on a 10-kilometer-wide front, and infiltrated the enemy's front with a ten-man squad as the basic combat unit. The 10,000-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousandth of the fight were thrown away, and they were defeated in less than 24 hours.

   This battle can be said to be a win, and it has completely displayed the style of the alliance. …

   Of course, the reason why the advance of the front line is so smooth is not only inseparable from the excellent tactical command of Brother Quan Shui, but also inseparable from the strategic judgment of the manager.

  In the case of losing the nuclear bombing capability and armored group, and the northern supply line was cut off, with Griffin's cunning, it is a high probability event.

  It can be expected that in Oasis No. 9, the coalition forces of the Alliance and the Lion Kingdom will not create too strong resistance, and all they encounter are the broken troops without reinforcements.

   After taking the soldiers' positions behind the 10,000th Team of the Hunting Kingdom, the Stormtroopers immediately took advantage of the artillery that the enemy had not had time to blow up, and used the enemy's artillery fire to open up a way for the friendly troops to move forward.

   In the face of pressure from both the front and the rear, with the Heart of Steel on top of his head, the most elite 10,000-person team in the Hunting Kingdom was quickly annihilated by the establishment.

  72 hours all the way to the west, the alliance's front has been pushed to the westernmost edge of Oasis No. 9.

  Except for sporadic resistance, the Lion Kingdom has basically recovered all the lost territory.

   And all of this is inseparable from the help of the alliance,

  As the protagonist of the whole ceremony, Chu Guang's appearance is naturally the most attractive.

  The majestic Steel Heart drove directly above the Lion City, and the elevator descended from the sky and landed steadily at the end of the red carpet covered with stairs.

   Overlooking the flowers and applause in the audience, as well as the storm troop marching to the gate of the palace, Chu Guang couldn't help but bring a faint smile to the corner of his mouth.

  The residents of the Lion Kingdom only saw the immediate victory, but he has already seen the granary of the alliance's future abundance

   Aren't those Awakened ones super food?

   Is an oasis of 110,000 square kilometers enough?

  This black land irrigated by river banks is much more fertile than the tens of thousands of acres of fields in the north of Linghu Lake!

   As long as the alliance's advanced seeds, machines, planting experience, fertilizers and pesticides are introduced, it is not a problem to double the total grain output here!

   With more and cheaper food, we can absorb more immigrants from other regions and recruit more players.

   I don't know what surprises the b6 layer can bring him this time, but the number of beta testers can always increase.

   "Little Qi, remember to pick a good angle and take me a little more handsome."

   In the helmet of the power armor, a line of light blue floating windows appeared.

  Xiaoqi: "Hey, it's a bit difficult to handle, the master is super handsome no matter what angle he is from! (///w//)'

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  Ren Yu smiled cheerfully, raised his index finger and tapped on the helmet, releasing the mask of the helmet,

   After the elevator stopped, he took Chu Guang behind him and a group of guards wearing exoskeletons and walked out of the elevator.

  The shadow of the airship hangs over the palace, blocking the scorching sun

   King Edward the Lion of the Lion Kingdom and his ministers are standing on the steps of the palace, waiting for the arrival of the overlord from the River Valley Province.

   Standing next to the king, a tall and thin minister frowned slightly

   He approached the king's ear and whispered.

   "…I think that this person is really disrespectful to you by driving the airship above the palace, and now he is wearing power armor to set foot on your palace. The alliance may not have any pretense about forming an alliance--"…

  The drooping old king opened his eyes slightly, and glanced at the minister next to him with a hint of warning in his eyes.

"To shut up."

   A chill crept across his back, and the minister immediately closed his mouth and no longer dared to speak.

   The old king's face regained the kindness and kindness, looked at the manager who was walking towards him with the guards, and said in a loud voice with a hint of a smile.

  "Welcome to Lion City, the administrator of the alliance, the overlord south of Tianshui... I didn't expect you to come here in person."

   Of course he knew that this was Lenovo's show of force.

At least…

   These guys don't look bad

   After they came to Oasis No. 9, they didn't do anything like the Legion, nor did they want to interfere in the country's court and internal affairs. This was already a big happy event.

   "You're welcome," Lu Bei smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand, "We are here for justice and order, to crusade against our common enemy."

   As for everything else, it's all incidental.

  The aged king stretched out his right hand and shook lightly with the manager in front of him,

   In front of that tall and mighty image, he was like a worthless old man, the golden crown and luxurious cloak did not reduce his might.

   Looking at that young and handsome face, Ren Yujin couldn't help but bring a hint of envy in his eyes, if only he were thirty years younger.

   If he was in his prime, he could still ride a war horse and lead troops to fight, the military equipment of the Lion Kingdom would not have declined to this point.

   I hope his children who go out to practice can bring him some surprises...

  The silver spherical drone flew to the side, recording this historic moment,

   From the moment of shaking hands, the Lion Kingdom will transfer part of its sovereignty in exchange for the support from the alliance.

   And from this moment, the alliance's sphere of influence has finally expanded beyond the river valley provinces, bringing this fertile land irrigated by the relics of pre-war civilization into the territory of the labor sphere.

...This is not polite, but a heartfelt thank you," Edward said solemnly as he looked at Lu Beisi, "If it wasn't for you, this city would have turned to dust... The people of the lion will not surrender, compared to Slaves of the Legion, we would rather be lost in the land of our ancestors,"

  The Marshal of the Restoration Army Yard, who was also invited here, had a somewhat unnatural expression, and pouted unethically,

He doesn't think male lions are more courageous than their honey badgers. They are the lone warriors who face the threat from the west. If the lion kingdom is as mighty and unyielding as the old man said, then the honey badger kingdom was invaded by the falcon kingdom long ago. At that time, these people should have killed Oasis 3 to fight alongside them.

   As for these hypocritical remarks, it is just for the so-called decency

   However, his emotional intelligence is not low enough to jump out of the stage on this occasion,

   At this moment, his attention was completely attracted by the managers of the alliance,

  The blue power armor and the long-handled warhammer on his back are undoubtedly the legendary one

   However, unlike the legend, he is neither a 60-year-old man nor a chin-shaped beard. …


  A handsome young man?

   did not pay attention to a pair of surprised gazes in the crowd, Lu Bei smiled and shook the old king's hand and said in a grumpy voice.

   "I have witnessed your valor on the bridge, and we have fulfilled our promise." The implication - now it's your turn

   "Of course...we'll keep our promises too."

  Edward had a smile on his face, but he sighed in his heart,

  The lion royal family used to be the overlord of this desert. Whether it was Hunting Wish or Honey Badger, or the golden lizard and hump in the north and south, they were all their tributaries.

   Now he has to be subservient to others. If there is no unwillingness at all, it is impossible.

   But even so, he did not have the confidence to default on his debts.

   With the dominance of the Alliance on the battlefield, even in the heyday of national power, they did not have the confidence to defeat the Alliance on the frontal battlefield.

   Thinking of this, Ren Yujin couldn't help comforting himself in his heart.

   Actually, being a vassal of the Alliance is not necessarily a bad thing.

  Because of his success in defending the city of abundance, his younger brother, Prince Winter, reached the pinnacle of prestige both in the aristocracy and among the people.

  Especially this guy is not being honest about what kind of intelligence organization...

   Come to an alliance to contain him.

   In addition to containing domestic power, the royal family can also receive industrial aid from the alliance and even the East Coast, as well as dangerous promises made by the alliance managers themselves.

   On the surface, he seems to have sacrificed part of his rights.

   But actually got more…

   The ceremony to celebrate the arrival of the Alliance reinforcements continued to the end in a cheerful and silent atmosphere.

  Although the lion's palace did not have a banquet hall that could accommodate a thousand soldiers to dine together, the minister of finance of the palace gave each soldier a reward of 2,200 golden lion coins.

   This amount is 5 times that of the soldiers of the 10,000-strong team in Sacred Armor City.

   Even if the price of the Lion Kingdom has skyrocketed due to the war, this is not a small amount.

  The soldiers of the alliance can take this money to spend in the market and tavern.

   However, before disbanding, Commander Springs reiterated that he must be a civilized and well-rounded person, not allowed to conflict with local residents, not allowed to fight and cause trouble, and not allowed to take equipment out of the military camp.

   They are a disciplined force, not to mention that they represent not only themselves, but also everyone in the alliance, including players and NPCs.

   Looking at the purse in his hand, the player who changed into casual clothes couldn't help but sigh.

   "Hey, I thought I could experience the Mi Army stationed in Korea once, but that's not okay, that's not okay."

  The style of NPCs in Luoxia Province is completely different from that in River Valley Province.

  The former has deep eye sockets and a slender bridge of the nose, giving it an exotic feel

   The river valley provinces are more common southern faces, because the air is dry and the climate is colder, and the complexion is relatively lighter.

  Although the lion kingdom lacks a little "art germ", it does not prevent him from having a pair of eyes that are good at appreciating and discovering beauty.

   Of course, it is too superficial to say this.

   Mainly because he wanted to learn people's language.

   saw through his thoughts at a glance, and the captain who led the team couldn't help rolling his eyes.

   "Can you be a bit more promising!"

Another player next to the    station also echoed the road…

   "Yes! We are an alliance, not a federation! Let's go! Help grandma cross the road!"

  The player made a rotten expression.

   "Hug, I'm really sorry that Dad is an unpromising person. I'm really sorry that Jie is an unimaginative person.

   "Fuck off, I don't know you."

   "Okay, thanks Captain, I'll be back in a while!"

   After saying that, the player smiled and carried the money bag to nowhere.

"This guy."

   Seeing that guy's back disappearing into the crowd, the captain shook his head and patted the good brother next to him on the shoulder.

  "Let's leave him alone, let's have a drink."

   Hearing this sentence, the player who shouted to help the old lady cross the road a second ago suddenly had a sleepy expression on his face.

   "Captain, I suddenly feel that I can't leave this guy alone... If he gets drunk, I'll go and persuade him."

   Captain: "Go away!"

   Hearing the sound, the player's eyes lit up.


After    finished speaking, this person also dodged, leaving only the captain alone in the wind.

  This team is really getting harder and harder to bring...

  While the players were free to explore the new map, the banquet was being held in the palace of the royal palace.

   declined He Hou's own change of clothes, Lu Bei put on the blue jacket by himself, zipped up the zipper, and walked to the banquet hall of the palace.

The important ministers and nobles of the    kingdom have been waiting in the banquet hall for a long time, including the King Edward, who are also waiting for his arrival.

  It was not until Lu Bei stepped into the banquet hall that the court orchestra played a melodious symphony, and the master of ceremonies officially announced that the banquet had no success.

   In addition to Lu Bei, his personal guards, some officers on the airship, and several high-contribution point players from the Storm Corps, including Quan Shui, were also present at the banquet.

   After several previous battles, their contribution points have reached the level of "Apprentice Knight".

   And the visible numbers and the shining battle medals are undoubtedly the best proof of loyalty.

  Although he was also a hero on the battlefield, the officers of Prince Winter's family were completely overshadowed by the officers of the Alliance.

   Looking at the old man who wore the crown and awarded honors to the warriors of the alliance, Bo Chew, who was sitting in the corner of the banquet hall, couldn't help but snorted.

   "Who is the master of the kingdom?"

  The officers of the Stormtroopers are fine.

   Even the manager's personal guard was awarded the "Golden Lion Medal", and it was also ranked in front of Prince Winter.

   Are these people on the battlefield?

   Even if it's for making friends, it's too much!

   The colleague sitting next to him smiled faintly and said softly.

   "Of course it's our king...but it's not certain who his master is."

   Nabo Chew gave him a surprised look, but didn't say anything, just touched a glass with him and took a sip of the red wine in the glass.

   No one dared to say these outrageous words.

   But at this moment, the authority of the royal family has declined to the extreme, and so has the awe of the nobles.

  No one cares what the old king thinks, everyone is thinking about how to please the new "Emperor"

The word    alliance is too incomprehensible to understand. …

   Growing up in the kingdom, they could not imagine the concept of a community of shared destiny for all the survivors, and they had no interest in the lofty blueprint.

Above the    kingdom is the empire, and they can only, or only want to understand, this layer.

"what's your plan?"

   The colleague leaned close to his ear and whispered softly

   "I plan to open a winery. The Alliance plans to invest in the kingdom's farmland and infrastructure. The price of food will definitely come down... But the wine is not necessarily. I think those people have a lot of alcohol."

   Count's eyes lit up.

   "My estate has exactly 20,000 mu of land!"

   The man said with a smile.

   "That's great...we can work together."

  The little aristocrats who are far away from the core of power are more concerned about the purse in their pockets

   Those who have their own factions and political ambitions are more concerned about the power in their hands and the future of the kingdom.

   Usually there will be conflict between the two, but the two are not contradictory on the issue of the suzerain

  Only if they get more benefits from the suzerain, their power will not shrink too much

   is also the corner of the banquet hall

  The nobles and generals belonging to Prince Winter's faction formed a circle in the corner of the banquet hall.

  A clerk lowered his voice and whispered to the nobles and officers next to him while no one was paying attention.

   "...I heard that the emperor of the alliance has not accepted a concubine."

   "Are you sure?" A commander widened his eyes in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

   This is unbelievable indeed.

   In particular, even if the emperor is not interested, his ministers will continue to write advice.

   After all, having no heir is a big problem, especially when there is no heir running around, which is unbelievable

   The clerk suppressed his voice and continued.

  "It's true, that's the news from Prince Kaliman, and I heard that the Honey Badger Kingdom intends to change the way of the ancestors and is trying to marry the Alliance..."

   looked at Yard, who was drinking alone at the banquet, and a general scolded him.

   "Cunning Weasel!"

   "We're bleeding and sweating on the front lines, and these guys who can't resist for a week are asking for these tricks!"

   "Don't let them steal the fruits of failure!"

   "Yes, but we can't let them lead!"

   A thousand commander clenched his fists.

   "I have to propose to the Prince, and in any case have to convince His Majesty!"

   Lu Bei didn't pay much attention to what everyone in the banquet hall was talking about.

  How to develop the market of Lion Kingdom?

  How to make more profit from trade?

  How to grow more potatoes and corn per acre?

   These minutiae issues will naturally have life professional players to worry about.

   As the manager of Pang Ming, he is the thing he should borrow at this moment.

  The banquet lasted for half an hour.

   After the process of going through, Lu Bei just tasted a few bites of the food, and then reminded the king of the contract.

  Although it is a little strange why the managers of the alliance are so anxious, King Ren Yujin still understands and invites him and several representatives of the alliance to the conference room beside...

   The specific agreement was drafted before the alliance sent troops.

Including "free trade", "military passage", "mutual defense treaty", "anti-looter bill", "immigration treaty", "extradition treaty", "right to investigate pre-war civilization relics", etc., basically do not involve consuls And sovereign, all the agreements that can be signed are here.

   glanced helplessly.

   Confirming that the content of the agreement was consistent with what was discussed before, Lu Bei took the pen from Chu Guang, signed his name on the agreement, and stamped the seal of the alliance.

  According to these agreements, the traders of the alliance hold certificates issued by the alliance, and can freely enter and leave all cities in the Lion Kingdom, and have unimpeded access to the local market, and hold and operate fixed or non-fixed assets.

In addition, in order to protect the dangers of alliance residents and business travelers, and for the benefit of the Lion Kingdom, the alliance will build no more than five military bases, garrison outposts, and no more than seven large-scale military communications in Oasis No. 9. facility.

   These facilities are enough for a kingdom of 110,000 square kilometers.

If there are more   , the alliance will not be able to hold the hands of so many guests.

   In exchange for these treaties, Lu Bei also made a promise that the alliance would not interfere in the internal affairs of the Lion Kingdom.

   At the same time, the Alliance will provide a 500 million silver aid loan to the Lion Kingdom after the war for post-war reconstruction and expansion of agricultural facilities.

   In this way, the order of the alliance industrial area can be expanded, and the food produced will eventually be sold to the alliance. It's certainly a win-win for both parties!

   Putting down the pen in his hand, King Ren Gejin glanced at his own share of agreement, and then looked at Sun.

  "Do you have any plans next?"

   returned the pen in his hand to Chu Guang, who was standing aside, Lu Bei glanced at the time, and lowered his eyes on his knees.

   "I plan to go back to Dawn City." Ren Yujin was stunned for a moment.

   "Aren't you going to stay for a few more days? I've prepared a resting palace for you-_" "No, I have a more urgent matter to deal with here."

   Looking at the embarrassed old king, Lu Bei suddenly understood something and said with a smile,

   "Don't worry, I'll leave the Stormtroopers and Goblin Corps here, and the Skeleton Corps' armoured units are arriving here."

   "They are all alliance elites, and they will guarantee your danger."

   "As soon as the Heart of Steel completes its supply, it will return to the front line immediately."

  Although the Legion has withdrawn from Oasis No. 9, it has not lost its offensive capability.

  The old king was worried about nothing but one thing, and that was that the Legion took advantage of the Heart of Steel to leave, and then turned the gun and came back.

  Although this possibility is very small, but put yourself in the shoes and think about it, a veteran who has slept in an underground bomb shelter for more than two months can go to Jia who is far away.

  Ren Yu was not surprised by his thoughts at the moment.

   Sure enough, after hearing this promise, Edward finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   He leaned back on the chair with his relaxed shoulders, and a nervous smile appeared on his face.

  "Thank you so much...for so much consideration for us.

  Lu Bei smiled slightly, got up and stretched out his right hand

  "You're welcome, I wish our friendship is as reliable as an unbreakable alliance."

   The old king, who had just relaxed, stood up in a hurry and shook the hand held out by the manager.

   "You said yes!"

Chapter end

Chapter 766
Chapter 765
Chapter 764
Chapter 763
Chapter 762
Chapter 761
Chapter 760
Chapter 759
Chapter 758
Chapter 757
Chapter 756
Chapter 755
Chapter 754
Chapter 753
Chapter 752
Chapter 751
Chapter 750
Chapter 749
Chapter 748
Chapter 747
Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 732
Chapter 731
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723
Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 705
Chapter 704
Chapter 703
Chapter 702
Chapter 701
Chapter 700
Chapter 699
Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
Chapter 693
Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682
Chapter 681
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 626
Chapter 625
Chapter 624
Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
Chapter 620
Chapter 619
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
Chapter 612
Chapter 611
Chapter 610
Chapter 609
Chapter 608
Chapter 607
Chapter 606
Chapter 605
Chapter 604
Chapter 603
Chapter 602
Chapter 601
Chapter 600
Chapter 599
Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
Chapter 562
Chapter 561
Chapter 560
Chapter 559
Chapter 558
Chapter 557
Chapter 556
Chapter 555
Chapter 554
Chapter 553
Chapter 552
Chapter 551
Chapter 550
Chapter 549
Chapter 548
Chapter 547
Chapter 546
Chapter 545
Chapter 544
Chapter 543
Chapter 542
Chapter 541
Chapter 540
Chapter 539
Chapter 538
Chapter 537
Chapter 536
Chapter 535
Chapter 534
Chapter 533
Chapter 532
Chapter 531
Chapter 530
Chapter 529
Chapter 528
Chapter 527
Chapter 526
Chapter 525
Chapter 524
Chapter 523
Chapter 522
Chapter 521
Chapter 520
Chapter 519
Chapter 518
Chapter 517
Chapter 516
Chapter 515
Chapter 514
Chapter 513
Chapter 512
Chapter 511
Chapter 510
Chapter 509
Chapter 508
Chapter 507
Chapter 506
Chapter 505
Chapter 504
Chapter 503
Chapter 502
Chapter 501
Chapter 500
Chapter 499
Chapter 498
Chapter 497
Chapter 496
Chapter 495
Chapter 494
Chapter 493
Chapter 492
Chapter 491
Chapter 490
Chapter 489
Chapter 488
Chapter 487
Chapter 486
Chapter 485
Chapter 484
Chapter 483
Chapter 482
Chapter 481
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Chapter 479
Chapter 478
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Chapter 473
Chapter 472
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Chapter 404
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Chapter 401
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Chapter 392
Chapter 391
Chapter 390
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Chapter 381
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Chapter 305
Chapter 304
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Chapter 302
Chapter 301
Chapter 300
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Chapter 293
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Chapter 291
Chapter 290
Chapter 289
Chapter 288
Chapter 287
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Chapter 283
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Chapter 281
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Chapter 278
Chapter 277
Chapter 276
Chapter 275
Chapter 274
Chapter 273
Chapter 272
Chapter 271
Chapter 270
Chapter 269
Chapter 268
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Chapter 266
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Chapter 264
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Chapter 262
Chapter 261
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Chapter 259
Chapter 258
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Chapter 253
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Chapter 251
Chapter 250
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Chapter 248
Chapter 247
Chapter 246
Chapter 245
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Chapter 241
Chapter 240
Chapter 239
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Chapter 235
Chapter 234
Chapter 233
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Chapter 231
Chapter 230
Chapter 229
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Chapter 221
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Chapter 216
Chapter 215
Chapter 214
Chapter 213
Chapter 212
Chapter 211
Chapter 210
Chapter 209
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Chapter 207
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Chapter 205
Chapter 204
Chapter 203
Chapter 202
Chapter 201
Chapter 200
Chapter 199
Chapter 198
Chapter 197
Chapter 196
Chapter 195
Chapter 194
Chapter 193
Chapter 192
Chapter 191
Chapter 190
Chapter 189
Chapter 188
Chapter 187
Chapter 186
Chapter 185
Chapter 184
Chapter 183
Chapter 182
Chapter 181
Chapter 180
Chapter 179
Chapter 178
Chapter 177
Chapter 176
Chapter 175
Chapter 174
Chapter 173
Chapter 172
Chapter 171
Chapter 170
Chapter 169
Chapter 168
Chapter 167
Chapter 166
Chapter 165
Chapter 164
Chapter 163
Chapter 162
Chapter 161
Chapter 160
Chapter 159
Chapter 158
Chapter 157
Chapter 156
Chapter 155
Chapter 154
Chapter 153
Chapter 152
Chapter 151
Chapter 150
Chapter 149
Chapter 148
Chapter 147
Chapter 146
Chapter 145
Chapter 144
Chapter 143
Chapter 142
Chapter 141
Chapter 140
Chapter 139
Chapter 138
Chapter 137
Chapter 136
Chapter 135
Chapter 134
Chapter 133
Chapter 132
Chapter 131
Chapter 130
Chapter 129
Chapter 128
Chapter 127
Chapter 126
Chapter 125
Chapter 124
Chapter 123
Chapter 122
Chapter 121
Chapter 120
Chapter 119
Chapter 118
Chapter 117
Chapter 116
Chapter 115
Chapter 114
Chapter 113
Chapter 112
Chapter 111
Chapter 110
Chapter 109
Chapter 108
Chapter 107
Chapter 106
Chapter 105
Chapter 104
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 100
Chapter 99
Chapter 98
Chapter 97
Chapter 96
Chapter 95
Chapter 94
Chapter 93
Chapter 92
Chapter 91
Chapter 90
Chapter 89
Chapter 88
Chapter 87
Chapter 86
Chapter 85
Chapter 84
Chapter 83
Chapter 82
Chapter 81
Chapter 80
Chapter 79
Chapter 78
Chapter 77
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 74
Chapter 73
Chapter 72
Chapter 71
Chapter 70
Chapter 69
Chapter 68
Chapter 67
Chapter 66
Chapter 65
Chapter 64
Chapter 63
Chapter 62
Chapter 61
Chapter 60
Chapter 59
Chapter 58
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 55
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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