This Game is Too Real Chapter 511

This Game is Too Real Chapter 511

                   The dimly lit manager's office.

  Light blue fluorescent light flickered, illuminating the three silent faces. After the screen shook for a while, it aimed at a power armor sitting against the wall.

   The man looked embarrassed.

  The armor has bullet marks left by bullets, as well as black slime left by the fruiting bodies of slime molds.

   He put the camera on the ground, greeted the camera, and then tapped the helmet with his index finger to release the locked mask.

   A few minutes ago, the company's employees almost got into a fight with Legion's Cong, but fortunately, Meng Liang became wise, and before the conflict broke out between the two, he called out the doubts he found - there might be other people trying to repair the deleted data.

   This discovery finally allowed the enterprise and the legion to put aside the dispute for a while, and decided to catch the little mouse hiding in the gutter first.

   In order to get more clues, Su Ming thought of the hard drive recovered from the power armor before. Although he hesitated to show Captain Lu's last words in front of the Legion and the Alliance, he finally handed it over to Meng Liang.

   Disclosing information can reduce suspicion.

   He didn't know whether there were any secrets on that hard drive that could not be disclosed to others, but now was not the time to fight with the Legion.

   He believes that Team Cloud will understand his decision

  Pangolin did not speak, but temporarily handed the weapon to Meng Liang's hand, and motioned Su Ming to do the same.

   Alliances are allies of businesses.

   It was his sincerity to hand over the weapons to the non-combatants of the Alliance.

  Su Ming looked at the pangolin doing this in surprise, and immediately showed his sincerity, and simply handed the gun into Meng Liang's hands. The two sides tacitly put aside the conflict, stood quietly in front of the holographic camera, and revealed the unknown secrets that happened in this shelter a few months ago...

"Hey, when you saw this video, I was probably out of this world...but I believe you will come, you said you would never give up on anyone, I believe you will find me, so I Or decide what to leave behind."

   Meng Liang had never seen the man in the middle, but seeing the heavy expressions of Su Ming and Pangolin, he seemed to be no stranger to him.


  I don't even know this guy myself, so why would the Legion people know him? But he didn't want to interrupt.

There may be clues about the Torch Project hidden in   .

   Now he just wants to find out one thing, who is the person who is restoring those technologies in the x-13 area.

  Lu Yang took a breath and said after arranging his thoughts for a while.

"Listen, Project Torch is not a good thing, and the so-called Vault 0 is not a good thing. It is a weapon of mass destruction, its power exceeds the collection of all the weapons known to our civilization, and the scope covers the entire planet. "

"That's not something that can be described by one or two nuclear weapons. The highly transparent neutron plume will destroy all living things in the sky and the world, even the shelters buried deep in the ground will not be spared. Don't feel that you will become the only one in the world. fluke. The people it kills don't even

   will rot, it will only oxidize slowly, because it will eliminate the bacteria attached to the dust and the whole ecosystem will start all over again. … …

afraid? "

   "On the entire planet, only those protected by the 'shank' can hope to survive. I even suspect that the handle should be the center of the release of the neutron plume."

"I don't know if those data are complete, but I've deleted them all... a strategic weapon that sweeps the entire planet, sounds really cool, but I still have my family on this planet. , my friends, and the people who are trying to survive, I just couldn't be happier."

   "Maybe in the distant future, we will need it to punish some kind of evil, but definitely not now... If it is developed now, it can only be used on ourselves."

"By the way, the group of guys who called themselves the Enlightenment tried to bribe me. They said they could give me 10,000 places, and all of us, including our relatives, friends, and even our descendants, could become the gods of the new world. They The fruits of the Prosperity Era will be used to recreate a strong and great civilization in a new world."

"I told him you're dreaming. Our fathers made the decision two centuries ago to stand with tens of thousands of displaced survivors. The descendants of heroes may not be so great, but they definitely don't. . . . Go have your sweet dreams."

   "I drove them to a dead end and deleted the research results of the Torch Project, but unfortunately I couldn't solve all those mice... They turned their faces too suddenly, and sometimes they turned their faces.

  ·…they turned their faces too suddenly, and when they turned their faces, many of them stayed in the x-13 area with our non-combatants to collect supplies. They locked the door to the x-13 area from the inside, and Li De and the others were mostly murderous. "

"Later I realized that our conflict with the Willands was deliberately provoked. But there is no way, who wants those Willands to come all the way to fight us before we enter the desert What? I thought those war lunatics were coming for us."

"Actually, it's not impossible to leave, it's just that there are still those Enlightenment disciples in the x-13 area that have not been resolved. My technician told me before dying that there is a way to repair the data I deleted, especially x- The archives in Sector 13 can be connected to the main server of the Vault unless I destroy the entire Vault." "I found the wreckage of the Trailblazer, brought out the hive sample recovered from the previous trip, and threw it away. on his favorite reactor. I'll leave my gear and my experience with that little guy later to make sure the destruction plan is infallible

  Loss... It's a pity that there is no nuclear warhead, otherwise I can be a more thorough person. "

  Lu Yang paused, leaned the back of his head against the wall, and continued talking to himself.

   "...I really couldn't delete the original of the Torch Project, but I tried my best. But after thinking about it, there's no need to erase the traces of its existence.

   "The plan not only recorded an evil idea, but also many people who stood up against it. They were deceived, but they finally came to their senses. They resisted the elite and powerful people from that era.

  Pressure, refused the bribe of money and power, and made a choice of being loyal to myself, relatives and friends, and everyone around me. "…

"I don't think their story should be forgotten, and that moment of light should be recorded. I believe that those who read it will not only see the most evil side - our world was almost destroyed by a handful of coincidences. The tongue-tied egoists are pushed to the brink of destruction, and there should be plenty of ordinary people who are brave enough to stand up and say no."

   At least what I saw was not just the conspiracy of one group of people, but the bravery of another group of people, at least the latter should not be buried. "

   "As for mistakes...the people who are not terrible have been making mistakes all their lives. Write down the mistakes in your diary, even if you look at them occasionally and regret it, the future will be better."

   "Cough! Haha, I said some nonsense, I probably didn't have a chance to write any diary... Anyway, our adventure ends here."

   When he said this, Lu Yang coughed twice, but a trace of relief appeared on his face, and the whole person felt a lot more relaxed.

"...I don't regret chasing a **** for so long. Someone has to go and see what it is. Buried mines are far more terrifying than bombs on the ground. I want to say to my mates, very It's an honor to be with you for so long, and it's an honor that at the end of it all, I have the honor to be with a group of brave people who make the same brave decisions as those of the past."

   "Finally, please give me a message to the residents of Ideal City." He grinned, a relaxed smile squeezed out of his tired face, and he said his final goodbye to the camera of the action recorder.

   "That Vault 0, my brothers and I have already found it for you, but unfortunately it is not the paradise as rumored, the rumors on Duanyun are all farts, it's just a piece of shit."

   "Don't hold unrealistic fantasies. There is no shortcut to this road. After all, our world depends on us. Those who are still watching the fun and waiting for the savior should wake up."

on the ground.

   The battle has just entered a fever pitch.

   A 400mm heavy artillery roared down, and boiling smoke and flames shot into the sky.

  The abyss-like crater was imprinted on the ruins everywhere. While dividing the battlefield, it also completely cut off the thoughts of these Enlightenment disciples to retreat.

   The deafening scream broke through the roar of the artillery fire, like lava from a volcanic eruption, swept through the middle of the camp.

  The disciples of the Enlightenment who stood in front of the wolf cavalry of the Death Corps were like ants on the beach.

The wave of    was crushed to pieces.

   On this ruined battlefield, the primitive cavalry units, armed with near-future equipment, erupted with the unparalleled impact of ero.

  The "cavalry lance" that fires 20mm armor-piercing incendiary rounds is no less lethal than a Gaussian rifle that can pass through soft targets in medium armor.

   In the face of more than 100 cavalry, they opened fire at the same time, and the disciples of the Enlightenment in the front row were smashed to pieces with just one touch.

   And when the half-meter-long claws and hot breath rushed to their faces, a cruel and **** nightmare had just begun. More than 20 teams serving as strikers were killed instantly

  The iron hooves of the death claw drown.

   The support troops in the last row were even more tragic. At least hundreds of disciples died under the counter-fire of the 400mm main gun. The drone formation that cooperated with the forward team to enter the field to harvest is even more tragic. Before it could play its role, it was hit by the emp rocket launcher launched by the soldiers of the 26th commando of the company, and it fell to the ground like a dumpling. …

   In the boiling flames, a disciple struggled to stand up from the ruins, put up the Gauss rifle in his hand, aimed at the blue power armor, gritted his teeth and pressed the charging switch.

   Just kill that guy

  The capacitor is fully charged!

   Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger decisively.

  A bright white arc flashed from the barrel of the gun, and a tungsten core mass bomb carrying terrifying kinetic energy blasted towards the power armor like lightning.

   However, he couldn't believe that the man in the power armor didn't fall off the back of Death Claw.

  The projectile, which was accelerated to several Machs, seemed to have hit a wall, drawing an arc in front of his warhammer and throwing it into the sky.

   His pupils contracted violently, surprise and shock written all over his face. Deflector shield? !


   The phase energy rectifier has suppressed this area, and the inability of the academy's research ship to take off is the best proof!

   But besides the deflector shield, what else can stop the bullets of the Gauss rifle?!

   Just as he panicked, the torrent of steel carried by the flesh and blood had already poured in front of him and the other disciples on the side.


   The nearly two-meter-long "lance" was inserted with a half-meter-long bayonet, and the cold edge and deafening roar struck almost simultaneously. There was no time to retreat, and a **** mouth that bit horizontally bit his throat, and not far from him, a disciple wearing an exoskeleton was thrown at the front paws of the death claw. In the air, the whistling bayonet directly pierced the bulletproof lining on the chest.

   It wasn't just the wolf cavalry of the Death Corps who launched the charge.

   There are also those infantrymen who have not tamed their mounts, as well as nearly a thousand players including the elites of the Burning Corps!

   They didn't even have a chance to collapse the defense line, they turned into dust in the horn of the charge...

   Meanwhile, anchored on a research ship on the edge of the battlefield. 2 Yang Kai, who was sitting in the cockpit, read the message sent by the alliance manager over and over again, and his eyes fell into thought.

  Ten minutes ago, the guys who called themselves the Enlightenment probably used the phase energy rectifier, which caused the gravitons in this area to run chaotically, and the antigravity device and the deflector shield failed.

   As of the end of the prosperous era, the People's Federation has not found any measures that can counteract the "Phase Cannon", and he has no good way to do it.

   However, Yang Kai was not too worried that he would be in danger. The perturbation of the phase gun to the gravitational field has a limited duration, and it is impossible to hold him here all the time. The hull shell is made of a solid alloy, and it is difficult for ordinary weapons to cause damage to its structure. In addition, the scientific research ship carries five hundred "bee colonies" and four tarantula robots. The former can effectively kill soft targets in the area, and the latter can effectively defend against emp attacks.

   and against hard armored targets.

   Until now, no one has seen the hole card in his hand. I didn't even see his face.

   At this time, the cabin door behind him opened, and Zheng Hao, who was wearing an exoskeleton, walked in from the middle cabin of the research ship and said respectfully. "The battle outside is over... the Alliance won.

   He wasn't too surprised by the Alliance's performance on the battlefield. Although the people outside are well equipped, they are not much better than his previous beacon team. At least they still have two "swarms" with a range of several kilometers, as well as high-altitude cruising drones. …

   And these guys, except for the phase rectifier that surprised him a bit, the support firepower was only a few electromagnetic ejection mortars and bazookas.

   If you can rely on these equipment to win the Alliance elites who just came down from the battlefield, then it can only be said that the Alliance has fought in vain for the past few months.

   In fact, the quality of those weapons themselves is pretty good.

   Including some electromagnetic rifles, some Zheng Hao can even tell at a glance that they are stocks left by the regular army of the People's Alliance.

   However, weapons are only tools after all, and it is not bad to be able to exert one-tenth of the power of equipment without the matching combat system.

If it is a confrontation between small forces, these laymen may still be able to gain the upper hand by relying on the advantages brought by their equipment, but in a systematic confrontation, their shortcomings in war experience and the mismatch of weapons and tactics will soon become a problem. Exposed.

   It is as if even if the Falcon Kingdom were given a thousand Gauss rifles, the armies of those feudal kingdoms would not be able to defeat the armies of the Alliance on the frontal battlefield.

   The heavy firearms deployed to support the troops were almost fired, and before they even had time to play a decisive role, they were sent away by the Union's counter-artillery.

   Maybe those people did not expect that the Alliance airship had not completely lost its combat effectiveness after falling from such a high place.

   This is also what he did not expect.

  Yang Kai, who was sitting on the seat, nodded his head and tapped his index finger on the touch screen twice, disarming the weapon system. "You have played against people from the alliance, what do you think of their strength."

   Zheng Hao was stunned for a moment, then said after thinking for a moment.

   They are a group of professional soldiers.

   Yang Kai raised his eyebrows.


   Zheng Hao nodded and said seriously.

"Their equipment is not very outstanding, but their use of weapons, adaptation to the environment, understanding of tactics, and on-the-spot reactions on the battlefield are all amazing. Maybe it's the turmoil in the River Valley Province. Because of the environment, they are used to playing against opponents who have an advantage over their equipment. Once they get used to the opponent's offensive rhythm, they can quickly take the initiative in the battlefield."

   "If you want to defeat them, you must fight quickly." Yang Kai closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his mouth to make a conclusion.

  "That is to say...their special place is

   in the experience of being a soldier. "

   "You can say that." Zheng Hao said with emotion, "They are born soldiers, I even feel...they are martial arts themselves.

   device. "


   After a pause, Yang Kai suddenly remembered something and continued. "By the way, is there any news from Jiang Xuezhou?"

   Zheng Hao shook his head with a wry smile.

   "Not yet... IMHO, she's a non-combatant, and it's too hard for her to act with a group of team members who haven't cooperated."

   Yang Kai said indifferently.

   "It doesn't matter, I gave her the best equipment. That mechanical dog has excellent output ability whether it is close-range street fighting or mid-to-long-distance firefighting, which is enough to fill her shortcomings in combat effectiveness." 10

   Zheng Hao was silent for a while, then whispered. "What if the threat comes from something else..."...

   Yang Kai frowned.

"for example?"

   Zheng Hao silently glanced out the window.

   "Like those."

   Anything can be encountered in the ruins.

   Most of the time, they are xenomorphs or slime molds. Occasionally, you will encounter mutants, looters, and even other unknown weapons or mercenaries who are eyeing the ruins.

   Unlike most researchers in the Research Division, he knows better than anyone how dangerous it is to go deep into an unexplored ruin as a D-level prospector.

   And the biggest danger comes from the unknown.

   Even Renlian himself may not remember how many trump cards he had prepared to deal with the doomsday crisis, not to mention that anything could happen for more than two hundred years.

  It's like opening a blind box...

   If it was him, he would rather take two more experienced combatants than a self-propelled gun that can walk in a tunnel.

   Yang Kai thought for a while and nodded.

   "Well, that's a problem...but there's nothing we can do. Li Ke has only one place for us, and she is the best candidate."

   Zheng Hao sighed.

   "We can only pray that she returns safely."

   As Zheng Hao reported to Yang Kai, the battle outside had already been decided.

   The wolf cavalry of the Death Corps scattered under the order of Chu Guang to the nearby phase afraid of Bu Weizi Feixie and the nearby Canmei.

  Close, shoot down the phaser of the airship and nearby remnants. Thundercloud storms interfere with communications and aircraft equally, and the commander who directs those disciples to fight and the psychic intervention personnel who operate those clones will not be too far away from here.

  Deathclaw is one of the best hunters in the wasteland and those behind the scenes can't get far.

   As for the rest of the players, they cleaned up the battlefield. "Damn it! Gauss rifle! Good thing!" Looking at the guy picked up from the battlefield, the faces of the construction site boy and Brick were full of excitement.

  Type 15 "Boa" Gauss Rifle!

   The probability of winning the lottery for this game was less than 0.1%, and there were only a few in the whole server.

   In addition to the "Boa", a special rifle for precise shooters, there are also light machine guns that pursue rate of fire and ammunition load, and cartridgeless assault rifles that pursue lightweight design.

   Looking at the high-tech weapons scattered all over the ground, green light appeared in the eyes of almost all players on the scene. The Willant soldiers on the edge of the camps were also a little greedy, but seeing the frenzied expressions on those guys' faces, they were embarrassed to pick them up.

  Battle is one thing the other side is fighting.

   The key is that fanatical attitude towards loot. They seriously doubt that if they run over to join in the fun, they will send them back sideways if they are not safe...

   "Hehe, I will also go for sniping in the future." Hehe said with a big-eyed debt with two Gauss rifles on his back with a smile.

   Roller shampoo rolled his eyes.

   "You're a sniper with an intelligence department!"

   was originally just a joke, but when he heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

   "Hey, the perception system can snipe, why can't you?"

   The sheep on the side came over again with a smile on his face.

   "Listen to brother's advice, you should still play your drone honestly, this kind of thing is too deep, you can't control it, and let the agility powerhouse like brother play for you...

"Fuck off!" Debt Big Eye rolled his eyes hard, took off the two guns from his back and held them in his arms, "Don't even think about it!" 1 walked over with a bunch of tattered extrajudicial fanatics. A few extrajudicial madmen carrying a bunch of rags came over, looked at a few hippie smiling bigwigs, scratched the back of their heads and asked.

   "Brothers, have you seen the head of the regiment?"

   Debt said with big eyes and a smile.

   "You said Brother Shui, that guy took his little brother to the enemy headquarters."

   The extrajudicial fanatic was stunned.

   "Damn, don't you want to leave the spoils?"

  The construction site boy waved his hand with Brick.

   "Hey, whoever picks it up is the same."

  The battlefield is not a fight between bandits, naturally it is impossible for whoever picks up the spoils will go to whoever.

  According to the rules for dividing the spoils of encounters in the "Player's Handbook", these recovered spoils will be registered by the logistics department in a while.

   Except for a small part of the inventory that will be included in the alliance, most of them will be distributed to the players participating in the battle according to the contribution points and the players' own opinions.

   As for the contribution score, the statistics are also very good. Each player's role in the battle and the combat missions undertaken are open to the public.

   Players with vms have positioning marks on the battlefield. Combined with the battle video captured by the Hummingbird drone, it is basically clear at a glance who is fishing and who is not.

   In fact, it is impossible to touch fish.

   Who is willing to fish for such an interesting thing. 1 What's more, the general battle video will be edited and uploaded to the official website with filters. If you really want to fish, you will be embarrassed.

   On the other side, in the position of the Burning Corps, looking at the exoskeleton fragments all over the ground, the sixth man in the corner couldn't help but muttered.

   "Damn, these guys are really well equipped." Except for those clone troopers, almost everyone in the rest of the squads has an exoskeleton, and a row of grenades is inserted into the tactical belt.

  emp mines and frag mines are almost standard in the hands of these guys.

   Just now they are cheap.

  Bai Ji squatted down and touched it, and compared the exoskeleton he was wearing, the expression on his face was suddenly shocked.

   "Fuck, this exoskeleton is the same as ours!

  5-type "Hussar" police exoskeleton!

   Just changed the original black paint into a concrete gray camouflage, and then made some detailed adjustments for the situation on the wasteland.

  For example, in order to fight against alien species, the armor of vulnerable arms and legs has been strengthened.

   In addition to the five-type "hussars", there are also some exoskeletons that they can't recognize, probably similar to military models.

   Old Six in the corner said with a subtle expression.

   "I read the information on the official website. It seems that most of the members of the Enlightenment Society are refugees. Some of the refuges seem to be closely related to the post-war reconstruction committee. It seems that there is no surprise that there will be prosperous era equipment."

   "Indeed," Lost Mengxin scratched the back of his head and said incomprehensibly, "but it's weird, these guys come to find our faults when they have nothing to do."

   The prop master shrugged.

   "Do you know?"

   "Ghosts know what they want to do, maybe there is another secret, maybe they are benefited by others, but Lan Quziji, Chonger Laozi has never played games...

  People use it, but it's none of my business. I never watch the plot when playing games, so I'm done! "

  The Murderer smacked his tongue in dissatisfaction. "I only know that these guys are armed with regular army weapons, and they fight like special rebels... and they are too special."

   The other side of the battlefield.

   A circle of people surrounded the broken barracks.

   Including Wu Changnian, including the soldiers of the 26th Commando, and also including Yi Chuan who was standing there with a lost face.

   Hanging the warhammer on his back, Chu Guang lightly patted Neeko on the neck, signaling her to lower her body, then turned over and stepped on the ground.

   Everyone looked at him in unison.

   Gratitude and apprehension, but more adoration—especially the lads from the 26th Commando.

   They had heard that the manager of the Alliance was very good at fighting, but they didn't expect that this big guy could not only fight, but even personally charged with the soldiers of the Alliance on the back of the Death Claw.

   In comparison, their Deputy Minister Wu was simply too ruthless, let alone charging into the battle, he was thankful that he was not sent away by stray bullets. Of course, this is just the lad's immature idea. In fact, even if it is a show or with other intentions, it is already a remarkable thing for a political figure in a high position to dare to come to this ghost place with them. If you add the rule of not dictating the actions of the soldiers on the front line, and honestly listening to the opinions of professionals, it is simply worth burning incense to commemorate it.

   "Thank you for your help!"

   Looking at Chu Guang walking towards this side, Wu Changnian clenched his fists emotionally and said in a strong wording.

   "These... shameless rats dare to use this trick to fool us, and the council will definitely make them pay a heavy price! Anyone involved in the Enlightenment's conspiracy to avoid

   All places will be permanently blacklisted! If you have news about the Enlightenment in the future, please let us know too! "

   "I will do it, from the moment they choose to trade with mutants, they have betrayed their human identity...that is the enemy of all order, no matter what form of order it is."

   After a pause, Chu Guang glanced at the reporter not far away, and then looked at Wu Changnian.

"However, I still hope that the media in the ideal city can be as objective as possible when reporting this matter, and don't lead conflicts to the entire group of shelter residents...I also hope that this accident will not affect our future. cooperation." The reason why the Enlightenment Society was able to grow and develop was precisely by using some of the Blue Jackets' hatred for the order established by the post-war reconstruction committee, their anger at the forces of the many survivors in the wasteland, and their desperation for the entire wasteland environment. Only successfully brought them to the extreme of anti-civilization.

  If companies, legions, and colleges expand their hostility to the entire refugee population because of the Enlightenment's conspiracy, they will actually fall into the hands of those rats.

   Wu Changnian said firmly.

The residents of Ideal City can distinguish right from wrong, not to mention that our ancestors were also residents of the shelter. The Council's countermeasures will not be extended to all shelters. We will make a public statement at the press conference, I can assure you of this! "He knows what Chu Guang is worried about, but this kind of worry is completely unnecessary. . . .

The    alliance itself is not an alliance only belonging to the residents of the refuge, but a collective established by the residents of the refuge and the wastelanders.

   Even if the residents of the Ideal City were prejudiced against the blue jacket, it would not be far-fetched to vent their anger on the Alliance.

  Chu Guang nodded slightly.

"hope so."

   He trusts his allies as well, just in case there is more to say.

   Let's be realistic, victory is imminent.

   He didn't want to affect the fruits of victory that his little players had won with countless resurrection coins because of those mice who were doing little tricks behind their backs.

   After chatting with Deputy Minister Wu, Chu Guang walked into the half-collapsed barracks and patted Yi Chuan on the shoulder comfortingly as he passed by the door.

   "...Maybe my brother is still down there." Staring straight at the hospital bed, Yi Chuan suddenly whispered, "At least this is a clone..."

  Chu Guang didn't know how to answer, so he didn't speak.

   He knew very well that Yi Hai was dead.

   But he can't say.

   That will not appease a person's sorrow, but will only increase unnecessary suspicion. Giving him a little time to buffer may be the most gentle way.

   Looking at the "Yi Hai" lying motionless on the hospital bed, letting the doctors ponder, Chu Guang thought for a moment and said in a very soft voice.

   "I have always believed that memory is the foundation of a person." "Not just one's own memory, but also the memory of others... This kind of mutual cognition constitutes our social attributes."

   including worldviews, values, and even self-awareness... are all built on memory and can therefore be

   To say that memory is equivalent to a person's soul. "So some people will not disappear from this world even if they die, we will go on with the memory of them, and they will be with us in another form. "To think that reading a person's memory can completely replace him, or even become him, is simply stupid, arrogant and ridiculous. "

   "You have never succeeded in taking anyone's place in this world, even for a second... You just used the feelings of some people and temporarily fooled their eyes."

   In any case, you have desecrated the most unprofessional part with technology, so be prepared to take the wrath of the people. "The man lying on the hospital bed didn't speak, and Chu Guang didn't expect him to sit up and refute that his neural link was broken.

   Even if he was invited to the special seat, the coward hiding behind the scenes did not have the courage to see the battle to the end. It is estimated that he is running with his tail between his legs.

   But it doesn't matter.

   He has dispatched the most elite players around this area.

  Chu Guang raised his head and glanced at the sky. The black clouds rolling with thunder were slowly moving towards the southern sky.

   This special climatic phenomenon is not uncommon in large deserts. It usually comes and goes quickly, and it will not take long for the communication in this area to recover.

   And this desert, like other places, will usher in a long-lost sunny day.

"Almost over."

  1 second remember:

Chapter end

Chapter 766
Chapter 765
Chapter 764
Chapter 763
Chapter 762
Chapter 761
Chapter 760
Chapter 759
Chapter 758
Chapter 757
Chapter 756
Chapter 755
Chapter 754
Chapter 753
Chapter 752
Chapter 751
Chapter 750
Chapter 749
Chapter 748
Chapter 747
Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
Chapter 732
Chapter 731
Chapter 730
Chapter 729
Chapter 728
Chapter 727
Chapter 726
Chapter 725
Chapter 724
Chapter 723
Chapter 722
Chapter 721
Chapter 720
Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
Chapter 716
Chapter 715
Chapter 714
Chapter 713
Chapter 712
Chapter 711
Chapter 710
Chapter 709
Chapter 708
Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 705
Chapter 704
Chapter 703
Chapter 702
Chapter 701
Chapter 700
Chapter 699
Chapter 698
Chapter 697
Chapter 696
Chapter 695
Chapter 694
Chapter 693
Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682
Chapter 681
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
Chapter 674
Chapter 673
Chapter 672
Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
Chapter 636
Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
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Chapter 62
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Chapter 53
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
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Chapter 43
Chapter 42
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Chapter 40
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Chapter 34
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
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Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 5
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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