This Game is Too Real Chapter 528

This Game is Too Real Chapter 528

  No, you can't eat this fruit" □*There was a dispute in front of a fruit stall on North Street.

  I saw a girl with a broad mind, like an old hen protecting a chick, holding the other two girls, one big and one small, behind her. In front of her, a fierce-looking boss was staring at her, looking as if he wanted to eat her.

   Shuangxue, who didn't want to cause trouble to the manager, watched as more and more people gathered around to watch the lively event, and pulled Layaya's arm worriedly.

  "Yaw, that. We don't buy it anymore."

   Looking at the tit-for-tat Ya Ya and the fruit stand owner, Shuang Ye, who was hiding behind her sister, was full of fear and said in a low voice. "You... don't fight."

   She was just curious about the taste of the green fruit, so she pestered her sister to buy her one to try, but she didn't expect to cause such a commotion.

   Thinking that she might cause trouble to her sister, she almost burst into tears. "It's not about whether you buy it or not"

   Looking at Shuangxue seriously, Yaya leaned down and touched her sister's little head, soothing the little girl's emotions, and said softly.

   Sister, this is not a quarrel, there are bad guys selling bad things in our settlement, can we allow them to continue to harm others?"

  Shuangye blinked. "Bad" "Um."-

  Yawo nodded vigorously, then straightened up, turned around and grabbed a green fruit from the stall and held it up high, looked around at the crowd around, and shouted loudly.

   "Everyone pay attention, this fruit is poisonous and can't be eaten casually." The voice fell, and there was an uproar around. "Toxic" what's the situation

   Hiss... I think someone bought it and ate it. "What's going to happen?"

   Hearing the whispers around, the owner of the fruit stand blushed and glared at her and roared. "You! Be careful I sue you for defamation! This is the fruit shipped from the south... where is it poisonous!".

   snorted triumphantly and puffed out his chest proudly. "I can see at a glance whether it is poisonous or not"

  Teng Teng, who was standing by the side and did not speak, squinted at the not-so-smart friend, folded his arms and said with a sigh.

  "You will have the opposite effect." Hmmm

"That makes sense," Jiu Jiu rubbed his chin with a witty expression while looking at the question marks on his face, and rolled his eyes, "My brother insists on pulling me to level up whenever he is free, which annoys me so much. ...Is this a rebellious mentality?"

  " Fujitsu helped his forehead.

   has nothing to do with reverse psychology. "

  □%Yuya's talent is only valid for herself. In her world, poisonous things glow green, but others can't see it.

   What's more, her talent is actually not 100% accurate. There have been cases where players ate it but ended up being okay.

  Perception is one of the most metaphysical attributes of this game. It is a comprehensive manifestation of all insight abilities, and the crow's "toxin intuition" talent is metaphysics in metaphysics.

  Yuya's voice almost fell, and the people watching the lively around glanced at each other, and the whispering discussions quickly spread around. poisonous"

   This green one really doesn't look good..."I think that girl is right!""She's wearing a blue coat"and it's so big!"

   But even if she is a refugee resident, she can conclude that the thing is poisonous in one sentence, will it be a bit more arbitrary"…

   Indeed, according to the standards they brought from the Prosperous Era, there are too many poisonous things in the wasteland, I am afraid that even people are poisonous!"

   It's not easy to bring fruit from Gumcheon Province…”

  We wastelanders are not as fragile as they are, we can't eat this, we can't eat that, I'm so hungry, I even eat the gnawing people"

   "Tsk tsk, anyway, I've provoked the worst person in the alliance's territory... I'm afraid this boss is about to end."

The residents of the    Alliance are naturally on their own side, and they have no doubts about what Yaoya said. Survivors from other places, however, were mostly sympathetic to the boss, especially those traders who did small business in the wasteland.

   At least in the settlements they visited, there were not so many rules.

   Seeing that people's sympathy seemed to be on his side, the owner of the fruit stand who was still a little out of his coat, suddenly stopped cowardly.

   Staring at the fruit for a while, Meimei always felt familiar, and suddenly a look of surprise appeared on her face, "Ah... this fruit seems to be the jade fruit they found in the south."

  □”, although the signal is not working and no photos have been uploaded to the official website, from the description in the post, there is no doubt that this is the “emerald fruit”.


  Is this emerald fruit and the "Naguo" claimed by the boss actually the same thing? "Well, it does look a bit similar."

  Teng Teng was surprised to find this too, and then looked at the stall owner and put a 100-silver bill on the fruit stall.

  Hey, bring me a basket, by the way, please eat two for yourself. "The stall owner was stunned, his expression tense.

  Me, I eat two why should I eat..."

   He remembered that the trader who sold the goods to him said that once in a while, it was fine to eat one, but two at a time would definitely cause trouble.

Oh ho, are you unwilling to eat the things you sell yourself?" Fujiteng smiled maliciously, "By the way, in the league, there is such a law, in the absence of conditions for inspection, consumers have The right to ask the seller to try it after buying the product... You won't tell me, you're full, you can't even eat an apple-sized fruit, right?"

   In fact, as the alliance gets bigger and bigger, this lax rule, like selling prisoners of war to other settlements, has become somewhat outdated.

The biological research institute under the alliance has set up a food safety inspection section, which is responsible for the safety inspection of commodities sold in the name of food in the market, and at the same time to identify the toxicity of a series of different parts of different species, including myriad beasts and monsters, and to study more scientifically. Food processing methods, and restrict the sales scope of some products or even order them to be taken off the shelves.

   A long time ago, the argument about whether a thing could be eaten or not was mostly solved by the players themselves "taking the lead". "you"

   Seeing that the people around him who originally supported him gradually became suspicious, the boss's small eyes rolled and turned, his fierce face suddenly crowded into a ball, making a mourning expression, and Sapo rolled around.

   "You blue jackets... co-authors bully me, a businessman from out of town, are you embarrassed? The business here is simply impossible to do"

   "Yeah! This person is too capable of inverting black and white." Looking away from the subtitles on the VM screen, Jiu Jiu looked at the rogue boss in surprise, and immediately said, "I'm going to find my brother!"…

   After speaking for a long time, he turned his head and was about to leave, but before he took two steps, he was grabbed by Fujiteng's hand. "Don't ask your brother for everything, what problem can that guy solve?"

   said, Fujito sighed and looked seriously at the boss who was still stubborn. , that is, when it comes to the court, how "I will ask you one last time, are you sure you want to continue selling this thing? I can pay to buy it all, but if we identify it and find that it is moderately addictive or Seriously endanger the health of those who eat it, according to the current laws of the Union, you will face hard labor for more than three years, and depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, you may be sentenced to death."

   I didn't even wait to hear about the death penalty. When I first heard about the three-year labor service, the boss's face suddenly turned white and he laughed awkwardly.

   "To, as for? Just sold a few pieces of fruit... just fruit." Working in a mine with looters...

   He neither killed nor set fire, not to mention that eating a small amount of Naguo is actually good for the body, and people who cannot survive can use this thing to relieve pain. How can it be poisonous

  " Fujito stared at him who was trying to change the subject and nodded earnestly.

"We can't control other places, but this is our home. We built it brick by brick. Don't expect us to turn a blind eye to what we see." This sentence has won many people 's approval.

  People began to doubt his increasingly unbearable expression, which made people wonder if he was really that pitiful. Why don't you take a bite

   Is it hard to pick one from your own stall and eat it? "Well said" I support"

  "These profiteers...don't even dare to eat them, and even put them on the shelves!"

   "That's right! Hey, the fruit seller, you eat two! We'll be on your side!" The boss's face turned blue and red when he was told.

   At this time, Frost came through the crowd with a solar eclipse. □""I heard that someone here needs help. It smiled and glanced at everyone present.

"I am a member of the Celebration Autonomous Committee. Please tell me about your conflict. I will conduct the most fair arbitration according to the laws of the alliance, and I will ensure that no bad person will be spared, and no good person will be wronged." "No, I There is no need for arbitration." The boss saw her armband and quickly changed his face, shook his head and said, "I will not sell these fruits."

After   , he covered the green fruits with a curtain and planned to take away the stall. "Ah... is it over already?"

  Frost's expression was a little regretful.

   Eclipse, who was standing aside, glanced at it blankly. "I don't understand, isn't that a good thing?"

   Cold Frost grunted.

   is a good thing...but I always feel a little pity. "

   Looking at the boss who hastily closed the stall, Fujito fell into deep thought and said. "We have to report this news as soon as possible"

   The residents of the Refuge do not have the right to enforce the law. She couldn't just smash or confiscate the stall just because Yaoya thought it was poisonous, regardless of other people's strange eyes. The crow also nodded earnestly. "Well that's a big problem"

  S heard this sentence, Hanshuang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he regained his energy. "Big question? Leave it to me and I'll help."

   Holding Shuangye's little hand, Shuangxue hesitated for a moment and looked at Yaya. "is it so serious?"…

   "Of course!" Yaya nodded seriously and said solemnly, "The alliance is no longer the small settlement it used to be. Someone sold this thing here, which means that this thing has been circulated here."

  Teng Teng also nodded in agreement and said casually. "Agree."

  When you see a cockroach in the house, it means that there are actually countless cockroaches crawling in places you didn't see. "

  As Fujito had guessed, when she arrived at the nearest guardhouse with Yaya and Rose, the guards were busy with it.

  Some residents of the refuge said that this kind of "nagar" is the same as the "emerald fruit" they found in the south, and it has strong potential harm, but there is no way to prove it.

  The toxicity of "Naguo" does not appear immediately, and the sweet and greasy taste of honey is deceptive, and the eater will even become "stronger" over a period of time.

   It is precisely for this reason that the alliance has always operated an effective conventional error correction mechanism, and it has malfunctioned at the moment when cognition cannot be unified. Fortunately, the problem was discovered in time.

   In addition to the conventional error correction mechanism, the alliance also has another set of special mechanisms—that is, the player mechanism.

   The residents of Vault 404 will always respond to the mobilization of the Vault, whether it is a sudden war or the daily maintenance of order.

Xiaoqi immediately conveyed the manager's instructions to the guard station and the festival self-governing committee to remove "Nago" from the shelves of the Union Market, recall the products that have already been sold to customers, and recall the products that have been eaten. customers to register.

The    Alliance's Biological Research Institute will observe their follow-up symptoms and recycle their metabolites.

According to the clues reported on the official website by Level 99, people and animals who have eaten Naguo will not get sick immediately, but will lose their resistance to disease, and the feces produced within a period of time will contaminate the soil, making it impossible to grow in the ground. food.

   It is uncertain whether this effect can be eliminated by technical means, but the two items of "decreased immunity" and "fecal contamination of soil" are enough to attract attention.

  The drones running over the alliance have begun to work, and players scattered in the crowd have received missions one after another.

  This hidden danger food must disappear from the alliance's market!"... Nago. Looking at the text updated on the VM, Fang Chang touched his chin with interest, and seemed to be thinking about these things.

   Dolly, who had a camera around her neck, leaned in and glanced curiously. "what are you looking at"

"This is our... er, work log," Fang Chang gave a brief introduction in a way that she could understand, and then put away the VM, "There has been a batch of harmful fruits on the market, named Naguo, It seems that the traders brought it from the south, does my lovely reporter have any clues?"

   "Naguo" Dolly was stunned for a moment, then shook her head blankly, "It's the first time I've heard of it..." Fang Changtan smiled.

  Is that so? It seems that the trade hub in the southern plains of the River Valley Province has been transferred from the West Third Ring Road in Qingquan City to the northern suburbs. From this point of view, it may be a good thing. "Although that also means more challenges.

  "That fruit...is it dangerous?" Dolly said with a worried look. …

"Well," Fang Chang nodded, glanced at the crowd of people in the distance, and said succinctly, "I hope this thing will not be spread to the west of Luoxia Province along our trade route. We managed to solve the food problem with great difficulty. Crisis." Maybe...

  The alliance should take the initiative to do something. ... At the same time, the Union's banquet hall.

   Chu Guang, who had just announced the start of the celebration at the Triumph Square, met with representatives of various parties, including corporate representatives, in the banquet hall.

The victory of the    Alliance is not only about the future of the Alliance, but also about the entire region east of the Great Desert, at least ten or even twenty years' future.

Therefore, regardless of whether they participated in the expedition to Luoxia Province directly or indirectly, most of the survivor settlements that had trade relations with the Alliance sent representatives to the Alliance on the occasion of the celebration, and brought with them from Blessings from afar.

  □"> Most of these representatives Chu Guang knew.

  ·For example, Minister Wu Changnian from the enterprise, Prince Winter from the Lion Kingdom, and Avni, the little princess of the Honey Badger Kingdom who stayed in the alliance and never left, etc.

   In addition to those acquaintances, there are also survivors who have not yet established diplomatic relations with the alliance. Chu Guang is also the first time he has seen people there.

   For example, in the place called Garbage City, which is a little southeast of the Red River Alliance, there is usually no official level of intersection. This time, a member of parliament was also sent here.

   Another example is the Prancing Horse Province in the east of the River Valley Province. There is a settlement of survivors called Dam City, with a population of several hundred thousand. The city owner simply sent his own son here.

   That young man's name was Zhou Xianlin, his name sounded quite civilized, and he looked very elegant, which was rare in the wasteland. As soon as they met, he took Chu Guang's hand and spoke incoherently.

Your speech...it was amazing! I...sorry, I don't know how to express my excitement! With a manager as good as you, it's no wonder you can accomplish such an amazing miracle in one year! We plan to Learning from your experience, when I go back, I will change our settlement to the Dam Alliance"

  Thank you, there are many excellent people in the league. The reason why a miracle is a miracle is precisely because it cannot be accomplished by one person. "

   Looking at the frenzy in the young man's eyes, Chu Guang was happy, but he couldn't help but feel a hint of worry, holding his hand and said seriously.

  I am glad that you have given such a high degree of affirmation to our achievements, but I still hope that you will not blindly learn from it. Although we are all in the same wasteland, the problems we face are actually different. "

   Zhou Xianlin nodded vigorously and said excitedly.

  Understood! I'll take it to heart! Our top priority is to wipe out the remnants of the Bonebiter tribe... Those looters are running around, it's abominable"

   Looking at the red-faced young man, Chu Guang always felt that he was a bit like Summer, just not as smart as Summer.

   I seem to have gained a little fanboy in an unexpected place.

   But considering that there were still many people waiting for him, Chu Guang didn't spend too much time talking to the young man, just patted him on the shoulder and went to see the next representative. …

   Pure worship of the strong.

   Take the enterprise as an example, in terms of scale alone, the enterprise is far stronger than the alliance, and the trump cards inherited from the post-war reconstruction committee are even more unimaginable.

   However, let alone the wasteland, even in reality, the idea of ​​using the ideal city directly will definitely collapse the normal social order.

   Because that itself is a "no one in a million" coincidence.

   If all the residents of Vault 6 and the Colonial Ship Zhiyuan unanimously cast the exact same vote in that special situation, the ideal city would not exist.

   Even if there is only one negative vote, even if they finally obey the majority, their ideals will definitely be stranded on the ground...

   After finally dealing with the representatives of all parties, Chu Guang was about to rest for a while, and almost as soon as he sat down on the chair, Xiao Qi's voice came from his ear.

  Master! Your little player found a batch of suspected poisonous fruits at the festival, which is suspected to be the same kind of emerald fruit reported by the player 'Trash Picking Level 99'. Hearing the crisp voice in his ear, Chu Guang frowned slightly. □"> Xiao Qi reported to him what his little players found in the south.

  Although he did not participate in the discussion on the forum, whether it was the "Nago" or the mutant tribe called "Qi", he has been paying attention to the follow-up development.

  3 It's just that compared to other things, the priority of this matter is not so high, and it is even inferior to the Alliance's “Large Aircraft Program” and the nuclear fuel in Jinchuan Province.

  Compared to the mutant tribe and a crop that popped up seven or eight hundred kilometers away, there are too many things in the alliance that Chu Guang needs to worry about.

Economically, he needs to ensure an orderly increase in the scale of debt, while holding down the inflation brought about by the expansion of the economy. In the industry, he needs to guide a large number of excess military production capacity to civilian use, and at the same time listen to the opinions of representatives of various industries to prevent waste of resources during the economic transition period. and loss.

   In terms of government affairs, he needs to further clarify the powers and responsibilities of each department and position. Things that could be "more, faster and more economical" in the past must now be done in accordance with the rules. Not only that, he had to carefully add some elements more suitable for the wasteland era to the AI ​​municipal concept born in the prosperous era, in order to reduce the debuff of reduced administrative efficiency and acclimatization.

   Not to mention the military, cultural and diplomatic aspects... There are still a lot of things to do. And after doing these things, he has to use the same rules in the language of the game to prepare a version of "Wasteland OL" for players.

The    Alliance is entering an unprecedented golden period of development, and almost every day hundreds of people decide to stay here and join their cause.

   Whether it is the Alliance's own citizens or the surrounding survivor settlements, the confidence in the Alliance has never been higher.

   Even those who hate and fear the Alliance in their hearts have to admit that the Alliance has accomplished an almost impossible miracle, and will not disappear for a while at least.

   As the manager of the alliance, Chu Guang knew very well what his top priority was at the moment.

"But what he couldn't ignore was that "Naguo" had quietly spread from the south to under his nose. Some kind of unclean filth was spreading silently... After thinking for a while, Chu Guang immediately asked Xiao Qi ordered.

  Send a sample to Hea and tell her to put the things at hand for a while, I want to see the test results of that thing as soon as possible"□">The energetic answer quickly came from my ear. Zero "Received!" from R port

Chapter end

Chapter 766
Chapter 765
Chapter 764
Chapter 763
Chapter 762
Chapter 761
Chapter 760
Chapter 759
Chapter 758
Chapter 757
Chapter 756
Chapter 755
Chapter 754
Chapter 753
Chapter 752
Chapter 751
Chapter 750
Chapter 749
Chapter 748
Chapter 747
Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 732
Chapter 731
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723
Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 705
Chapter 704
Chapter 703
Chapter 702
Chapter 701
Chapter 700
Chapter 699
Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
Chapter 693
Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682
Chapter 681
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 626
Chapter 625
Chapter 624
Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
Chapter 620
Chapter 619
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
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Chapter 610
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Chapter 605
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Chapter 603
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Chapter 598
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Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
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Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
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Chapter 572
Chapter 571
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Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
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Chapter 558
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Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 50
Chapter 49
Chapter 48
Chapter 47
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
Chapter 44
Chapter 43
Chapter 42
Chapter 41
Chapter 40
Chapter 39
Chapter 38
Chapter 37
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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