They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Chapter 127-132

They Said My Status Stayed the Same Even Though I Reincarnated in Another World!? Chapter 127-132

Chapter 127: Fari's S-Ranked Challenge.

Author: Sakurakiri Kohaku (桜霧琥珀)

I asked Raizen-san to compete against me.

This shall be my reward for being the mediator between Raizen-san and Kent-chan.

The reason I'm asking for that, is simple.

I want to get better.

And Raizen-san was an original S ranked hunter, meaning she has a ton of experience.

It's unlikely that I'll ever have the chance to practice against a person this strong.

I can't miss this opportunity.

And this time we aren't trying to kill each other.

It will be just like a game.

This is such a rare opportunity.

That's why I asked Raizen-san for this.

She listened to my request and then gave a loud laugh.

Thus, the mock battle between Raizen-san and I began.

The battle field shall be a spot in the forest. The referee will be Lilinsensei. 

After the match, all injuries will be healed immediately by Lilinsensei.

"I want you to come at me with all you got. Because I'll also do my best."

"Hmm, I'd want that. Honestly I was curious after you defeated my Golem with one blow. So let's enjoy ourselves!"

We bantered at each other to increase the fighting tension.

I feel like I should probably check out Raizen-san's Status.


Life: 80,974

Power: 13,967

Attack Power: 4,535

Defensive Power: 2,873

Magical Power: 13,893

Agility: 3,875

Skills: Necromancy (S), Feminization (S), Synthesize Magical Beast(A), Modify Magical Monster(A), Relic(B), Invincible(S).

Magical Aptitude: Darkness(S)

Magical Resistance: Darkness(S)

To be honest, I don't think I can beat her.

In terms of status, it's far above mine.

Moreover, she has excellent skills.

Necromancy: Ability to make dead into undead and control them.

Feminization: Change a Body to a Female version.

Synthesize Magical Beast: Create a monster from a mixture of beast bodies.

Modify Magical Monster: Remodel a monster's body freely.

Relic: Manipulate Relics.

Invincible: Cannot take damage.

That last one is strange.

Does that mean they can't be beaten?

Also that skill called Relic.

What does that even mean?

(- – -I thought this would come up sooner or later)

I jumped in surprise once I heard Kami-sama's voice.

She disappeared once Raizen-san arrived, but I'm grateful for her being here to help.

(The current Yuki has no way to beat Raizen-san. So if you want, I can release a portion of that power I sealed?)

Thank you for the offer.

It's currently impossible for me to beat her, and I don't even know how to deal with her invincibility.

So I won't hesitate to ask for help.

Chapter 128: Fari's S Rank Comparison.

(Alright Alright. Obedient Yuki is cute too! Okay!~. . . Done. Look at your status Yuki, it should have reached Raizen-san's!)

My peak was unlocked.

Now let's check it out.

Life: 103,285

Power: 156,291

Attack Power: 3,897

Defensive Power: 3,255

Magical Power: 27,928

Agility: 5,971

Skills: Swordsmanship(S), Archery(S), Spearmanship (S), Storage(S), Precision Damage Flow(S), Counter Coding(S), Code Forcing(S), Marking(S), Damage Stalling(S), Super Freeze(S), Relic(S), Super Flow(S), Super Search(S), Involved Camouflage(S), Deletion Resistance(S), Armor(S).

Magical Attributes: Fire(S), Water(S), Earth(S), Electricity(S), Air(S), Light(S), Darkness(S), Life(S), Non-attribute(S).

Magical Resistance: Fire(S), Water(S), Earth(S), Electricity(S), Air(S), Light(S), Darkness(S), Life(S), Non-attribute(S).

That's beyond what I expected.

There are a lot more skills than I had before.

I've now overtaken Raizen-san's status. . .

(Well, that's because Yuki status was specially made by me. Besides. Even if your status is better, that doesn't mean you're an S-ranked. It takes technique and skill. Anyways, how will you penetrate Raizen-san's invincibility?)

I see, so S rank isn't that straightforward.

Well anyways, Raizen-san and I are on the same level. At Least in terms of status. But that invincibility will be troublesome. I don't even know what that means.

(Well, I can tell you what you need to do to win. But I feel like it might be better to try fighting first~, Right?)

I see, experience is the best teacher.

Thank you for your consideration.

". . .So then, we will now begin the mock battle between Count Raizenstein and Fari von D'azell. Are you both ready?"

Lilinsensei declared.

We both looked at each other.

I pulled out Exscolibur, made it into a magical blade, and infused it with all attributes.

Raizen-san summoned a black cane onto her hand.

"Now then. Begin!"

I quickly approached her.

My speed was much faster than I ever been since my seal was unbound. 

"- – -What!?"

But the attack whiffed.

No to be precise, the attack itself was successful.

However the slash that hit Raizen-san had no effect. She didn't react at all.

This can't be real, did she use some holographic dummy?

But she is certainly right in front of me.

"That was surprising. Fufu, but you won't break through my invisibility technique that easy."


I quickly moved away from her as she swung at me with her cane.

I need to think about how to break through her invincibility.

Currently she is just waiting for me to make a move.

Well that makes sense, seeing as they are invincible.

Chapter 129: Is it Possible?

"I see. So Count Raizenstein has an invincibility skill?"

An impressed Lilinsensei muttered.

"Sensei, what is an invincibility skill?"

Rig then asked Lilinsensei.

"Oh, it's a skill that ghost like monster originally have. Although it could be damaged by life magic. Perhaps Count Raizenstein studied ghost's structures and gained their skills. It's a terribly strong skill."

"That's. . .A bit overpowered. Is there any way to counter it?"

"If it's ghost then they can only take damage from life magic, but. . .Perhaps because she independently studied it. They may have found a way to negate that weakness."

That's to Lilinsensei's explanation, I feel like I understand how powerful Raizen-san truly is.

(What Lilinsan says is true.)

Now Kami-sama added her take.

(Raizen-san's invincibility is S ranked. So there is no way your direct attacks will affect her.)

Then what's a non-direct way?

(That's a good point Yuki. There are actually many ways to break through. One of the simplest techniques is counter coding or code forcing. Yuki has those skills.)

I checked those skills with my super search.

Counter Coding: When receiving an attack from an opponent, invoke an arbitrary code onto the opponent.

Code Forcing: Execute a code onto your opponent.

Umm, question!

What is a code?

(Oh yeah. I never did explain that to Yuki. So I'm sorry if you don't know?)

Um, I want a better explanation than that.

As it is, I'm an idiot that doesn't even know what my own skills mean.

(Yuki is a cute idiot though!. . .but you aren't stupid, right?)

If you know, then just tell me.

(Okay Okay. So a code is simply the fundamentals that make the worlds structure.)

It makes up this world?

(Yuki, you know that this world was created by the us Gods, along with earth, right? And Gods create these worlds using these codes as their foundation. For example, Everything is written in codes, including Yuki's body, status, attack, weapons, and it's not limited to that. It includes the earth, space, the laws of physics, etc.)

Hmmm. . .So it's like what programming was on Earth?

(That's a good example. So anyways, Yuki's attacks are defined by it's codes. The same can be said about Raizen-san's, from her invincibility, to life. So if you combine counter coding and force coding. You can mess with execution of those codes, and force their life to zero!)

Uuuugh. This is getting hard to follow. 

But basically, I just need to make a code that results in a zero life flag?

And then place that code by using counter coding when my opponent attacks.

Finally, activate that code I prepared with forced coding.

With that, if I activate it, their life should fall to zero, right?

(Exactly! I think it's if you use those two skills to its fullest, you can do whatever you want. By the way, I call that technique that kills an opponent using counter and forced coding, as instant death counter. If you can manage just attaching it and activating a code without using a counter, then it's called immediate death. But in this case, you can not directly force it onto them.)

I see. Thank you Kami-sama. I understand.

So in other words, if I activate instant death counter I can completely bypass Raizen-san's invincibility?

(That's right! Invincibility simply doesn't receive attacks, it is useless if their life reaches zero.)

I would like to know how to do this.

(Hm. . .I'm not sure.~)

. . . Kami-sama?

(Well, I could tell you. But wouldn't it be more interesting for you to figure it out on your own?)

W-What does that mean?

(Please try it on your own!)

. . .Don't be silly! 

Chapter 130: The Instant Death Counter!

. . .Well there isn't a point in complaining at this point.

I still need to activate immediate death counter.

But how?

In the first place, how do you even create a code that brings the life to zero. And also, how do you even use counter coding?

(You'll be fine! Yuki has super search, and it is S-ranked. It's possible to see the codes that make up the world with it!)

What does that mean?

(So if you just read the codes yourself, and prepare them, it will be okay! It's that simple!)

I don't know if I can do it on such short notice. . .

(You'll be fine! Just believe Yuki!) 

Well I don't have any other options. . .

As Kami-sama said. I activated super search and concentrated really hard on the world around me.

I could see more information start to appear around me. The world was becoming more and more complicated, detailed, sophisticated and- 

"- – -Ow!"

I suddenly got a massive migraine due to the information overflow. This is too much. . .

. . .No, it's okay?

(There you go!)

Uuu. . .Kami-sama is pushing me forward, so I'll try to keep up.

"What are you doing little girl. Are you just bored?"

Raizen-san is simply standing in front of me, trying to provoke me.

"Fufufu, I'm preparing right now. So get ready to be surprised soon!"

"Oh?. . .Did you come up with a strategy to beat my invincibility young one? I'm looking forward to it."

She then gave a ku ku ku.

But I'll soon crush that arrogant attitude.

Although the information I'm receiving has been increasing, once it reached a certain level, most of that information became white noise. Making it easier to persist through it.

And the further I go, the closer I can see "them".

"Them" was strange letters all around me.

Or maybe more so symbols.

It's not Japanese, English, or the common language of Phantasm. It must be the language of the Gods.

Those symbols exist everywhere.

And if you read them, the meaning of it starts to flow into your mind.

I'm able to understand what is written there for some reason.

Surely this is the amazing power of super search.

Then I read my own codes. Looking especially at my counter code and code forcing skill.

Looking at the mechanism and how to activate it. I can understand how to use it.

Code forcing can be attached to an attack or counter. And because Raizen-san doesn't receive attacks, I'll have to use the counter approach.

And counter is used as a flag that dominates the space.

That specific area is the counter space.

All attacks are coded to a space around it, that area contains the damage flag. Like a hitbox in those video games.

Counter seems to be activated when the counter area and damage area overlap.

The rest is simply attaching an executable code onto the counter making the life reach zero . .That's it!

If it uses the code that directly controls life status, You should be able to edit the life flag on your opponent.

"Come, Concentrated Orichalcum Golem! Resurrect!"

I took out the body of the Concentrated Orichalcum Golem that I kept in my storage.

Then I used my super search to find the "Restore" skill.

It was still there.

That code is set to its current maximum life value. 

If I edit that coding, I can reverse it affect. Making it go down to zero.

I tested it out on the Golem by using force coding with my hand.

The moment I attached it, it's life went to zero. Then I released my hand, removing the code. And it's life recovered immediately to it's max.

It seems to be working.

"Okay, I'm ready."

"Hmm, I don't know what you are doing. . .But I wonder if you have found a way?"

"Well, we won't know until I try it!"

I finally have a way to counter Raizen-san.

The game starts now!

Chapter 131: Relic Magic.

"Hmm. . .So you have come up with a way to deal with my invincibility? If that's the case, I won't be holding back."

Raizen-san declared with her hand pointed towards me.

I need to be cautious.

Instant death counter has to match an opponent's attack. And due to that, I must receive an attack.

My advantage only works based on what my opponent does. And even worse, I haven't even practiced it.

Raizen-san then raised her black cane towards the heavens and said.

"Come- – -Relic Ghost!"

Suddenly, strong magic gather around Raizen-san.

A purple mist began to form around her and gradually made a shapes.

The fog formed a human-like figure. Although it is not clear, it is obviously a human.

Ten more of those ghost like figures soon began to appear.

"No way- – -Count Raizenstein can even handle Relic magic!?"

Lilinsensei exclaimed. 

"Lilinsensei, what is Relic Magic?"

My Onee-sama asked.

"Relic magic uses the power of "Relics" found in this world. While normal magic generates an effect or response, relics magics interacts with "Relics" which are everywhere in this world to create effects." 

"So it's like magic, but it requires more effort?"

"Ahh. Well Relic magic can actually create many more results than normal magic can. For example, in terms of fire attributes, usual magic at best can create complex shaped kites and send it at your opponent. However in the case of Relic magic, they can create fire warriors with a will of their own, even possible to make them as if they were a person themselves, and send them to fight against an enemy by themselves."

The more I hear about it, the more it just sounds like summoning magic. I can deduce that with the help of manga and games from my previous life. It seems so similar to. That was always called summoning magic in those.

(- – -To be exact, it's different.)

Then Kami-sama started to speak in my head.

(Relics use what we god's call "World's Unidentified Area")

"Unidentified Area"? Another difficult word to add to my dictionary. 

(Worlds are all defined by their codes. But in fact, there are gaps were those codes can be added to. Places with no coding at all.)

Hmhmhm. So it's like free space on a computer's hard drive? Well using a previous life analogy, it becomes easier to understand.

(Yes, that will work. We call those parts Relics. Since those blank areas are not defined by any code, anybody can inject codes into them, creating new coding into the world. Newly created codes that are made into the world are called Relic Magic, and can cause any kind of effect.)

Hmm, I see. 

So in short.

This world is like a PC, and there is free space in that PC. You can then write information into that free space as you please. And that is simply called Relic Magic?

(Yes, you got it Yuki~.)

Alright. Now with Kami-sama's stamp of approval, I can confirm I understand Relics.

Chapter 132: Counter Weakness.

"Fufufu. . .You seem surprised?"

Raizen-san said to me. It's because I've been silent for awhile.

In actuality, it was because I was talking to Kami-sama in my head, but to anybody else, I was just standing there silently.

Also I can't really attack her. She is surrounded by ghosts, and I am trying to counter an attack, so I shouldn't be the one to initiate.

"If you aren't going to move, then I'll take the first step. Relic Ghost, go forth!"

The ghost started to move in response to her command.

They dispersed on their own and came at me with their arms above their heads.

They are all ghosts, so it was kind of disorganized. With them being able to go through each other, it wasn't even crowded. 

However this is finally my chance to strike.

I immediately activated death counter.

"- – -This is my trump card! Mysterious "Elemental Blizzard"!"

I pointed my hand towards the attacking ghost relics, and activated my newly designed instant death counter. While I did that, I also sent a decoy spell to cover it.

As I declared the spell, countless numbers of rainbow colored lights shot out from my hand to act as cover. While the real counter magic was underneath.

The light enveloped the ghost, completely annihilating them in the process.

The light was just a flash trick, there was no attack power to it. 

Because immediate death counter is just coding, there is no visual appearance to it. So if the opponents just instantly fall without any apparent reason, it will cause quite the confusion. So the light is just to cover up and make the results of the attack more plausible for bystanders.

With all the ghosts gone. I finished my light show, or the "Elemental Blizzard" Thus the rainbow colored beams disappeared.

"- – -Oh, that's quite the spell to get rid of my relic ghosts."


She is still standing?

Shouldn't she be down for the count after I used instant death counter?

(That's not how it works, Yuki-)

Kami-sama spoke into my brain with an amazed voice.

(Because it was the Relics that attacked. Even if you used immediate death with that attack, it only affects the damage source, so it has no effect on Raizen-san.)


Also, this is the first time I'm hearing about this.

(Uh, um yeah sorry Yukii. I didn't explain it because I thought it was obvious. But if Raizen-san herself fires and attack, then it will activate immediate death counter.)

No no no. This just got much harder. I don't think she will attack.

While I was talking to Kami-sama, Raizen-san was deep in thought.

"Hmm, All of those Relic ghosts has S rank invincibility. Yet they were easily destroyed. . .Young miss, is that magic you just used perhaps a decoy for the actual counter spell beneath it?"


The secret is out.

I can feel a cold sweat running from my forehead.

Raizen-san was grinning at me. 

"Fufufu, looks like I was dead on."

"S-so what! If you don't attack, we are at a stalemate. If you attack I will win!"

"Hmm, so you don't know the weakness of counter magic?"


"Once again, I was right. Nonetheless, let me teach you. Counter magic can not react on remote controlled magic. You can't counter it unless it's a direct attack. Blitz is a typical remote controlled spell. So as long as I continue to attack with Blitz and Relics, your counter is useless!"


This is the first time I'm hearing about this!


What the heck Kami-sama!?

This is vital information.

(Eh, um. Well isn't it more interesting for me not to teach you everything? I love seeing Yuki look confused and frantic. That's why I kept this important information silent.)

Grrrr. . .As long as you are in my head, I can't even punish you.

It is regrettable, but I'll have to do that later.

"Fufufu, Are you regretting it?"

Raizen-san said as she laughed. Apparently she misunderstood my silence, and thought I was regretting my decision to fight.

"Now shall the game begin for real? From now on, I'll show you my true power! The game begins now!"

She then tapped the floor with her cane. Black mist formed all around her. Relic Ghost were summoned, several times that from before. And countless numbers of dark and shadow blitz were formed above her.

With those combined, it was easily more than 100 attack spells prepared.

"Well then- – -Go!!"

Then all of the magic was sent towards me at once.

Hello. This chapter bunch was really just world building chapters. I do like how in this novel, the world or worlds are literally just simulations on a computer. 

I do hate ending on cliffhangers, but it's been a bit tough for me to decipher all of these coding/computer analogies. This bunch was getting long enough, so I decided just to end it here. The next bunch will finish up the shounen fight. 

If you'd like to donate a coffee. Here is a link

Is currently 10 years of age. Ruby red long wavy hair and striking gold eyes not fitting her age. Also Fari uses, 私 aka female pronoun watashi. Her Father is Gilbert Von D'azell. Master warrior. Quella von D'azell. Fari's older sister. Is 16, has silver hair and red eyes. 2 horns on her head, and two fangs in her mouth. She also uses the more masculine "Boku" refer to herself. Kami-sama, or also known as Kamille. Is a girl that looks 12 but is a god. Has silver hair and red eyes. Gave Fari, Exscolibur Rigurett Beuze Crausus or simply Rig: She is 14 Long blond silky hair, blue eyes. Uses 2 bayonet guns, and is really good at magic, four attribute magic. She actually speaks polite and proper, but that's hard to translate. Anne Cowlman: Half human half cat-girl. Has a normal human face with short brown hair but with cat ears and red cat like eyes, then has fur from the points of her hands, legs, and chest. Fur is striped with light brown on her brown fur, her tail has the same pattern. Kent El Lizzarth: Plump Rich Boy. Basic C ranked earth magic. Gender bent to busty short haired girl. Count Raizenstein: Was a tall slender man, with pale skin,black eyes and black hair. Now beautiful girl with long black hair and a slender physique They are students of St. Valeria's Royal Hunter's Academy. Lilina Mumberg is a magic's teacher. Also Girl X Girl can have babies. And zero "life" doesn't equal death, just fainting. Team name is Pure Ruby Translator/Editor: Mamuni ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter end

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