They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Chapter 40-44

They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Chapter 40-44

Chapter 40: Reality 

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

Okay, going to start and do my staple. The cheat sheet on the top, it will eventually grow to include new characters and appearances.

Fari von D'azell . Previously Nanjou Yukiho, nicknamed Yuki by Kami. 

Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking gold eyes not fitting her age.

Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a god. Has silver hair and red eyes.

Also Fari always uses, 私 aka the female pronoun watashi.

Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior.

Rigurett Beuze Crausus: Long blond silky hair, blue eyes. Uses 2 bayonet guns, and is really good at magic, four attribute magic. She actually speaks polite and proper, but that's hard to translate.

They are students of St. Valeria's Royal Hunter's Academy

Translator: Mamuni

The results of this exam will be released on the same day as the test.

While Rigurett-san and I waited for the results, we took a break in the break room.

"- – -Wait, so you mean to tell me that my magic bullets weren't disabled?" 

"Yeah. If I received more of your bullet I would have fainted and lost the match."

While I swung my legs off the bench in excitement. We've been talking about the mock battle ever since.

So since the competition is over, we are no longer enemies.

Rather after this, we may be school buddies!

It's important to look back and think about where we could have improved though.

"Fari, you used a magic I've never heard about at all. Moreover, how high must your magic resistance be?"

"Well, that's a secret!"

"Hey, no one is here to hear us. It should be fine.”

As she said that we looked around. The break room is noisy, but no one is near us.

Also the examiners who were watching the mock battle seem to be nervous about approaching us.

So with that being the case, there doesn't seem to be a reason to worry about people over hearing.

And then- – -I finally made up my mind.

It's about something I've been thinking about all day long.

I want to be friends with Rigurett-san.

I want to ask her about it directly.

I got up and stood facing her from the front.

"U-Um, Riguertt-san!"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Today was really fun. When I was with Rigurett-san doing the exam. . .I felt a bit warm inside. Happy perhaps."

"Yeah, it was fun. I finally met a partner that I could go full out on after. You have no idea how excited I am."

This is such a nice feeling. 

My pulse is raising.

"S-So um- – -I. Um I have a request for Rigurett-san."

"Yes? For me? What is it?"

She was smiling at me waiting for my words.

Just say it. I just need to say it. 

I can finally make my first friend in my entire life(Fari's life).

"Please Rigurett-san! Can you be friends with me!"

I bowed deeply and finally said it.

My heart was fluttering with expectations.

However, her words- – -shattered that wish.

"But. . .we can't."

Chapter 41: Escape.

I couldn't believe my ears.

We can't be friends?. . .

Yeah, she said we can't. . . I heard it from her own mouth. . .

I plunged into darkness as I couldn't understand what had just happened.

My head felt like it was beating, as my legs felt wobbly.

Those words shattered me.

I- – -I understand though.

I'm just a kid.

Plus it was true in my past life, I would unknowingly hurt people when I thought we were friends without their permission.

I would always assume my "friends" felt the same way as me.

A memory from my past life soared into my head. 

It was when I was a high school student. I decided to form two teams for a school softball tournament.

One full of boys who are good at sports.

And another full of boys who were not good at sports.

I was on the team that was not good at it.

We practiced a lot. I had us borrow the baseball grounds during lunch break to play softball with against each other.

I had so much fun, and I thought everyone else on my team thought the same way.

But that wasn't the case.

It turns out I was forcing them along and making them practice something they hated.

The girls in our class would make fun of us when we had wobbly swings, and missing the ball often.

Our defense was not up to par, and often no balls were caught.

It was a shameful display.

I- – -I was just happy playing with everybody, but I never thought about if they even wanted to play.

I had forced them to practice, and had them expose their faults in front of everybody.

That what happened. After that, they ignored me and wanted nothing to do with me.

And I probably did something that Rigurett-san. . . hated. Something I'm oblivious to, but no doubt has happened.

I heard Rigurett-san saying something, but it didn't register. I just tuned out.

Because. . .I just feel sad, really sad. I don't want to be here.

It hurts. It's suffocating.

I'm sorry, but it seems like I can't be by her side.

Suddenly my vision got blurry. Then I noticed I was crying.

"- – -Fari!?"

She said that in surprise.

I'm sorry, but I'm just filled with a desire to get away from here. I need to run away.

"I'm sorry, Rigurett-san!"

I raised my voice.

"I-I didn't realize. . .I did something bad. I'm so terrible, I don't even know what I did! I. .I."

"W-What's wrong Fari!? What are you talking about? Are you okay!?"

She seemed really worried, like she cared about me, but that just makes it more painful. I need to get away.

"I'm sorry!  But today was really, but. . .I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm no good! Don't worry though, I will never come close to you. I'm sorry. Goodbye!"

I finished saying that and ran away. Running far from the break room

Chapter 42: A Lonely Success.

After I ran away from the training grounds, I wandered around the school grounds until I found a proper spot for me to hide.

I still haven't forgotten the reason I am here.

It's to pass the entrance exam for the Hunter's Academy.

So regardless of me wanting to run away and go home, I have to see if I passed.

But. . .I'm scared. I'm afraid that I might run into Rigurett-san, so I can't just go and see the results.

So I just sat in the fetal position at the corner of school, facing the wall.

Eventually Rigurett-san will see her results and leave. 

I just have to wait and then I can go and see.

However. . .I'm hoping I fail.

I don't want to see her at school. I just want to go home.

As I thought that- – –

"- – -What are you doing in a place like this?!"

I suddenly heard the voice of an adult woman behind me.

I know from their voice that it's one of the examiners.

"You made an uproar when you suddenly vanished. Stand up and look at me please."

". . .Okay."

I stood up and turned around like I was told.

"It's about time for them to start announcing the results. Would you like to go back to the training grounds and see it?"

When asked, I shook my head.

"I see. I wonder if there was a fight. . .Well, anyways please rest assured. You passed without any complaints. So from now on you are an official student of the St. Valeria's Royal Hunter's Academy."

When I heard that I felt relieved, scared, sad and strange.

Entering the Academy was my goal from the start. However Rigurett-san must have passed as well.

And that means we are going to see each other again.

As I was brooding over that thought, the examiner lightly tapped my head.

"Don't have such a dark face. From now on you are a student here. That means I will be your teacher. So listen to what your teacher has to say."

"O-Okay. . ."


The woman then nodded.

"I am Lilina (リリーナ or Leilina, or even stretching it and changing it. Maybe Lilian). I am a teacher in the school's magic department. So maybe I'll be in charge of your class. So at that time please treat me well Fari-san."

"Ah. . .Okay."

Apparently she already knows my name.

Well of course she does, there has been a lot of talk about me ever since they used search on me.

"Anyways, from now on you are a student here. So going forwards, you will be living in the dormitory. . .the rooms are allocated with the same people who have passed the entrance exams for this year. Should I lead you to the dormitory?"

"Umm. . ."

"Hmm? Does it perhaps inconvenient you for me to lead you?"


I actually already checked out of the inn.

And all of my luggage is in my magic storage.

I am just grateful to be able to live in the dormitory.

"Um, Thank you very much. . .Lilinsensei." 

"No problem. Well now, shall we go to the dormitory?"


I was led by the teacher to the school's dormitory.

Chapter 43: A Roommate?

All the students live in this large dormitory on the school grounds. 

Each room is just a simple small 2 person room.

Lilinsan explained that its purpose was to teach students how to interact and cohabitate with someone in a somewhat inconvenient environment.

She showed me to my room, then left me by myself.

She left so she could report me as found, and that I'm at the dormitory.

She is a teacher that's probably part of her job.

So I didn't stop her regardless of how lonely I felt.

I sat alone, hugging my knees in the corner of the room. Because it's a two person room, someone else is suppose to be living here with me.

But for now I'm the only one.

There is supposed to be somebody else living here as well?

I looked around the room while thinking that. There doesn't seem to be any sign of somebody living here, or anybody living here in the past.

So, who will my roommate be?

I know that if you have already passed one of the previous exams, you should already be in the dormitory.

My sister is also living somewhere in the dormitory since she passed the exam earlier than me.

So there isn't anybody living here right now, that means my roommate will be somebody who passed today's exam.

Lilian-san told me that out of the 308 participates in today's exam. 17 have successfully passed.

17. .So that means I have a 1/16 chance.

I have a 1/16 chance of sharing a room with somebody that I ran away from.

Thinking about that just made me feel worse.

I don't want to face her. She doesn't want to be around me anyways.

So it's better if I stay away.

That's the best.

When I was spiraling into my darkest thoughts the door was vigorously opened. 

"- – -Fari!"

Rigurett-san was standing there.

She then immediately came to me and started to tightly hug me.

"I've been looking for you everywhere! I've been worried sick since you suddenly started crying and ran away!"

"Umm, well. . .that. .Uh."

"Why did you run away without even seeing the results? I won't forgive you until you tell me why."

I have to answer her honestly, with a strong tone.

"Because. . .I can't be friends with Rigurett-san. I- I just hated that t-thought. . ."

So much for strong tone. I could barely speak, my words are clogging up.

"- – -Waaah!"

I have no idea why, but my emotions just started to burst out from me.

My face was buried into Rigurett-san's chest as I had a runny nose and tears running down my face.

She continued to hold me and gently stroke the back of my head, not even worried about her clothes getting dirty from me.

She comforted me until I was able to calm down.

Chapter 44: Settling Down

"- – -Have you calmed down?"

After a little while, Rigurett-san gently asked me that.

"Yeah. . .I'm sorry Rigurett-san. I made your clothes dirty."

"I don't care about that. I just want to know why you are so sad."

Once I heard that, I felt the darkness creeping over my heart again.

". . . .I thought we could become friends. But once I found out you didn't want to, I just felt really sad."

"So, is that why you ran away?"

". . .Yeah."

I nodded my head while at the same time trying to hide my face.

"I was sure I hurt you in some way, and that's why we couldn't be friends. When I thought about that it hurt so much, especially seeing as Rigurett-san is so nice. I'm so sorry Rigurett-san.”

"You're sorry because you made me hate you? Why do you think that?"

"Umm. . ."

I was looking around as I tried to think of how to pick the best words that match my true feelings.

". . .I am a useless. When I am by somebody I usually make them feel uncomfortable. I was really happy when I was by a nice person like Rigurett-san, but it seems like I did what I usually did and made it uncomfortable. It was fun while it lasted, but I understand. I'm sorry for making you go through that. . ."

"I see. So you're saying you are never going to approach me again?"

I gave a small nod to in response Rigurett-san.

". . .Geeze, you really are an idiot Fari."

She said that with an amazed but somewhat relieved voice.

"No- – -I'm stupid. I'm sorry Fari. I didn't think my words through. And I didn't expect it to hurt you so much. I didn't mean we couldn't be friends because I hated you."

My eyes went wide once I heard those unexpected words.

I looked up and saw Rigurett-san smiling gently.

"It's because you and I are rivals, rather it was because of my own desire to defeat you, because I finally found a worthy opponent. That's why I said that, but I failed at getting that meaning across."

Hearing that made my heart feel lighter.

Once again that expectation rose up.

"Umm. . .D-does that mean I'm not hated by Rigurett-san?"

"Of course I don't hate you."

I was thrilled to hear that.

"I'm really glad I met you today. When you suddenly went missing. . .I couldn't help but fear that you hated me."

"Um, I'm sorry."

"It's alright Fari. I'm not angry."

She kindly said that to me as she pushed her cheek to mine and stroked my head.

It's proof that she cares.

I felt my happiness overflowing, I ended up crying again.

However these tears weren't salty, but were surely sweet. Because I feel so warm inside.

"Fari. Let's make up. From today on, you and I. . ."

Her pleasant voice rang in my ear.

"- – – Are friends."

She whispered into my ear with a small voice.

Here is a giant chapter release. I felt teary eyed when reading this so I had to make sure I finished it off with a conclusion for you guys. Can't leave it with a sad ending. Also Rigurett doesn't deserve Fari! She is a precious child. . . Anyways. Don't expect these giant chunk chapters a lot. Only special occasions like this. Also, I changed a lot of the titles, because Japanese novels like to spoil what is going to happen with the title.

Also I became a translating monster out of nowhere. I was able to finish all of these in the normal time frame I usually do. I don't know how, but I guess I was just really engaged in the story.

Here is a link if you'd like to donate to me

Chapter end

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