This Game is Too Real Chapter 105

This Game is Too Real Chapter 105

  Chapter 105 More NPCs and richer interaction system

After the    order was issued, the survivors quickly demolished the shacks and headed to the brick factory in the northwest.

   Although they came from there before, and now they have been tossed back, no one has any complaints about the arrangement of the manager.

   Being able to get out of the raider's dungeon alive is already a lucky thing in itself, not to mention being able to wear warm clothes and eat enough.

   Fang Chang and Lao Bai, who were measuring the land in the brick kiln, saw this battle, and they stopped their work in confusion and walked to the manager to ask.

   "Dear Manager, may I ask who these people are..."

  Chu Guang said without hesitation.

   "These people are all survivors saved by us. In order to repay our life-saving grace, they are willing to support our construction!"

  Fang Chang and Lao Bai immediately showed joy on their faces.

  The players have all done the novice tasks, and they are worried that there is no one to work hard. These labors can be said to solve their urgent needs.

   "Then how much do we need to pay them?"

   In fact, there is no need to pay them wages.

   But since the players took the initiative to request, Chu Guang said after thinking for a while out of consideration for authenticity.

   "One silver coin per person per day. I will deduct this expenditure directly from your account. You just need to ensure that they are not hungry or frozen to death."

   "In addition, pay attention to construction safety. I don't want to reduce the number of workers due to poor working conditions. This will not only affect our regional reputation, but also delay production."

   "If there are casualties, 100 silver coins will be deducted each as a pension."

  This pension is of course impossible to pay to NPC, it is just a set-level constraint.

   Besides, these aboriginal people do not care about these metal pieces. For them, it is better to give a piece of meat for this kind of gadget that has no recycling value.

When    said, Chu Guang sent the pre-edited task to Lao Bai through his VM.

  Although it is a little far from the outpost, it does not affect the point-to-point information transmission between the two VM devices.

   After triggering the task of hiring NPC workers, Niu Ma Brick Factory will automatically spend 23 silver coins from its account every day as the "work money" for these workers.

  Compared to the daily wages of players of at least 10 silver coins, hiring these NPCs to work can be said to be very cheap.

   Fang Chang and Lao Bai agreed immediately and happily agreed.

   Of course, in order to prevent these players from being more human than himself, Chu Guang added a sentence after that.

"The minimum daily food standard for each person is one pound of green wheat. Of course, this is only the minimum nutritional standard. If you want them to work harder, you can buy more meat and fish, or even go to the city to catch some game for food. them."

   Can feed NPCs!

   Good guy.

  This game is not only a management element, but also a development element.

   Fang Chang and Lao Bai's eyes lit up, and they said with oath.

   "Don't worry, Mr. Manager, we will definitely feed the workers to be fat!"

   "That's right! Even if I'm hungry myself, I won't let them go hungry!"


   It doesn't have to be so exaggerated.

   Eating too much is actually not good for work. There is such an example in the outpost.

   But Chu Guang didn't say anything.

  Exploration itself is part of the fun of the game.

   These players will naturally find a suitable path, and they only need to grasp the general direction.

   Manipulating everyone's life is neither realistic nor necessary.

  The 23 survivors settled in the brick factory, changing their status from refugees to outpost brick-burners.

   They set up camp very fast, and in less than an hour, they copied the shack they made in front of the South Gate here.

  Although it looks a little rudimentary, there is no problem with sheltering from the wind and rain.

   For survivors on the wasteland, quickly building a shelter that can protect from wind and rain is almost a must-have talent.

   On the contrary, the players are not very good at it.

   Even a garbage gentleman who calls himself "level 99 picking up garbage" has never picked up garbage in reality, and at most he has gone downstairs to take out the garbage.

Watching the survivors build their shacks, Chu Guang found Zhao Shu and a survivor from outside Qingquan City, sent them a VM for NPCs, and appointed them as foreman, responsible for coordinating with the players. communicate.

  If other survivors have any comments, they will report to the player as soon as possible. In special circumstances, you can use the "task system" to ask the player for help.

   However, the quest rewards of different NPCs are limited by fixed gears, and players cannot be given money at will.

   This is similar to other MMORPG games.

  Chu Guang set a maximum of 2 silver coins for the two foremen, and it can only be released every 72 hours. The lowest level is 5 copper coins, and the CD time is 24 hours.

  If there is any difficulty in life, such as the shed leaking and needing fuel, you can issue the lowest level task to the player. If someone is sick, or someone is injured, you can issue a task with the highest level of reward.

   Of course, Chu Guang did not tell these NPCs the name of the "quest system" and its true meaning, but only told them abstractly how to use these functions carefully and seek reasonable help from those "omnipotent" blue jackets.

  Like other NPCs, every time a quest is released and a conversation with players will be left in the VM.

  Chu Guang will ask Luca to come over from time to time, use VM to collect the data, bring it back to the outpost for filing, and review the data with the assistance of AI.

Only through these data, Chu Guang can easily grasp the exchanges and interactions between the players and the aborigines, and can also easily check whether these NPCs have released some tasks that "do not match their personalities and identities". .

  If there is, Chu Guang will deal with that "bug".

   "There are bound to be loopholes in the rules just implemented. It happens that there are few people in the packaging and testing stage, so you can try and make mistakes slowly."

   Looking at the distant back, Chu Guang touched his chin and thought.

   "...After the internal testing phase, a relatively complete NPC and player interaction system should be formed."


   As expected of me!

   Having arranged everything here properly, Chu Guang left with satisfaction.

   Wasteland time 6pm.

After   Laobai went offline, he immediately went to the forum and opened a post.

   "The nickname is Waiha! Niuma Brick Factory will officially open from tomorrow! There is a grand opening event, 10% off for tomorrow's order! What are players who need to build a house waiting for? Hurry up and place an order!"

   At this moment, it is 6:00 in the morning in reality.

  There are no people in the general forum at this time, but the official website of "Wasteland OL" is just the opposite, usually this point has the most people.

  Tomato scrambled eggs: "How much do you produce per day?"

  Old Bai: "Not much, not much, there is no problem with Nissan's production of 1,000 or 2,000 yuan at present, and strive to achieve tens of thousands of Nissan's production before the end of the month! (Yanya

  Tomato scrambled eggs: "Brilliant!!"

  Professor Yang, Lightning Dharma King: "Boss, give me a ton!"

  Gangfeng: "Our bricks are not sold by the ton, the specifications and sizes are fixed, and they are all sold by the block, 100 standard bricks 1 silver coin."

  Ye Shi: "Brother Feng is an honest man, what are you talking about with Professor Yang, he doesn't even have the qualifications for packaging and testing. (Funny

Ye Ao Nai me: "Laughter, 100 bricks cost silver coins? I beg you to do the math. Building a house would cost hundreds of millions of bricks, right? Not to mention, our two-story small house It only cost 500 million yuan, and building a house costs millions of silver coins? I heard that you only need single-digit silver coins for each task? Hehe, your game is quite realistic."

  Irena: "Brother, is your name the Forbidden City? Then you have to ask for tickets when you go back? (funny

  Leave someone under the knife: "Hahaha, let's talk about it, the Forbidden City doesn't use that much, it's only 80 million yuan. However, the specifications of the mortar bricks are much larger."

  Irena: "I'll just say it casually. (Funny

  The toilet with an inner area of ​​2.5*2m is 3 meters high, and the wall area is 27 square meters. 18cm wall 96 bricks, 2600 bricks is more than enough.

   Even if most players choose to share a house and build a larger and higher townhouse together, the per capita will not exceed 5,000 bricks.

  100 bricks a silver coin, 50 silver coins per capita, this price is still very reasonable.

  In the later period, the demand for bricks may increase, but the price of bricks is limited to within 100%. Unless the NPC warehouse in charge of prices adjusts the benchmark value, it will rise to 2 silver coins at most.

   After all, if it were a little more expensive, and everyone went to think about building a house with wood, it would not be worth the loss.

  Brother Ye Ao is still the same as his ID, as unruly and unruly as his ID.

   After all, it is a version of the pet, and everyone didn't care, and continued the topic just now.

   Picking up trash, level 99: "Boss Bai, I'm Mengxin, can I get credit if I don't have money?"

Old Bai: "No, brother, we are part-time workers, and the majority of the shares are in the shelter collective. But it doesn't matter if you don't have money, welcome to the brick factory to play, we suddenly have a bunch of NPCs here, which is quite interesting. of."

Ye Shi: "Indeed, if you catch prey for them, they will not only thank you, but also immediately set up a large pot to stew the prey, and then distribute the best leg meat and the first bowl of broth to You. These NPCs are like alive, hey, I have played so many games, but this game, the interaction between players and NPCs is the most comfortable I have ever seen, and the details are the most awesome!"

   Picking up trash at level 99: "What the hell? Are you hanging like this? Wait, did we rescue the NPCs in your place from the looters?"

  Square: "Yes."

   Construction site boy and Brick: "Niuzhu!! The front and back are actually connected!"

  The fleeing mole in the canyon: "I cry with envy! We are still doing quests for NPCs, and you have already started to call NPCs!"

  Ward's athlete's foot Levine: "Shadow! I don't care, our steel plant has to have it too! Or it's a shady! (Crazy

  WC really has mosquitoes: "Shady! Goblin technology also needs NPCs!"

  Ye Shi: "Go, go, do you want an NPC with a hammer, do you want to use it as a human bomb? I advise you to be a person."

Fang Chang: "Cough, it's not as exaggerated as you think, most of these NPCs are unable to interact, and they will say 'thank you', 'yes', 'obey', and 'brick burner' What. I took a closer look, only the NPCs wearing the VM equipment are really interactive, and the rest don't seem very smart."

  Fugitive Mole in the Canyon: "Well, that's pretty much what I thought, so it would be more reasonable. If all NPCs could interact, the game's server would be too awesome."

   Now there are few people, just a brick factory.

  The number of players in the later stage has come up, even if the ratio of NPCs and players is 1:10, it is enough for this server to explode.

   Gale: "...I think a virtual reality technology alone is strong enough."

  The fleeing mole in the canyon: "Let's not talk about that, by the way, have you tried to communicate with that interactive NPC? Did you trigger any special dialogue? Or hidden quests or something?"

   Fang Chang: "...Hidden mission?"

The mole rat in the canyon: "Yes! Normally, NPCs with rich texts usually have hidden quests to do, don't they? Those virtual reality online game novels are all written like this, don't you all? untested?"

   Fang Chang was silent for a long time before replying.

   "...Well, of course I tried it, but it doesn't seem to trigger the task? They just burn bricks. The task that the manager gave us is to let them repair the brick kiln."

The fleeing mole rat in the canyon: "Hey, you still lack imagination! This kind of MMORPG, let alone the role of the foreman, even a humble old hen at the gate of the newbie village, as long as the clucking sound is different from others, it will If it's not good, it may be a hidden boss! Forget it, it's useless to tell you so much, I'll try it myself when I'm online."

   Fang Chang: "...I warn you, don't mess around, it's a big problem that affects the production of our brick factory!"

  The fleeing mole rat in the canyon: "Hey, no, no, I'm just chatting with him! I promise not to touch your NPCs!"

  Tail: "Oh, that sounds interesting, bring a tail!"

  Siss: "Oh, rush!"

   Ever since he was thrown into the dungeon by the looters that day, Zhao Shu never thought that he would be able to come out of the dungeon alive one day.

   Honestly, life now seems like a dream to him.

  Comfortable bed, warm brazier, abundant food, only need to work 16 hours a day, the rest of the time is their own.

   Not only that, those blue coats with great ability can occasionally catch a game or two and give them meat.

  To be honest, every time he took over the wild game from the residents of the shelter, Zhao Shu had a feeling of being flattered.

   They have seen how ruthless these people are.

  Even those predators were as good as chickens in front of them, not daring to take a breath. It was the first time that Zhao Mouse had seen those ferocious ghosts with such fearful expressions on their faces.

   In his perception, predators are already at the top of the food chain.

   "Hey, what's your name?"

   Hearing the residents of the shelter talking to him, Zhao Shu immediately stopped, glanced at the VM on his left arm skillfully, and said with a non-standard pronunciation.

   "Hello, my name is Zhao Shu, I'm the foreman here, how can I help you?"

   These strange spellings were taught to them by that old Luca the other day. It is not difficult to learn the pronunciation of each phonetic symbol, but it is a bit awkward to use.

   Hearing him speak, the residents of the surrounding shelter were instantly excited.

   "He can talk!"

   "It really can interact!"

   "Dude, can you call out Ollie? Please."

   "Go away! Dude, don't listen to him. Do you have anything to hide? Tell us and we will help you solve it!"

   Zhao Mouse looked blank.

   His VM was unresponsive, neither telling him what these people were talking about nor how to respond.

  According to the request of the manager, he remained silent, but the residents of the refuge surrounded him relentlessly, babbled incessantly.

   Zhao Mouse was a little panicked.

   He was worried that his ignoring the behavior of these people would anger them, or lead to death.

   After all, this is the age when life is thinner than paper.

   He doesn't think his life is more precious than the people in front of him.

   At this moment, Zhao Shu suddenly remembered another sentence that the manager explained to him before leaving.

   If these shelter residents don't move around him, click the gray circle button in the upper right corner of the screen and read the pinyin line displayed on the screen.

   didn't dare to hesitate, Zhao Mouse immediately complied.

   swallowed and said with a stiff expression.

   "My fellow workers are starving, we need a fish, can you help us?"

   Hearing this sentence, the nearby players were instantly so excited that they almost cheered.

   "Ooh! It's done!"

   "Is the keyword 'task'? Well, try using another syntax next time to see if it can trigger a similar effect."

   "Does the task require fish? Okay!"

   "It's displayed on my VM! I'll pick it up - 左! Why is the reward only 5 copper coins?"

   "Maybe part of it is favorability? Is it a loss to exchange 5 copper coins for a fish? Who among you has ever sold fish?"

   "Never mind, I'll take over the task, any fish will do, right? Let's go to the lake and steal one from the fisherman!"


   Zhao Mouse didn't know what he said, nor did he understand the players' answers, but it didn't take long for him to get a fish.

   And this fish is not small, it is as long as an arm, and the vigorous fish tail keeps flapping from side to side, and water splashes everywhere.

   Zhao Mouse swallowed again.

   This time I was greedy.

   But having said that, he still didn't forget the administrator's teaching, and quickly clicked the green tick on the VM to read the words displayed on the screen.

   "On behalf of the workers brothers, thank you, have a nice day, generous sir, this fish has been of great help!"

   "We don't have any more troubles for you to help with, or can you come back tomorrow?"

   Hearing these words, the surrounding players left in disappointment.

   That night.

   Holding the steaming fish soup in his hands, Zhao Shu, who was eating with his co-workers, thought for a long time, but couldn't understand what he said at the time, which made these blue jackets disappointed like that.

   But he didn't dare to ask more.

  Those blue coats are big shots.

  The only one who can control them is the manager who always carries a hammer.

  The manager has repeatedly said that they are prohibited from revealing any clues about the mission system, and they are also prohibited from communicating with the residents of the refuge on this matter.

   Zhao Mouse dared to disobey the Lord's order, he swore that he would not reveal a word even if he died.

  Anyway, this fish stew is quite delicious. Put a few pine nuts and salt and cook it, it's delicious.

   After finishing the bowl of fish soup in hand, everyone has more strength to work!

   (end of this chapter)

Chapter end

Chapter 766
Chapter 765
Chapter 764
Chapter 763
Chapter 762
Chapter 761
Chapter 760
Chapter 759
Chapter 758
Chapter 757
Chapter 756
Chapter 755
Chapter 754
Chapter 753
Chapter 752
Chapter 751
Chapter 750
Chapter 749
Chapter 748
Chapter 747
Chapter 746
Chapter 745
Chapter 744
Chapter 743
Chapter 742
Chapter 741
Chapter 740
Chapter 739
Chapter 738
Chapter 737
Chapter 736
Chapter 735
Chapter 734
Chapter 733
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Chapter 725
Chapter 724
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Chapter 721
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Chapter 719
Chapter 718
Chapter 717
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Chapter 707
Chapter 706
Chapter 705
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Chapter 703
Chapter 702
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Chapter 700
Chapter 699
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Chapter 692
Chapter 691
Chapter 690
Chapter 689
Chapter 688
Chapter 687
Chapter 686
Chapter 685
Chapter 684
Chapter 683
Chapter 682
Chapter 681
Chapter 680
Chapter 679
Chapter 678
Chapter 677
Chapter 676
Chapter 675
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Chapter 671
Chapter 670
Chapter 669
Chapter 668
Chapter 667
Chapter 666
Chapter 665
Chapter 664
Chapter 663
Chapter 662
Chapter 661
Chapter 660
Chapter 659
Chapter 658
Chapter 657
Chapter 656
Chapter 655
Chapter 654
Chapter 653
Chapter 652
Chapter 651
Chapter 650
Chapter 649
Chapter 648
Chapter 647
Chapter 646
Chapter 645
Chapter 644
Chapter 643
Chapter 642
Chapter 641
Chapter 640
Chapter 639
Chapter 638
Chapter 637
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Chapter 635
Chapter 634
Chapter 633
Chapter 632
Chapter 631
Chapter 630
Chapter 629
Chapter 628
Chapter 627
Chapter 626
Chapter 625
Chapter 624
Chapter 623
Chapter 622
Chapter 621
Chapter 620
Chapter 619
Chapter 618
Chapter 617
Chapter 616
Chapter 615
Chapter 614
Chapter 613
Chapter 612
Chapter 611
Chapter 610
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Chapter 605
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Chapter 603
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Chapter 599
Chapter 598
Chapter 597
Chapter 596
Chapter 595
Chapter 594
Chapter 593
Chapter 592
Chapter 591
Chapter 590
Chapter 589
Chapter 588
Chapter 587
Chapter 586
Chapter 585
Chapter 584
Chapter 583
Chapter 582
Chapter 581
Chapter 580
Chapter 579
Chapter 578
Chapter 577
Chapter 576
Chapter 575
Chapter 574
Chapter 573
Chapter 572
Chapter 571
Chapter 570
Chapter 569
Chapter 568
Chapter 567
Chapter 566
Chapter 565
Chapter 564
Chapter 563
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Chapter 561
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Chapter 558
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Chapter 51
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Chapter 41
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Chapter 38
Chapter 37
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Chapter 33
Chapter 32
Chapter 31
Chapter 30
Chapter 29
Chapter 28
Chapter 27
Chapter 26
Chapter 25
Chapter 24
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
Chapter 21
Chapter 20
Chapter 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 10
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
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Chapter 4
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Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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