They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Chapter 149-153

They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Chapter 149-153

Chapter 149: What to Do?

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

A few days have passed since my conversation with Onee-sama happened.

Since then, my mind has been swarmed with thoughts of dread. I haven't been able to concentrate in class at all.

Rig and my future.

Should I confess? Should I just give up?

In the first place, what if my confession doesn't go well.

Even if I don't confess, what distance should I keep from her, even as a friend?

And then there is my Onee-sama's confession.

She told me not to reply, but I wonder if I should just leave it at that.

I can't find the answers to any of these, no matter how hard I try.

Although I don't have any definitive answers, I've still made one decision.

As usual, I sat on Rig's lap as we listened to the lecture.

Once that was over, it was time for a break. 

When suddenly, a nearby classmate began to talk to us.

"Fari-chan and Rigurett-san you guys are really close, aren't you?"

Rig then laughed happily after hearing that.

"Yeah. Fari and I are very close friends."

I was struck by Rig's words.

"Yeah! Rig and I are very close "friends"!"

I deliberately emphasized the word friend.

That's what I want to show off to people. A simple normal friendship.

This should surely end any unnecessary confusion and turmoil

However this is a double-edged sword.

"- – -.Yeah. Fari and I are best Friends."

Rig shook as she said that, Although I could hear a tint of sadness in it. Only a little bit. But I think only I could really sense it.

Rig emphasizes the word friend as well.

"Yup, just friends."

I don't know why, but she said that over and over again. Something was off.

Umm- – -I may know the answer.

Is she saying that because I emphasized us as just friends?

Did she want to be more than that?

This is painful.

Rig and I might have feelings for eachother.

I know that, and yet. . .I can't tell Rig what I feel.

We can't be girlfriends.

Because if we get together. I will become a murder.

I don't want to be the reason people are killed.

More so unrelated people, even if they may be enemies.

I can't just love so carelessly.

"- – -Ahhh~~~! Geez! I wonder~! Well for sure!!"

It's after school, and I can hear some punks talking loudly, and it is really stressing me out. 

Today I was on duty for classroom cleaning.

"Nyah, what's happened!? You've been looking sad recently."

When Anne-chan suddenly asked me that. 

She was also on duty.

"No, it's nothing. It's just that various things happened recently."

"Nyah, Various things? Do they perhaps involve Queelchan and Rig-chan?"

"How did you know!?"

"Well, recently, everybody has been acting strange."

Apparently Anne-chan has picked up on the strange atmosphere around me.

Although, it seems that Onee-sama and Rig has been acting strange as well.

I never noticed because of my own worries. . .but apparently they may have also been under considerable stress.

Rig is my fault though. She had nothing to do with this. . .I'm sorry.

". . .Nyah, what happened? I would like if you could talk to me about it."

Anne-chan gave a tender smile and grasped my hand as she said that.

A beautiful fluffy girl with a heart of gold.

It's irresistible.

". . .Uwwaa~! Anne-chan!~~!!"

I hugged her with tears in my eyes. I enjoyed the softness of her chest as I pushed myself into her.

"Anne-chan is the best after all!~"

"Ah- there there. Nyah. You must have had it tough. . ."

She said as she stroked my head.

I healed myself as I buried into her chest for awhile.

Chapter 150: Anne-chan Advice.

Like a spoiled child, I delved myself into her and told her everything.

That I liked Rig.

The fact that Rig and I marrying could cause a civil war.

My Onee-sama liking me.

All the things that were bouncing around in my head.

I spoke honestly.

"Nyah. . .I see. Then just do what feels right. What you want to do."

"Isn't that reckless!?"

That's such a throw away answer.

I was really worried about what to do. So I was hoping a friend could at least give me some deeper advice. . .

"I didn't explain it well enough. You are complicating it too much. Do what your heart tells you and don't worry about what others say or how they will react. Nyah."

"I can't simply do that. . .I am a noble. . ."

Anne-chan frowned.

"To be honest, I don't much about the responsibilities of an aristocrat. But I think it's best for everyone to strive for happiness. I don't think it's wrong for you to be worried about the possibility of a civil war, but not at the cost of your own happiness. Nyeah."

Anne-chan said that in such a firm but tender way.

She thinks that even if it may cause a civil war, I should still confess.

What a terrible decision to make for everybody.

But I guess she is only concerned about my happiness.

Thinking about my happiness even though it could create enemies is signs of a great friend.

"- – -Thank you, Anne-chan."

I gave her my thanks.

"I'm going to think over what you said, Anne-chan."

It put me at ease. Knowing somebody has my back.

I still have my love problems along with my Onee-sama's confession.

I have a lot of trouble ahead, but I do have more motivation now.

"All right. Nyah. As long as Fari-chan is happy, I am happy. I don't want to see your sad face."


I jumped in her and hugged.

"W-Wait, Fari-chan!?"

She was surprised, but I ignored it and enjoyed her body.

It was so soft and fluffy. It was heaven.

"Anne-chan is a wonderful healing character!"

"Unyah. . ."

After that, I forgot to finish cleaning as I mofu'd Anne-chan.

Chapter 151: Where to Go.

A few days have passed since Anne-chan's pep talk.

But during that time, I found my resolve.

So I decided to meet up with Onee-sama and Anne-chan in their room so we could have a discussion.

"So then, what did you want to talk about?"

My Onee-sama said as she sat on her bed.

Anne-chan is sitting beside her.

I am sitting in front of them on a chair.

It's sort of like I am being interviewed.

". . .I thought a lot about Onee-sama advice. And then even more in depth after Anne-chan's words."

They are both awaiting my response with a serious expression.

"I. . .Love Rig. I love her as a love interest. I want to tell her my feelings."

My Onee-sama twitch when she heard that, although she didn't raise a complaint.

"I see. . .I understand. If it's Fari's choice, then it's for the best."

"Yeah. But not just that."

"Something else?"

My Onee-sama was confused, so I continued.

"I don't want to be the reason a civil war starts. So I just want to convey my feelings to her in a way that won't put anyone else at risk."

She was now surprised after hearing that.

". . .And how will you accomplish that?"

"I don't know. I'm still thinking about it."

Now she had a stunned expression, she looked at me like I was an idiot. Although her face always said I was a fun idiot.

"So it's Fari's decision to have both Rigurett-sama and attempt not to harm anybody?"

"Yes. I want both of them. It's impossible to give up on one, so I decided to choose both."

I strengthened my determination as I announced it.

That is my decision, thanks to Anne-chan and Onee-sama's advice.

That's what I want to do.

I repeated that in my head many times.

I won't give up on my confession to Rig.

In short. I am following my heart.

I'm used to being the scapegoat when choices need to be made. I have often chose to. Or to just run away from the problem.

Since this is something that I've grown accustomed to from my last life, it has become a core belief.

That is why I was naturally disposed to giving up on Rig. I felt like it had to be a choice between that and civil war.

So I felt like I had to cut one of them off.

But reality isn't so black and white.

I simply want to follow my heart, just like Anne-chan and Onee-sama said.

I want to love Rig, and not hurt anybody.

I want both so why can't I just choose both?

Can't I be a little selfish?

"- – -Understood, if that's what you wish for, then it's fine."

My Onee-sama gave a smile as she said that.

"I'll help you where every I can."

"Nyah, of course you can rely on me too!"

Anne-chan and Onee-sama are on my side.

I'm so glad to have them as friends.

"Thank you, both of you!"

Truly, thank you. . .Although I did have another thing to talk about, from the very beginning.

"Okay. . .But I do have another request for you two."

Chapter 152: Choosing a Present.

They were taken aback by my sudden request, but they quickly composed themselves.

"What do you need us to do?"

My Onee-sama asked.

"Yes. Actually. . .I want to give a special gift to Rig when I confess, but I can't think of anything."

"Hmm. So you'd like to see if we could come up with any ideas?"

"Yes, Exactly! You are so quick to catch on Onee-sama!"

Onee-sama guessed right.

She then placed her hand underneath her chin and went into deep thinking.

". . .Something, really special. There is only one thing that is truly special."


I leaned forward once I heard that.

"There is a sacred mountain called "White Dragon Mountain". It takes about three days to get there by a horse drawn carriage from the royal capital. Near the summit, are flowers which petals are like jewels when they're in bloom. The mountain itself is filled with B-ranked monster, it is difficult to collect and is highly valued. In the past, I've sent people to collect it, it is a very beautiful flower."

"S-So there is such a flower. . ."

I can't imagine a flower looks like jewels.

In fact, I'm surprised Onee-sama knows about something like that.

"You know, this legendary flower has been referenced several times in legends. It is in the main epic that appears in the hero's tale in classical heroism. . .It seems that it was an eternal blessing given to those lone explorers who journey up the mountain, one that is meant to share with their lover."

"Eternal Blessing?"

"Well, like being permanently linked to your lover or protecting you from all misfortunes that face your relationship. They say there are many benefits to it, but I don't know if any of it is true. But there is one thing for certain."

My Onee-sama then looked at me with a serious expression.

"Rigurett-sama is a grand Duchy, educated and has a former priestess of classical heroism as her mother. Of course this means she understands the meaning of the gemstone flower."

I get it.

"That means. . .If I pick the flower by myself and give it to Rig, she will understand the romantic meaning behind it?"

"Of course. It is the legendary flower of love. There is no better gift for a confession."

I see. So it would make a great present.

If there is any benefit to it. . .Then I want to at least try.

I could be forever linked with Rig, and we could ward off misfortune.

"I see! Okay, I'm going to go to White Dragon Mountain! And then pick up the beautiful jewelry flower and give it to her as a present!"

I rattled the chair as I stood up suddenly and declared that.

"We can't go along with you, as it is a solo thing, but we will support you in any other way. I don't think Fari will struggle against any B-ranked monsters, but I pray for your safety."

"Nyah, me too! Good luck Fari-chan!"

"Thank you!"

Thus I decided on the next step in my adventure. An adventure to get a gift for Rig!

Chapter 153: Late Night Departure.

 I decided on a play quickly.

I reported to the school that I was going to take a break for a week.

Absences are allowed quite easily.

Because this is a hunter school, it seems that students with excellent grades are not prohibited from taking hunter activities.

So I then returned to my room and started a discussion with Rig.

"Um Rig, I'd like to talk about something."

"Oh, what is it?"

Rig answered me with her usual gentle smile.

"Actually. . .I have something I want to get, and I need to go hunt for it far away."

"Oh, so suddenly. When are you leaving?"


As I said that, Rig's eyes went wide in surprise.

"I can't. . .get ready by tomorrow. . ."

"Oh, it's okay. In fact, I have a variety of reasons for why I need to go alone."


Rig was now even more surprised.

"Are you really going alone?"

"Yup. I have storage, so I can easily bring tools and food if I need them, also I can go to an inn. Regardless, the location has C ranked monsters, so it will be no problem for me."

"If that's the case. . .then I guess."

Rig leaked a bit of a troubled voice.

Perhaps she is worried about me going on an adventure alone.

My abilities are very high, but I guess I could always get murdered in my sleep.

Because I'm not invincible, I am always in danger when I am alone.

But I decided already that I will go alone.

I could always camp and use a magical tool to avoid any monsters nearby.

In addition to that, there are several magical tools for guarding and creating a magical barrier. They could warm me if a monster is coming while I am asleep, so I can react to it immediately.

Also I need to go alone. Because it's a gift for Rig, so it has a really special meaning to it. I have to do it alone.

Although I do have a request from her.

"Although, I have something I want to ask Rig."

"Ask? What is it?"

"I'm going to go on an adventure by myself, so I won't see you for a while, so today I want to. . . be super spoiled by Rig."

Rig was surprised, looking at me with her big round eyes, but then it immediately turned into a happy smile.

"- – -With pleasure."

We then cuddled on the bed.

Only in our underwear, allowing for our skin to almost fully be touching.

This kind of touch makes me feel like Rig and I would mix into one.

It's so fluffy and warm, but. . .also painful.

I embraced myself into her chest and hugged tight.

". . .Rig I like you."

"Geeze, you really are a spoiled child."

She then hugged me as well.

Even though it was so embarrassing, the tone and voice made me happy.

I wish we could stay like this forever. I don't want to leave this warmth.

But I will leave Rig tomorrow, at least for awhile.

I made an oath.

I promised that I will be together with Rig forever.

And I- – -Believe that Rig and I will get the blessing.

I think Rig will accept my love.

But I have this feeling that maybe not. . .

So I want to minimize those possibilities a little. I want to use the power of that gift.

It's a wonderful gift, a crystal filled with my feelings and effort, it will surely connect our hearts.

Although I do feel cowardly to resort to such a tactic, but I want Rig.

And If I'm hate by Rig. . .Then I might just use brainwashing and force her with magic.

I just feel this overflowing hot raging feeling, as if it is uncontrollable.

"- – -When I return, I want to tell you something, Rig."

I announced to her.

"Then I'll be waiting."

I got closer and closer to her face, and then gave her a kiss- – -on the cheek.

Her face froze with a twitch, then she blushed.

But didn't pull away.

". . .Oh, is it an important announcement?"

Rig composer herself, and said that in a calm manner.

"I understand. So I'll await and look forward to Fari's announcement.- – -I'm sure it's something wonderful."

"Yeah. I'll make sure to make it the best it can be."

I want to say I love her. 

But I must endure and save it for later.

Trying to distance myself from those feelings, I pushed my face into her chest, and enjoyed her feeling as I drifted into the world of dreams.

Here is the next chapter bunch, and Fari is showing some signs of being a Yandere. I wonder how this will progress. Even if they become a couple, I wonder if she will get extremely jealous or possessive, or maybe just calm down. 

Maybe there will be a curveball, and Rig will reject her for a certain reason(Age, School Forbids, doesn't have romantic feelings). Regardless I'm interested to see where this goes after the dragon thing.

Also when I'm on the dragon mountain things, I'm not sure if the flower has petals that look like gems, or it is actually gems that look like a flower. So I might retcon it if I get more clear information.

Anyways happy new year, I hope you had a pleasant celebration, and best of luck in this upcoming decade. Hopefully it will be an enjoyable one. And I can finish this novel. 

Cross my fingers and hope the author doesn't snap it out of existence, just like the last one. We are almost at the halfway point. It's about 28~ may be less chapters away. So in 2-4 weeks we will hit that point.

If you'd like to send a tip my way, Here is a link

Fari von D'azell . Previously Nanjou Yukiho, nicknamed Yuki by Kami.  Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking gold eyes not fitting her age. Also Fari uses, 私 aka female pronoun watashi. Her Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior. Quella von D'azell. Fari's older sister. Is 16, has silver hair and red eyes. 2 horns on her head, and two fangs in her mouth. She also uses the more masculine "Boku" refer to herself. Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a god. Has silver hair and red eyes. Gave Fari, Exscolibur Rigurett Beuze Crausus or simply Rig: She is 14 Long blond silky hair, blue eyes. Uses 2 bayonet guns, and is really good at magic, four attribute magic. She actually speaks polite and proper, but that's hard to translate. Anne Cowlman: Half human half cat-girl. Has a normal human face with short brown hair but with cat ears and red cat like eyes, then has fur from the points of her hands, legs, and chest. Fur is striped with light brown on her brown fur, her tail has the same pattern. Kent El Lizzarth aka Katie: Plump Rich Boy. Basic C ranked earth magic. Gender bent to busty short haired girl. Count Raizenstein aka Ria: Was a tall slender man, with pale skin,black eyes and black hair. Now beautiful girl with long black hair and a slender physique They are students of St. Valeria's Royal Hunter's Academy. Lilina Mumberg is a magic's teacher. Also Girl X Girl can have babies. And zero "life" doesn't equal death, just fainting. Team name is Pure Ruby Translator/Editor: Mamuni ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter end

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